靈機 التطبيقات

風水羅盤-精準羅庚房屋交易指南針,租屋買樓助手 1.2.2
家居風水不用愁,流年風水來調理。買房的時候如何看房子?【風水羅盤】集「三元九運」、「八宅法」和「九宮飛星」三個最強風水原理於一身,實力助你識別房屋好壞。如何讓男主人旺事業,女主人旺財運,小孩旺學業,老人旺健康,【風水羅盤】給您最適合的家居擺設和裝潢。房子適不適合您的命理,讓【風水羅盤】告訴您!【風水羅盤特色】1、權威:大中華地區最大命理團隊靈機文化特邀風水命理大師何樹榮老師指導!2、專業:不僅助您勘定風水,更提供解決之道!3、專屬:個人風水管理,為您度身定做最佳風水擺設方案!【風水羅盤功能】1、個人管理中心:完美契合您的八字命理,為您轉運保駕護航!2、對不當的家居佈置,給出名師提供的化解方法。3、名師八門點評:桃花、婚變、財位、健康、小人、破財、禍害、文昌。4、傳播風水知識,讓您知其然更知其所以然。5、網上預約“靈機”特聘風水大師,名師指路,掌握命運!【我們在這里等您!】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順!:http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理咨詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利!:https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善!:customer@linghit.comFeng Shui, do not worry,fleeting feng shui conditioning.How to buy a house to see the house? [] Feng shui compass set"three yuan National Games," "Eight Mansions law" and "Jiu GongFlying" three-in-one of the strongest principles of Feng Shui, thestrength to help you identify good and bad housing.How to get man of the house prosperous career, hostess Wang CaiYun, Wang school children, the elderly Wang health, feng shuicompass [to you] the most suitable home furnishings anddecor.House is suitable to your numerology, feng shui compass [let] tellsyou![Features] feng shui compass1, authority: the Greater China region's largest cultural brainwaveNumerology team invited Feng Shui masters He Shuronginstructor!2, professional: Assigning Feng Shui not only help you, but alsoprovide a solution!3. Exclusive: Personal Feng Shui management, tailor-made for youthe best feng shui decoration scheme![Function] feng shui compass1, the personal management center: perfect fit your horoscopesnumerology for your transport escort!2, improper home layout, give way to resolve the teacherprovides.3, eight teacher reviews: peach, divorce, financial position,health, villain, or even bankruptcy, the scourge, Wenchang.4, the spread of knowledge of feng shui, so you know these betterknow why.5, online booking "Turing machine" Distinguished feng shui master,guiding teacher, master fate![We are here waiting for you! ][Contact with] the Spirit of numerology calculations to help youanalyze fortune to help you smooth sailing! : Http://m.linghit.com/[Facebook] daily fresh insight into the numerology consult yourfortune to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[E-mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus and we will do everything possible to improve! :Customer@linghit.com
靈機妙算支付插件 3.0.0
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麥玲玲2016猴年生肖運程 1.0.3
【麥玲玲2016生肖運程】APP大中華地區正版授權,內容與【麥玲玲2016猴年生肖運程】書籍同步,根據周易五行生克及飛星吉凶的情況,除了給大家講解每個生肖在2016年裏的財運、事業、身體、感情等運勢外,還附上世界大勢總論,犯太歲化解錦囊,過年習俗知識,每日通神等精彩內容,而最吸引眼球的是“猴年行好運風水佈局”,結合2016年九宮飛星風水佈局來調整每個屬相的運氣,想旺丁旺財旺事業,得金得銀得姻緣的你又怎麼能錯過?雖然內容極豐富,但是表現出來的形態卻極簡約。【APP特色】APP在色彩上採用溫和且具有輕快感的淺色調,傳達一種安穩中帶點喜悅的情感。而在交互上不得不提的是“個人運勢”模塊,只要輸入出生時辰便可輕鬆查詢到自己的個人運勢,除去查詢對照表的時間,方便快捷;而“擇吉通神”模塊則更加貼心,選擇你要進行的擇吉類別、月份,輕輕一按便可篩選到當月適合的日子,看起來小小的功能卻透漏出對用戶的貼心。【6個清晰的模塊】1.猴年指南——民俗講解,如何化太歲,麥玲玲為您的猴年指點迷津2.好運風水陣——2016拍拖脫單不是夢!2016,我想要提升人緣旺桃花!!3.生肖運程——十二生肖猴年運程,好運必備指南!4.個人運程——玄學天後麥玲玲,為您私人訂制個人運程!5.投資指南——如何才能在2016財運亨通投資順利?投資指南指點投資技巧,助您2016投資順利!6.擇吉通勝——結婚訂婚要選日子?玲玲師傅幫您擇個好日子!【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :customer@linghit.comMak Ling Ling [2016]genuine authorized Zodiac Horoscope APP Greater China region,content and [Mak Ling Ling 2016 Year of the Monkey Chinese ZodiacHoroscope] book synchronization, depending on the circumstances andmeteor Book of the five elements of good and bad, in addition toyou on each of the zodiac in 2016 where wealth, career, health,emotional and other fortune, but also accompanied by the worldsituation Subjects, guilty of Tai Sui defuse kit, the Chinese NewYear custom of knowledge, daily speaks other exciting content, andthe most eye-catching is the "Year of the Monkey line good luckFeng Shui ", combined in 2016 to adjust the Jiu Gong Flying StarFeng Shui luck for each sign of the Zodiac, like Wang Ding Cai Wangcareer, the gold was silver in your marriage, how can you miss?While the content of a very rich, but extremely simple formmanifested.[APP] APP characteristic gentle and has a light pleasure usinglight colors on the color, convey a sense of calm in a little joyemotion. And in the interaction must mention "personal fortune"module, as long as the time of birth can easily enter a query intotheir own personal fortune, remove the time table of the query,convenient and quick; and "Optional Sumiyoshi god" module is moreintimate, Choose your category to be optional Kyrgyzstan, month,touch can filter to fit the day of the month, it looks a littlefunctional but reveal a user's intimate.[6] clear module1. Monkey Guide - Folk explain how of Jupiter, Mak Ling Ling foryour Monkey Ariadne2. Good luck feng shui array --2016 dating off single is not adream! 2016, I want to enhance the popularity Wang peach! !3. Zodiac Horoscope - zodiac Monkey fortune, good luck essentialguide!4. personal fortune - Metaphysics days Mak Ling Ling, customizedfor your private personal fortune!5. Investment Guide - how to invest successfully in 2016 fortunes?Investment Guide Pointing investment tips to help you investsuccessfully 2016!6. Optional Sumiyoshi wins - Wedding day engagement to choose?Lingling master to help you choose a good day![We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : Customer@linghit.com
雨揚居士2016年生肖運程—命理科技,招財納福,開運桃花 1.0.1
【應用特色】1、整體運程:2016整體運勢如何?透過吉凶星位,預知先機,趨吉避凶行大運!2、運程詳解:猴年運程詳細解析,事業、財運、健康、愛情運勢,一目了然!3、流月分析:大師指導每月運程,助您猴年順風順水、事事順心!4、生肖運勢:十二生肖面面俱到,2016好運必備指南!【大師介紹】雨揚居士:第一位將命理與科技結合的命理大師,第一位與台灣雅虎奇摩合作大師親算,專業命理學家,中醫學博士,現任雨揚慈善基金會創辦人、雨揚科技事業群執行長、台北市雲林同鄉會理事。一生研究儒佛道文化思想,精通八字、陽宅風水、易經卜卦等中國傳統學說,目前已累積五十餘本著作。近年來更投身慈善公益與弘揚佛法,幫助人們脫離痛苦、走出迷津,進而知命、造命,轉換成正面能量,實現開心即是開運的人生,曾登上日本雜誌封面,被譽為幸福領航者。【雨揚居士2016生肖運程】是雨揚居士與靈機文化強強合作的2016開運寶典,除了有傳統的生肖運程詳解之外,還增加了由雨揚居士總結多年經驗,並經過改良的獨家特色開運方法,助您2016年在財運、事業、愛情等諸多方面行大運、行好運!【品牌支持】靈機文化是全球知名的傳統文化整合傳播平台,與上百位知名的命理老師合作,致力於為大家提供更加精準的命理知識和命理應用。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :http://m.linghit.com/【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :https://www.facebook.com/linghit【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :customer@linghit.com[ApplicationFeatures]1, the overall fortune: How 2016 whole fortune? Through good andbad horoscope, predictable opportunities, good fortune XingtaiYun!2. Detailed fortune: Monkey fortune detailed analysis, career,wealth, health, love, fortune, glance!3, flow-month analysis: fortune month master guide to help youMonkey smooth, everything goes!4, Zodiac Horoscope: Zodiac exhaustive, essential guide 2016 GoodLuck![Introduction] MastersYu Yang lay: the first will be a combination of numerologynumerology and technology guru, the first to cooperate with thepro-Taiwan Yahoo! Kimo master operator, professional astrologers,M.D., and now 任雨扬 Charitable Foundation founder, rain YangTechnology Division Group chief executive, director of the TaipeiAssociation of Yunlin. Lifetime study Confucianism, Buddhism andcultural thought, proficient character, Yang Zhai Feng Shui, IChing divination and other traditional Chinese theory, hasaccumulated more than fifty books. In recent years more to join thecharity and Dharma to help people out of pain, out of the maze, andthen attitude to life, making life converted into positive energy,that is lucky to achieve happy life, had boarded the Japanesemagazine covers, known as the happy leader .[Rain Young Buddhist Zodiac Horoscope 2016] Collection 2016Lucky rain Young Buddhist culture and brainwave strong cooperation,in addition to the traditional Lunar New Year fortune Detailed, butalso increased by the rain Young Lay concluded many years ofexperience, and through improved exclusive Features Lucky methodsto help you in 2016 in wealth, career, love and many other aspectsXingtai Yun, the line good luck![Brand support]Lingji culture is the world's leading integrated communicationsplatform for traditional culture, in cooperation with the hundredsof well-known teacher of numerology, we are committed to providinga more accurate knowledge and numerology numerologyapplication.[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyze fortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //m.linghit.com/[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight into theleg, to help you smoothly! : Https://www.facebook.com/linghit[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus, we will do everything possible to improve! : Customer@linghit.com