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Ayatul Kursi MP3 1.0
Download this application and listen toAyatulkursi from the Quran. You dont need to download mp3,simplyintroduce the application.In the event that you need to present content, look atmydifferent applications.incorporates the accompanying ministers:-Abdul Basit.-Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais.-mishary rashid alafasy.-Saad Al-Ghamdi.-Maher Al-Muaiqly.Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah'sMessengersallallahu alaihe wasallam as saying, "If anyone recitesin themorning, Ha-Meem (of surah Mumin) to Ilayhil Maseer (3rdaayah ofthe surah) and Aayatul kursi, he will be guarded (from allkinds ofevil) by them till the evening. And if anyone recites themin theevening he will be guarded by them till the morning.":(tirmizi)Hazrat Abu Umamah radiyallahu anhu relates thatRasoolullahsallallahu alaihe wasallam has said, "Whoever recitesAayatul kursiafter every obligatory prayer nothing except deathprevents himfrom entering heaven." (That is say that the only thingthat ispreventing him from entering heaven is death. When it willcome, hewill go straight into paradise) : (Nasai).ayat al kurssi is a Smartphone application that presentstoMuslims everywhere throughout the world a chance to listentolovely recitation of exceedingly honored Verse of Kuri presentinsecond Chapter of the Holy Quran. Other than TranslationandTransliteration, it additionally furnishes client with TajweedandTesting one`s own Tajweed for expanded comprehension ofsuitableelocutions amid presentation.HighlightsA portion of the remarkable attributes of this celltelephoneapplication are:• Easy to grasp capacities consolidated with lovely lookingUserInterface.• Soulful Audio Narration in voices of two famous Reciters:AbdulRahman Al-Sudais and Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy.• Play and Pause choices help in beginning and haltingtheportrayal whenever.• Tajweed Section covers the Instructions that can be playedanddelayed for better understanding of standards ofPronunciation.• In Test Your Tajweed Segment, one can likewise record itsownrendition of Recitation with a specific end goal to Test thelevelof rightness of Tajweed in its Reading of ayat al kurssi.• Translation alternative changes over the genuinesignificanceof this sanctified verse into English for user`senhancedcommonality with its Instructions.• Transliteration feature helps one to get a handle on therightmethod of articulating this Ayah.• Font Size can be balanced by own decision.• 3 unmistakable Font Styles are likewise accessible tolookover.• Benefits and Blessings Part incorporates all the PropheticPBUHSayings about temperances of discussing this to a greatdegreeconsecrated Ayah of Quran Pak.• Share choice helps the client in telling others aboutthisexceptionally valuable Islamic application by usingdifferentSharing Platforms.
Abdul Basit Quran MP3 juz 30 1.0
This application gives you a chance tolistento the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy Quran by abdulbasit.Requires no downloads or spilling simply introduce theapplicationand select the surah to tune in."On the off chance that your hearts are filtered, you willneverfeel burnt out on recounting the Quran and listening toitsrecitation."Hazrat Uthman (radhiyallahu anhu)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abdul Basit is a reciter of the Quran, a scholar of Islam andanImam born in 1967 in Dammam in Saudi Arabia. He memorized alltheKoranic texts in 1990 when he was 22 years old.Abdul Basit, for his great will of the best and hopes indevotionto God did for Islamic Religious Studies (Usul Din) intheUniversity of Shariah, where he graduated with braveryandexcellence.Encouraged by his family, and constancy and determination,hemanaged to learn all the Suras of the Holy Quran in a few yearsin1990, and was therefore a great and legendary reciters of theHolyQuran as his contemporaries Saudis to that the number isverylarge.In 1985, Abdul Basit decided to take a different career that ofaMuslim religious singer (That is to say Monchid in Arabic).Thesuccess was great, and takes on the scale every time it comes anewreligious song.His most famous songs are: "Gharbane", "Malakna HadihiDonyaQorounan" and others, and fame and celebrity. Following this,itmakes it a real album, which met success forehead, makinghisdelight, and his will a real example to us all.Similarly, he was the one who made the prayer to the great andholymosque.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abdul Basit est un célèbre reciteur coranique originaired’ArabieSaoudite. Il a vu le jour en l’année 1968 en ArabieSaoudite.Abdul Basit, par sa grande volonté du meilleur et sesespérancesdans la dévotion de Dieu, fit des études religieusesislamiques(Oussoul Din) dans l’université de Charia, où il obtintson diplômeavec bravoure et excellence.Encouragé par ses proches, et par constance et obstination,ilréussit à apprendre toutes les Sourates du Saint Coran enquelquesannées seulement en l’année 1990, et en fut par conséquentun grandet légendaire réciteurs du Saint Coran comme sescontemporainsSaoudiens, à qui le nombre, est très grand.En 1985, Abdul Basit pris la décision de prendre unedifférentecarrière celle d’un chanteur religieux musulman(C’est-à-direMonchid, en langue arabe). Le succès fut grand, etprend del’envergure à chaque fois qu’il sort une nouvellechansonreligieuses.Ses plus célèbres chansons sont les suivantes : "Gharbane","MalaknaHadihi Donya Qorounan" et d’autres encore, de mêmerenommée etcélébrité. Suite à cela, il en fait un réel album, quirencontra unfront succès, faisant son grand plaisir, et de savolonté un vraiexemple à nous tous.De même, qu’il fut celui qui faisait la prière à la grande etsaintemosquée.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pregnancy week by week 1.0
Pregnancy is always full of surprisesweekafter week ... To better understand the evolution of your babyandyour body, Magicmaman guide you through your pregnancy weekbyweek. health, exam preparation, administrative procedures todo:Never miss a thing week after week.Pregnancy holds many mysteries week by week ... Especially whenyoubecome pregnant for the first time. And over thediscoveries,medical appointments with the gynecologist and thesteps keepcoming week after week. Result: as future mothers, it issometimesa little disoriented.Not clear, for example, to do right away the differencebetweenweeks of pregnancy and a week of gestation. Were you awarethat itis only week 3 and week 4 of pregnancy you will feel thefirstsymptoms of pregnancy. And baby gender, when will it berevealed toyou? A note for those interested, it is between week 20ofpregnancy and week 22 of pregnancy. And that's withoutmentioningthe date of declaration of pregnancy, the departure onmaternityleave and childbirth preparation! In short, with yourpregnancyweek by week is a whole new world opens up to you.Pregnancy Week by Week is the ultimate pregnancy guide.What is happening in your body? How is your pregnancy weekbyweek? ... With our monitoring of pregnancy, you will discovertheessence of your pregnancy week by week, whether small risksforpregnant women, through fluctuations libido or dietary advicetofollow. An indispensable record for 9 months of happiness.So to not hesitate to follow during each week ofpregnancy,changes in your body but also your future baby ...Because whilemom feels the first vomiting, sees his belly shape orfallsmotherhood, fetus also did his little life! Goodreading...Monthly follow the progress of your pregnancy and yourbaby'sdevelopment.Here all you need to know about the pregnancy moreinformationmonitoring, advice and more ...Details:✔ 1 month pregnant, a new life begins✔ 2nd month of pregnancy: everything accelerates✔ 3rd month of pregnancy when everything becomes concrete✔ 4th month of pregnancy: everything is going?✔ The 5th month of pregnancy: Baby takes control✔ The 6th month of pregnancy: communicating with baby✔ 7th month of pregnancy: nobody move!✔ 8th month of pregnancy: the excitement of preparations✔ 9th month of pregnancy to birth✔ Nausea, fatigue, infections: An ectopic pregnancy✔ diet to follow for 9 months: What foods to avoidduringpregnancy?✔ Since the announcement of your pregnancy, it is theemotionallift: Coping with MiscarriageIf you are pregnant and expecting a baby, theapplicationpregnancy week by week, you will during the week 39 themost usefulinformation:- Any changes in your body every week- Also how to grow your baby.- And Of Pregnancy Council- A beautiful interactive images for every week ofyourpregnancy
ahok menghina islam 1.0
Saat itu, ada sebuah tabloid bernamaMonitoryang sangat terkenal,ahok menghina islam bahkan oplahnyaterbesardi Indonesia, didirikan oleh Arswendo, bernaung di bawahGramediaGroup. Monitor ini bisa dikategorikan sebagai tabloidgosip,hiburan, mengumbar foto perempuan sexy, dan segmenpembacanyaadalah kalangan menengah ke bawah. Dalam waktu singkat,Monitorberhasil menjadi media cetak terpopuler di Indonesia.Suatu ketika, Monitor mengadakan survey “tokoh idola : laguyangmenghina islam”. Para pembacanya dipersilahkan menulis namatokohidola mereka, lalu dikirim ke alamat tabloid ini. Setiaporangbebas menulis nama siapapun sesukanya. Bahkan mau nulis namapacarsendiri pun dipersilahkan.Hasil polling ini ternyata sangat mengejutkan. NamaPresidenSoeharto game yang menghina islam terpilih sebagai tokohidolaurutan teratas, disusul oleh BJ Habibie, Soekarno, dan musisiIwanFals di tempat keempat. Nama Arswendo berada di peringkatke-10,sedangkan nama Nabi Muhammad berada di peringkat ke-11.Pencantuman nama Rasulullah SAW di urutan ke-11 inilah yangmemicukemarahan umat permainan yang menghina islam Islam. Saatitu,gerakan massa untuk mendemo Arswendo dan Tabloid Monitorsangatlahmasif.Singkat cerita, Asrwendo berhasil masuk penjara,film yangmenghinaislam dan tabloid lagu yang menghina islam Monitorterpaksaberhenti terbit selamanya, padahal ketika itusedangngetop-ngetopnya.Sampai saat ini, saya sendiri sebenarnya masih ragu permainanyangmenghina islam ; apakah Arswendo memang benar-benar punyaniatmenghina Rasulullah? Bisa ya, bisa tidak. Sebab ini urusan NIATdidalam hati, yang tahu hanya Allah dan Arwendo sendiri.Bisa saja ketika itu Arswendo memang berniat ahok menghina Islamandahok menghina islam . Namun bisa juga dia hanya film yangmenghinaislam berusaha jujur menampilkan hasil polling apa adanya.Bahkanbisa juga dia tidak tahu bahwa mencantumkan nama NabiMuhammad diurutan ke-11 polling tersebut bisa memicu kemarahanumat Islam. Ataubisa juga pencantuman nama Rasulullah.Entah mana yang benar di antara keempat kemungkinantersebut,wallahualam. Yang tahu jawabannya hanya Allah dan Arswendosendiri"game yang menghina islam".Namun tiga fakta berikut perlu kita pahami dengan baik:gameygmenghina islam : gambar menghina islam.1. Di atas sudah saya jelaskan seperti apakah Tabloid Monitoritudan siapa saja pembacanya. Menurut saya (sepertinya Andajugasetuju), sangat masuk akal jika tidak banyak pembaca Monitoryangmengidolakan Rasulullah. Sebenarnya sangat masuk akal ketikanamaRasulullah di mata pembaca Monitor ternyata kalah populerdibandingIwan Fals, bahkan dibanding Arswendo sendiri (sebab ketikaitu,Arswendo cukup narsis alias sering tampil di tabloidtersebut,sehingga wajar jika dia menjadi sangat terkenal disana).2. Sebagai seorang tokoh, seharusnya Arswendo memahami bahwamemuathasil polling yang seperti itu bisa memicu kemarahan umatIslam.Jadi seharusnya, nama Nabi Muhammad tak perlu dicantumkanpadahasil polling, untuk menghindari kontroversi.3. Terlepas dari kemarahan dan ketersi itu permainan yangmenghinaislam, Islam tidak mengidolakan Rasulullah. Kenapa?,berusaha agarsemakin banyak umat Islam yang mengidolakanRasulullah.* * *film yang menghina islam Walau tuduhan penghinaan terhada,bagaimanadengan Ahok? bersifat game yang menghina islam debatable,sangatjelas terlihat bahwa Ahok menghina Islam.Memang banyak pendukungnya yang berargumen . Bahkan bila kitalihatperkembangan situasi, mereka mulai bermain playing victim,denganbersikap seolah-olah mereka yang jadi korban dan kitasebagaipenjahatnya.Saya mencoba membandingkan kasus Arswendo dengan"Ahokmenghinaislam".Tuduhan penghinaan yang dialamatkan kepada Arswendo masihdebatable,permainan yang menghina islam namun ternyata diaakhirnya masukpenjara juga, dan tabloid Monitor dibubarkan.Jika Arswendo saja bisa dihukum, tentu Ahok yangjelas-jelasmenghina Islam or film yang menghina islam.At that time, there wasatabloid called The monitors are very famous, Ahok experiencetodaytheir circulations even insulting Islam in Indonesia,establishedby Arswendo, under the auspices of Gramedia Group. Thismonitor canbe categorized as a tabloid gossip, entertainment,indulgence photosexy women, and segments the readers are middle tolower classes.In a short time, the Monitor managed to become themost popularprint media in Indonesia.Once, Monitor conducted the survey "idol: songs insultingIslam".Readers are welcome to write the name of their idol, andthen besent to the address of this tabloid. Everyone is free towrite thename of anyone he pleases. Even want to write his owngirlfriend'sname was welcome.The poll was very surprising. Name of President Soehartogameinsulting Islam was chosen as the top idol, followed by BJHabibie,Sukarno, and musician Iwan Fals in fourth place. NameArswendo isranked 10th, while the name of Prophet Muhammad isranked11th.The inclusion of the Prophet Muhammad in the 11th that triggeredtheanger people who insult Islam Islam games. At that time, themassmovement to protest outside Arswendo and Tabloid Monitorismassive.Long story short, Asrwendo managed to enter the prison, thefilminsulting Islam and tabloid songs insulting Islam Monitorforced tostop rising forever, but when it wasngetop-ngetopnya.Until recently, I was actually still doubt the game insultingIslam;whether Arswendo really had no intention of insulting theProphet?Can ya, can not. Because this affair INTENTIONS in theheart, whichknows only God and Arwendo own.It could be when it Arswendo does intend Ahok Ahok insultingIslamand insulting Islam. But it could also he's just a moviethatinsults Islam tried honestly to ask what their poll results.Infact, it could be he did not know that includes the name oftheProphet Mohammed in the 11th poll could spark Muslim anger. Oritcould be the inclusion of the name of the Prophet.Whether what is right in between the fourpossibilities,Wallahualam. Only God knows the answer and Arswendoown "gameinsulting Islam".However, the following three facts we need to understand itwell:games insulting Islam: images insulting Islam.1. Above I described as if Tabloid Monitor and anybody readers.Inmy opinion (it seems you also agree), it makes sense that notmanyreaders who idolized the Prophet Monitor. Actually veryreasonablewhen the name of the Prophet in the eyes of the readerMonitorturns out less popular than Iwan Fals, even comparedArswendoitself (because when it is, quite narcissistic aliasArswendo oftenappear in the tabloids, so normal that he became verywell knownthere).2. As a leader, should Arswendo understand that contains theresultsof the poll as it could spark Muslim anger. So it shouldbe, thename of Prophet Muhammad do not need to be included in theresultsof the poll, to avoid controversy.3. Apart from anger and ketersi the game insulting Islam,theProphet of Islam is not idolized. Why ?, trying to get moreandmore Muslims who idolized the Prophet.* * *Although Islam film insulting accusations of insulting the,whatAhok? is a game that insulted Islam debatable, it is obviousthatAhok insulting Islam.Indeed, many of his supporters argue. Even when we look atthesituation, they started playing playing victim, to behave asifthey are victims and us as the villain.I am trying to compare cases Arswendo with"Ahokmenghinaislam".Allegations of insults addressed to Arswendo still debatable,gamesinsulting Islam but in fact he ended up in jail too, andtabloidMonitor dissolved.If Arswendo only be punished, of course Ahok who clearlyinsultedIslam or film that insulted Islam.
Inspirational Wallpaper 1.0
What rouses you? The inspirationalfoundationsin this application highlight cites that will light upyour day androuse you on your trip however life!Every quote is combined with an excellent,fun orinterestingbackground picture : inspirational – you'll discoverhand-outlineddrawings, upbeat hues, and nature pictures of thebackwoods, sea,mountains, and then some. You will remember aportion of the quotesas dependable top choices, while others willbe new seeds ofintelligence and inspiration that you can conveywith you whereveryou go!You can even tell others what rouses you by offering yourmostloved wallpapers to companions!What rouses you?Theinspirational foundations in this application highlight citesthatwill light up your day and rouse you on your trip however life!Every quote is combined with an excellent, fun orinterestingbackground picture: inspirational - you'll discoverhand-outlineddrawings, upbeat hues, and nature pictures of thebackwoods, sea,mountains, and then some. You will remember aportion of the quotesas dependable top choices, while others willbe new seeds ofintelligence and inspiration that you can conveywith you whereveryou go!You can even tell others what rouses you by offering yourmostloved wallpapers to companions!
10 Best Weight Loss Diet Plans 1.0
With such a variety of dietroutinearrangements to browse it's elusive a weight reduction planit'shard to believe, but it's true for you and sound in themeantime.10 Best weight loss diet plans application incorporates areviewof main 10 business diet arranges, which have stood the trialoftime, and are generally perceived as sound (taking intoaccountfree studies).Application highlights:- Overview of 10 business diet gets ready for sound andenduringweight reduction- Video formulas for weight reduction (breakfasts, meals,snacks,smoothies… )- Workout recordings for weight reduction (singular workoutsandactivity arranges)- FREE reward: Weight Loss Manual (PDF eBook)Every one of these weight control plans incorporatedifferentnourishments from the significant nutritional categories(naturalproducts, vegetables, incline protein sources… ) which youwillappreciate eating for a lifetime. The suppers containappropriatemeasures of supplements and calories, in addition tophysicalactivity (activity) is a piece of practically every dietregimenarrangement.Please email us, in the event that you have any recommendationorinquiries – we generally answer, as we need you to have thebestinvolvement with our application.Note: Video documents are facilitated on YouTube. Webassociationis expected to run this application and perspective therecordings.Since the application is free, we bolster ourselves bydemonstratingads. This application utilizes Google Analytics tonamelessly trackutilization information inside theapplication.
sheikh sudais quran MP3 1.0
This application let you listen Holy quranmp3Juz 30 offline mode so you are able to play this app evenwithoutinternet connection or wifi connection. This Al Quran Juz 30MP3 orJuz Amma Recited By Abdul rahman As sudais or Al sudesorAbdurrahman Al sudais.Table Of Content :Surat An-NabaSurat An-NaziatSurat AbasaSurat At-TakwirSurat Al-InfitarSurat Al-MutaffifinSurat Al-InshiqaqSurat Al-BuroojSurat At-TariqSurat Al-AlaSurat Al-GhashiyaSurat Al-FajrSurat Al-BaladSurat Ash-ShamsSurat Al-LailSurat Ad-DhuhaSurat Al-InshirahSurat At-TinSurat Al-AlaqSurat Al-QadrSurat Al-BayyinaSurat Az-ZalzalaSurat Al-AdiyatSurat Al-QariaSurat At-TakathurSurat Al-AsrSurat Al-HumazaSurat Al-FilSurat QuraishSurat Al-MaunSurat Al-KautherSurat Al-KafiroonSurat An-NasrSurat Al-MasaddSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-NasCette application vous permet d'écouter la récitation deJuzAmma, du Saint Coran par Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. Ne nécessitepasde téléchargement ou de streaming il suffitd'installerl'application et sélectionnez le sourate écouter. «Sivos cœurssont purifiés, vous ne me lasserai jamais de réciter leCoran etl'écoute de sa récitation." Hazrat Uthman (radhiyallahuanhou)This app lets you listen to the recitation of Juz Amma, fromtheHoly quran by Abdul rahman Al sudais. Requires no downloadsorstreaming just install the app and select the surahtolisten.“If your hearts are purified, you will never tire of recitingthekoran and listening to its recitation.”Hazrat Uthman (radhiyallahu anhu)
9 months of pregnancy 1.0
For 9 months of pregnancy, everything is readyto welcome home for your child. You know the way of motherhood andsome members of the obstetric team. Childbirth can occur anytime inthe last month! Your suitcase and the "baby" is ready, just in case... Our advice for these last days before the arrival of the baby.Your body during the 9 months of pregnancyHOME STRETCHYour belly is very prominent and your back is more arched. Youbear increasingly difficult this weight on your legs, your back.Your breasts are swollen and are actively preparing forbreastfeeding. You can massage them, including the nipples, with afat cream.Have frequent urination. You sometimes have contractions,especially at night. They are not regular and are not painful. Thisis normal: they contribute in particular to the maturation of thecervix, which will make easier its dilation during childbirth.Your sleep is sometimes difficult because it is not easy to finda proper position. Your actions and movements are sometimeslaborious. You're tired, and rightly so.Reviews of 9 months pregnant7E PRENATAL EXAMINATIONThe last prenatal examination includes the same exams as theprevious month: monitoring your weight, pressure, uterine height,your overall health and activity and the baby heartbeat. Laboratorytests are controlled (serology for toxoplasmosis for non-immunemothers, looking for irregular antibodies to Rh-negative mothersand analyzes urine for albuminuria and glycosuria). The examinationresults appear in your maternity record. During theseconsultations, possible your contractions are recorded(monitoring).The gynecological examination will help confirm that the birthis preparing, enjoying cervical ripening. It was during the lastconsultations that decides the route of delivery.And now, at 9 months of pregnancy, pregnancy expires. Whetheryou are impatient or anxious by birth, you probably have manyquestions about what to expect these days - or weeks ...Here is some information on the course of the 9th month ofpregnancy, the last between the 37th and 41th week ofgestation.At 9 months of pregnancy, baby prepares to emerge. It weighsabout 2.4 kg and measures 45 cm in the 37th SA. It therefore doesnot have much room to move! This may explain why you feel less inlate pregnancy.Beware though, a substantial decrease or total disappearance of hismovements, require consultation with maternity.The last few weeks, it takes about 20 g per day, and her bodygets rid gradually of vernix and down (lanugo) that covered toprotect it. It becomes more sensitive to noise or uncomfortablesituations. Your lifestyle has a direct impact on your baby, suchas, for example, alcohol, tobacco or drugs.The lungs continue to develop, as the brain continues to maturebeyond birth.At the 40th SA, your baby weighs about 3.3 kg and measures 50 cmand is ready to be born! In 95% of cases it will be positionedupside down the day of delivery. If it is not turned naturally orwith the help of a medical operation, then the issue will bethrough the seat or feet, or using a caesarean.
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Welcome to your best cool wallpapers hd app.Inthe latter you use as wallpapers and backgroundspresentingbeautiful wallpaper for mobile android on all kinds ofphonebackgroundsThe app includes "images Cool wallpapers hd for android" oflove,plain patterns, colorful backgrounds, cartoon characters,somefantasy and Cars Pics. They are of extremely fine qualityThatnobody can say 'no' to-any of These. Bring a new life to yourhomescreen wallpapers and charismatic Some set pieces on yourPhone.Finding the right wallpaper for your Android device canbechallenging Because You want a beautiful Picture That will notgetin the way of seeing your icons. There are apps make it easybyfinding the awesome image for you so you do not-have tosearchthrough millions of hipster wallpaper. and make your devicelookstunning once again.This hipster cool hd wallpaper recreates the hypnotictripped-outvisuals featured in the cult classic SNES gameEarthbound (Mother2). Even if you've never heard of it, thesisanimated wallpapersstand on Their Own. With the hundreds ofbackgrounds available inthis tiny <300kB package, you can notAfford Practically not todownload it! Equip it now to give yoursweet visuals device with lowpower consumption, and be the firstperson on your street with atotally boss backgrounds andwallpapers That Does not bust thebattery.Flaunt your style while remaining environmentallyconsciouswallpaper for android Makes a great discussion starter ...Use itto help meet the man or woman of your dreams ... Thepossibilitiesare endless Virtually! Hispter Abstract ArtWallpapers!cool wallpapers hd-have app the best innovative free androidhdwallpapers app for your Android phones / tablets !. It letsyouEnhance your android phone / tablet with Hispter Hispterandamazing wallpapers. It will make your screen look azamzing.Our cool hipster applying Wallapers HD is made for being youhavepretty wallpaper hd for android and to give an attractivepanoramatone backgound.Very "Cool Wallpapers HD" and best phone backgrounds Coveryourphone with true cuteness with this lovely collection of freelivewallpapers and Mobile Background for Girls And Boys. FunnyColorRed, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black And White Graphics 3DClipartIllustrations. Download this free wallpaper great collectionofSimple "Cool Pictures" Specially designed.
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Only wallpaper hd cars for your deviceEasy to useYou can also download wallpaper hd to your deviceOver 32 HD images ofUpdates every weekwallpaper support 99% of mobile phones and tablet devices.Interesting facts from the history of :AG - German manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles,engines,and bicycles.- the legendary German car. The slogan of AG in English -«TheUltimate Driving Machine» and «Sheer Driving Pleasure»Not everyone knows that the legendary plant originallyproducedaircraft engines for the Air Force.World War II did not allow to enjoy the success. The entireGermaneconomy suffered huge losses, and the shared the fate ofthecountry's industrialists. Some factories remained on theterritorythat was controlled by the Soviet army, and the mainconsumer wasfinancially untenable.Company had to start from scratch. And comes out of thecorkscrew,establishing production of motorcyclesIn 1959, after the next crisis on the flow of the first model,whichhas become very popular - 700. In subsequent years there hasbeeneconomic growth in Germany, and develops the traditionofcoupe, started its history with a small aircraft engine factory, nowhasfive factories in Germany and by 22 around the world.The main competitor to the car market is a Mercedes-Benz.Alsocompeting company cars make Audi and LexusThe app is a collection of beautiful car wallpapers foryousmartphone & tablet.- Over 7700 Beautiful and Full HD Wallpapers- Easily set/ download images- Wallpapers updated every month- It's user friendly : Simple & easy-to-use- Models: 1 Series, 1M, 2 Series, 3 Series, 4 Series, 5 Series,6Series, 7 Series, 8 Series, 1500, 1800, 2000, 315, 328, 503,700,3200, Concept CS, Gina Cncept, Concept Active Tourer, GranLussoCoupe, M Zero Concept, M1 Concept, Mille Miglia Concept, 3.0CSL,3.0 CSL HOMMAGE, i3, i8, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, X1, X3, X4, X5,X6,Z4, ZAGATO and others- Resolution: 1920x1440 & 2560x1600Share your favorite HD wallpapers with your friends withonetap.So, what are you waiting for? Download car wallpapers hd F80 nowandenjoy the widest selection of beautifulIn this app you'll find the best pictures and the Cars i3madeespecially for you! Beautiful pictures in the highest HDqualityselected for the fans and all interested users! If youlikeBeautiful and Powerful Cars, then this app is for you!FEATURES APPLICATIONS:- Works on most smartphones and tablets on all versions ofoperatingsystems and screen resolutions - MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI,mid-size, large,x-large and HD screens;- Amazing HD high quality photos selected manually based onratingsystem;- The best collection of popular backgrounds and wallpapershd;- Save to phone memory and share with friends. You can save anduseany pictures that you like;- Easy and simple to use "set as wallpaper " feature;- Does not require an internet connection;- The application is absolutely free;The application was tested on different devices -Samsung,Motorolla, Sony, HTC, ASUS, NEXUS, LG and other; versionsof theoperating system Android - 2.2 Froyo, 2.3.3-2.3.7Gingerbread,4.0.3-4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.1-4.3 Jelly Bean, 4.4KitKat, 5.0and 5.1 Lollipop. If your device is not fully supported,pleasesend us feedback.In the future, we plan to:- More than 32 wallpapers hd cars and backgrounds- Live Wallpaper- User-friendly and intuitive interfaceDownload the wallpaper hd cars app for Android. Unlimitednumberof HD wallpapers for you to choose from. All modern models ofthelast 2 decades. Download now to get cool highdefinitionwallpapers.Various car wallpapers. You can customize the time changingofbeautiful images, stretch them or crop, depending onyourdevice.
Sport pregnant woman 1.0
A survey carried out in several maternityhospitals in Gironde showed that 8 out of 10 women saw asbeneficial the practice of sports activity during pregnancy. Yet, amajority of pregnant women admit to being little informed by theirdoctor. If the practice of a sports activity is not alwaysincompatible with pregnancy, and a minimum of physical exercise isnecessary or even beneficial, pregnant sports must be practicedreasonably. The whole thing is to follow some rules and know whatactivities to practice. Thus, you can keep fit during your 9 monthsof pregnancy, especially by limiting your weight gain. Whatphysical activity is preferred during pregnancy? Which sport tospread? The point now.Health Benefits of Pregnant Women During PregnancyPracticing a sport when you are pregnant allows: 1-maintain the abdominal musculature; 2-Improve blood circulation; 3-improve psychological well-being; 4-to facilitate the work of the childbirth by increasing therespiratory performances. In addition, women who continue to play sports duringpregnancy are less likely to give birth by caesarean section.Sports pregnant woman and pregnancy:4 essential rules It is necessary to follow four essential rulesbefore considering any practice of pregnant physicalactivity: 1-The chosen physical activity should not be too violent. Ifyou are not used to playing sports, this is not the time to startrunning 1 hour a day! 2-You must not present a contraindication or any particularmedical problem. 3-You must have the agreement of your doctor. 4-The practice of different sports activities will depend onthe level of advancement of your pregnancy: If you are only in thefirst quarter, you can continue a normal activity. Beyond thisperiod, you will need to be more careful. For pregnant women who do not practice sport or physicalactivity, pregnancy and sports is, against all odds, the perfecttime to start, according to the American College of Obstetriciansand Gynecologists. In a report titled New Guidelines for Pregnancyand Postpartum Exercise and released in 2003, it is stated that"pregnancy and sport are recognized as a unique time to changetheir behavior, Is seen more as an opportunity to remaincloistered. It is currently recognized that habits taken duringpregnancy can affect a woman's health for the rest of her life."For women who are already athletic, the maintenance of a"reasonable" physical activity, that is to say without seeking themaximum effort, will also be beneficial. We have selected for youthe best of the explanatory videos, combining yoga exercises andpractical and effective prenatal pilates to improve yourflexibility and physical agility.Take care of yourself and your baby with these exercises areessential for pregnant women who are concerned about their healthand the health of your baby. This application includes: Videos withprenatal exercises adapted to each week of gestation. Health boardsand nutrition during pregnancy. Download the Pregnancy Exerciseapplication free of charge for your smartphone and tablet and takecare of your health and the health of your baby during yourpregnancy.
Pregnancy + 1.0
pregnant woman ? Get the # 1 maternité App.Are you suivi de grossesse and want to know more aboutthedevelopmental stages of your baby? Are you looking forpracticaltips for each period of your maternité (calculatingpregnancyweek)? We created this application for you to guide you,help youand reassure you throughout your suivi de grossesse .A maternité is always full of surprises week afterweek.(Pregnancy nausea) .. To better understand the evolution ofyourbaby pregnancy and your body.My Pregnancy + new edition is the essential source ofinformationfor future mothers. You expect a baby? Get a suivi degrossessefollow-up week after week, tips and tricks, accessvideos,practical tools "portable enclosure", checklists"calculatingmaternité week". Keep your elbows on the community ofmoms andprospective parents, find out what your baby needs andreadhundreds of Babycenter articles. And also, tools liketheSelf'Bidou pregnancy calendar to follow the evolution of yourbellyin images and many other things yet [pregnant womanclothes].Pregnancy schedule week after week: What's going on thisweek?Progress of your baby, hormonal upheavals, appointments not tobemissed, advice diet, health, sport suivi de grossesse woman...this practical guide allows you to live at best theseninemonths.suivi de grossesse clothing, large selection ofeasy-to-wearmaternité garments and trends: Are you pregnant andyour regularclothes no longer seem to be a comfortable fit? Well,it's time toshop for affordable maternity clothes. It is a factthat most of usput away our maternity clothes after childbirth soit would beprudent to look for cheap maternity clothes(maternitéschedule).Is the weekly pregnancy calculator reliable? Like anyonlinecalculator, the weekly pregnancy calculator is simply an aidtoguide you. If you are pregnant and you are 100% pregnant At how many weeks you are, we advise you to makeanappointment with your doctor.It is the ideal application for monitoring your suividegrossesse .It allows to calculate your date of delivery. ====>pregnancycalendar.It accurately tracks the number of days, months or weeks sincethebeginning of the maternité and the date of the lastmenstrualperiod.She gives information weekly on the evolution of the baby.The application includes weight monitoring (essential to ensurethehealth of the mother and baby) and follow-up of thewaistcircumference.It includes a widget to display the essential information ofsportssuivi de grossesse woman:* Your suivi de grossesse monitoring per week around 6 themes:mymaternité, my baby, my food, my daily life, my beauty ...* Your weight curve: to regularly monitor your intake ofpoundsduring pregnancy and adjust your diet.* Schedule (Pregnancy Week Calculation): View all the highlightsandexams of your maternité at one time for pregnant sports.* A guide to first names: Do you hesitate between two, three orfourfirst names? Discover new ideas and tools to help you find therightone! Clothing pregnant woman.* The maternity guide: To know the maternities near you andtheservices they offer. Indispensable to know where you are goingtogive birth.* The contractometer: Measure the duration and frequency ofyourcontractions. An indicator to know if it's time to gotomaternity!* A dictionary of pregnancy: Because some exams or medical termsarenot always easy to understand
Funny Video Clips 1.0
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bodybuilding videos 1.0
Do you looking for Bodybuilding videos Apptobuild your muscles? then this is the right app for allDailyBodyBuilding and Fitness Workouts Routines !This is the best Bodybuilding videos application this willhelpyou build your muscles fast.When you download this app you will find all bodybuildinggymexercises, powerlifting routines and weight loss will find all ABS (Abdominals) six pack, Backexercises,ButtWorkouts, Chest Workouts, Bicep Workouts, TricepsWorkout, ForearmWorkout, Legs Workouts, Shoulder Workouts, CalvesWorkouts, ThighWorkouts) and also find flat abs,dumbbell for bicepsand triceps,neck,lats,calf, glutes, quadriceps, back upper and lowbackexercisesJust follow our workout plan, gym exercises andpowerliftingroutines involving the app that will help you formaking the rightexercises by ANIMATIONS in app As shown above.For building your mass like professional bodybuilders justchooseyour workouts (exercises) from more than 400 of the bestWorkoutsand Exercises in this Professional App.You can set your DAILY WORKOUT PLAN - sort or add ordeleteworkouts in your daily program.This App Contains Preset plans for:1-Beginners Full Body Workout2-muscle growth for beginners3-alternate hummer curl4-Ab Roller Exercises5-Advanced Kettlebell Windmill Execise6-Air Bike Exercise7-Alternate Heel Touches Exercise8-3/4 Sit Up Exercise9-Bent-Knee Hip Raise Exercise10-Bottoms Up Exercise11-Cocoons ExerciseFree App To Watch And Listen To bodybuildingvideostutorialbodybuilding videos tutorial learning free is the best companionfortutorials. this app most popular home step by step learningideasvideos.All bodybuilding videos tutorial are taken from videos areofthey respected owner, we only show them on this app for abettervisibility. Please email us if you have copy rightissues.we will be happy to Help!!A muscular and a fit body is a dream of every individual.Butonly some of us are able to achieve this dream. So why and forwhomyou are waiting for. Just tie your shoes and start to build asuperfit body by following video of this bodybuilding & fitnessappstep by step.The app contains different types of workout for everybodywithdaily update. Choose any videos which fit to you and startyourbody building. People who want to get muscular , people whowant tobe slim , people who don't want to go to gym but still wantto befit. Workouts are present for each individual depending ontheirpriorities.Do you want the best Body fitness ?This fantasticapplicationcollects the best video tutorials to learn how to applygymworkouts fat burning, tips, tricks including arms workout,chestand back exercise, leg and buttock training etc. GYM TrainingandRoutine Workouts are very useful for Body Building, toImproveMuscles, Boost Blood Flow, Increase your stamina; Boost upyourenergy Power.In This GYM Training VIDEO App Training Programs in theGym,which are suitable not only for sports such as Bodybuilding,PowerLifting, Arm Wrestling, Athletics, Weightlifting or Fitness,ButAlso For Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Hockey,RugbyAnd More.This GYM Training VIDEO (Men/Women) app provides the procedureofworkout routines for beginners and body builders for both maleandfemale. It also includes tips, videos of workouts, diet controlTipsand many more. GYM Exercise giving you lots of Benefits likePainRelief, Gas Problems, Stomach Problems
Wallpapers HD (Backgrounds) 1.0
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