oldsea التطبيقات

みんなの雑学 500以上の難問にクイズで挑戦!解説付き 1.1.1
みんなに話したくなる雑学が500問以上! 皆さんの解答は自動で集計されるので正解率がまるわかり!正解率90%の問題を間違えずに答えられるかな?
怖い話 6,000話の恐怖体験談 2chまとめ 3.3.5
We've put together a scary story on 2ch and the internet. Fromsimple saga to unscrambled stories, there's no need to register,and you can enjoy a chat with the comments feature!
面白い話 3,000話の笑えて泣ける体験談 まとめ 2.1.1
We collected more than 3,000 popular classic stories, laughablestories, good emotions and many more.
名言まとめ 人生を変える2,000の格言 ウィジェット付き 1.4.1
We have collected 2,000 sayings that may change your life. Stick tothe sayings with the comment feature! You can enjoy daily sayingswith the Widget.
ことわざまとめ 座右の銘にしたい1,500の格言 ウィジェッ 1.2.8
"Proverbs" that everyone knows. How many people know the exactmeaning and etymology? Here are some proverbs that make you want tomake your life aspirations.
Ampere+ 1.2.1
Quickly measures battery charge and discharge current.