www.fatebook.cc التطبيقات

貴人方 1.4
李國禎行動辦公室(公眾版) 17
李國禎里長的行動辦公室(公眾版)APP提供:民眾(可匿名) 陳情意見反應、助理即時回覆民眾、活動公告...等直接雙向互動。Action Office Li Zhenmiles long (public version) APPProvided:People (anonymous) comments petition response, Assistant immediatereply populace, event announcements ... other direct two-wayinteraction.
情人配对 beta 2.11
The system according to Kangxi strokes and to analyze theinteraction between you and your lover to the name of science,"three only five grid" theory
公司配对 1.8
本系统根据康熙字典的笔画并且以姓名学「三才五格」、「八十一灵动数」理论来分析您与公司互动关系。本系统具有使用接口简洁且操作容易之特色,使用者只需动动手指输入欲分析之姓名即可告诉您, 您的公司运程, 还有您与公司的相配指数。「三才五格」是姓名学最基本的分析, 依据姓名的笔划数配合阴阳五行学说将人的姓名分为天格、人格、地格、外格、总格等五格,各种格局有着不同代表事情与象征的意思。「八十一灵动数」是依据姓名的笔划数配合易经洛书数配对所产生八十一种意思来解释天格、人格、地格、外格、总格等五格各种不同代表象征意思。The system according toKangxi strokes and with the name of science "with God five grid","eighty-one Smart count" theory to analyze the interaction betweenyou and the company. The system interfaces with the use of simpleand easy to operate features, users just move a finger to enter thename to be analyzed to tell you, your company fortune, as well asyour company's match with the index."Sancai five grid" is the name of science fundamental analysis,based on the number of strokes with the names of yin and yangtheory into the person's name day grid, personality, to cell,outside the cell, total cell, five cells, a variety of patternswith different Representative things with symbolic meaning."Eighty-one Smart Number" is based on the number of strokes withthe name Ching Luoshu several pairs generated eighty-one kindsmeant to explain the day grid, personality, to cell, outside thecell, total cell, five different grid represents a symbol mean.
無所不在的微積分行動助教(學生版) 10.0
你還在煩惱微積分嗎?你對微積分還有很多問題不知道去哪問嗎?你還想增進你的微積分助教卻不知道問誰嗎?目前暫不對外開放,僅限有帳號學生使用。You still worry calculusit?Calculus you do not know where to go, there are many questions toask?You want to improve your calculus teaching assistant did not knowwho to turn to it?Opening time being, there are only account students.
阿飄偵測器 3.8
本程式可以幫助你偵測附近是否有阿飄或不干淨的東西.並且可以顯示鬼在你附近的影響程度..共有四種遇鬼的狀況,使用者可下載護身符順利趨吉避凶This program can help youdetect whether A floating nearby or unclean things. And can displaya ghost degree of influence in the vicinity of your encounter aghost .. There are four conditions, users can download amuletsmoothly fortune
公司配對 2.4
文昌位(简体) 1.12
想要考试或升官顺利,就要好好使用文昌位哦!命典资讯系统提供了宅文昌、本命文昌、流年文昌、流月文昌;此外,还可以使用电子罗盘帮你轻松找到文昌位哦!限螢幕解析度320*480Want examination orpromotion smoothly, we must make good use of Wenchang Oh! Life CodeInformation System provides a home Wenchang Wenchang natal,fleeting Wenchang Wenchang flow months; addition, you can use theelectronic compass to help you easily find the Wenchang Oh!Limit screen resolution 320 * 480
文昌位 1.42
Want examinations or promotion smoothly, it is necessary to use agood Wenchang Oh!
興隆社區雲管家 1.5
社區雲管家讓您擁有比單純網站發佈更即時、貼近會員的生活清楚的功能,人人都能輕易上手!拉近您與會員的溝通橋梁讓管理者更清楚知道會員的想法與收集資訊(一)功能介紹:社區雲管家中分成二大區塊三個功能。一、「互動式」訊息,讓您的問題與處理狀況,更加清晰:功能1.社區問題,還可由會員自行決定是否公開至社區公告功能2.住家報修,屬私家問題能保障隱私隱秘的反應管理者會員與管理者反應問題互動流程如下:● 會員經APP提出意見送到雲端給管理者● 管理者收到並能夠在雲端操作管理回覆● 會員可以在APP即時查看回覆● 回饋滿意度給雲端的管理者二、「單向」傳訊重要訊息宣布的好幫手功能3.社區公告社區公告發佈流程如下:● 管理者在雲端管理發佈公告,會員收到通知打開APP查看公告(二)特色介紹:● 我們所有回覆訊息均有聲音提醒、震動提示,讓會員們不漏接● 問題反應可同時傳送多張照片,更清楚得知問題所在● 問題處理滿意度調查統計,簡單得知並統計會員的訴求Community cloudButlerSo you have a website than simply more immediate, close members oflifeClear function, everyone can easily get started! Closer to you andthe members of a bridgeSo that managers know more clearly the idea of ​​members andcollecting information(A) Application:Divided into two large blocks in three functional community cloudhousekeeper. First, the "interactive" message, make your problems and deal withthe situation more clear:Function 1. community issues, but also whether the decision by themembers themselves open to community bulletin2. The home repair function, is a private issue to protect privacysecretive response manager Members and managers reacted with the Interactive process is asfollows:● members to the cloud to the manager by APP comments● managers receive and be able to respond to operational managementin the cloud● members can instantly view the reply in APP● back satisfaction to the cloud manager Second, the "one-way" good helper Communications announcedimportant messageFunction 3. Community Bulletin Community bulletin release process is as follows:● manager in the cloud management announcement, members receive anotification to open the APP View announcement (Ii) Featured presentation: ● All we reply message has sound alerts, vibrating alert, sothat members do not miss● issues reaction can simultaneously transmit multiple photos andmore clearly that the problem● Problem satisfaction survey, simple and statistics thatmembership aspirations
朋友配對 beta 1.10
本系統根據康熙字典的筆畫並且以姓名學「三才五格」理論來分析您與友人互動關係。本系統具有使用介面簡潔且操作容易之特色,使用者只需動動手指輸入欲分析之姓名即可告訴您,您的友人個性,您與友人的相處狀況,還有兩人的合作指數。「三才五格」是姓名學最基本的分析,依據姓名的筆劃數配合陰陽五行學說將人的姓名分為天格、人格、地格、外格、總格等五格,各種格局有著不同代表事情與象徵的意思。The system is based onKangxi and strokes in the name of science, "Mio five grid" theoryto analyze the relationship between you interact with friends. Thesystem has a simple to use interface and easy operation of thefeatures users want to just move a finger enter the name of theanalysis can tell you, your friends personality, you get along withfriends of the situation, there are two co-index."Sancai five grid" is the name of science fundamental analysis,based on the number of strokes with the yin and yang theory namethe person's name into the days of the grid, personality, to cell,outside the cell, total cell, five cells, a variety of patternswith different representatives things with symbolic meaning.
福爾摩莎集團花卉種植APP(民眾版) 5
福爾摩莎集團花卉種植APP。提問問題,由專人線上答覆。問題照片、回覆照片功能。活動公告。Formosa GroupFloricultureAPP.Ask questions, reply by hand line.Problem photos, reply photo feature.Event announcements.
福爾摩莎集團花卉種植APP(助理版) 2
福爾摩莎集團花卉種植APP。提問問題,由專人線上答覆。問題照片、回覆照片功能。活動公告。Formosa GroupFloricultureAPP.Ask questions, reply by hand line.Problem photos, reply photo feature.Event announcements.
情人配對beta 3.9
The system is based on Kangxi strokes and with the name of science,"three powers five grid" theory to analyze the interaction betweenyou and your lover
遠見社區雲管家 1.5
社區雲管家讓您擁有比單純網站發佈更即時、貼近會員的生活清楚的功能,人人都能輕易上手!拉近您與會員的溝通橋梁讓管理者更清楚知道會員的想法與收集資訊(一)功能介紹:社區雲管家中分成二大區塊三個功能。一、「互動式」訊息,讓您的問題與處理狀況,更加清晰:功能1.社區問題,還可由會員自行決定是否公開至社區公告功能2.住家報修,屬私家問題能保障隱私隱秘的反應管理者會員與管理者反應問題互動流程如下:● 會員經APP提出意見送到雲端給管理者● 管理者收到並能夠在雲端操作管理回覆● 會員可以在APP即時查看回覆● 回饋滿意度給雲端的管理者二、「單向」傳訊重要訊息宣布的好幫手功能3.社區公告社區公告發佈流程如下:● 管理者在雲端管理發佈公告,會員收到通知打開APP查看公告(二)特色介紹:● 我們所有回覆訊息均有聲音提醒、震動提示,讓會員們不漏接● 問題反應可同時傳送多張照片,更清楚得知問題所在● 問題處理滿意度調查統計,簡單得知並統計會員的訴求CommunitycloudButlerSo you have a website than simply more immediate, close membersoflifeClear function, everyone can easily get started! Closer to youandthe members of a bridgeSo that managers know more clearly the idea of ​​membersandcollecting information(A) Application:Divided into two large blocks in three functional communitycloudhousekeeper. First, the "interactive" message, make your problems and dealwiththe situation more clear:Function 1. community issues, but also whether the decision bythemembers themselves open to community bulletin2. The home repair function, is a private issue to protectprivacysecretive response manager Members and managers reacted with the Interactive process isasfollows:● members to the cloud to the manager by APP comments● managers receive and be able to respond to operationalmanagementin the cloud● members can instantly view the reply in APP● back satisfaction to the cloud manager Second, the "one-way" good helper Communications announcedimportantmessageFunction 3. Community Bulletin Community bulletin release process is as follows:● manager in the cloud management announcement, members receiveanotification to open the APP View announcement (Ii) Featured presentation: ● All we reply message has sound alerts, vibrating alert,sothat members do not miss● issues reaction can simultaneously transmit multiple photosandmore clearly that the problem● Problem satisfaction survey, simple and statistics thatmembershipaspirations
斗数命理分析 1.32
此应用程式是藉由紫微斗数命理学来帮您分析人生特质,这十年应注意事项,流年爱情、财运、事业、考试等运势分析。老师亲批的部分属于付费咨询,是由命典陈教授亲自为您回覆您所提问的问题,如果您有命理方面问题要咨询老师,麻烦请以下列方式联络老师:Line@:@hxj8858q 微信:fatebook999
斗數命理分析 1.61
此應用程式是藉由紫微斗數命理學來幫您分析人生特質,這十年應注意事項,流年愛情、財運、事業、考試等運勢分析。老師親批的部分屬於付費咨詢,是由命典陳教授親自為您回覆您所提問的問題,如果您有命理方面問題要咨詢老師,麻煩請以下列方式聯絡老師:Line@:@hxj8858q 微信:fatebook999
生肖姓名分析 2.5
The programs use "five grid with God" and "Zodiac name of science,"and other methods to complete analysis of your name.
黃國書行動辦公室(助理版)APP 14
黃國書議員的行動辦公室(助理版)APP提供:民眾意見反應、助理即時回覆民眾、活動公告等雙向互動。Mr Huang'scredentialsAction Office (Assistant version) APPProvided:Public opinion reaction, assistant immediate reply populace,eventannouncements and other two-way interaction.
卜卦求財 2.9
That money is being away from you it? Come divination about, is nota recent bad fortune?
Code information system life to the principle of digital Gua toanalyze the relationship between the demand Gua recently with theopposite sex friends
擇日求財 2.9