1.0 / Feb 12, 2018
App Information Pasta Recipes Offline
- App NamePasta Recipes Offline
- اسم الحزمةcom.harviacode.pastarecipesoffline
- UpdatedFeb 12, 2018
- الحجمUndefined
- إصدار الأندرويد المطلوبAndroid 4.0
- الإصدار1.0
- المطورharviacode
- عدد مرات التثبيت10K+
- Priceمجاناً
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Cek Sertifikat Pelaut 2.0 APK
Kini kita bisa dengan mudah mengecek data dansertifikat pelaut tanpa perlu repot membuka browser dan mengetikkanalamat URL.Fitur :Cek data dan sertifikat pelaut.Data terhubung secara online dengan website Dirjen PerhubunganLaut.Share ke berbagai media dengan sangat mudah.Dislcaimer :Aplikasi ini BUKAN aplikasi resmi Direktorat Jenderal PerhubunganLaut, namun data terhubung online dengan website DirektoratJenderal Perhubungan Laut. Pengembang aplikasi tidak bertanggungjawab atas data yang ditampilkan dalam aplikasi ini.Now we can easily checkthe data and sailors certificate without having to bother openingyour browser and typing in the URL address.features:Data checks and certificates of seafarers.Data connected online with the Director General of SeaTransportation website.Share to various media very easily.Dislcaimer:This app is NOT the official app of the Directorate General of SeaTransportation, but the data is connected online to the website ofthe Directorate General of Sea Transportation. The app developer isnot responsible for the data displayed in this application.
Kurs Pajak Bea Cukai 1.1 APK
Kini kita tidak perlu susah mencari informasi tentang kurs untukkeperluan pajak dan bea cukai. Cukup satu sentuhan dan dapatkaninformasi terupdate mengenai kurs untuk keperluan pajak dan beacukai.Aplikasi Kurs Pajak Bea Cukai ini digunakan untuk mengetahuinilai kurs yang digunakan sebagai dasar pelunasan bea masuk, pajakpertambahan nilai barang dan jasa dan pajak penjualan atas barangmewah, bea keluar dan pajak penghasilan. Data kurs yang ditampilkanbersumber dari website resmi Badan Kebijakan Fiskal.Secara default ketika aplikasi dibuka akan menampilkan data kursyang berlaku untuk hari ini. Untuk mengetahui kurs pada tanggaltertentu silahkan masukkan tanggal yang ingin dicari kemudian tekantombol cari. Tekan tombol reset untuk mengembalikan data kurs ketanggal hari ini.Fitur :Langsung menampilkan informasi kurs terkini.Pencarian nilai kurs tanggal tertentu.Share ke berbagai media.Terima kasih telah menggunakan kurs pajak dan bea cukaiNow we donot need to search for information about the exchange rate for thepurposes of tax and customs. Just one touch and get updatedinformation about the exchange rate for the purposes of tax andcustoms.Customs Tax Exchange application is used to determine theexchange rate which is used as the basis for the repayment ofimport duty, value added tax and the goods and services sales taxon luxury goods, export duties and income tax. Data rate displayedsourced from the official website of the Fiscal Policy Office.By default when you open the application will display the datarate applicable to this day. To determine the exchange rate at acertain date please enter the date you want to search and then hitthe search button. Press the reset button to restore the data rateto the current date.Features:Direct display current rate information.Search a specific date exchange rates.Share to various media.Thank you for using the rates of tax and customs
Mirip Siapa 1.0 APK
Kamu lebih mirip ayah atau ibu ? Kalo dengan pasangan atau temankamu seberapa mirip ? Temukan semua jawabannya dengan mudah.Bagikan hasilnya dengan mudah.Mirip ayah atau ibu.Bila kamu bertanya tanya tentang hal itu, aplikasi ini akanmembantu kamu menjawabnya.Seberapa mirip mereka.Penasaran seberapa mirip kamu dengan pasangan kamu, atau denganteman kamu ? temukan jawabannya dengan aplikasi ini.Fitur :- Ambil gambar dengan mudah melalui kamera atau galery.- Bagikan ke berbagai media sosial dengan mudah.- Mengetahui kamu lebih mirip ayah atau ibu kamu.- Mengetahui seberapa mirip kamu dengan pasangan kamu atau temankamu.Terima kasih telah menggunakan Mirip Siapa. Mohon bantuan Sharedan Rate aplikasi Mirip Siapa. :)Lookingmore like a father or mother? If the spouse or friend you howsimilar? Find all the answers with ease. Share the results withease.Like a father or mother.If you are wondering about it, this app will help you answerthem.How similar they are.Curious how similar you are to your partner, or with your friends?find the answer to this application.Features:- Take pictures with ease via the camera or gallery.- Distribute to various social media with ease.- Knowing you're more like your mother or father.- Knowing how similar you are to your partner or your friends.Thank you for using Similar Who. Please help and Rate ShareSimilar apps Who. :)
Guess Word 1.0 APK
Guess Word is an addictive word game. Youmustguess the mystery words based on the clue given. This gamewillimprove your imagination. You can using hint if you cannotsolvethe mystery word. You will get hint when you complete a level.Alsoyou can ask friend by sharing the screenshot of the game.There are more than 200 (and still count) mystery wordswaitingfor you. So what are you waiting for ?.Download and play this game now.
Tebak Kata 1.0 APK
Tebak Kata adalah permainan menebak katayangdiacak. Kamu harus menebak kata yang diacak berdasarkanpetunjukyang diberikan. Jika kamu kesulitan, kamu bisa menggunakanhintatau bertanya kepada teman kamu dengan membagikan screenshotTebakKata.Kamu juga bisa menambahkan kata-kata kamu sendiri, jikainginkata-kata mu masuk dalam permainan ini. Kamu akan mendapatkanhintsetiap menyelesaikan level atau menambahkan kata.Jadi tunggu apa lagi, download dan mainkan game seru inibersamateman-teman kamu.Guess the word is awordguessing game that is encrypted. You must guess the word thatisencrypted based on the instructions given. If you have trouble,youcan use a hint or ask your friends by sharing a screenshotGuessthe word.You can add your own words, if you want your words includedinthis game. You'll get a hint every completed level oraddwords.So wait no more, download and play this exciting gametogetherwith your friends.
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Pasta Recipes FREE APK
Pasta recipes free app brings you thecollection of variety of pasta recipes. Pasta recipes are loved byall people. This app is completely free for all time. All recipesfrom this app are completely delicious. To maintain a good healthwe should follow healthy recipes. We also provide healthy pastarecipes too. When we are in a party pasta recipes is an indeed.Pasta recipes will give us a cool mind during summer seasons.Italian recipes cannot be complete without pasta. Almost all hotelsand restaurants ave special menu for pasta recipes. Vegetarianpasta recipes are more healthy. We should use only good and freshvegetables for cooking. So care should be taken during buyingvegetables. Our app provides you shopping list in which you can buygroceries,oils and anything you needed for cooking a recipe,byadding them into shopping list. Some pasta recipes are easy andquick. Quick recipes are very easy to cook for people who are goingto job etc. You will get exclusive pasta recipes for specialoccasions. This free recipe app contains holiday special pastarecipes. Even kids can easily cook their loved recipes very simply.Instructions for cooking dishes are provided in this app. So anyonecan cook any recipes very easily. You can impress yourfriends,parents,relatives etc by cooking new pasta recipes.Pasta categories includes:home made pastaappetizersdessertsmain dishessaladssaucespastapasta by shapeside dishesnoodlesand lots more. This app is computable both in tablets and phones.Take this free cookbook in to the kitchen and enjoy cooking. Noneed to visit any sites or references. Almost all pasta recipes inthis app are top rated. You can search recipes by names,ingredientsetc. Healthy Pasta with boneless chicken, fresh vegetables, andpasta salads will make your food menu more delicious andtasty.App features :Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentAuthentic collection of delicious and healthy pasta recipes. Lowcalorie pasta recipe will make your diet in a perfect way. Dietrecipes are most indeed one. Nutritional foods is a must neededfood for our daily foods. Improper health may leads to manydiseases.A perfectly designed pasta recipe book. You will get your all lovedpasta recipes for free from here.Download and enjoy cooking delicious pasta recipes!Happy Cooking !!