mstssk التطبيقات

Draft plug-in for twicca 1.3.2
You can save draft tweets with this plugin ontwicca!* This plug-in author is @mstssk. Please do not make a inquiryconcerning this plug-in the author of twicca.How to use:Touch ▼ button on Tweet view, then select "List saved..." or"Save...".
GoogleTrends plugin for twicca 0.2
This is Google Trends plug-in for twicca.You can get trending topics from Google Trends with thisplug-in.* This plug-in author is @mstssk. Please do not make a inquiryconcerning this plug-in the author of twicca.How to use:Long touch "Trending Topics" icon on search view.
Voice Search plugin for twicca 0.1.4
This is Voice Search plug-in for twicca.* This plug-in author is mstssk. Please do not make a inquiryconcerning this plug-in the author of twicca.This application needs twicca and Google Voice Search.How to use:Long touch "Trending Topics" icon on search view.Ver0.1.2 Separate words optionVer0.1.3 Confirm dialogVer0.1.4 Interim workaround for latest specification of GoogleVoice Search.
び!プラグイン for twicca 1.0
選択したツイートに「び!」と付けます。Give the "beauty!" Tweetsyou have selected.
TelephoneNo. plugin for twicca 1.4
You can call telephoen to a number in thetweet.* This plug-in author is @mstssk. Please do not make a inquiryconcerning this plug-in the author of twicca.How to use:Touch a tweet in your timeline, then select "Extract telephonenumber"2012-03-19 Publish2012-03-25 Bug fix, for Multiwidth hyphen.2013-03-31 Extracts from user name.2014-03-03 Fix a bug.
漢字ビューワ 1.5
字をでっかく表示するだけのアプリです。それだけです。漢字を忘れてしまった時に、携帯電話に入力して調べる方は多いと思います。ですが、小さい表示では字の細かい部分が分からないこともあります。そこでこのアプリの登場という訳ですよ、奥さん。筆順フォントとか設定しとくとゴキゲンです。ver1.1 UI改善ver1.2 他のアプリからテキストの共有を受け付けるver1.3 フォント選択機能(※フォントデータは付属しません)ver1.4 色反転 その他ver1.5 ストレージの読み取り権限を追加(Android 4.4以降で必要)It is an applicationthatonly display a big, character. That's it.I think that when you have forgotten the Chinese characters,itis checked by entering the mobile phone is more. But, there maybea small part of the character is not known at small display. SoImean that is the emergence of this app, his wife.It is a good mood and is set such as stroke order font.ver1.1 UI improvementI accept the sharing of text from other apps ver1.2(not included ※ font data) ver1.3 font selection functionver1.4 other colors inverted(required for Android 4.4 and later) Add permission to readver1.5storage
Emoji Mush(Input Emojis) 1.4
Emoji Mush is 'Mushroom'. You can input Emojis with this app.