1.0 / Apr 1, 2015
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Redox Reactions Wonder Whizkids

App Information Redox Reactions

  • App Name
    Redox Reactions
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    Apr 1, 2015
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 4.0.3
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Wiki Kids Limited
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
  • Price
  • الفئة
  • المطور
    Plot No. 7, Flat No. 203 Reliance Manor Apartment Banjara Hills, Road No. 12 Hyderabad TELANGANA 500034
  • Google Play Link

Wiki Kids Limited عرض المزيد...

Crop and Medicinal Plants 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define and discuss the terms″agriculture and crops″ and explore how different agriculturalpractices help the crops to yield quality products. Describe therole of manures and fertilizers for healthy plant growth andregulation. Define the term ″harvesting″ and discuss the processinvolved in crop rotation and multiple cropping. Examine howhigh‐yielding crop varieties are developed by scientists changingthe genetics of plants for the benefit of humankind. Deduce the aimof plant breeding and list different types of breeding methodsinvolved in it. Identify some of the medicinal plants andinvestigate their medicinal values. Explore how advances in plantbiotechnology help mankind and list some of genetically modifiedproducts currently in use. Define ″GMO testing″ and understand therisks and controversies surrounding the use of GMOs. More detailsplease visit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com"hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underBiology subject as a part of the PlantForm and Function topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Crop and medicinal plantsPreparation of soil and seeds Fertilizers Crop rotation andharvesting Plant Breeding Medicinal plants
Thermodynamics 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define system and surroundings andthe list different types of systems. State the thermodynamicproperties and identify the extensive and intensive properties.Describe three types of thermodynamic equilibria: thermalequilibrium, mechanical equilibrium and chemical equilibrium.Explain internal energy, work and heat: distinguish the statefunction and path function. Discriminate between isobaric,isothermal, isochoric and adiabatic processes. State first law ofthermodynamics and express it mathematically. State Hess's law andmeasure the change in enthalpy(ΔH) of a process. State zeroth lawof thermodynamics and give its application. Explain entropy as athermodynamic state function and apply it for spontaneity. Statesecond law of thermodynamics and explain the spontaneity criteriain terms of Gibbs free energy change. Give the relation betweenfree energy change, equilibrium constant of a reaction and net EMFof an electrochemical cell and solve the problems based on thisrelation. State third law of thermodynamics and apply Nernst heattheorem to calculate transition entropies. More details pleasevisit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com" hostsconcept oriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designedfor K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students toenjoy learning with application oriented, visually rich contentwhich is simple and easy to understand. The content is aligned tobest practices of learning and teaching. Students can developstrong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to dowell in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a referencematerial to be more creative in designing engaging learningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in their child'sdevelopment through WWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subjectas a part of the Chemical Reactions topic and this topic containsfollowing sub topics Thermodynamics System and surroundingsMacroscopic properties of a thermodynamic system Energy, heat andwork First law of thermodynamics Hess's law Zeroth law Second lawGibbs free energy
Molecules Of Life 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Predict and analyze how small organicmolecules are joined inside cells, forming larger molecules calledmacromolecules. Discover how carbohydrates serve as fuel andbuilding material for molecules. Define and distinguish thestructures and functions of fats, phospholipids, and steroids.Discriminate the structural concepts of saturated and unsaturatedfatty acids and how they affect our health. Explore the structureand functions of proteins in cells and summarize the concept of howa polypeptide is constructed from amino acids. Analyze the factorsthat affect protein structure and functions and evaluate howenzymes act as biological catalysts. Deduce how nucleic acids storeand transmit hereditary information. More details please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe BioChemistry topic and this topic contains following sub topicsMolecules of life Polymers Carbohydrates Polysaccharides LipidsProteins Enzymes Nucleic acids
Plant Nutrition 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define and discuss ″plant nutrition″and explore how plants uptake nutrients. Identify different modesof plant nutrition. Differentiate between micronutrients andmacronutrients in terms of amounts required by plants andappreciate their physiological importance. Identify the differenttypes of plant diseases caused due to essential elementdeficiencies. Explore how plants make most of their nutrients bythemselves. Identify different nutritional modes of adaptationsseen in plants. Describe the symbiosis between rhizobium bacteriaand legume plants and systematize the steps involved in root noduleformation. Analyze how a legume species recognizes a certain strainof Rhizobium among many bacterial strains in the soil. More detailsplease visit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com"hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underBiology subject as a part of the PlantForm and Function topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Plant nutrition Modes ofNutrition Mineral Content Essential elements PhotosynthesisNutritional Adaptations Molecular Biology of Root Nodule Formation
Plant Reproduction 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define “vegetative propagation” ofplants and list different methods of vegetative propagation forobtaining desired characteristics in horticulture and inagriculture. Define and discuss the term “tissue culture” andappreciate the importance of this phenomenon. Identify thereproductive organs of flower and Explore how sexual reproductionoccurs in plants. Analyze how male and female gametes are formed ina flower. Define and distinguish self–pollination and crosspollination and list different types of cross pollination methods.Investigate the difference between pollination and fertilization inflowering plants. Systematize the main stages of germination of aseed and understand the types of germination methods. Define anddiscuss the terms Apomixis and Polyembryony and appreciate thesignificance of apomixes. More details please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe PlantForm and Function topic and this topic contains followingsub topics Plant Reproduction Artificial Methods SexualReproduction Pollination and Fertilization Seed Seed Germination
Life Processes 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Describe the common features thatdetermine why invertebrates, such as sponges, cnidarians, andflatworms, do not require a circulatory system. Define anddistinguish the terms invertebrate and vertebrate circulation.Compare and contrast the different modes of respiration indifferent animals. Define partial pressure and appreciate the roleof partial pressure gradients in respiratory mechanism. Define anddistinguish the terms intracellular and extracellular digestion andidentify the mode of digestion seen in different animals. Describethe structure and function of photoreceptors in differentinvertebrates. Determine how statocysts are adaptive for animalsthat burrow underground or live deep in the ocean. Compare blood,hemolymph and hemocyanin. More details please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe Animal Form and Function topic and this topic containsfollowing sub topics Life Processes Respiration Digestion Visionand Sense Immune Mechanism Endocrine and Nervous system
Newton's Laws of Motion 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Identify the types of forces that areencountered in day-to-day life. Appreciate and apply Newton's firstlaw of motion and explore its implications in daily life.Distinguish between mass and weight with relevance to a physicalentity. Appreciate and apply Newton's second law and explore itsimplications related to everyday life. Understand and distinguishclearly between static and dynamic equilibrium. Explore Newton'sthird law using its practical applications as observed in dailylife. Understand the normal force and apply it in daily life.Discuss friction, types of friction and apply them to get clarityabout various concepts like magnetic levitation, etc. More detailsplease visit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com"hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underPhysics subject as a part of the Mechanics topic and this topiccontains following sub topics Newton's Laws of Motion Newton'sfirst law of motion Newton's Second Law of Motion Staticequilibrium Newton's Third Law of Motion Interpretation of secondlaw and third law Friction Fluid friction
Ecology and Biosphere 1.0 APK
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define the term Ecology and analyzehow Ecology and environment are related to each other. Illustratethe concepts–richness of biosphere and biological interactions.Explore how Ecology and Evolutionary biology are closely relatedsciences. Illustrate how environment shapes organisms and howorganisms shape the environment. Define, discuss and distinguishthe terms–species distribution and dispersal. Define and describebiotic, abiotic factors and biomes. Describe how biotic and abioticfactors influence the structure and dynamics of various biomes.Deduce how the concept of time applies to ecological situations andevolutionary changes. More details please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/ "Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe Evolutionary Biology topic and this topic contains followingsub topics Ecology and Biosphere Subfields of Ecology Ecology andEvolutionary Biology Interactions of Organisms and the EnvironmentThe Environment Shapes Organisms Organisms Shape the EnvironmentDistribution of speciesAbiotic and Biotic Factors