noboru التطبيقات

TumeKyouen 0.12.0
Select 4 stones. Push button(Check kyouen), when you selectedkyouen, clear.
Spin Color 0.6
This is the puzzle game. When you tap the color, change colorsaround one. Make all oval the same color, the game is clear.
Read It Now 0.4.2
Pocket (Formerly Read It Later) unoficial Android widget. Displaynumber of article. You can narrow down condition of Tag, searchstring, etc. Conditions can be saved for every widget. Thenarrowed-down list will be displayed if the tap of the widget iscarried out. When long press the list item, you can change status.※Conditions of you can use state(all or unread or Archive)favorite(favorited or un-favorited) tag(all or your input tag)contentType(article or video or image) sort(newest or oldest ortitle or site) This software includes the work that is distributedin the Apache License 2.0.
TetherSetting | free tethering 2.2.2
NO ROOT. CAN TETHERING. ( If your device supported. )
SlideViewer 4.0.0
SlideViewer is Speaker Deck client. Features: * Viewpresentationsoptimized for Android * List recent viewedpresentations