maticcretic التطبيقات
One Word Substitution 1.0
One Word Substitutions is one of themostimportant part of English section in SSC & OtherCompetitiveExams. It usually covers good marks in every exam.competitive exams such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Banks, LIC, PSC,MBA,CDS, NDA, RAILWAYS .Here you get the comprehensive list of importanct senteces withitsone word substitute along with usage of word in sentences.
Learn Pronunciation 2.1.0
English pronunciation is crazy. LearninggoodEnglish pronunciation is hard, and perfect pronunciationisharder.Accurate pronunciation is an important part of learninganylanguage. The way your speech sounds can have a big impactonwhether or not people understand what you are saying andtheirinitial impression of you. The tricky thing aboutpronunciation isthat it not just a question of acquiring knowledge,it’s a physicalskill that you need to practice regularly.