panche التطبيقات

Little Ghostbusters 1.1.0
Has your house been invaded by little ghostsand phantoms?It's time to call the 'Little Ghostbusters'!The 'Little Ghostbusters' are small clones of the originalGhostbusters how are responcible for cleaning the city.Help small clones of Ghostbusters to remove all the ghosts. Itis known that there are gaps in the spectral tissue where theghosts go through to our reality, clean those areas and thoseundesirable volatilized spectra.Be carefull! Many of these ghostsare hostile and have skills and attacks that can seriously hurtyou.Get the different shooting modes, armor and traps to remove themmore quickly.Kill all ghosts before they end up with the whole city!The game is based on the movies 'Ghostbusters I and GhostbustersII'
Trivial CCAVM 1.1
¿Eres un autentico fanático de "Como conocíavuestra madre - CCAVM" (How I met your mother - HIMYM)?¿Serás capaz de desbloquear todos los logros de este juego?La dinámica del juego es realmente sencilla, se tratadecompletar los diferentes niveles contestando correctamentetodaslas preguntas. Conforme vaya completando el juego seirándesbloqueando diferentes logros, secretos y curiosidades delaserie televisiva.El juego consta de un temporizador de 15 segundos porpregunta,si en el tiempo establecido no se ha respondidocorrectamentefinalizará el nivel.El juego consta de un nivel con todas las preguntasdisponiblespara realizar puntuaciones, donde solo tendrá unaoportunidad pararesponder todas las preguntas y proclamarse el reydel trivial.Es posible que al basarse en la traducción de Españahayatérminos alterados de la serie original.Preguntas sobre como conocí a vuestra madre la serietelevisivatv, consta de niveles y tiempo. Los personajesprincipales sonBarney Stinson, Ted Mosby, Marshall Eriksen, LilyAldrin y RobinScherbatsky. Es un juego de quiz, un triviadigamos.Are you a real fan of"HowI Met Your Mother - CCAVM" (How I Met Your Mother -HIMYM)?Can you unlock all the achievements in this game?The dynamics of the game is really simple, it comescompletedifferent levels correctly answering all questions. As youcompletethe game you will unlock various achievements, secretsandcuriosities of the TV series.The game has a timer of 15 seconds per question, if on timehasnot been answered correctly end the level.The game consists of a standard with all the questionsavailablefor scores, which only have a chance to answer allquestions andproclaim himself king of trivial.It is possible that by relying on the translation of Spainhasaltered terms of the original series.Questions about how I met your mother tv televisionseriesconsists of levels and time. The main characters areBarneyStinson, Ted Mosby, Marshall Eriksen, Lily Aldrin andRobinScherbatsky. It is a quiz game a trivia say.
Formtopia 1.0
Welcome to FORMTOPIA!Try proclaim the king of this world of geometric figures,wherethe reflexes and speed are the basic skills to thrive. Removeallthe figures you can in the set time but be careful ... Thepumpsyou will find make the game more difficult. The game consistsof 24levels where the difficulty will increase gradually.PLAY - MULTIPLY - AVOID, those are the three laws that youshouldapply in the virtual world of FORMTOPIA.Each figure has a value from 1 point to 5 points. Try toprioritizethe most valuable figures to get a higher score.Be careful because not everything is as easy ... You mustbypassdifferent pumps, each with its drawbacks, there are somepumps thatreduce your score and pumps that make you lose the game,forexample.Compete with your friends through Scoreloop network in 2gamemodes: Survival and time.It is a game of skill and precision, compatible with tabletsof7-10 inches.The game is free but includes advertising.
Trivial Friends 1.0
¿Eres un autentico fanático de"FRIENDS"?¿Serás capaz de desbloquear todos los logros del juego?La dinámica del juego es realmente sencilla, se tratadecompletar los diferentes niveles contestando correctamentetodaslas preguntas. Conforme vaya completando el juego seirándesbloqueando diferentes logros, secretos y curiosidades delaserie televisiva.El juego consta de un temporizador de 15 segundos porpregunta,si en el tiempo establecido no se ha respondidocorrectamentefinalizará el nivel.El juego se divide en 6 niveles de 40 preguntas cada uno, másunnivel adicional con 240 preguntas a modo de desafío dondesepublicarán las puntuaciones.Compite con tus amigos en la red social de Scoreloop,demuestraque sabes más que nadie de esta serie.Es posible que al basarse en la traducción de Españahayatérminos alterados de la serie original.Juego quiz de responder preguntas, trivia de friends tv, laserietelevisiva. Consta de niveles y tiempo, los personajesprincipalesde la serie son Rachel Green, Ross Geller, MonicaGeller, ChandlerBing, Joey Tribianni, Phoebe Buffay.Are you a real fanof"FRIENDS"?Can you unlock all achievements of the game?The dynamics of the game is really simple, it comescompletedifferent levels correctly answering all questions. As youcompletethe game you will unlock various achievements, secretsandcuriosities of the TV series.The game has a timer of 15 seconds per question, if on timehasnot been answered correctly end the level.The game is divided into 6 levels of 40 questions each, plusanadditional level with 240 questions as a challenge whichwillfeature scores.Compete with your friends in the social network Scoreloop,showsthat you know more than anyone in this series.It is possible that by relying on the translation of Spainhasaltered terms of the original series.Answer questions quiz game, trivia friends tv, the TVseries.Consists of levels and time, the main characters of theseries areRachel Green, Ross Geller, Monica Geller, Chandler Bing,JoeyTribbiani, Phoebe Buffay.