tax-rabbit التطبيقات

日常会話の瞬間英作文 1.8
日常でよくあるシチュエーションの会話を瞬間的に英作文します。何かリクエストがあれば連絡下さい。出来るだけすぐに反映させます。I English compositioninstantaneously conversations situations frequently asked everyday.Please contact us if you have any requests.To reflect as soon as possible.
Unit Conversion Tool 1.0.3
Have you not thought that It was troublesometo convert a unit?Though the size of your foot is 26 centimeters; the overseas shopis inch indication ...I think that it is what troublesome to think.You can convert the following unit.・ Centimeter・ Meter・ Kilometer・ Inch・ Feet・ Yard・ Mile・ Nautical mile
預金利息の税金計算 3.0.0
預金利息受け取り時に控除されている税金を計算します。仕訳形式にもしているので、ややこしい計算ともおさらばです。入金された金額を入力するだけで逆算して所得税、地方税、復興税を瞬時に計算します。I will calculate the taxthat has been deducted in deposit interest receipt.Because I also journal format, with complicated calculation isgoodbye.Calculate instantly income tax, local tax, the tax recovery byback calculation by simply enter the amount that has beencredited.
EA EXAM 0.0.1
It is examination questions of Americanlicensed tax accountant (EA).It becomes only FILING REQUIREMENT of PART1.There is a demand and wants to add other items and PART and sleevenotes if time permits it.At first I am happy if you can know what the examination questionsof the American licensed tax accountant are through thisapplication.
whack-a-mole 1.0.1
There are 30 point, 10 point, -10 point.Just whack a point!!
結婚相談所の恋愛診断 0.0.3
東京で結婚相談所を営むTiliaが仕掛ける恋愛診断!たった1分で、あなたの理想を分析します。数々の恋愛を経験し、高い成婚率を誇るカリスマ仲人士があなたの恋愛傾向に基づき、理想の結婚相手を診断!!あたなが望む本当の恋愛の形と理想のお相手像は!?Love diagnosisTiliaengaged in marriage agency in Tokyo launch!In only one minute, I will analyze your ideals.Charisma matchmaker workers to experience the love of many, boastsahigh marriage rate is based on the trend of love you, andthediagnosis of the ideal marriage partner! !your partner image and the ideal form of love of real Ata wantto!?
確定申告が必要ですか? 0.0.8
確定申告が必要かどうかを診断します。診断後、確定申告が必要な人はタックスラビットで仕事を投稿してみて下さい。I will diagnosewhetheryou need a tax return.After diagnosis, people need tax filing try to submit a job intaxrabbit.
短冊に願いを込めて 1.0.0
願いを書いてツイートしよう。短冊のようにツイートされます。Let's tweet and writeawish.It is tweet as the strip.