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Audio contes pour enfants 5.0
More than 250 stories of the evening to listen.
Promo-Kataloge 1.01
Wo ist die Rechnung ?Kürzlich , fragen wir uns öfter diese Frage .Vollgestopft mit Zeitschriften und Zeitungen, auf der Suche nachden besten Preisen , Angeboten und Aktionen.Nun, jetzt können Sie alles in der Tasche haben , durch "Promo-Kataloge " und unsere Lieblings- Android-Handy :) .Shop- informiert !Halten Sie in der Tasche alle aktuellen Kataloge von Karstadt ,Deichmann , Bonprix , Broschüre NKD , Avon, Oriflame , Aktionen DM, Müller, Praktiker , Baumax , Promo- Angebote von TCHIBO , toomBauMarkt , Hornbach, OBI , Domo , SATURN , reduzieren Rabatte vonFlanco , Medien Galaxy , Carrefour, REWE , Lidl, KauflandSonderpreise , Billa, Penny Markt , Metro, Wettbewerbe, Spiele undVerkauf von Geschäften und Supermärkten angeboten .Where is the bill?Recently, we often ask ourselves this question.Replete with magazines and newspapers, looking for the bestprices, offers and promotions.Well, now you can have it all in the bag, with "promo catalogs"and our favorite Android phone :).Shop informed!Keep in your pocket all the current catalogs of Karstadt,Deichmann, Bonprix, brochure NKD, Avon, Oriflame, actions, DM,Müller, practitioners, Baumax, Promo Offers of TCHIBo, toom DIYstores, Hornbach, OBI, Domo, SATURN, reduce Discounts offered byFlanco, Media Galaxy, Carrefour, REWE, Lidl, Kaufland specialprices, Billa, Penny Market, Metro, competitions, games and sale ofshops and supermarkets.
Где акции?В последнее время мы чаще спрашивая себя, на этот вопрос.Беспорядок на рабочем месте с журналами и газетами, ищу лучшиецены,предложениях и акциях.Ну, вы можете иметь все это в вашем кармане по "ПРОМО КАТАЛОГИ"инаш любимый телефон :).Магазин в курсе!Имейте в кармане все действующие каталоги, брошюры, рекламныеакции,промо-предложения, скидки, скидки, СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ЦЕНЫ,конкурсы, игрыи продажа магазинов и супермаркетов4 сезона,Billa,Blane de Blanes,Fix Price,ГлобусГурмэ,Happyvegan,Kopeyka,METRO,SPAR,Selgros,Vitomin,Ялюбимый,БИМ,Бахетле,Био-Маркет,Бэбилэнд,,Верный,Виктория,Гастроном21,Глобус,Дикси,Дёшево,ЗаОдно,ЗеленыйПерекресток,Карусель,Красное&Белое,Крестовский,Ларес,Лента,Люкс,Магнит,Магнолия,МамаБио,Манго,Матрица,Метатр,Мираторг,МойМагазин,Молния,Монетка,Морошка,МясницкийРяд,МясновЪ,Нашгипермаркет,Новоарбатский,О'Кей,ОгниСтолицы,Оливье,ОрганикМаркет,Остров,Отдохни,Pervuiselski,Перекресток,Поляна,Пятерочка,Райт,Реал,СедьмойКонтинент,Ситистор,ТДВесна,ТК Мария,УПалыча,Утконос,Цветной,Черемушки,Южныйдвор,OBI,Холдинг Центри др.Where shares?Recently, we ask ourselves more often this question.Cluttered with magazines and newspapers, looking for thebestprices, offers and promotions.Well, you can have it all in your pocket for "promo catalog" andourfavorite phone :).Store up to date!Keep in your pocket all the current catalogs, brochures,promotions,promotional offers, discounts, rebates, special deals,contests,games and selling stores and supermarkets Season 4, Billa, Blane de Blanes, Fix Price, GlobusGourmet,Happy vegan, Kopeyka, METRO, SPAR, Selgros, Vitomin,Iлюбимый,БИМ,Бахетле,Био-Маркет,Бэбилэнд,,Верный,Виктория,Гастроном21,Globe, Dixie, cheap, at the same time,GreenПерекресток,Карусель,Красное&Белое,Крестовский,Ларес,Лента,Люкс,Магнит,Магнолия,МамаBio,Mango, The Matrix, Metatr, Agribusiness, My Shop, Lightning,coins,cloudberry, butcher number, Myasnov, Our Hypermarket,Novoarbatsky,OK, Capital Lights, Olivier Organic Market, Island,relax, Pervuiselski, Crossroads, Polyana, Pyaterochka, Wright,Real, SeventhContinent, Sitistor, TD Spring, TC Mary, havePalycha, platypus,Color, Cheryomushki, Southern yard, OBI, HoldingCenter et al.
Poveștile Zmeului 3.0
Sunteti obositi sa povestiti copiilor povestiin fiecare seara???Doriti sa aveti timpul vostru liber ???Cu mandrie va prezentam solutia problemelor voastre:Povestile ZmeuluiAsigurati-va LINISTE si in acelasi timp PLACERE pentru copiiDumneavoastra - dandu-le sa asculte POVESTILE CLASICE dinsmartphone-ul Dumneavoastra cu Android. Fara importanta dacasunteti acasa, la munte, la tara, la mare, in vizita, instrainatate - va oferim mai mult de 250 de povesti oriunde atifi.Are you tired to tellchildren stories every night??Want to have your own time??Proudly present your solution to the problem:Stories kiteEnsure quiet and at the same time enjoyable for your children -giving them listen to classic stories from your Android smartphone.No matter whether you are at home, in the mountains, thecountryside, the sea, the visit abroad - we offer more than 250stories wherever you are.
Веселите рецепти 2.1
КАКВО ДА СГОТВЯ ?Това е въпрос , който си задавате всеки ден, нали ?Още повече, трябва да се съобразите и с наличните продукти!!!Май, взе да става трудно ...... Е , вече НЕЕТО ГО И РЕШЕНИЕТО:1.Проверете с какви продукти разполагате2.Напишете ги в празните полета, по един на ред, а ако има нуждадобавете още полета с бутона Добави продукти3.Натиснете бутона Покажи рецептите и ....... вече имате СПИСЪК ОТРЕЦЕПТИ С ВАШИТЕ ПРОДУКТИПриятно готвене и Добър апетит !!!What to cook?This is a question being asked every day, right?Moreover, you should comply with existing products!May began to become difficult ...... Well, not anymoreHere's the solution:1.Check with what products have2.Napishete them in empty fields, one per line, and if you need toadd more fields to the Add Items button3.Press the button Show recipes ....... you have a list of recipeswith your productEnjoy cooking and Bon Appetit!
Песнички и стихчета за слушане 1.0
Селекция от събрани над 300 стихчета ипеснички от нашето детство за нашите деца.Нека не забравяме българското :).За да работи приложението е нужна добра интернет връзка .Опция за собствена селекция от любими произведения.A selection of more than300 gathered rhymes and songs of our childhood for ourchildren.Let's not forget Bulgarian :).To operate the application need a good internetconnection.Option of self-selection of favorite works.
Кулинарные Рецепты Funny Food 2.1
Что приготовить?Мой, что вы едите?И будет ли она дети едят?Эти вопросы, спросите себя каждый день?Кроме того, вы должны соблюдать доступных продуктов!Май становится все сложнее ...... Ну, не большеВот решение:1.Check с продуктами у вас есть2.Press "Что приготовить".3. Заполните вашу продукцию  и ....... у вас есть список рецептов с вашимпродуктом.За 22000 и легкие рецепты на завтрак, обед, ужин, гриль,салаты,пицца, супы, торты и десерты.Программа предлагает:- Поделиться рецептом со всеми.- Список любимых рецептов для редактирования.- Таймер времени.- Советы и идеи для легкого измерения используемых продуктов.Приготовление еды и Приятного аппетита!What to cook?My, what you eat?And will the kids eat it?These questions to ask yourself every day?In addition, you must comply with the available products!May is getting harder ...... Well, not anymoreHere's the solution:1.Check with the products you have2.Press "What to cook."3. Fill out your productsand ....... you have a list of recipes with your product.Over 22000 and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner,grill,salads, pizza, soups, cakes and desserts.The program offers:- Share the recipe with everyone.- List of favorite recipes for editing.- Timer time.- Tips and ideas for easy measurement of the products used.Cooking and Bon Appetit!
Kochrezepte FunnyFood 2.1
Was kochen?LIEBER Was essen Sie?Und ob es Kinder essen?Dies sind Fragen, die sich fragen, jeden Tag?Darüber hinaus müssen Sie mit den verfügbarenProduktenentsprechen!May wird immer schwieriger ...... Nun, nicht mehrHier ist die Lösung:1. Überprüfen Sie mit den Produkten haben Sie2. Drücken Sie die "Was zu kochen."3. Bitte geben Sie Ihre Produkte  und ....... Sie haben eine Liste von Rezepten mitIhremProdukt.Über 22000 und einfache Rezepte für Frühstück,Mittagessen,Abendessen, Grill, Salate, Pizza, Suppen, Kuchen undDesserts.Das Programm bietet:- Teilen Sie ein Rezept mit allen.- Liste der Lieblings-Rezepte zu bearbeiten.- Timer Zeit.- Tipps und Ideen für einfache Messung der verwendetenProdukte.Genießen Sie das Kochen und Bon Appetit!What to cook?DEAR What do you eat?And whether children eat?These are questions to ask yourself every day?In addition, you must comply with the available products!May is getting harder ...... Well, not moreHere is the solution:1 Check the products you have2 Press the "What to cook."3 Please enter your productsand ....... They have a list of recipes with your product.About 22000 and Easy Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,BBQ,salads, pizza, soups, cakes and desserts.The program offers:- Share a recipe with everyone.To edit the list of Favorite Recipes -.- Time is.- Tips and ideas for simple measurement of the products used.Enjoy cooking and Bon Appetit!
Orbbasto 5 1.1
Designed for Stove Webasto Termo Top C / E / P / Z / D with boardORBBASTO. For cars, trucks, motorhomes, boats, boilers for hotwater and heating. The program serves as a diagnosis in Bluetoothphone to the board. It can check the work of candles, water, fuel,turbine and fan. They may be adjusted rates of work on the stove inBest mode.
Kinder Geschichten zum Zuhören 5.0
200 bedtime stories.
Yemek Tarifleri Funny Food 2.1
Ne pişirmek?DEĞERLİ Eğer NE yiyorsunuz?Ve bu çocuklar yemek olup olmadığını?Bu her gün kendinize sormak sorular?Ayrıca, mevcut ürünler uymak zorundadır!Mayıs zorlaşıyor ...... Eh, artık değilİşte çözüm:Sahip olduğunuz ürünleri ile 1.Check"Ne yemek." 2.press3. Ürün doldurun  ve ....... Eğer ürün ile tarifleri bir listesi var.22000 ve kolay tarifler üzerinde kahvaltı, öğle yemeği,akşamyemeği, ızgara, salata, pizza, çorba, kek ve tatlılariçin.Programı sunmaktadır:- Herkesle bir reçete paylaşın.- Düzenlemek için favori yemek tarifleri listesi.- Timer zaman.- Ürünlerin kolay ölçüm için ipuçları ve fikirler kullanılır.Yemek pişirmekten hoşlanır ve Afiyet olsun!What to cook?DEAR WHAT you eat?And if the kids are eating?Questions to ask yourself this every day?In addition, products must comply with the current!May is getting harder ...... Well, not anymoreHere is the solution:1.Check with the products that you have"What you eat." 2.press3 Fill in the productand ....... If you have a list of recipes with the product.22000 on and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner,grill,salads, pizza, soups, cakes and desserts.The program offers:- Share a recipe with everyone.- To edit the list of your favorite recipes.- Timer time.- Products used tips and ideas for easy measuring.I enjoy cooking and Bon appetit!
Histórias audio para crianças 5.1
More than 200 nursery audio stories for children.
Sesli Çocuk Masalları 5.0
Child-oriented voice of fairy tales and stories Listen program.
Kids stories for listening 3.0
More than 300 bedtime storiesforlistening.Are you tired to put to sleep the kids ??Do not you want time for yourself ??We are proud to present the solution to your problem:Stories for your children and your peace of mind.Provide peace of mind pleasurable for your kid -Play favorite story of a smartphone with Android and meet yourkidwith world classic stories.Whether you're at home, the mountains, the countryside, thebeach,guests abroad - more than 300 stories have been everywherewith you- with your Android smartphone and an Internetconnection.
Orbbasto 5.5 PLUS 1.0
Designed for Stove Webasto Termo Top C / E / P / Z / D withboardORBBASTO ver 5.5 PLUS For cars, trucks, motorhomes, boats,boilersfor hot water and heating. The program serves as a diagnosisinBluetooth phone to the board. It can check the work ofcandles,water, fuel, turbine and fan. They may be adjusted rates ofwork onthe stove in Best mode.
Orbbasto 5.2 1.1
Designed for Stove Webasto Termo Top C / E / P / Z / D withboardORBBASTO ver 5.2 For cars, trucks, motorhomes, boats, boilersforhot water and heating. The program serves as a diagnosisinBluetooth phone to the board. It can check the work ofcandles,water, fuel, turbine and fan. They may be adjusted rates ofwork onthe stove in Best mode.
Orbbasto Week Timer 1.0
Timer with weekly programming.
Rețete de Gătit Funny Food 2.1
Ce sa gatesti? Stimati Ce vrei să mănânci? Și dacă se vamâncacopiii? Acestea sunt întrebări pentru a vă întreb în fiecarezi?Mai mult, trebuie să respectați cu produse disponibile! Maiestetot mai greu ...... Ei bine, nu mai este Iată soluția: 1.Checkcuprodusele pe care le au 2.Apăsați "Ce să gătească." 3.Completațiprodusele dvs.   și ....... aveți o listă de rețetecuprodusul. Peste 22000 și rețete ușor pentru mic dejun, prânz,cină,gratar, salate, pizza, supe, prăjituri și deserturi.Programuloferă: - Partajarea o reteta cu toată lumea. - Lista deretetepreferate pentru a edita. - Timp timer. - Sfaturi si ideipentrumăsurarea ușoară a produselor utilizate. Bucurați-vă de gătitșiBon Appetit!
Cooking Recipes Funny Food 2.1
What to cook? Dear what do you eat? And whether it will kidseat?These are questions to ask yourself every day? Furthermore,youmust comply with the available products! May is gettingharder...... Well, not anymore Here's the solution: 1.Check withtheproducts you have 2.Press the "What to cook." 3. Fill inyourproducts   and ....... you have a list of recipes withyourproduct. Over 22000 and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch,dinner,grill, salads, pizza, soups, cakes and desserts. Enjoycooking andBon Appetit!
Italiano Ricette Funny Food 2.1
Cosa cucinare? CARO Cosa si mangia? E se sarà ragazzimangiare?Queste sono domande da porsi ogni giorno? Inoltre, ènecessariorispettare i prodotti disponibili! Maggio è sempre piùdifficile...... Bene, ora non più Ecco la soluzione: 1.Check con iprodottiche avete 2.Premere il "Cosa cucinare." 3. Inserisci ituoiprodotti   e ....... si dispone di un elenco di ricettecon ilvostro prodotto. Oltre 22000 e facili ricette percolazione,pranzo, cena, grigliate, insalate, pizza, zuppe, dolci edessert.Il programma offre: - Condividere una ricetta con tutti. -Elencodelle ricette preferite da modificare. - Tempo Timer. -Consigli eidee per una facile misurazione dei prodotti utilizzati.Godetevila cucina e Bon Appetit!
Top promotions in your city
Recetas de Cocina Funny Food 2.1
Lo que para cocinar? QUERIDA ¿Qué comes? Y si va a comer losniños?Estas son preguntas que debe hacerse todos los días? Además,debecumplir con los productos disponibles! Mayo es cada vez más......Bueno, ya no Aquí está la solución: 1.Verificar con losproductosque tiene 2.Presione el "qué cocinar." 3. Rellena tusproductos  y ....... usted tiene una lista de recetas con suproducto.En 22000 y fáciles recetas para el desayuno, almuerzo,cena,parrilla, ensaladas, pizzas, sopas, pasteles y postres. Elprogramaofrece: - Compartir una receta con todo el mundo. - Listade lasrecetas favoritas para editar. - Tiempo del temporizador.-Consejos e ideas para facilitar la medición de losproductosutilizados. Disfrute de la cocina y Bon Appetit!
Folders & anbiedingen 1.2
Alle catalogi en brochures promoties van grote winkels inNederlandop één plek. Met de app kunt u zich abonneren op decommerciëlewinkels die u interesseren en bijhouden wanneer uitnieuwe catalogien brochures van hen. Houd een oogje op de huidigepromotiescatalogi en promotionele folders in winkels ensupermarkten als:Lidl,Jumbo,Aldi,Makro,Gall&Gall,Sligro,plus,dolk,Hoogvliet,Dekamarkt,Deen,Nettorama,Multivlaai,kippenren,Vomar,HANOS,JaminBoniien vele anderen.
Аудио приказки за слушане 4.9
Happy Audio tales for children.
The app will introduce you to the new catalogs and promotions ofyour favorite shops
Catalogues Promo 5.0
The application will show you new catalogs of your favorite stores.
Catálogos y Promociones 4.4
The application will introduce the new catalogs of your favoritestores.
Audiolibri per bambini 5.0
More than 300 bedtime stories for listening.
Аудиосказки для детей 5.0
Более 300 историй детского сна. Вы устали от приостановлениядетей??Разве вы не хотите, и вы можете иметь свой собственныйвремя?? Мы сгордостью представляем решение вашей проблемы: Сказкидля вашихдетей и вашего спокойствия. Обеспечить спокойствиеприятным длявашего ребенка - Пусть его рассказ о смартфоне ивстретиться с миромклассической сказки. Если вы находитесь дома,горы, сельскаяместность, на пляже, гости за рубежом - более 300историй были вездес вами - где ваш смартфон и подключение кИнтернету.
Audio priče za djecu 5.1
More than 150 stories for bedtime listening.
Historias de audio para niños 5.0
Más de 200 cuentos de audio para los niños. ¿Está cansado deponerlos niños a dormir? No quieres tiempo para ti? Estamosorgullososde presentar la solución a su problema: Cuentos para losniños y lapaz de la mente. Proporcionar tranquilidad agradable parasu hijo -Escuchar la historia favorita de un smartphone con Androidy paraconocer a su hijo con el mundo de cuento de hadas clásico. Siustedestá en el país, las montañas, el campo, la playa, loshuéspedesalojados en el extranjero - más de 200 historias hanestado entodas partes con usted - con su teléfono inteligenteAndroid y unaconexión a Internet.
Hit the Fidget Spinner 3D Game 3.0
Fidget Spinner 3D game for boys and girls
All Slovenian latest catalog publication campaigns can beviewedbelow.
SuMoji Game 20.5.4
Funnest game for girls and game for boys with emoji , dicesandadventures .