Top 9 Apps Similar to zAPPingNet Vídeos virales

Profile Tracker for WhatsApp 1.25
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Ever wondered if it is possible tohackWhatsApp conversations? Well, the answer is no! The data iswellprotected behind firewalls, and the company has kept theirserverspretty safe! But with our app, using statisticalprobabilityanalysis in our algorithm, we churn out numbers, tryingto giveresults to answer your queries!This is one of the best simulation of tracker for WhatsAppandtracks profile visitors, blockers, stalkers, time spent etc. Weareconstantly trying to improve our algorithm so that we candelivergood simulated results. Since it is still evolving so theresultsare not 100% correct.Key Features are:1) Who viewed my Profile: This is our premium simulationfeature,we try to analyze the data for the last 30 days, so thatyou canhave a quick check on who viewed you. For the last day wetry toshow data in approximated hours and then afterwards we showthem daywise.2) WhatsApp Spy – On the basis of the score generatedbycalculating the frequency of visits, analyzing intervalbetweenviews etc. we generate a simulated list of your profilestalkers.Right now we give only 5 names. But we are trying toincrease thenumber further.3) Who blocked me - This is a tricky one and we have limiteddataon this as of now! Based on when your account was last seenbysomeone, when you had your last conversation etc., ouralgorithmcrunches numbers and gives out a simulated result fromwhich youcan take a guess at maybe who blocked you.4) Chances of Stalking - And the awesomeness, sadly ends here!Ouralgorithm gives names with chances (probability valuesrangingbetween 0 to 100) here, for you to make a choice: you canjudgeyourself by looking at the values if he/she is your profilestalkeror not.Please note that, the application will not show you the fulllistof profile visitors, stalkers etc. , you need to make an InAppPurchase if you want to see the full list. Also we do not shareanypersonal information (including contacts information, calllogsetc.) with any third party, it is just used in ourprobabilisticalgorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsedby, or affiliated with, WhatsApp.This is a light hearted Simulation and is intended forentertainmentpurposes only.
Who checked my profile ? 5.0
OMG !who viewing your profile?let's try this appllication which let you know whocheckingyourprofile daily ?This amazing application ever you seen !Try with your luck and see the most people whocheckedyourprofile most , and who visited your whatsapp profilemostthroughtthe instagram app !Great Userface of the app will give you who visitedyourfacebookprofile and who checked your instagram profile ?share and rate feature is added , who checks your profile ?be the kind person and rate us as you like !Happy ! Thank you !
Who Viewed My Profile 1
Lockheed Solutions
If you wonder about who is viewingyourFacebook profile secretly, this app is created for you.This app uses a smart algorithm with a fabulous design toprovideyou with a list loaded with 150 people of your most,Likers,Followers, secret admirers, Ex-Boyfriends &Ex-Girfriends &people who are secretly checking out yourprofile and photos.The app is free and includes an In-App purchase, the freeversionwill show you 5 places at the top pf the list where allother 145people are blurred, you can keep refreshing the list asmuch as youwant and enjoy the free version for the time you want,or you canupgrade to the full version and unlock the whole list of150 peoplefor $0.99.Remember that only you can interpret the list to know whoischecking your profile, exclude people that appear on the listandyou know that you are constantly communicating & chattingwiththem, (likes, comments, accepting a friends request,viewingsomeones profile ... ) anything people do on Facebook isaffectingthe order this list offers you.Enjoy and please don't forget to Rate us so that we canalwaysprovide you with cool apps.Please feel free to get in touch with us through oursupportemail for any inquires or help.
Who viewed my profile-whatsapp 5.0
Nemtolaam Goleptmaca
Who viewed my whatsapp profileHave you every heard about that anyone can know about whoisvisiting my whats app profile picture and staring at your imageandstatus ? it is obvious answer is no !! Never !!No one can never knows about who is looking at your whatsappprofile picture and know about who has crush on you. No onecanknow about such activities on whats app. we can not check whatsappconversion of other user. whats app data is pretty safe and nobodycan dare to hack them.With this app with smart technique and algorithm we can knowknowabout who is visiting your profile daily.To know about who visited your whats app profile daily youjustneed to install this app and share in your friend circle, appmustinstalled in your friend's cell phone. This way you can knowaboutyour friends is watching at your whats app profile pictureornot.*************************Important :: ****************************************How it will work:***********************Enter name , Whats app mobile number and country codeApp will show you all whats app user that is added in yourwhatsapp.Buy to see who visited your whats app profile picture. and whoisreading your whats app status regularly. - For that shareandinstall this app in your friend's mobile. app will let you knowwhois watching at you among all friends.*****************************************************************Please email us to share your ideas and suggestions. Mail usonzetmomleemom@gmail.comWe will glad to receive them and will implement it for youtoserve you best.Thank You.
Videos legais para Whatsapp Videos.para.baixar
Videos engraçados
O App Videos legais para Whatsapppreparouparavocê nossos queridos usuários um plataforma superagradávelparanavegar!★★★Categorias de Videos★★●Videos engraçados:São mais de 100 videos para você morrer de rir e compartilharcomosamigos do Whatsapp e Facebook!●Videos de amor:Surpreende o seu grande amor com videos de declaração deamor,videoscom mensagens de amor e hostórias de amor pararefletir.● Videos de Aniversário:Seu amigo vai adorar receber um video de feliz aniversáriocomlindasmensagens no Whatsapp. Lindas imagens de felizaniversárioparaamigos.● Videos de Boa noite:Envie lindos videos de boa noite para amigos ou paranamoradeedeseje para eles um boa noite.● Videos de bom dia:Acorde seu amor com lindos videos de bom dia, imagenscomlindasfrases românticas e mensagens de amor para enviarnoWhatsapp.● Videos de amizades:Envie para Whatsapp do seu amigo lindas mensagens deamizadeedemonstre para ela ou ele como são importantes em suavida.Tem muito mais, são mais de 30 categorias de videos eimagens,temvideos de datas especiais como dia da madrinha, dia doirmão,dia dasmães, dia dos pais e outros. Videos de interessantesqueestãobombando na internet, Videos de terror para dar sustonosamigos,videos e imagens de Pagadinhas para você morrer derir,Videos deutudo errado e imagens, vodeos de receitas paravocêarrasar nacozinha!O Natal e o ano novo esta chegado, e separamos para vocêvideosdenatal com lindas mensagens para você desejar Feliz Natal,Videosdeano novo com belas mensagens, para desejar feliz 2016 eque oanonovo seja repleto de amor e paz.Gostou não deixe de baixar e deixar sua avaliaçãoecomentário,lembre-se que você pode nos ajudar a tornar omelhoraplicativo deVideos legais para Whatsapp, com sua ajudapodemosmelhorar econtamos com você para que isso aconteça, borabaixar oapp e nãoesqueça de conferir nossa lista deaplicativos.App legalVideosforWhatsapp prepared for you our dear users a super niceplatformtonavigate!★★★ ★★ Videos Categories● Funny Videos:More than 100 videos for you to die to laugh and sharewithfriendsWhatsapp and Facebook!● Videos of love:Surprising his great love with videos of lovedeclaration,videoswith messages of love and hostórias love toreflect.● Videos Anniversary:Your friend looks forward to a happy birthday videowithbeautifulmessages in Whatsapp. Beautiful happy birthdaypicturesforfriends.● Video Goodnight:Send beautiful good night's videos to friends or namoradeandwishthem a good night.● good day Videos:Wake up your love with beautiful good day videos,pictureswithbeautiful romantic phrases and love messages tosendinWhatsapp.● Videos of friends:Whatsapp send it to your friend's beautiful friendshipmessagesandshow her or him how important in your life. Has much more, more than 30 categories ofvideosandpictures, videos has special dates as day godmother,BrotherDay,Mother's Day, Father's Day and others. Videos ofinterestingwhoare out and about on the Internet, videos of terrorto scaregivefriends, videos and images to Pagadinhas you dielaughing,videoseverything went wrong and images, vodeos of recipesfor youto rockthe kitchen!Christmas and New Year this arrived, and separatedforyouChristmas videos with clear messages to wish youMerryChristmas,New Year Videos with beautiful messages to wishhappy2016 and theNew Year be filled with love and peace.Like be sure to download and let your assessmentandreview,remember that you can help us make the bestlegalVideosapplication to Whatsapp, with your help we can improveand wecounton you to make it happen, bora download the app and besuretocheck our list of applications.
Viral Tube 3.0
Reboot Technology
The idea of viral tube is inheritedfromviewers.This app has six categories: popular, music, comedy, trailer,news,talk shows.It includes many unique features some of which are: regularupdateof atleast one category every day would be sent to thesubscriber.The videos that go viral on YouTube would be updated ona regularbasis on this app and the users would be notify daily.They can addthe videos they like in their favourites and watch themwheneverthey want.Another special thing about this app is is that it featuresonlyIndian videos and it gives you the option of sorting thevideosaccording to the day it has been uploaded. So in all this apphaseverything that would make it convenient for the user towatchtheir favourite videos online. This idea of making all theservicesaccessible to the user at just one place was the result ofday today suggestions taken by the people and to survey whatproblemsthey faced while watching videos online.
Vídeos Legais pra WhatsApp 1.0.6
Nesta app você poderá visualizar, rir esedivertir com vídeos selecionados. Além de assistir, tambémépossível enviar para aplicativos de mensagens como oWhatsApp,ZapZap ou Telegram.Nosso aplicativo tem o objetivo de não ocupar muito espaço noseuaparelho e por isso depois de assistir aos videos serápossívelfazer uma limpeza para que o aplicativo não consuma muitoespaço noseu aparelho.1. Permite assistir a vídeos engraçados;2. Permite compartilhar vídeos com amigos;3. Limpeza automática dos vídeos para liberar espaço.In this app you cansee,laugh and have fun with selected videos. In addition towatching,it can send messages to applications such as WhatsApp, orZapZapTelegram.Our app aims to not take up much space on your device andsoafter watching the videos will be possible to clean so thattheapplication does not consume much space on your device.1. Allows you to watch funny videos;2. Allows you to share videos with friends;3. Automatic cleaning of the videos to make room.
Suricate Seboso 1.0.4
O Suricate Seboso foi criado pelofortalezense"Diego Jovino", como forma de mostrar de uma forma bemhumorada oscostumes, cotidiano, tradições, lendas, paisagens,comidas tipicas,frutas da região e muitas outras coisas do nordestebrasileiro.Para quem está em qualquer lugar do mundo e tenha um poucodeligação com a cultura regional brasileira, essa é um excelenteAPPGRÁTIS para você rir bastante, se divertir e até lembrardeexcelente momentos.Baixa ai meu fi, é de graça.The Meerkat SebosoofFortaleza was created by "Diego Jovino" as a way to show ahumorousway customs, daily life, traditions, legends, landscapes,typicalfood, local fruits and many other things in northeasternBrazil.For anyone who is anywhere in the world and have someconnectionwith the regional Brazilian culture, this is a great APPFREE foryou to laugh a lot, have fun and to remember greatmoments.Low fi oh my, it's free.
Free Funny Videos
Shur Apps Development
Best funny videos collection updated to include 2020 humor.