App Information Kuis Anak Muslim
- App NameKuis Anak Muslim
- اسم الحزمةcom.armondev.kuisanakmuslim
- UpdatedFeb 17, 2017
- الحجمUndefined
- إصدار الأندرويد المطلوبAndroid 4.0
- الإصدار1.1
- المطورArmon Dev
- عدد مرات التثبيت-
- Priceمجاناً
- الفئةEducational
- المطورJln. Sersan Darpin Lrg. Muhajirin 1 RT:08 Eka Jaya
- Google Play Link
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Kuis Anak Muslim 1.1 APK File
تاريخ النشر: 2022 /11/2إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)الحجم: 2.8 MBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: 4fd06531045c385cf7bced6aed8d38613dbebdc5
Armon Dev عرض المزيد...
100+ Ceramah Mamah Dedeh Offline & Online 1.1.4 APK
Dedeh Rosidah atau lebih dikenal dengan Mamah Dedeh lahir diCiamis,5 Agustus 1951, umur 64 tahun adalah seorang Pendakwah. Iadikenalsebagai pengisi dalam acara Mamah dan Aa yang ditayangkandiIndosiar. Ia merupakan alumni dari IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah,kampusyang berada di Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Bagi andapendengar setiakajian dan ceramah mamah dedeh, sekarang anda bisamenikmati 100lebih kajian beliau melalui aplikasi Ceramah MamahDedeh Offline& Online ini. Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapatberbagai kajiandengan banyak tema yang bisa anda pilih. Ceramahada yang dapat andadengarkan secara online maupun offline. Andajuga dapat mendownloadfile dengan bentuk MP3 untuk kemudian andaputar ulang. FiturAplikasi Ceramah Mamah Dedeh Offline &Online - Ceramah Up toDate - Download ceramah untuk diputarkembali - Dapat berjalansecara online maupun offline - 100 lebihceramah - Fitur Share/bagikan - Tandai sebagai favorit - Masihbisa diputar jika layarmati - Play otomatis selanjutnya Kami akancoba untuk selalu updateaplikasi Ceramah Mamah Dedeh Offline &Online secara Lengkap.Semoga teman teman semua selalu installaplikasinya agar kami selalumendapat dukungan dari semuanya dalammengembangkan aplikasi ini.Semoga Aplikasi Ceramah Mamah DedehOffline & Online inibermanfaat untuk seluruh umat islam diseluruh dunia. Ceramah MamahDedeh.Terimakasih. Disclaimer : Semuakonten aplikasi Ceramah MamahDedeh Offline & Online inidiambil dari internet, apabila andaingin salah satu konten dalamaplikasi ini dihapus / dihilangkan /tidak ditampilkan silahkanhubungi kami
Aplikasi Tes TOEFL TPA adalah aplikasiuntukmenguji kemempuan seseorang mengenai TOEFL dan TPA. TOEFL (TheTestOf English as a Foreign Language) adalah standar tes yangdigunakanuntuk menguji kemempuan seseorang dalam berbahasainggris,sedangkan TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik) adalah sebuah tesyangbertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorangdibidangakademik.Soal-soal dalam aplikasi Tes TOEFL TPA ini berasal darireferensibuku khusus mengenai TOEFL dan TPA. Dalam soal TOEFLterdapat 3latihan tes yaitu tes listening, tes reading dan tesstructure.Dalam soal TPA juga terdapat 3 latihan tes yaitu: tesverbal, tesangka dan tes logika. Aplikasi TOEFL TPA ini membutuhkanaksesinternet karena soal-soalnya hanya dapat diaksessecaraonline.Aplikasi Tes TOEFL TPA ini menyediakan hasil skor yang andadapatdan anda juga dapat memerikasa hasil jawaban mana yang benardanmana yang salah setelah selesai mengerjakan tiap-tiap soal.Jawabanyang salah akan berwarna merah dan jawaban yang benar akanberwarnabiru.Aplikasi Tes TOEFL TPA ini dapat digunakan untuk belajar ketikaandaakan mendaftar ke sebuah universitas maupun perusahaan karenahampirsetiap universitas ataupun perusahaan menerapkan sebuah tesmengenaiTOEFL dan TPA sehingga anda akan lebih percaya diri dalammenjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan ketika mengikuti tes yangsesungguhnya.Semoga aplikasi Tes TOEFL TPA ini bermanfaat, terimakasihThe TOEFL testTPAapplication is an application to test kemempuan someone aboutTOEFLand TPA. TOEFL (The Test Of English as a Foreign Language) isastandard test used to test kemempuan someone in theEnglishlanguage, while TPA (Academic Potential Test) is a test thataimsto measure a person's ability in academic.Problems in landfill applications TOEFL test is derived fromareference book specifically about the TOEFL and TPA. In thematterof TOEFL practice tests that are 3 listening tests, readingtestsand the test structure. In the matter of TPA also has 3practicetests, namely: a verbal test, the test numbers and logictest.TOEFL TPA application requires internet access as amatter-becauseonly accessible online.The TOEFL test TPA application provides the score that you canandyou can also examine the results of which answer is right andwhatis wrong after the completion of work on each question.Anincorrect answer will be red and the right answer willbeblue.TPA Application TOEFL test can be used to learn when youareapplying to a university or corporation for almost everyuniversityor company to apply a test of TOEFL and TPA so that youwill bemore confident in answering questions when following therealtest.Hopefully this app TOEFL test TPA helpful, thank you
Tes UNBK SMA 2020 + Materi Offline 1.1.7 APK
Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer atau yang sering dikenaldenganUNBK merupakan salah satu bentuk Ujian Nasional (UN)yangdilaksanakan di Indonesia dengan sistem pengerjaannyamenggunakanseperangkat komputer. Aplikasi Simulasi Tes UNBK SMA2020 inimerupakan aplikasi simulasi tes ujian nasional berbasikomputerpada jenjang Sekolah menengah atas jurusan Ilmu PengetahuanAlam(IPA) dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) yang disertai denganMateriPelajaran. Perlu diketahui aplikasi ini bisa digunakantanpakoneksi internet (offline). Fitur Simulasi Tes UNBK SMA 2020:-Materi Pelajaran - 500 lebih soal - Aplikasi Offline - Nilai Skor-Tips dan Trik - Koreksi jawaban Materi Tes UNBK SMA 2020: -BahasaIndonesia - Bahasa Inggris - Matematika - IPS (Ekonomi,Geografi,Sosiologi) - IPA (Biologi, Fisika, Kimia) AplikasiSimulasi TesUNBK SMA 2020 + Materi Offline ini setiap matapelajaran ada 50soal pertanyanyaan dan pilihan jawaban. jika andamenjawab benarmaka akan muncul pemberitahuan warna merah dan jikaanda menjawabsalah akan bewarna hijau. Semoga Aplikasi inibermanfaat sebagaipembelajaran bagi siswa/siswi yang akan menempuhUNBK. Simulasi TesUNBK SMA 2020 Materi Offline. Terimakasih
Doa-Doa Puasa Ramadhan Lengkap 1.1.5 APK
Ramadhan adalah bulan kesembilan dalam penanggalan Hijriyah(sistempenanggalan agama Islam). Sepanjang bulan ini pemeluk agamaIslammelakukan serangkaian aktivitas keagamaan termasuk didalamnyaberpuasa, salat tarawih, peringatan turunnya Alquran,mencari malamLaylatul Qadar, memperbanyak membaca Alquran dankemudianmengakhirinya dengan membayar zakat fitrah dan rangkaianperayaanIdul Fitri. Doa-Doa Puasa Ramadhan Lengkap. Aplikasidoa-doa puasaramadhan lengkap merupakan kumpulan dari doa-doa puasaramadhandari hari pertama puasa sampai perayaan idul fitri.DidalamAplikasi ini umat islam dapat melihat jadwal puasa mulaidarisahur, waktu imsak sampai berbuka puasa di semua wilayah diseluruhindonesia. Selain itu umat islam juga dalam melihat jadwalsholat 5waktu di seluruh wilayah diindonesia. Fitur dalam aplikasiDoa-DoaPuasa Ramadhan Lengkap: - Doa dan Niat di bulan Ramadhandisertaidengan penjelasan - Doa-doa puasa ramadhan dari haripertama sampaiidul iftri serta penjelasannya - Doa Qunut danartinya - JadwalPuasa Ramadhan untuk setiap wilayah selama sebulanpenuh - Waktusholat untuk setiap wilayah yang update setiap hari -MenunjukkanLima Waktu Sholat: Imsak, Subuh, Dhuhur, Ashar, Maghribdan IshaSemoga dengan Aplikasi Doa-Doa Puasa Ramadhan Lengkap iniumatislam lebih mudah dalam menjalankan kowajibannya di bulanramadhan.Jangan lupa untuk memberikan kritik dan saran agaraplikasi inidapat dikembangkan menjadi lebih baik lagi. Doa-DoaPuasa RamadhanLengkap. Terimakasih
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Kebiasaan Baik Anak Muslim 0.0.1 APK
Game dengan judul Habit Education adalahsebuahpermainan anak yang ditujukan untuk anak usia 3 - 6 tahun.Game iniberisi tentang aktifitas yang ada di rumah, sekolah danlingkungantetangga. Game ini berbentuk kuis, player harus menjawabsetiappertanyaan untuk melanjutkan ke level selanjutnya. lebihlengkaphttp://proitdev.comGames with titleHabitEducation is a game aimed at children aged 3-6 years. Thisgame isabout activity in homes, schools and neighborhoods. Thisgameshaped quiz, players must answer every question to proceed tothenext level. fuller http://proitdev.com
Kuis Islam 2.0.3 APK
Aplikasi Kuis Islam adalah game yang bisa digunakan untukpembelajaran anak-anak tentang Agama Islam. Saat ini soal yang adadidalam Kuis Agam Islam ini terdiri dari 20 level dan setiap levelsoal mempunyai tinggkat kesulitan berbeda-beda, game Kuis Islamiini sangat direkomendasikan kepada anak-anak untuk meningkatkanpengetahuan dan wawasan mereka tentang Islam. Selain itu soal-soalagama islam anak sekolah dan madrasah yang ada didalam APlikas KuisIslami ini cukup lengkap. Dengan aplikasi ini siswa dapat berlatihmengerjakan soal-soal agama baik untuk persiapan ujian sekolah,ujian madrasah maupun ujian nasional pendididkan agama islam atauUNAS. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan tampilan yang menarik sehinggaanak-anak dapat belajar dengan mudah dan menyenangkan. Fitur SoalUjian Aplikasi Kuis Agama Islam : * Soal Kuis Ujian Shalat * SoalKuis Ujian Tauhid * Soal Kuis Ujian Wudhu * Soal Kuis Ujian Puasa *Soal Kuis Ujian Zakat * Soal Kuis Ujian Sejarah Islam * Soal KuisUjian Haji * Soal Pendidikan Agama Islam * Soal tentang puasa *Soal tentang Rukun Islam * Soal tentang Rukun Iman * Soal tentangSifat Wajib * Soal tentang tokoh muslim * Soal tentang Tajwid *Soal tentang Sholat * Soal tentang Ayat-ayat Al Qur'an dan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya Aplikasi soal ujian ini cocok untukanak-anak muslim yang ingin belajar mengerjakan soal keislaman yanglengkap dan interkatif. Soal Kuis Ujian Agama Islam ini disajikandengan soal terbanyak dan terlengkap sehingga Anak-anak tidak akanmerasa bosan ketika mengerjakan soal kuis ujian islam. Soal KuisUjian Agama Islam ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk sarana berlatihanak. Ayo Pasang Aplikasi Cerdas Cermat Islam ini sekarang juga,mudah-mudahan Aplikasi Kuis Pengetahuan Islam ini bermanfaat untukanak-anak anda. PENTING : Jika ada kesalahan tentang penulisan ataujawaban yang kurang tepat mohon hubungi kami di kontak yang telahtersedia atau bisa laporkan pada menu kirim soal yang ada didalamAplikasi Cerdas Cermat Islami ini.
Mewarnai Bersama Dodo Syamil 1.0 APK
Mewarnai Bersama Dodo dan Syamil adalahaplikasi permainan mewarnai gambar untuk anak, dimana gambar yangdiwarnai adalah kegiatan anak muslim. Seperti bersedekah, mengaji,sholat lima waktu, berwudhu dan lainnya.Selain memberikan pengajaran untuk anak dari gambar kegiatananak muslim, juga dengan belajar mewarnai anak dapat mengasahkreativitas dalam hal perpaduan warna.Fitur pada aplikasi permainan Mewarnai Bersama Dodo dan Syamilantara lain:- Terdapat banyak gambar kegiatan anak yang dapat dipilih untukdiwarnai- Ketika mewarnai, anak cukup memilih pensil warna yang diinginkanuntuk digunakan, kemudian menyentuh bahagian dari gambar yang ingindiwarnai dengan warna pensil tersebut, cukup mudah.- Hasil gambar dapat disimpan dan dapat di share ke socialmedia==========DISCLAIMER==========Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi yang dibuat untuk para fans dari Dodo& Syamil, dan aplikasi ini bukanlah aplikasi resmi dari NCRProduction sebagai produksi dari karakter dan film tersebut. Jikaterdapat hal-hal lebih lanjut terkait karakter animasi pada contentdari aplikasi ini, silahkan untuk menghubungi NCR Production.ncrproduction.com==========Together with Dodo andSyamil Coloring is a game application for children coloringpictures, which colored pictures are Muslim children activities.Like charity, chanting, praying five times, ablution, and more.In addition to providing instruction to children from the imageof Muslim children's activities, children also learn coloring canhone creativity in terms of color combination.Features on the application of the Joint Coloring game Dodo andSyamil among others:- There are many pictures of children's activities that can beselected to be colored- When coloring, the child can simply select the desired colorpencil to use, and then touch the portion of the image you wantcolored in pencil, quite easily.- Results of images can be stored and can be shared to socialmedia==========DISCLAIMER==========The app is made for fans of Dodo & Syamil, and this applicationis not an official application from NCR Production as production ofthe character and the film. If there are further matters related tothe animated characters in the content of this application, pleasecontact the NCR Production. ncrproduction.com==========
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Prodigy Math Game 4.0.1 APK
Math practice used to be a struggle — but not anymore. Prodigy,ano-cost math game that’s loved by over a million teachers and50million students around the world, is using game-based learningtotransform education. Prodigy delivers a unique learningexperiencethrough an interactive math game where success depends oncorrectlyanswering skill-building math questions. Players can earnrewards,go on quests and play with friends — all while learning newskills!And the best part? All of our educational content isengaging,effective and completely zero cost. We know that everystudentfaces unique challenges when it comes to math learning.That’s why:• Content is tailored to every player’s strengths andweaknesses •Math questions are fully aligned with state-levelcurricula,including Common Core and TEKS, so Prodigy is alwaysconnected tothe classroom. • 1,400 available skills give studentsthe chance tolearn more and keep growing. For a full list of theskills Prodigysupports, visit prodigygame.com/math/skills. Are youa parent?Connect a free parent account today to: •See what mathpracticeyour child is working on •Monitor your child’sunderstanding andprogress •Set goals and give reward to encourageeven more mathpractice! To sign up for your free parent account,visitprodigygame.com. >>Want your child to learnmore?<< Youcan use Prodigy to turn playtime into educationtime. Premiummembers level up faster, spend more time answeringmath questionsand get exclusive access to pets, member-only gameareas and extrarewards. To sign up today, visitprodigygame.com/membership. Don’twant a membership just yet? All ofour educational content is zerocost and always will be. To learnmore about Prodigy and to getstarted, visit www.prodigygame.com.One of the American Associationof School Librarians’ Best Websitesfor Teaching and Learning 2018A 2018 Top Pick for Learning fromCommon Sense Education iKeepSafeFERPA Certification iKeepSafe COPPASafe Harbor Certification
LEGO® DUPLO® Circus 1.2.0 APK
Circus is in town - and your child gets to runthe show! From selling the tickets to deciding what tricks theaudience gets to see, this day at the circus will fuel your child’screative play for hours after the show is over.Should the tiger jump through fire or give the ringmaster aride? And what about the seals - should they juggle or play ball?This simple and colorful app lets toddlers take charge - andrewards all their choices with roaring applause from the captivatedcircus audience.LEGO® DUPLO® Circus sets the scene for real life play sessions -with or without DUPLO® bricks - and lets your child experience thepride of accomplishment that is crucial to its development.Features:*Bright, fun, and toddler-friendly animations and soundeffects*Intuitive icons and navigation for easy game play*Based on the DUPLO My First Circus set and familiar animals andcharacters, like Rabbit and Giraffe*Special guest star: LEGO® DUPLO® Batman™ - because sometimessuperheroes like to relax and go to the circus on their dayoff.*No in-app purchases*No third party advertising*Parental gate to information about other LEGO DUPLO apps andproductsAbout LEGO® DUPLO®A preschool building toy specifically designed for children ages 1½- 5 – small hands and big imaginations! Preschoolers can learnabout shapes and colors hands-on. When the chewing-the-bricks phasefades out, the building experience phase takes over, helping tostimulate and improve fine motor skills development. (And yes,bricks-poured-onto-hard-surface noises stimulate other senses,too.)Visit http://LEGO.com/family for more build &play inspiration.Visit http://LEGO.com/duplo/apps to find out moreabout other DUPLO apps.For app support contact LEGO Consumer Service.For contact details refer to http://service.lego.com/contactusOur privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if youdownload this app.Read more on http://aboutus.lego.com/legal-notice/Privacy-Policyand http://aboutus.lego.com/legal-notice/terms-of-use-for-appsLEGO, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group.©2015 The LEGO Group.
Game for kids APK
- Spell game:This is a simple game for children, help children learn how tospell and recognize words in English in a better way. With funnypictures for babies, this simple game has a very good education andhelp improve her English skills every day. The lessons are designedto make your baby smart thinking and can recognize images frompictures, putting together words into syllables to make your babylogic and flexible to identify the structure of words. I hope thatpeople will like it.Thank you very much.How to play: drag and drop the letters to create a word correctlydescribed picture.- Math:Game will help children learn basic math, math addition andsubtraction.
Game Algebra for class 8 1.3 APK
You have the formula of algebra for this gameand pieces of an equation. The equation uses your formula. You mustguess values of a,b and c. You must use Drag and Drop for the rightanswer. You can use tips. Sometimes the tip is the right answer.The tip has a red background. Use the black button near the facefor the tip. When you use the tip, you spend the face. You can getthe face when you have right answer without the tips.
Digimem - lära barn siffror 0.95 APK
Digimem är ett memoryspel för de små barnen!Inga menyer och ingen reklam - endast memory - och träning påtal på köpet. Perfekt för nybörjare!Målgruppen är 3-5-åringar som håller på att lära sig räkna.Första steget är att känna igen siffror och tal, genom deras formoch deras uttalade namn.Kombinationen memory, ett spel som i grunden tränarminnesförmågan, och stora uttalade siffror betyder att barnet kananvända öga, öra och hand samtidigt för att bättre minnas varsiffrorna ligger.Att blanda in flera sinnen samtidigt är effektivt urinlärningssynpunkt. Förhoppningen är därför att denna app snabbttränar upp associationsförmågan mellan siffrornas utseende och dessläte hos barnet.Digimem innehåller talen 0, 1, 2 och så vidare upp till och med9.Om du gillar Digimem, pröva också Alfamem - samma koncept fastmed bokstäver!Programmering, grafik och ljud: Olof BjarnasonMusik: Gustav BjarnasonDigimem is a memory gamefor the little kids!No menus and no commercials - only memory - and training onspeech in the bargain. Perfect for beginners!The target audience is 3-5 year olds who are learning to count.The first step is to recognize numbers and speeches, by their formand their explicit names.The combination of memory, a game that basically are trainingmemory ability, and large expressed numbers mean that the child canuse the eye, ear and hand simultaneously to better remember wherethe numbers are located.The involvement of multiple senses simultaneously is efficientfrom the learning point of view. It is therefore hoped that thisapp quickly train up association ability between the figures lookand its vocalization of the child.Digimem contains the numbers 0, 1, 2 and so on up to andincluding 9.If you like Digimem, try also Alfamem - same concept but withletters!Programming, graphics and sound: Olof BjarnasonMusic: Gustav Bjarnason
2º Ano - Vol. 2 1.0.2 APK
Os aplicativos do J. PIAGET – Sistema deEnsino Multimídia voltados para o 2o ano do Ensino Fundamentalforam criados para desenvolver e ampliar os seguintes conteúdos:História: Funcionários da escola / Escolas de outrostempos.Língua Portuguesa: Uso de M e N.Ciências Naturais: Dia e noite / Recursos naturais.Geografia: Escola bem localizada / Localização em sala deaula.Matemática: Adição / Centena.Há também um jogo interdisciplinar para trabalhar,simultaneamente, habilidades que envolvem os conteúdos de LínguaPortuguesa (Gênero textual blog), História (A escola em diferentestempos) e Geografia (Localização e trajeto até a escola).Para funcionar, esse aplicativo depende de um código de ativaçãoque é fornecido pelo Sistema de Ensino apenas para escolasconveniadas. Entre em contato conosco para mais informações.Applications J. Piaget -Multimedia Learning System facing the second year of elementaryschool have been created to develop and expand the followingcontents:History: School Staff / Schools of yesteryear.Portuguese Language: Use of M and N.Life Sciences: Day and night / Natural Resources.Geography: well located School / Location in the classroom.Math: Addition / Hundred.There is also an interdisciplinary game to work simultaneouslyskills involving the Portuguese language content (textual blogGenre), History (The school at different times) and Geography(location and path to the school).To work, this application depends on an activation code that isprovided by the education system only to the accredited schools.Please contact us for more information.
Fact or Opinion 2.1 APK
** Happy Frog Apps is a Mom's Choice awardwinner. Our apps are featured on FunEducationalApps.com,TeachersWithApps.com and more! **'Fact or Opinion' builds an important comprehension skill in afun, game-like environment. All kids need to know how to interpretwhat they read -- it is a fact, or is it someone's opinion?This skill is especially important as they reach the age ofaccessing information from the internet.'Fact or Opinion' is targeted to children in Grades 2-5.Beginning readers in earlier grades can also benefit from thetargeted skill development.The focus of 'Fact or Opinion' is teaching kids how to identifywhether a statement is a fact or opinion.This vital skill is built incrementally. Early levels focus onthinking about how to prove and fact/opinion and also how toidentify the clue words that are indicative of a fact or opinion.Later levels include timers to ensure fluency.The app includes more than 300 examples for extensivepractice.Key Benefits:- Builds comprehension skills step-by-step until mastery.- Incremental learning. New levels are unlocked only when yourchild is ready.- Frustration-free learning. Your child will always be guided tothe correct answer.- Fun and engaging Reward Center to increase motivation.- Easy parental review. Just check out the stars to see how yourchild is doing.- Content designed by professional teachers and researchers.- Advanced levels include timers to ensure fluency. Researchshows fluency in the foundation skills is critical to readingcomprehension.- Can be used independently (just hand it over: your child willknow what to do!) or with a therapist/parent for readingintervention.- Provides extensive reporting for up to 10 students to suit theneeds of parents, teachers and therapists.Our apps are designed for and tested by typical and specialneeds children. Testers include children with Autism and otherspecial needs. Our apps work for them!While you're thinking about reading, check out our other apps atwww.HappyFrogApps.com.We take customer service very seriously! If you ever have aproblem or find that we've missed something, contact us at ourwebsite and we will do our best to fix the problem.We collect NO private information in our app. None! Our apps donot allow unrestricted web access. We comply with COPPA and aremembers of the prestigious Moms with Apps organization for qualityeducational app developers.
Kids Learn to Read APK
Already enjoyed by over five million families,Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invites preschool-agedchildren to blend sounds into words, read and form simple words,identify spoken words and learn word families.Its six sections include:★ Magic Letter Bridge: kids learn to blend letter soundsinto words by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letterbridge★ Skateboards and Helmet: children practice reading as theyare asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboards andhelmets.★ Turn the Blocks: kids make words in a way that's fun byturning real-looking blocks with letters on each side until theword is spelled out.★ Word Ball: children learn to identify spoken words byhelping Tommy bat the right ball★ Word Magic: kids learn about word families as they fillthe corresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen★ Rocket Words: children get to practice word families asthey assemble and launch a rocket into spaceIf your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, we recommendour Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learn orpractice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABC Lettersapp.Every section is designed to let children enjoy success time aftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likable teacher,so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involved andhappy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having agreat time - and learning.