1.0 / June 11, 2014
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Hadith Sahih Muslim in English

Sahih Muslim is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muslimibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi (rahimahullah). His collection isconsidered to be one of the most authentic collections of theSunnah of the Prophet, and along with Sahih al-Bukhari forms the"Sahihain," or the "Two Sahihs."
The translation provided by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui.

Sunni Muslims regard this collection as the second mostauthentic of the six major hadith collections, containing onlysahih hadith, an honor it shares only with Sahih al-Bukhari, bothbeing referred to as the Two Sahihs. Shia Muslims (and some sunnis)dismiss some of its contents as fabrications or untrustworthy dueto the questionable reliability of some narrators

Amin Ahsan Islahi, the noted Islamic scholar, has summarizedsome unique features of Sahih Muslim:
1. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj recorded only such narratives as werereported by two reliable successors from two Sahabah (Companions ofMuhammad) which subsequently travelled through two independentunbroken isnāds consisting of sound narrators. Muhammad al-Bukharihas not followed such a strict criterion.
2. Scientific arrangement of themes and chapters. The author, forexample, selects a proper place for the narrative and, next to it,puts all its versions. Muhammad al-Bukhari has not followed thismethod (he scatters different versions of a narrative and therelated material in different chapters). Consequently, in theexercise of understanding ahādīth. Sahīh of Muslim ibn al-Hajjajoffers the best material to the students.
3. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj informs us whose wordings among thenarrators he has used. For example he says: haddathanā fulān wafulān wallafz lifulān (A and B has narrated this hadīth to us andthe wording used here is by A). Similarly he mentions whether, in aparticular hadīth, the narrators have differed over the wordingseven over a single letter of zero semantic significance. He alsoinforms the readers if narrators have differed over a specificquality, surname, relation or any other fact about a narrator inthe chain.

App Information Hadith Sahih Muslim

  • App Name
    Hadith Sahih Muslim
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    June 11, 2014
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 1.6 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Quran books
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
    10,000 - 50,000
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    Books & Reference
  • المطور
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Qurʼon (Uzbek) 1.0 APK
Quran books
Qurʼon (Quran in Uzbek) (Коран на узбекском)Qurʼon (arab. — oʻqimoq, qiroat qilmoq) — musulmonlarning asosiymuqaddas kitobi. Islom eʼtiqodiga koʻra, Q. vahiy orqali Muhammadpaygʻambarga 610—632 y.lar davomida nozil qilingan Allohning kalomi(Kalomulloh). Q. "Kitob" (yozuv), "Furqon" (haq bilan botilningorasini ayiruvchi), "Zikr" (eslatma), "Tanzil" (nozil qilingan)kabi nomlar bilan atalib, "Nur" (yorugʻlik), "Hudo" (hidoyat),"Muborak" (barakotli), "Mubin" (ochiq-ravshan), "Bushro"(xushxabar), "Aziz" (eʼzozlanuvchi), "Majid" (ulugʻ), "Bashir"(bashorat beruvchi), "Nazir" (ogohlantiruvchi) kabi soʻzlar bilansifatlangan. Islom olamida Q. mushaf nomi bilan ham mashhur.Ulamolar Q.ning 30 xil nom va sifatlarini sanab oʻtganlar.Islom tarixiga oid manbalarda keltirilishicha, Q. nozil boʻlishimil. 610 y. boshlangan. Muhammad paygʻambar 40 yoshda Makka sh.yaqinidagi Hiro gʻorida chuqur tafakkurga berilib oʻtirgan birpaytda Jabroil farishta "Iqraʼ" ("Oʻqi") deb boshlanuvchi "Alaq"surasining avvalgi 5 oyatini keltirdi. Bu jarayon Makkada 13 yil,Madinada 10 yil, hammasi boʻlib 23 yil davom etgan. Q.ning nozilqilinishi islom aqidasi boʻyicha ramazon oyining 27-kuniga oʻtarkechasi yuz bergan. Shuning uchun ham bu oy muqaddas hisoblanib,roʻza tutilgan kunning 27-kechasi laylatul-qadr, yaʼni qadrli,ilohiy qudrat namoyon boʻladigan, bandalarning bir yillik taqdirihal qilinadigan (qadr — taqdir, oʻlchov) tabarruk kecha debulugʻlanadi.Quron (Quran in Uzbek)(Quran in Uzbek)Quron (arab. - oqimoq, qiroat qilmoq) - musulmonlarning asosiymuqaddas kitobi. Islom etiqodiga kora, Q. vahiy orqali Muhammadpaygambarga 610-632 y.lar davomida nozil qilingan Allohning kalomi(Kalomulloh). Q. "Kitob" (yozuv), "Furqon" (haq bilan botilningorasini ayiruvchi), "Zikr" (eslatma), "Tanzil" (nozil qilingan)kabi nomlar bilan atalib, "Nur" (yoruglik), "Hudo" (hidoyat) ,"Muborak" (barakotli), "Mubin" (ochiq-ravshan), "Bushro"(xushxabar), "Aziz" (ezozlanuvchi), "Majid" (ulug), "Bashir"(bashorat beruvchi), "Nazir" ( ogohlantiruvchi) kabi sozlar bilansifatlangan. Islom olamida Q. mushaf nomi bilan ham mashhur.Ulamolar Q.ning 30 xil nom va sifatlarini sanab otganlar.Islom tarixiga oid manbalarda keltirilishicha, Q. nozil bolishimil. 610 y. boshlangan. Muhammad paygambar 40 yoshda Makka sh.yaqinidagi Hiro gorida chuqur tafakkurga berilib otirgan bir paytdaJabroil farishta "Iqra" ("Oqi") deb boshlanuvchi "Alaq" surasiningavvalgi 5 oyatini keltirdi. Bu jarayon Makkada 13 yil, Madinada 10yil, hammasi bolib 23 yil davom etgan. Q.ning nozil qilinishi islomaqidasi boyicha ramazon oyining 27-kuniga otar kechasi yuz bergan.Shuning uchun ham bu oy muqaddas hisoblanib, roza tutilgan kunning27-kechasi laylatul-qadr, yani qadrli, ilohiy qudrat namoyonboladigan, bandalarning bir yillik taqdiri hal qilinadigan (qadr -taqdir, olchov) tabarruk kecha deb uluglanadi.
Hadith in Bangla (Bukhari) 1.0 APK
Quran books
Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari in BanglaSahih al-Bukhari is a collection of hadith compiled by ImamMuhammad al-Bukhari (d. 256 AH/870 AD) (rahimahullah). Hiscollection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslimworld to be the most authentic collection of reports of the Sunnahof the Prophet Muhammadসহীহ বুখারী (আরবি: صحيح البخاري‎), সুন্নী ইসলাম মতে কিতাবুসসিত্তা অর্থাৎ হাদীস বিষয়ক প্রধান ছয়টি গ্রন্থের অন্তর্গত হাদিসেরপ্রধান গ্রন্থ। পারস্যের স্বনামধন্য মুসলিম চিন্তাবিদ ইমাম বুখারীমহানবী হযরত মুহাম্মাদ (সঃ) এর বানীর এই গ্রন্থটি সংকলন করেছেন। এইগ্রন্থটিকে কোরানের পর সবচাইতে প্রামাণ্য গ্রন্থ হিসেবে ধরা হয়হাদিস (আরবিতে الحديث) হলো মূলত ইসলাম ধর্মের শেষ বাণীবাহক হযরতমুহাম্মাদ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম বাণী ও জীবনাচরণ। হাদিসেরউপদেশ মুসলমানদের জীবনাচরণ ও ব্যবহারবিধির অন্যতম পথনির্দেশ। কুরআনইসলামের মৌলিক গ্রন্থ এবং হাদিসকে অনেক সময় তার ব্যাখ্যা হিসেবেওঅভিহিত করা হয়।
Qurani (Qur'an) in Swahili 1.0 APK
Quran books
Qurani (Qur'an) (Quran katika Kiswahili)Qur'an (kwa Kiarabu: القرآن) ni kitabu kitukufu cha Uislamu.Qur'an inatazamiwa na Waislamu kama "Neno la Allah (MwenyeziMungu)". Kitabu hiki kwao ni tofauti kabisa na maandiko ya vitabuvya dini nyingine kwa maana hicho kinaaminika kwamba kimeandikwamoja kwa moja na Mwenyezi Mungu, kupitia mtume wake wa mwisho,Muhammad.Lugha na tafsiriImeandikwa na kusomwa kwa lugha ya Kiarabu pekee kwa zaidi ya miaka1,400.Kadiri ya Qurani (42:8), Mungu alimuambia Muhammad: "Na namna hivitumekufunulia Qurani kwa Kiarabu ili uwaonye watu wa Makka na waliopembeni mwake"Lakini, kwa vile leo Waislamu walio wengi ulimwenguni hawajuiKiarabu, maana halisi ya Qur'an hutolewa kwa lugha nyingine, hivyokupelekea wasomaji kuelewa vyema yale maneno ya Kiarabu kwenyeQur'an yana maana gani. Vitabu hivyo ni kama kamusi kwa ajili yaQur'an - hawavisomi hivi kama moja ya sehemu ya Quran tukufu naWaislam, ili kuwa badala ya Quran ya Kiarabu.Waislamu wengi wanaamini kwamba tafsiri ile siyo ya Qur'an tukufuna wala siyo ya kweli; ni kopi ya Kiarabu tu iliyotolewa kwenyeQur'an ya kweli.Waislamu wanaamini kwamba Qur'an tukufu mtume Muhammad alipewana malaika Jibrīl kwenye pango la mlima Hira, kwa kipindi cha zaidiya miaka ishirini na tatu hadi mauti wake ilipomfikia.Qur'an tukufu haikuwa kitabu cha maandiko wakati wa uhai wa mtumeMuhammad; iliwekwa kwa mawasiliano ya kimdomo tu. Bimaana, watuwalihifadhi kichwani.Mtume labda hakuwa anajua kusoma wala kuandika, lakini kwa mujibuwa Waislamu, swahaba wake Abu Bekr alikuwa akiandika maandiko yalejuu ya kitu fulani wakati huo mtume Muhammad yu hai. Pale Abu Bekralipokuja kuwa khalifa, ameileta Qur'an na kuwa kitabukitakatifu.Uthman, ambaye ni khalifa wa tatu, ameondoa vipengele ambavyovilikuwa havihusiani na Qur'an tukufu.Elementi, Sura, Mistari, AyaKuna sehemu 30 katika Qur'an, ambayo inafanya kuwa na sura 114.Kila sura ina namba tofauti ya mistari.Kwa mujibu wa mafunzo ya Kiislam, sura 86 kati ya hizi zimeshukamjini Makka, sura 24 kati ya hizi zimeshuka mjini Madina.Miongoni mwa sura zilizoshushwa mjini Medina ni pamoja naAl-Baqara, Al Imran, Al-Anfal, Al-Ahzab, Al-Ma'ida, An-Nisa,Al-Mumtahina, Az-Zalzala, Al-Hadid, Muhammad , Ar-Ra'd, Ar-Rahman,At-Talaq, Al-Bayyina, Al-Hashr, An-Nasr, An-Nur, Al-Hajj,Al-Munafiqun, Al-Mujadila, Al-Hujraat, At-Tahrim, At-Taghabun,Al-Jumua, As-Saff, Al-Fath, At-Tawba, Al-Insan.Mahusiano baina Qur'an na BibliaKatika Qu'ran tukufu, inasomwa kwamba Wayahudi na Wakristo piahuamini Mungu wa kweli. Dini hizi pamoja na Uislamu huitwa zaAbrahamu kwa sababu ya mahusiano haya.Kuna baadhi ya kurasa za Qu'ran zinazoelezea habari za mambo yawatu wa katika Biblia. Kwa mfano watu wa katika Biblia waliotajwakwenye Qu'ran ni pamoja na Adamu, Nuhu, Abraham, Lutu, Ismaili,Yakobo, Yosefu, Haruni, Musa, mfalme Daudi, Solomoni, Elisha, Yona,Yobu, Zakaria, Yohane Mbatizaji, Bikira Maria na Yesu.Hata hivyo, kuna tofauti za muhimu kabisa baina ya Uislamu na toleola Biblia katika kuelezea habari za aina moja. Kwa mfano, Qu'rantukufu inaelezea kwamba Yesu Kristo si Mwana wa Mungu, kama jinsiWakristo wanavyoamini; kwa Waislamu, alikuwa nabii tu,anayeheshimiwa kwa jina la Isa bin Mariamu.Uislamu unafundisha kwamba haya yanatokea kwa sababu maandiko yaawali ya Biblia yamepotea na hivyo kuna baadhi ya watuwameyabadilisha. Lakini nje ya Qu'ran hakuna uthibitisho wafundisho hilo.Qur'an(Qur'an) (Quran in Swahili)Qur'an (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. Qur'an isexpected by Muslims as the "Word of God (Allah)". This book iscompletely different to them and the writings of other religiousbooks that can be trusted because it was written directly by God,through His last prophet, Muhammad.Language and translationWritten and read in Arabic only for over 1,400 years.According to the Qur'an (42:8), God said to Muhammad: "And thus Wehave revealed to you the Qur'an in Arabic to warn people of Makkahand those around him"But, since today many Muslims around the world do not understandArabic, the real meaning of the Qur'an is provided for otherlanguages, thus leading readers to better understand Arabic wordsin the Qur'an mean. These books are like dictionaries for theQur'an - do not read this as one part of the Qur'an and Muslims, sothat instead of the Quran in Arabic.Many Muslims believe that the interpretation of the Qur'an is notnot true and it is a copy of the Quran Arabic only provided on theright.Muslims believe that the Qur'an was given to Muhammad by theangel Gabriel in the cave of Mount Hira, for over twenty-threeyears until his death ilipomfikia.The Qur'an was not a book of scripture during the life of theProphet Muhammad, was placed in contact kimdomo only. Bimaana,people were storing on the head.Messenger may not be able to read or write, but according to Islam,his companion Abu Bekr was writing the writing on something thattime Muhammad was alive. When Abu Bekr that the caliph came, hebrought the Qur'an to be sacred book.Uthman, the third caliph who is, has removed features that were notspecifically related to the Holy Qur'an.Elements, Chapter, Verse, VerseThere are 30 places in the Qur'an, which makes it a frame 114. Eachchapter has a different number of lines.According to Islamic teaching, chapter 86 of these have declined inMecca, chapter 24 of these have declined in Medina.Among the chapters in Medina zilizoshushwa include Al-Baqara, AlImran, Al-Anfal, Al-Ahzab, Al-Maida, An-Nisa, Al-Mumtahina,Az-Zalzala, Al-Hadid, Muhammad, Ar- Ra'd, Ar-Rahman, At-Talaq,Al-Bayyina, Al-Hashr, An-Nasr, An-Nur, Al-Hajj, Al-Munafiqun,Al-Mujadila, Al-Hujraat, At-Tahrim, At- Taghabun, Al-Jumua,As-Saff, Al-Fath, At-repentance, Al-Insan.Relations between the Qur'an and the BibleIn Glorious Qu'ran, is presented to that Jews and Christians alsobelieve the true God. These religions as well as Islam are calledto Abraham because of these relationships.There are some pages that describe Qu'ran concerning the people ofthe Bible. For example in the Bible of people listed on the Qu'raninclude Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Aaron,Moses, King David, Solomon, Elisha, Jonah, Job, Zechariah, John theBaptist, the Virgin Mary and Jesus.However, there are quite important differences between Islam andversion of the Bible in describing the story of the same type. Forexample, the glorious Qu'ran explains that Jesus Christ is not theSon of God, just as Christians believe, for Muslims, he was just aprophet, who is honored in the name of Jesus the son of Mary.Islam teaches that this is happening because the original texts ofthe Bible have been lost and so there are some people have changed.But out of the Qu'ran there is no proof of that doctrine.
Hadith in Malayalam 1.1 APK
Quran books
Hadees in Malayalam
Quraan (Quran in Somali) 1.0 APK
Quran books
Quraan (Quran in Somali)Quraan Quraanka Kariimka (carabi: ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺁﻥ; ingiriis: Koran) waakitaabka Alle ﺍﻟﻠﻪ (s.w.t) ku soo dejiyay Nebi MaxamedMohamed peacebe upon him.svg (n.n.k.h), kaas oo ku qoran luuqada carabiga.Kitaabka Quraanka wuxuu saldhig u yahay diinta Islamka dhamaanteed.Quraanka kariimka ah waa hadalka Ilaahay (ﺍﻟﻠﻪ) kaas oo malagaJibriil u soo gudbin jirey Nebi MuxamedMohamed peace be uponhim.svg (n.n.k.h) wakhti 23 sano ah, oo ku bilaabmaysa Diisembar22keedii sanadkii 609 C.D (Ciise Dabadii), wakhtigaas oo nebiguahaa 40 jir, ilaa markii taariikdhu ahayd 632 Ciise Dabadii, oo kubeegan sanadkii Nabi Maxamed Mohamed peace be upon him.svg(n.n.k.h) geeriyooday. Sidaa diinta Islaamku sheegtay kitaabkaQuraanku waa midka ugu sareeya kitaabyada ee Ilaahay ka ilaalinayokhaladka iyo musuqmaasuqa isla markaana hogaan iyo hanuunin u ahdhamaan aadamaha ku nool dunida.[5]Kitaabka Quraanka waxaa loo kala saaraa, guud ahaan, labo qeyboodoo kala ah Makki[5] (oo ah Quraanka ku soo dagay Nebiga Mohamedpeace be upon him.svg intii uu magaalada Makkah joogay) iyo Madani(oo ah Quraanka ku soo dagay Nebi MuxamedMohamed peace be uponhim.svg wakhtigii uu magaalada Madiina deganaa). Intaasi kuma eekaqeybaha Quraanku ee waxaa kitaabku u sameeysan yahay nidaam looyaqaano suurado, kuwaasi oo loo sii kala saaro aayado. Quraankuwuxuu ka kooban yahay boqol toban iyo afar Suuradood kuwaasi ooyugu horeeyso suurada Al Faatixa (mahnaheedu tahay fur-furitaan ama"bilaabid") oo ka samaysan 7 aayadood ilaa laga gaadho suurada 114ee Al-Naas (macnaheedu yahay dadka) oo ka kooban 6 aayadood.Kitaabka Quraanka ah dhexdiisa waxaa ku xusan dhamaan taariikhda,nolosha, tilmaamida iyo hogaanka, wixii horey u dhacay, waxa dhicidoona, nolosha dunida, nolosha aakhiro, maalinta qiyaame iyoxisaabta, iyo dhamaan macluumaadka nooleha. Sidoo kale, Ilaahay(s.w.t) wuxuu ugu tallo-galay in kitaabku noqdo mid hogaamiyanolosha dadka. Suurad kasta iyo aayad kasta oo ka mid ah kitaabkaQuraanka Kariimka ahi wax ayay tilmaamaysaa isla markaana faraysaaama ka reebaysaa dadka.Wadajirka Quraanka iyo Xadiisku waa sharciga saxda ah ee Alle ugutallo galay in aadamahu isku maamulaan, waxaana loo yaqaanaaSharciga Shariicada. Intaasi waxaa dheer, Quraanka oo laguakhrinayo luuqada carabiga ayaa waxa la akhriyaa wakhtiga latukanayo salaadaha. Qofka xafida 114ta Suuradood ee Quraanka waxaaloo yaqaanaa Xaafid. Jiijiidida iyo qurxinta codka marka laakhrinayo Quraanka waxaa loo yaqaanaa towjiid. Si kastaba haahaatee, bisha Ramadaan dadka muslimiinta ahi waxay dhamaystiraanakhrinta dhamaan Quraanka ayagoo ku tukanaya salaadatarawiixda.Micnaha & Sharaxaada QuraankaQoraalka Quraanka kariimka ah qarnigii 11aad waqooyigaAfrika.Ereyga qur'aan waxaa kitaabka Quraan laga dhex helaa 70 jeer,kuwaasi oo qaarkood yihiin ficil (verb) iyo magac (noun) ah qaraʼa(ﻗﺮﺃ) oo macnaheedu tahay "akhriyey" ama "la akhriyey".Kitaabka Quraanka wuxuu saldhig u yahay diinta Islamka dhamaanteed,isla markaana wuxuu kala saaraa runta iyo beenta; mugdiga iyoiftiinka; janoda iyo cadaabta; ifka iyo aakhiroda.Kitaabka Quraanka kariimka ah ee Ilaahay (s.w.t) ku soo dejiyayNebi MuxamedMohamed peace be upon him.svg (n.n.k.h) waxaa lagumagacaabaa Al-Furqaan, kaasi oo ah tilmaamid ("al-huda"), xikmad,xasuusinta Alle ("al-dikhri"), iyo mid samada sare laga soo diray("tanziil").Samayska Kitaabka QuraankaQuraan waa kiitaabka Illahey ee saldhiga u ah diinta Islaamka eedadka muslimiinta ahi ku xidhan yihiin.Quraan waa hadalka ilaaheey mana aha mid la sameeyey ama la abuuraywaa waxyi ka yimid xagga rabbi.
Coran en français 1.0 APK
Quran books
Coran en français (Quran in french)Le Coran (arabe : القرآن ; al Qur'ān, « la récitation ») est lelivre sacré de l'islam pour les Musulmans qu'ils considèrentreprendre verbatim la parole divine de Allah. La traditionreligieuse musulmane le présente comme le premier ouvrage rédigé enlangue arabe, avec le caractère spécifique dans l'Islamd'inimitabilité dans la beauté et dans les idées.Le Coran regroupe les paroles d'Allah, « révélations » faites auprophète, messager de l'islam Mahomet (محمد, Muḥammad) parl'archange Gabriel (جبريل, Jibrîl), dans la croyance musulmane. Ilaurait été révélé de 610 à 632 pour certains, de 612 à 632 pourd'autres. Le Coran est parfois appelé simplement al-kitâb (lelivre) ou adh-dhikr (le rappel). En ce sens, il est, pour lesmusulmans, l'expression incréée de cet attribut d'Allah adressée àl'intention de toute l'humanité.Le Coran est divisé en chapitres appelés sourates, au nombre de114 et débutant par la première appelée Al Fatiha (parfois traduitepar « la liminaire » ou « le prologue » ou « l'ouverture » ouencore « la mère du livre »). Ces sourates sont elles-mêmescomposées de versets nommés âyât (pluriel de l'arabe âyah, « preuve», « signe », et que l'on retrouve notamment dans le motayatollah). Les versets sont au nombre canonique de 6 236 pour lehafs (lecture orientale) et 6 213 pour le warch (lectureoccidentale).À l'origine, durant la vie de Mahomet, la transmission destextes se faisait principalement oralement, fondée sur cette «récitation » qu'évoque précisément le terme qur'ān, même aprèsl'établissement à Médine. Certains versets ou groupes de versetsont été écrit sur des omoplates de chameaux ou des morceaux decuir, par des croyants. Il s'agit de témoignages fragmentaires etrudimentaires de la notationOn sépare traditionnellement le Coran en deux parties qui sedémarquent par des différences de style et de thèmes abordés :Les sourates de La Mecque, antérieures à l'hégire, généralementce sont des sourates plus courtes, d’orientation religieuse etliturgique ;et les sourates de Médine, postérieures à l'hégire, plus longues etd’orientation nettement politique, sociétale, législative.Il est significatif que l'An I de l'Islam commence à l'Hégirequand Mahomet devient un chef politique. Ainsi, l'Islam est bienune doctrine politico-religieuse dont la mission, assignée par leCoran, est l'organisation politique et sociale des Musulman(e)s. Lapériode mecquoise antérieure à l'hégire doit néanmoins êtreconsidérée comme le début de la prophétie.Les sourates de la première période, mecquoises, affirmentprincipalement l'idée de monothéisme et définissent ce qu'est Dieupour le musulman. On y trouve, entre autres, l'idée de larésurrection des morts au jour du jugement dernier, l'unicité deDieu, etc.Les orientalistes allemands Gustav Weil (en) et Theodor Nöldekeont établi trois divisions dans les sourates révélées à La Mecque:Dans le premier des groupes, Dieu invite les hommes à ne pasdouter et à suivre ses prescriptions afin de ne pas attirer sacolère. Il parle de la création ;Les sourates du deuxième groupe décrivent les devoirs de toutcroyant : la profession de foi (chahada), les prières (salat), lejeûne (ramadan), le pèlerinage (hajj), l'aumône (zakat) qui sontles cinq piliers de l'islam. Ces sourates invitent l'homme à seperfectionner à travers son dévouement à Dieu ;Dans la troisième partie, se trouvent les récits des prophètes del'islam, une description du châtiment qu'ont subi les peuples quiont refusé de croire à leurs messages.Les sourates médinoises sont des "ordres". Elles posent lesbases fondamentales d'une société nouvelle, dans laquelle lerespect et obéissance sont dus à Mahomet et à sa famille, où leslouanges vont à ceux qui combattent et meurent dans le djihad(lutte) sur le chemin de Dieu, et où l'on lutte contre l'oppressiondes ennemis de l'Islam.FrenchQuran (Quran in french)The Qur'an (Arabic: القرآن; Qur'ān al, "the recitation") is thesacred book of Islam for Muslims they consider resume verbatim wordof God Allah. Muslim religious tradition presents him as the firstbook written in Arabic, with the specific character of Islam in theinimitability in the beauty and ideas.The Quran contains the words of Allah, "revelations" made to theprophet, the messenger of Islam Muhammad (محمد, Muḥammad) by thearchangel Gabriel (جبريل, Jibreel), in Muslim belief. It wasrevealed to some 610-632, 612-632 for the other. The Qur'an issometimes called simply al-kitab (the book) or adh-dhikr(reminder). In this sense, it is, for Muslims, the uncreatedexpression of this attribute of Allah sent to the intention of allmankind.The Quran is divided into chapters called suras, the number 114and beginning with the first called Al Fatiha (sometimes translatedas "the introductory" or "prologue" or "opening" or "the mother ofthe Book"). These suras are themselves composed of verses calledayat (plural of Arabic ayah, "proof", "sign", and foundparticularly in the word ayatollah). The verses are in canonicalnumber 6236 for hafs (Eastern reading) and 6213 for warch (WestReading).Originally, during the life of Muhammad, the transmission oftexts was mainly orally, based on the "recitation" evokes preciselythe term Qur'an, even after the establishment in Medina. Someverses or groups of verses were written on the shoulder blades ofcamels or pieces of leather, for believers. It is fragmentary andrudimentary evidence of the notationTraditionally separates the Qur'an into two parts which aredistinguished by differences in style and themes:    Suras of Mecca, prior to the Hegira, itis generally shorter suras, religious and liturgicalorientation;    and Medina surahs, post-Hegira, longer andguidance clearly political, societal, legislative.It is significant that New Year I of Islam starts the Hijra whenMuhammad became a political leader. Thus, Islam is apolitico-religious doctrine whose mission assigned by the Koran, isthe political and social organization of the Muslim (s). Theearlier Meccan period AH must nevertheless be regarded as thebeginning of the prophecy.The suras of the early period, Meccan, say mainly the idea of​​monotheism and define what the Muslim God. There are, amongothers, the idea of ​​the resurrection of the dead on the Day ofJudgment, the oneness of God, etc..German orientalist Gustav Weil (en) and Theodor Nöldekeestablished three divisions in the suras revealed in Mecca:    In the first group, God invites men tonot doubt and follow its requirements so as not to attract hiswrath. He speaks of creation;    The suras of the second group describe theduties of every believer: the profession of faith (shahada), prayer(salat), fasting (Ramadan), pilgrimage (hajj), almsgiving (zakat)are the five pillars of Islam. These suras invite man to perfectthrough his devotion to God;    In the third part, are the stories of theprophets of Islam, a description of the punishment suffered by thepeople who refused to believe in their messages.The Medinan suras are "orders". They pose the fundamentals of anew society, in which respect and obedience are due to Muhammad andhis family, where the praises go to those who fight and die injihad (struggle) in the path of God, and where we fight against theoppression of the enemies of Islam.
Al-Quran Bahasa Indonesia 1.0 APK
Quran books
Al-Qur'an (Quran in Indonesian)Al-Qur’ān (ejaan KBBI: Alquran, Arab: القرآن) adalah kitab suciagama Islam. Umat Islam percaya bahwa Al-Qur'an merupakan puncakdan penutup wahyu Allah yang diperuntukkan bagi manusia, dan bagiandari rukun iman, yang disampaikan kepada Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam, melalui perantaraan Malaikat Jibril, dan sebagaiwahyu pertama yang diterima oleh Nabi Muhammad adalah sebagaimanayang terdapat dalam surat Al-'Alaq ayat 1-5.Ditinjau dari segi kebahasaan, Al-Qur’an berasal dari bahasaArab yang berarti "bacaan" atau "sesuatu yang dibacaberulang-ulang". Kata Al-Qur’an adalah bentuk kata benda (masdar)dari kata kerja qara'a yang artinya membaca. Konsep pemakaian kataini dapat juga dijumpai pada salah satu surat Al-Qur'an sendiriyakni pada ayat 17 dan 18 Surah Al-Qiyamah yang artinya:“Sesungguhnya mengumpulkan Al-Qur’an (di dalam dadamu) dan(menetapkan) bacaannya (pada lidahmu) itu adalah tanggungan Kami.(Karena itu,) jika Kami telah membacakannya, hendaklah kamu ikuti{amalkan} bacaannya”.Al-Qur'an memberikan dorongan yang besar untuk mempelajarisejarah dengan secara adil, objektif dan tidak memihak. Dengandemikian tradisi sains Islam sepenuhnya mengambil inspirasi dariAl-Qur'an, sehingga umat Muslim mampu membuat sistematika penulisansejarah yang lebih mendekati landasan penanggalan astronomis.Penulisan (pencatatan dalam bentuk teks) ayat-ayat al-Qur'ansudah dimulai sejak zaman Nabi Muhammad. Kemudian transformasinyamenjadi teks yang sudah dibundel menjadi satu seperti yang dijumpaisaat ini, telah dilakukan pada zaman khalifah Utsman bin Affan.Masa Nabi MuhammadPada masa ketika Nabi Muhammad masih hidup, terdapat beberapa orangyang ditunjuk untuk menuliskan Al Qur'an yakni Zaid bin Tsabit, Alibin Abi Talib, Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan dan Ubay bin Kaab. Sahabatyang lain juga kerap menuliskan wahyu tersebut walau tidakdiperintahkan. Media penulisan yang digunakan saat itu berupapelepah kurma, lempengan batu, daun lontar, kulit atau daun kayu,pelana, potongan tulang belulang binatang. Di samping itu banyakjuga sahabat-sahabat langsung menghafalkan ayat-ayat Al-Qur'ansetelah wahyu diturunkan.Pemerintahan Abu BakarPada masa kekhalifahan Abu Bakar, terjadi beberapa pertempuran(dalam perang yang dikenal dengan nama perang Ridda) yangmengakibatkan tewasnya beberapa penghafal Al-Qur'an dalam jumlahyang signifikan. Umar bin Khattab yang saat itu merasa sangatkhawatir akan keadaan tersebut lantas meminta kepada Abu Bakaruntuk mengumpulkan seluruh tulisan Al-Qur'an yang saat itu tersebardi antara para sahabat. Abu Bakar lantas memerintahkan Zaid binTsabit sebagai koordinator pelaksanaan tugas tersebut. Setelahpekerjaan tersebut selesai dan Al-Qur'an tersusun secara rapi dalamsatu mushaf, hasilnya diserahkan kepada Abu Bakar. Abu Bakarmenyimpan mushaf tersebut hingga wafatnya kemudian mushaf tersebutberpindah kepada Umar sebagai khalifah penerusnya, selanjutnyamushaf dipegang oleh anaknya yakni Hafshah yang juga istri NabiMuhammad.TerjemahanTerjemahan Al-Qur'an adalah hasil usaha penerjemahan secara literalteks Al-Qur'an yang tidak dibarengi dengan usaha interpretasi lebihjauh. Terjemahan secara literal tidak boleh dianggap sebagai artisesungguhnya dari Al-Qur'an. Sebab Al-Qur'an menggunakan suatulafazh dengan berbagai gaya dan untuk suatu maksud yang bervariasi;kadang-kadang untuk arti hakiki, kadang-kadang pula untuk artimajazi (kiasan) atau arti dan maksud lainnya.Al-Quran (Quran inIndonesian)The Qur'an (KBBI spelling: Qur'an, Arabic: القرآن) is the sacredbook of Islam. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the culminationof God's revelation and the cover is for humans, and part of thepillars of faith, which was delivered to the Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam, through the intercession of the Angel Gabriel,and the first revelation received by the Prophet Muhammad is ascontained in the letter of Al-'Alaq verse 1-5.In terms of language, the Qur'an is derived from the Arabic wordmeaning "read" or "read something over and over again". The wordQur'an is the noun form (masdar) from qara'a verb meaning to read.The concept of the use of this word can also be found on one letterof the Qur'an itself that in paragraph 17 and 18 of SurahAl-Qiyamah which means:    "Actually collecting the Qur'an (in thechest) and (set) reading (on tongue) that is dependent Us.(Therefore,) if we've read it, you shall follow {} recitation ofglory ".The Qur'an gives a great impetus to the study of history with ina fair, objective and impartial. Thus the tradition of Islamicscience fully take inspiration from the Quran, so that Muslims canmake a more systematic approach of writing the history of thefoundation astronomical calendar.Writing (recording in the form of text) verses of the Qur'an hasbeen started since the time of Prophet Muhammad. Thentransformation into a text that has been bundled into one as seenat this time, has been done in the time of Caliph Uthman ibnAffan.The time of Prophet MuhammadAt a time when the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, there are somepeople who are appointed to write the Qur'an Zaid bin Thabit, 'Aliibn Abi Talib, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan and Ubay ibn Ka'b. Anotherfriend who also often write these revelations, though not ordered.The media at the time of writing used a palm frond, a slab ofstone, palm leaves, bark or leaves of wood, saddles, bits of animalbones. In addition many friends instantly memorize verses of theQur'an after the revelation was revealed.Government of Abu BakrDuring the caliphate of Abu Bakr, there were several battles (inthe war known as the Ridda wars) which resulted in the deaths ofseveral penghafal Qur'an in significant numbers. Umar, who wasfeeling very worried about the state of Abu Bakr then asked tocollect all the writings of the Qur'an that when the spread betweenthe companions. Abu Bakr then ordered Zaid bin Thabit as thecoordinator of this task. Once the work is completed and the Qur'anarranged neatly in one codex, the results are submitted to AbuBakr. Abu Bakr store until his death Manuscripts Manuscripts arethen passed to the Caliph Umar as his successor, then the MushafHafsah held by his son who is also the wife of the ProphetMuhammad.TranslationTranslation of the Qur'an is the literal translation of the resultsof operations of Al-Quran text is not accompanied by furtherinterpretation effort. Literal translation should not be regardedas the true meaning of the Quran. Because the Qur'an uses a wordingwith various styles and for a purpose which varies, sometimes forultimate meaning, sometimes also for the sense majazi(figuratively) or other meaning and intent.
Sahih Bukhari in Tamil 1.0 APK
Quran books
Hadith Sahih Bukhari in TamilSahih al-Bukhari, is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six majorhadith collections) of Sunni Islam. These prophetic traditions, orhadith, were collected by the Persian Muslim scholar Muhammadal-Bukhari, after being transmitted orally for generations. SunniMuslims view this as one of the three most trusted collections ofhadith along with Sahih Muslim and Muwatta Imam Malik. In somecircles, it is considered the most authentic book after theQuran.Hadith in religious use is often translated as 'tradition',meaning a report of the deeds and sayings of Muhammad. The hadithliterature does not qualify as primary source material as it wascompiled from oral reports that were present in society around thetime of their compilation, well after the death of the ProphetMuhammad.Bukhari's collection which is considered by many traditionalreligious scholars as the most 'reliable' was compiled twocenturies after the death of the Prophet.Amin Ahsan Islahi, the notable Islamic scholar, has listed threeoutstanding qualities of Sahih al-Bukhari:1. Quality and soundness of the chain of narrators of the selectedahādīth. Muhammad al-Bukhari has followed two principle criteriafor selecting sound narratives. First, the lifetime of a narratorshould overlap with the lifetime of the authority from whom henarrates. Second, it should be verifiable that narrators have metwith their source persons. They should also expressly state thatthey obtained the narrative from these authorities. This is astricter criterion than that set by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj.2. Muhammad al-Bukhari accepted the narratives from only those who,according to his knowledge, not only believed in Islam butpracticed its teachings. Thus, he has not accepted narratives fromthe Murjites.3. The particular arrangement and ordering of chapters. Thisexpresses the profound knowledge of the author and hisunderstanding of the religion. This has made the book a more usefulguide in understanding of the religious disciplines.