Top 3 Apps Similar to Revisão Planejada Volvo Penta

vcare - vehicle care app 5.3.0
First of its kind, full-featured applicationtoassist vehicle owners and provide them valuable informationwhiletravelling. Features include:1. Send accident (own and other's) emergency alert toselectedcontacts and emergency service providers. Send'sSOSnotification/SMS with your geo-location.2. Report on-road robbery and vehicle theft.3. Create vehicle profiles and never miss important updatesaboutvehicle (insurance renewals, service due's, Tyrechangereminders)4. Service appointments - book service appointments withservicecenters and get service status updates includingbilledamount.5. Rate service center based on vehicle service satisfaction.Thisadds to service centers overall rating which is helpful toothersusers in selecting service centers for their vehicles.6. Share traffic alerts and check traffic alerts to plan theirrouteand avoid traffic jams5. Search user shared important places on roads/highwayslikeeateries, hotels, toilets etc along with user ratings. Userscangive their own ratings and add their own places.6. Get custom offers personalized as per your vehicleprofiles.Offers for insurance, tyres, lubricants, spares,accessories,servicing, new vehicles etc.and many more.WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY:1. We do not share users name, email, phone number or anyothercontact information to our advertisers.2. We do not share your vehicle number to any ofouradvertisers3. We ask for vehicle number only for yourinformationpurpose.4. We provide only our other vehicle profile like vehiclemake,type, fuel type, insurer name, policy expiry date, kmsdone,service history with advertisers so that they can provide youbestpossible offers on their products and services to you. But wedonot share any other information like your contact informationorvehicle registration and identification numbers that will behelpedto directly identify you.5. We use your contact list to show you numbers with which youwantto share this application or to use your service providersnumbersaved in your contacts list. We don't send any kind ofpromotionalmessages to these numbers or use this number foradvertising. Weonly use these numbers, if selected by you, to sendyour emergencyalerts/notifications and service booking notificationandalerts.6. We use google GCM notification service and don't send SMSexpectin case of emergency notifications and if your serviceprovider oryour invited contact does not use vcare applicationservice. Incase they use VCare, send server sidenotifications.7. sending GCM notification depends on google API usage policyandservice provider policy and network conditions. we don'tguaranteedelivery time and delivery of notifications.
Car Specs 2.0
Find car specification from over 40,000recordsfor cars from 1941 to 2009. This app is great for Peoplewho want toknow about cars, own cars, want to buy a car, switchcars frequentlyetc. 2010 to 2015 specs are coming soon.This application include the following information : (somecarsmight be missing very few details)YearMakeModelCategoryEngine positionEngineEngine typeValves per cylinderMax PowerMax TorqueBore strokeCompressionTop speedFuelTransmissionPower per weight0 to 60 mph / 0 to 100kmhDriveSeatsPassenger spaceDoorsCountry of OriginFront tireRear tireChassisCO2 emissionTurn circleWeightTotal LengthTotal WidthTotal Heightmax weight with loadGround clearanceWheelbaseCoolingFront brakes typeRear brakes typeCargo spaceLubricationFront leg roomAerodynamic dragcoefisientFuel with highway driveFuel with mixed driveFuel with city driveFuel tank capacity
Mi Taller 1.0.15
Orange Group SRL
Mi taller mecánico te ofreceinformaciónpráctica sobre los diferentes talleres mecánicos,clasificados porespecialidad y ubicación geográfica en Bolivia,ademas deinformación de interés como estaciones de servicios,gomerias yservicios de grúas.Utiliza la opción de búsqueda para encontrar el taller que tebrindeel servicio que necesitas, o tenga conocimientos sobre lamarca detu vehículo, por ejemplo si necesitas un taller querealice serviciode mantenimiento de frenos, seleccionas lacategoría de talleresmecánico y la especialidad frenos, o sinecesitas un taller que solohaga la marca de tu vehículoselecciona esta opción.La herramienta de localización te brindara información delostalleres que se encuentran a tu alrededor por especialidad,ademásinformación adicional como gomerias y otros.El marcador de color azul te muestra todos los talleresmecánicos,el marcador rojo te muestra los lubricentros, el marcadorpurpurate muestra los talleres de chaperío y pintura, el marcadorverde temuestra las servitecas, , el color celeste los tallereseléctrico,el color café servicio de radiadores, naranja servicio deaireacondicionado, el marcador plomo te muestra las gomerías detuciudad.En la información del taller tendrás una descripción de todoslosservicios que realiza, tendrás el número de teléfono deltallerpara comunicarte directamente, visitar su página web osuFacebook.Crea un usuario y accede a más opciones que te ofrece laaplicación,como seguimiento al mantenimiento que le realizas a tuvehículo ycontrol de gastos.Nota: La información contenida en esta aplicación(teléfonos,dirección, dirección web, e-mail, dirección física, etc)puedevariar ya que se sujeta a la que nos proporciona cada taller.Mitaller App hará lo posible por mantener estainformaciónactualizada. Nosotros no somos parte de ninguna de laempresasdetalladas en el directorio, el servicio que ofrecen es100%responsabilidad de cada taller de acuerdo a lo pactadoconpropietario del vehículo.My garage offerspracticalinformation on the various mechanical workshops,classified byspecialty and geographic location in Bolivia, besidesinformationlike service stations, gomerias and craneservices.Use the search option to find the shop that gives you theserviceyou need, or have knowledge about the brand of your vehicle,forexample if you need a workshop perform maintenance servicebrakes,select the category of mechanical workshops and specialtybrakes,or if you need a workshop just make the brand of yourvehicle youselect this option.The localization tool will give you information on theworkshopsthat are around you by specialty, as well as additionalinformationgomerias and others.The blue marker shows you all mechanical workshops, the redmarkershows you the Lubrication Centers, the purple marker showsyouworkshops chaperío and painting, the green marker shows youtheservitecas, the blue color the electric workshops, colorradiatorscoffee service, air conditioning service orange, leadmarker showsyou tire facilities in your city.Workshop on information have a description of allservicesperformed, have the phone number of the workshop tocommunicatedirectly, visit their website or Facebook page.Create a user and access more options offered by theapplication,such as monitoring the maintenance that you make toyour vehicleand cost control.Note: The information contained in this application (phone,address,web address, e-mail, address, etc.) may vary as it issubject toproviding us each workshop. My workshop App will striveto keep thisinformation. We are not part of any of the companiesdetailed in thedirectory, the service offered is 100% theresponsibility of eachworkshop according to the agreement with thevehicle owner.