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Medoly Lyrics Scraper Plugin 1.5.0
Medoly Lyrics Scraper Pluginは、 Medoly で再生しているメディアの歌詞をWebから取得するアプリです。[使用方法]本アプリのインストールが完了すると、Medolyから自動的に認識されます。インストール後、ドロワーにアプリアイコンは表示されません。Medolyメイン画面のホームアイコンから、プラグインを起動してください。起動後、「サイト一覧」より取得対象のサイトを選択してください。Medolyからプラグインのダイアログを起動し、「歌詞取得」を選択すると、歌詞の取得を開始します。取得に成功すると、画面上の歌詞が更新されます。歌詞のファイル保存を行う場合は、Medolyの設定画面より行ってください。[備考]- メディア読み込み時に自動的に歌詞を取得することもできます。初期状態では自動取得は行いません。- 前回取得した歌詞はアプリにキャッシュされます。(設定でOFFに出来ます。)- 「設定」より、各種設定を行うことができます。- まだイマイチ不安定です。タイミングによって歌詞が取得できない場合があります。- 今後少しずつ機能の追加・調整を行っていく予定です。- 日本語サイトにしか対応していません。…今のところは。[要求権限]- INTERNET (インターネット接続): 外部サイトに接続するために使用します。[関連]Medoly: 本アプリを使用するためのメディアプレイヤーアプリ。Medoly LyricsScraper Plugin is, Medoly < / a> This is the app to get the lyrics of media youare playing from the Web at.[Usage]When the installation of thisapplication is complete, it is automatically recognized fromMedoly.After installation, the application icon in the drawer is notdisplayed. From Medoly main screen of the Home icon, please startthe plug-in.After start-up, please select the acquisition target of the sitefrom "Site List".Start the dialog of the plug-in from Medoly, if you select the"lyrics acquisition", to start the acquisition of the lyrics. Aftera successful acquisition, lyrics on the screen will be updated. Ifyou do a file save lyrics, please go than the setting screen ofMedoly.[Note]- You canalso get automatically lyrics at the time of the media read. Itdoes not automatically obtain is in the initial state.- Previously acquired lyrics are cached in the application. (Youcan to OFF in the configuration.)- From "Settings", it can be used to make various settings.- It is still not good enough instability. There are cases wherethe lyrics can not be obtained by the timing.- The plans to make additional and adjustment of future functionlittle by little.- Only to the Japanese site is not supported. ... Fornow.[requestauthority]- INTERNET (Internet connection):it uses to connect to an externalsite.[related] Medoly : media player application for the use of thisapplication.
Medoly Last.fm ScrobblerPlugin 1.5.0
Medoly Last.fm ScrobblerPlugin is an app to scrobble the playing media informationon Medoly for Last.fm ( http://www.last.fm/) .[How to use]This app needs a Last.fm account .Medoly can see this app automatically after install .Authorize your Last.fm account at first .After that, it starts scrobbling automatically at playing media onMedoly .After installation, the application icon in the drawer is notdisplayed. Please launch plugin from home icon at main screen inMedoly.[Notes]- This app scrobble at the time on playing or on start playing.The default is on playing .- Failure scrobbles are saved in app. You can set maximum count ofsaving.- You can send Love / UnLove from Medoly .- You can set various settings from "Settings" menu .- Your password is stored in hashed .Related AppsMedoly: Media player app for this app.
Medoly Twitter Plugin 2.5.0
Medoly Twitter Plugin is an app to tweet the playing mediainformation on Medoly for Twietter ( https://twitter.com/ ) . [Howto use] This app needs a Twitter account. Medoly can see this appautomatically after install. Authorize your Twitter account atfirst. After authentication, start tweet automatically at playingmedia on Medoly. After installation, the application icon in thedrawer is not displayed. Please launch plugin from home icon atmain screen in Medoly. Automatic startup is restricted andbackground startup may fail on some devices. In that case, pleasechange to the setting which can start this application in thesetting. (Such as ASUS auto-start manager) [Notes] - This app tweetat the time on playing or on start playing. The default is onplaying . - You can tweet using other apps from Medoly . - You canset tweet format and display priority on characters exceeded from"Edit Message" menu . - You can set various settings from"Settings" menu . - This application is using OAuth, so it does notsave authentication information such as a password . [Source]Bitbucket [Related Apps] Medoly: Media player app for this app.
Medoly LRC Lyrics Plugin 1.9.1
Medoly Lyrics Scraper Plugin is an app to get lyrics of the mediaplaying on Medoly . Medoly ver. 2.9.5 or later is required . [Howto use] Medoly can find this plugin app automatically after install. After installation, the app icon in the drawer is not displayed.To launch this app, tap plugin menu icon at main screen in Medoly .There are two kinds of methods to get lyrics from lyrics . -Execute "Get Lyrics" on plugin menu in Medoly . - Get the lyricsautomatically when to open or play a media without lyrics . Select"Media Open" or "Play Start" in plugin app . When the lyricsdownload is completed, the lyrics is shown on Face tab in Medoly .The main type of lyrics is synchronous lyrics. Alternatively, itcan search and save lyrics by the app alone. Automatic startup isrestricted and background startup may fail on some devices. In thatcase, please change to the setting which can start this app. (Suchas ASUS auto-start manager) [Note] - It can delete saved lyrics oroutput to file in Cache screen . - It can search lyrics manually inSearch screen . - It can configure settings in Settings screen . -It uses ViewLyrics.com to get lyrics, but this app is irrelevant. -I do not guarantee that it can be used for the future. - To see thedetails about the request authority, please refere to privacypolicy . [Source] Bitbucket (https://bitbucket.org/wa2c/medoly-lrc-lyrics-plugin ) [RelatedApps]] Medoly: Media player app for this app .
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