Top 9 Apps Similar to El viaje de Suso 3 años

El viaje de Suso 4 años 1.9.18
El viaje de Suso 4 años está dirigido aniñosdel segundo curso de Educación Infantil.Suso es un abuelo que divertirá y enseñará a tus hijos junto asumascota Burro.En esta aplicación podrán practicar actividades de:- Matemáticas.- Lenguaje.- Conocimiento de sí mismo.- Artística.- Trazos.Suso's trip four yearsisaimed at children in the second year of kindergarten.Suso is a grandfather that will entertain and teach childrenwithhis pet donkey.In this application can practice activities:- Mathematics.- Language.- Knowledge of himself.- Artistic.- Strokes.
El viaje de Suso 5 años 1.9.18
El viaje de Suso 5 años está dirigido aniñosdel tercer curso de Educación Infantil.Suso es un abuelo que divertirá y enseñará a tus hijos junto asumascota Oveja.En esta aplicación tus hijos podrán practicaractividadesde:- Matemáticas.- Lenguaje.- Conocimiento de sí mismo.- Artística.- Trazos.Suso's trip five yearsisaimed at children in the third year of primary education.Suso is a grandfather that will entertain and teach childrenwithhis pet sheep.In this app your kids can enjoy activities:- Mathematics.- Language.- Knowledge of himself.- Artistic.- Strokes.
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game
A fun and educational game for kids 1-3 years old!
Lecture facile : Qui est-ce ? 1.0
Les Lectures Faciles pourlePrimaires’adressent aux enfants à partir de 5 ans.Elles sont conçues pour être lues par les enfantsdemanièreautonome, grâce à un usage intuitif et amusant.Ces lectures favorisent l’apprentissage de nouveauxconceptsenmême temps qu’elles développent l’attention auditive etvisuelle,àtravers des sons et des images interactives.Elles offrent la possibilité de choisir le mode de lecture:demanière traditionnelle ou bien de manière interactive,enécoutantl’audio, en touchant les bulles et en découvrantlesélémentsinteractifs.Easy ReadingsforPrimaryaimed at children from 5 years.They are designed to be read by childrenindependently,withintuitive and fun use.These readings encourage learning new concepts at thesametimethey develop auditory and visual attention, throughsoundsandinteractive images.They offer the possibility to choose the playbackmode:thetraditional way or interactively, listening to theaudio,touchingthe bubbles and discovering the interactiveelements.
Calixto, el gato astronauta 1.1.0
Calixto está dirigido a niños conedadescomprendidas entre 3 y 5 años.De la mano del gato Calixto tus hijos disfrutarán deaventurasviajando a los planetas de los Filimotes, las Talarinas,losAranitos y los Robots.¡Descubre con tus hijos lo divertido que es viajar porelespacio!Esta aplicación es un juego didáctico que favorece:- El desarrollo de la competencia digital.- La observación y la experimentación.- La aplicación de aprendizajes del currículo de Infantil.¡Este juego estimulará, enseñará y divertirá a tus hijos!Calixto is aimedatchildren aged between 3 and 5 years.From cat hand Calixto adventures your kids will enjoytravelingto the planets of the Filimotes, the Talarinas, theAranitos andRobots.Discover with your children how fun it is travelingthroughspace!This application is an educational game that favors:- The development of digital competence.- The observation and experimentation.- The application of learning of the Early Years curriculum.This game will encourage, teach and entertain your kids!
Duckling's Puzzles 3.3.2
Puzzles with different difficulty levels. Suitable for kids aged3to 5.
Vocal for Babies 1.0
Robert Smart Co.
This Novel game, help them identifytheirtotsto the basics, such as vowels, Numbers, Letters,GeometricFigures,Pets & Wild.The games contain very beautiful scenery, iterativesoundsforeach object, background music and awards medals perlevel.All consist of a finger pressing the requiredindication,whilethe objects are kept in motion.Each game contains several levels identified for medals andasitprogresses and as many new items are added to finallygetatrophy.Children will be entertained and acquire memoryskills.Whileparents help them mark the request.Games contain the first steps Children need fortheireducation.Children older than three (3) years.1. Members2. Letters (Alphabet).3. Numbers.4. Figures geometries.5. And Animals.The game can even help adults starting with anewlanguage,Spanish or English.Example of use ..The game animals:By identifying the Animal that will be presented in adialogue,itsimage will movements and sounds of the animal, helpingthe childtofamiliarize image and sound of the Animal ...The set of letters and vowels contains several typesofletters(uppercase, lowercase and italics) you can selectabuttonHave a nice experience with this iterative game.Remember that your opinion is important to us, so we canshapethegame to your liking.
App educativo niño bebe kinder 1.97
Collection of educational applications for children.EarlyStimulation
Picture Book For Toddlers
Picture book for toddlers is a fun app for children between theages1-3 years!