Top 16 Apps Similar to MESSAGGI ANONIMI

SMS Anonimi 2.0
Marco Rinaldi
Invia facilmente SMS anonimi grazieaquestaapplicazione!Funziona solo con operatori telefonici italianiTim, Vodafone, Wind e 3 (Tre)Mandare un SMS anonimo non è mai stato così facile ;)NOTA:- Non richiede connessione a internet- Non funziona su dispositivi senza SIM- Funziona solo con SIM ricaricabili
SMS Anonimi 1.0
Favaretto Marco
Questa applicazione può essereutilizzataperfare scherzi divertenti ai vosti amici.Sarete in grado di inviate sms anonimi in italia conoperatori:Tim,Tre, Vodafone, Wind.Utilizza i codici forniti dai rispettivi operatoriditelefoniamobile, pertanto pagherete il costo del singolomessaggioanonimoin base al proprio gestore. (Solo Vodafone siappoggia adunservizio di terze parti)Il mittente dei messaggi inviati con questaapplicazione,saràcomunque rintracciabile dalla polizia postale sene faràunutilizzo illecito (es. stalking).This applicationcanbeused to make funny jokes to friends foolish.You will be able to send anonymous text messages inItalywithoperators: Tim, Three, Vodafone, Wind.Use the codes provided by the respective mobile operators,soyouwill pay the cost of a single anonymous message accordingtoitsmanager. (Only Vodafone relies on a third-party service)The sender of the messages sent with this application,youwillstill be traced by the police if they will post amisuse(egstalking.)
ADMIN center
A chi non è successo di voler scrivere unsmsad una persona senza però voler rivelare il suo numero? Daoggipuoi inviare a chiunque un sms senza che il destinatariopossarisalire al tuo numero. E nella versione PRO puoianchepersonalizzare il mittente.Who has not happenedtowant to write a text message to a person without, however,herefused to reveal his number? Now you can send anyone atextmessage without the recipient can be traced back to yournumber.And in the PRO version you can also customize thesender.
Easy Secret Messages 6.1
Freedom apps
This very simple, but very powerful app will make it easy for youtokeep private information out of your email, SMS and chat logs.Basedon the open source service provided by the You won't have to worry about someonehackingyour accounts and reading your messages ever again - Youwon’t haveto go through complicated registration forms orconfigurations,everything works out of the box. - When you send amessage theperson receiving it won’t need to have anythinginstalled to readthe message. - Messages are encrypted usingpowerful algorithms andself-destroy once they are read by theirrecipient. - Only the linkto the actual message will be sent to therecipient, and thoselinks expire after 7 days if they’re not read.- Using acombination of Easy Secret Messages with Orbot (theAndroid versionof Tor) you have true anonymity in case you want tobecome the nextSnowden and start a whistleblowing scandal –messages cannot betraced this way. - When you send messages andcommunicate with theserver, all data is encrypted via SSL. - Youcan add extraprotection by password-protecting the messages. Youshould not haveto become a computer security expert to be able tosend and receiveprivate messages. Try Easy Secret Messages Today!!!F.A.Q.s Why would I use this? When you sendpeoplepasswords and private links via email or chat, there arecopies ofthat information stored in many places. If you use aone-time linkinstead, the information persists for a single viewingwhich meansit can't be read by someone else later. This allows youto sendsensitive information in a safe way knowing it's seen by onepersononly. Think of it like a self-destructing message. Why can'tI sendpictures or other kinds of files? The challenge with sendingfiles,images in particular, is that there's no way toabsolutelyguarantee it wasn't copied or shared with other people.In order toensure that no one's private information is unknowinglyshared, wedecided to err on the side of simplicity. But I can copythe secrettext. What's the difference? True but all you have istext. Withimages and other files types, they can contain metadataand otherpotentially revealing information about who the senderorrecipient. Again, this is simply to ensure that noprivateinformation is shared outside of the intended recipient. CanIretrieve a secret that has already been shared? Nope. We displayitonce and then delete it. After that it's gone forever. How longdoyou keep non-viewed secrets? We keep secrets for up to 7 daysforanonymous users and up to 14 days for free accounts. Afterthatthey are deleted automatically and gone forever. (Note: by thetimeyou read a secret, it's already deleted from our servers.) Whatisthe maximum message size? For the sake of simplicity inthisAndroid app and to avoid overloading the servicegraciouslyprovided by onetimesecret, the maximum message size is1024characters. Why should I trust you? General we can't doanythingwith your information even if we wanted to (which wedon't). Ifit's a password for example, we don't know the usernameor even theapplication that the credentials are for. If you includeapassphrase (available under "Privacy Options"), we use ittoencrypt the secret. We don't store the passphrase (only abcryptedhash) so we can never know what the secret is because wecan'tdecrypt it. Beside all that, the code is opensource so youcanreview the code and/or run your own instance.
Messaggi Anonimi 1.0
DescrizioneCosti:Tim: 0.13€Tre: 0.50€Vodafone: 0.50€Wind: Il Costo Di Un Normale SMSIl Costo Degli SMS Non Dipende Dall'App Ma Dal VostroGestore!DescriptionCosts:Tim: € 0.13Three: € 0.50Vodafone: 0.50 €Wind: The Cost Of A Normal SMSThe Cost Of SMS from the app, but not Depends On YourManager!
Yazzy (Fake Conversations)
Vincenzo Cerminara
Enjoy making fun of your friends. Yazzy istheideal app to make jokes!With Yazzy you can easily create fake, but veryrealistic,conversations.Supported fake screens:• iPhone SMS with emojis support• WhatsApp with emojis and images• Facebook Messenger• Facebook Status with comments and likes• Tweets with hashtag and mentions• Google searches• WhatsApp groups with images and emojis• Google translate• Ask.FM• iPhone WhatsApp with images and emojis• Others fake conversation screens will come soonEach conversation screen is highly customizable: you can includeacustomized status bar (custom wifi, battery level,carrier),navigation bar, show or hide overflow, change WhatsAppbackground,change avatars, status and more.What are you waiting for? Now you can talk to yourfavoritecelebrity or just with aliens.Create. Share. Have funDownload Yazzy now, the most loved fake messages generatorisavailable for free.Ads can be completely removed through in-app purchase (availableinmain menu).The watermark can be removed from the Settings of the app orjustclicking on it.Note: The developer has no responsibility for the incorrectuse(against the law) of the application.Google+ community for support, beta program andtranslations: permissions:> Network access: show advertising and anonymous reportingoferrors> Storage access: selection of avatars and saving images> Access to contacts/profile: autocompletion of name/numberinAndroid SMS and Hangout> Billing: remove advertising through In-App Purchase
UnSegreto insegreto App no Ads 1.0
UnSegreto [UnOfficial InSegreto App]Conosci insegreto?Se ti è piaciuta l'app di In segreto e vuoisupportareglisviluppatori acquista questa versione Tnx ;)Questa è la versione premium dell'app Unsegreto,inquestaversione non sono presenti banner pubblicitari, il prezzodiquestaapp è puramente simbolico, e va inteso come un supportoperglisviluppatori dell'app.Per suggerimenti, segnalazione Bug o qualsiasi altrodubbiononesitate a contattarci è un sito che si occupa di raccogliere isegretidegliItaliani, e riproporli a tutti gli utenti.Scoperto il portale in segreto, abbiamo sentitol'esigenzadirendere più agevole la visualizzazione da smartphonedeisegreti,inizialmente solo per risolvere un problemapersonale.Credendofosse un problema non solo nostro, abbiamopensato di fareun appda condividere.UnSegreto nasce con l'unico intento di rendere piùsemplicelalettura, dei segreti, da dispositivi mobili. Tuttiisegretipresenti in questa applicazione sono stati inviatiinmanieraanonima da terzi sul portale insegreto.UnSegreto non si assume nessuna responsabilità suicontenuti,perogni contenuti pubblicato è presente il collegamentoalmessaggiooriginale presente sul portale insegreto.Da quest'applicazione non è possibile, inseriremessaggisulportale, non è possibile inviare commentialrelativomessaggio, non è possibile votare il messaggio, pertuttequestefunzionalità invitiamo a visitare ilsitoufficialeinsegreto.Un Segreto UnOfficial In SegretoLicenze di terzi...Gli sviluppatori declinano qualsiasi responsabilitàdallaviolazionedelle norme sul diritto d’autore perl’eventualerecupero automaticodelle informazioni necessarie all’usodeiservizi offertidall’applicazione (Web Scraping).L’applicazionerecupera leinformazioni necessarie dalle piattaformeonline dellerispettivesocietà sotto delega dell’utente e pertantolosostituisce nelprocesso fisico di accesso e richiestainformazionia tali banchedati.Secondo l’Art. 4 Comma 2 del Decreto Legislativo169/99,l’utentelegittimo della banca dati non deve essereautorizzatodalproprietario della stessa per la riproduzionepermanenteotemporanea, totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo einqualsiasiforma e per la traduzione, l'adattamento, unadiversadisposizionee ogni altra modifica, se tali attivita'sononecessarie perl'accesso al contenuto della stessa banca di datieper il suonormale impiego.
Previsione Sesso del Nascituro 1.0.3
Maschietto o Femminuccia?Vuoi prevedere - o magari progettare - con una certaattendibilitàil sesso del nascituro?Non parliamo di metodi scientifici ma di un sistema dicalcolobasato sul Calendario Cinese della gravidanza che hadimostrato neltempo un alto grado di precisione e che permette,semplicementeindicando il mese del concepimento e l'età dellafutura mamma (inquel momento), di ricavare il sesso del nascituro.Dunque, perché non fantasticare un po'?Tanto, come si dice in questi casi: "L'importante è chestiabene!"Nota: In nessun caso il risultato ricevuto sostituisce quellochepotrai ottenere attraverso un’ecografia o l’opinione deltuomedico. Se vuoi un risultato affidabile al 100%, rivolgitialginecologo che ti segue durante la gravidanza. Il sistema èungioco - abbastanza attendibile - ma nulla di più.Sissy or boy?Do you want to predict - or maybe design - with justificationthesex of the baby?We do not speak of scientific methods but by a system ofcalculationbased on the Chinese calendar pregnancy that has beenshown overtime a high degree of precision and allows simplypointing to themonth of conception and the age of the expectantmother (at thattime), guess the sex of the baby.So why not fantasize a little '?So, as they say in these cases: "The important thing ishe'sokay!"    Note: In no case the resultreceivedreplaces what you can get an ultrasound or opinion of yourdoctor.If you want a 100% reliable results, please contactthegynecologist who follows you during pregnancy. The system is agame- fairly reliable - but nothing more.
Secret Message 0.1
Neelesh R Pednekar
World's Best Anonymous mailing app.Always had a secret a say, a crush to confess, anappreciationtogive, a feedback to leave or a chance to speak yourheart.Well,hear is your best chance to share your secrets withyourcrush,friends, colleagues, boss or anyone you admire or wanttogivefeedback to.Sending an email without using your real name is usefulwhenyouwant to protect your identity, in instanceslikeprovidinginformation about a scandal, sending a secretadmirernote, orexpressing your opinion without drawing attentiontoyourself. Hereis the safest option on how to send ananonymousemail.Sometimes you just need to send emails withoutpriorregistration.In fact you don’t even need to receiveanyfeedback.Mail From Me will deliver your email to the inbox oftherecipientwith your message, keeping your identity hidden.This is the best thing to happen. It is like sayingsomethingtosomeone without them knowing who said it.Just speak your heart and let them know how you feel.The app is meant for positive use, please do not abuse it.
Who Viewed My Instagram 1.1.0
Creative Magic
How exciting it is to check Who is stalkingYouon Instagram and viewing Your Instagram Profilesecretly.Unfortunately, Instagram doesn't provide such feature. Sowe cameup with an idea to show Profile Visitors using thisapp.The most accurate tool to find out who viewed the profile.InstaViewapp contains more than thousands of formulas to calculateand trackwho viewed our profile fast and accurate.We analyse all the data fetched from Instagram and other thirdpartysources about your account and generates the most accuratelist for"Who viewed your Instagram profile recently"!The list is updated automatically when the potential recentviewersof your Instagram profile changes. Our algorithms run fasttoobtain the result. You can see up to most 200 viewers ofyourInstagram profile. You can see new Profile Stalkers as manytimesyou want using this Profile Visitors app.The Best InstaView App:- Display the accurate data, all visit information is real.- Track more details, including the photos other usersliked,commented.- Check the users' profiles, real interaction.Come and find out the best friends and secret admirers.
Beam (Beta) 1.1.1
Beam è un'utile applicazione chepermettedisegnalare i posti di blocco stradali delle autorità intuttoilmondo , grazie alle potenti mappe di Google.Per una miglior precisione del servizio , è possibilevotarelesegnalazioni degli altri utenti , per confermarne lavalenza opersegnalare eventuali segnalazioni fasulle ( Fake ) .Saràpossibileinoltre commentare le segnalazioni , per uno scambiodiutiliinformazioni fra utenti o per segnalare modifichedellasituazionesegnalata.Le proprie segnalazioni sono cancellabili in ognimomento,attraverso la voce di menu "Le mie Segnalazioni".Ogni utente ha a disposizione 2 segnalazioni orarie,questearriveranno in tempo reale a tutti i dispositiviconnessicosì comei voti e i commenti .Nel menu delle impostazioni , attivare laNavigazioneperagganciare la camera alla propria posizione , leNotificheperricevere una notifica , ogni volta che verràeffettuataunasegnalazione ad una distanza di 50 km dallapropriaposizione.(Le notifiche non sono supportate sui sistemi Androidprecedentiallaversione 4.0)Utilizzate il servizio con intelligenza e criterio ,puòessereutile per evitare perdite di tempo .Non vi è mai capitato di essere fermati in una situazionediritardo?Con Beam potrete evitare questi contrattempi .Enjoy it.(5 stelle per garantire una rapida diffusione, così dapoteraverela situazione dei posti di blocco effettiva ,si ricorda che Beam è ancora in versione Beta ,potretesegnalareeventuali problematiche alla casellamailbeam.marfid@gmail.comRilasceremo la stable release ilprimapossibile .Grazie )
Invia SMS Anonimi 1.0
Costi:Tim: 0.13€Tre: 0.50€Vodafone: 0.50€Wind: Il Costo Di Un Normale SMSIl Costo Degli SMS Non Dipende Dall'App Ma Dal VostroGestore!Costs:Tim: € 0.13Three: € 0.50Vodafone: € 0.50Wind: The Cost Of A Normal SMSThe Cost Of SMS depends JPA But Not From Your Manager!
Fake Text Message 2.0.0
With fake text message Make fakeconversationswith your friends, even with your boyfriend orgirlfriend! You caneasily make fake chats of instant messaging apps( Whatsapp .Facebook text ...)and share with your friends onsocialnetworks.DescriptionCreate fake chat screenshots that looks real !WhatsPrank presents you the ULTIMATE PRANK for WhatsApp.Features fake text message:- Create fake chats with anyone (even Obama; trump;clinton...)!- mirror image of the real deal, your friends won't know ifit'sfake !- Control both sides of the conversation- Alter every single detail in the conversation- Send & Receive fake media messages- Send & Receive fake voice messages- Edit last seen, online, and typing statuses.- Edit sent, delivered, read message statuses.- And a lot more fun stuff !With fake text message You can fool your friends family oryourgirlfriend. simulating a conversation by fake chat (sms)Create fake whatsapp conversationCreate fake facebook messengerCreate Fake whatsapp messagestext message generator chats was made to simulate realchatconversations. Your chat snapshot will be just like if it isfromWhastapp. Change the delivery status, set if the person isonline,typing or away for a while, change the time of the chatmessages,Choose the background image that you use on WhatsApp,Quicklyswitch between sent or received and many more!
Anonimio - Anonymous Social 0.8.21
How many times you hesitated to shareordiscusscontroversial topics with your Facebook friendsandcolleagues? Youno longer have to! Anonimio is here to help youtosend anonymousmessages to Facebook Friends, colleagues,familymembers and others.Anonymously exchange messages, thoughts withyourFacebookfriends, colleagues, family members while protectingtheidentityof yours as well as theirs.Anonimio has so many features that you'll like. Some ofthecoolfeatures are:Live Discussions: "Post Details Page" offers chatlikeliveupdates for comments, likes and dislikes.Anonymity: Anonymously, exchange messages with thepersonyouknow. We don't display anywhere in the application whopostedthemessage.Groups: Apart from the system created groups, youcancreateseveral types groups and talk to the people you may ormaynotknow. Anonimio also offers groups for socialapplicationslikeFacebook to exchange anonymous messages/posts withyour friendsinthe social application.Anonimio helps you on anonymous talk with the people youknowbyallowing you to create and join different types ofgroups:Admin Groups:Only group admin can add members. This helps you to connectwithaspecific set of people know. For example, you can create agrouptoconnect with your university friends andexchangeanonymousmessages and talk about rumors.Facebook Group:Your system created private Facebook groups lets topostanonymousmessages to your Facebook friends. This group helpsyou toconnectwith your Facebook friends anonymously and sendanonymousposts andcomments.Public Groups:Anyone can join any user-created groups and postanonymousmessages.For example, you can create a group called"PoliticalJokes". Anyonecan join this group and post anonymousmessages tothis for thetopic "Political Jokes".Domain GroupsAllows anyone having an email address in the domain of thegrouptopost anonymous messages. Multiple domain groups for thesamedomaincan be created. For example, anyone can join the groupPasscode GroupsAnyone with group passcode can join the group andpostanonymousmessagesSystem's Public GroupA system generated "Public" group, to which anyone canpostanonymousmessages and are received by all the users of theapp.The main useof this group is to exchange anonymous messageswiththe people youmay not know.AnonymityThe anonymity of everyone is protected by Anonimio bydifferentsetsrules, restrictions, and features. While any memberofprivategroups can see the list members of the group, theyneverknow whois posting the anonymous message. Even the creator ofthegroupdoesn't know. Even the application doesn't track or mainanykindof information regarding who posted what message.Members CountTo protect everyone's anonymity, the app restrictsanyonefromposting anonymous messages to any group which doesn'thavetheminimum number of members are joined. Currently, a minimumof3members is required.Members can't be removedNo one can remove members of any group even in the admingroups.So,no one can remove all other members and talk to youdirectlywithoutyour knowledgeMembers VisibilityMembers list of all private groups visible to everyone inthegroup.So, you can see and know whether all members are agenuinememberbefore posting any anonymous message to the group.Memberslist ofall public groups is hidden.
MessyMessage 1.2.3
Gemintra Ltd
"Messy Message" lets you post messagesvisibleto people who are near from your current location or willcomethere later, and read records left by people in the same area.Features:– displays messages in your current location;– allows you to post messages anonymously;– has two main screens: a list and a map; both screens showrecordsposted in your location;– can run in the background;– with enabled option "Background notifications", may notifyyouwith a brief sound if new records are found nearby and showanumber of them as well;– has a filter mode; there are five fields where you may put tagsorcode words to filter out messages interesting to you;– stores history – records you've seen earlier, but which arenowfar from your current location.You can just chat with strangers nearby, or shareyourimpressions of a place, or learn something new from records –newfacts, new sights, new people messing around. Even if you're inaseemingly known place, there's always a chance to findnewsurprising details or... interesting people.Also it might be a great idea to use the app for differentgames,flash mobs or for establishing of any theme "spots" in therealworld. Having applied a certain code word among members ofyourgroup, it will be easy to identify messages from your"circle".Using "Messy Message", you are able to fully experienceanatmosphere of the site where you currently are throughpeople'sthoughts, observations and feelings uttered in records, andbringsomething of yours to its mood and virtual memory.
Lo sapevi che 2.0
Simpatica applicazione cheraccogliemoltissimeSTRANEZZE del mondo da poter condividere con ipropriamici tramiteFacebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber,e-mailosemplicemente tramitemessaggi.Niceapplicationthatcollects many oddities of the world that they canshare withtheirfriends via Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber,e-mail orsimplyby messages.