mike01applicationstore التطبيقات

US Presidents First Ladies fun 1.0
This is a very interesting game to test yourunderstanding of US Presidents and First Ladies. You need to decidea President or First Lady who came Before OR After the(this)President or First Lady that we set up in the question.You need to answer 20 questions correctly within 99.99seconds.Have fun!
彩色番茄時間管理 1.3
這是一款簡單上手, 但是非常實用的工作效率提升工具.「蕃茄時間管理法」已經被証實是有效的生產力強化方法, 以工作25分鐘,休息5分鐘為基底的時間運用方法,實際運作一次,你會驚訝它是那麼好用.本應用回歸最簡易的人機界面, 直覺式的操作, 外加上清新設計的螢幕色彩轉換, 你會習慣於經常使用它來完成每天的工作計劃This is a simple touse,but very useful tool to improve work efficiency."Tomato Time Management Act" has been proven to beeffectiveproductivity enhancing methods to work 25 minutes, restfor thetime base method using 5 minutes, the actual operation time,you'llbe surprised that it is so easy to use. The regression of the most simple user interface,intuitiveoperation, plus fresh design screen color conversion,you'll getused to often use it to complete daily work plan