Top 10 Apps Similar to Studentencodex

Codex 2.1.2
Emílio Simões
Codex is a book manager application thathelpsyou manage and catalog your books library. All you have to doisscan the book ISBN and the book information is downloaded fromtheweb.You can organize your books, manage your book loans and evencreatea book wish list to help you find the best prices for thebooks youwish to buy and remember where you found them.Share books with your friend with a simple text message to peopleinyour contacts. Codex will get all the information your friendsneedabout the book.All book information can be downloaded from the Internet,includingthe book cover. If a cover is not available you can pickan imagefrom your phone library to use has the book cover or take apictureof the book.Codex also supports multiple languages with English,Portuguese,Polish and French translations.With Codex you can:* Add books to the list simply by scanning the book ISBN. Thebookdata will be downloaded from the Internet.* Add a book by typing the ISBN. If an ISBN barcode is notavailableis always possible to type the ISBN manually.* Add a book by typing the book information. If the book hasnobarcode or is not possible to find the book information on thewebthe book data can be typed manually.* Manage your loaned books. Each time you loan a book Codexhelpsyou remember, allowing you to mark that book have loanedandsetting the person you loaned it to from your contacts.* Create a wish list with the books you wish to buy. Add a bookyoudon't have and the store you found it. Each book can havemultiplestores so that you can compare prices and choose thebestprice.* Remember the location of the store where you found the booksinthe wish list. If you don't know the address Codex can get theGPSlocation for you.* Filter your book by author, publisher or category.* Easily find books in your wish list or books thatyou'veloaned.* Pick an image from your phone image library to use has abookcover. If you don't have an image from the cover just takeapicture of it.* Want to share this book with a friend? Just recommend thebook.With Codex you can recommend a book with a simple SMS message.Ifyour friend also has Codex in his phone Codex will get all thebookinformation your friend needs.* Multilanguage support with English, Portuguese and French.* Importing and exporting book to CSV and XML so that they canbesynchronized between devices.* Search the books collection to easily find the correctbook.* When you lent a book you can set a due date and Codexwillremember you when the due date is met. Codex will maintain aloanhistory for each book so that you know to whom you have lentitto.Codex is free, you can use it without any restrictions foraslong has you want. If you have any suggestions please feel freetocontact the developer's team at codex book manager catalog library organizeloanwishlist contact message cover photo image scan barcode booksebookaddress gps location recommend phone sms store isbn friendssharefree online web internet read language export import cvs xmlexcelsearch
KODEX – Die App 2.4.0
KODEX VerlagsgesmbH
Immediately assures the Code as an app access to justice!
Ministerul Justitiei
Constituțiile statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene -MinisterulJustitiei
Código Civil de Guatemala 1.3
Ius Codex
Encuentranos en Facebook como: Leyes Digitales de Guatemala Gratis/Ius Codex. ¿Cansado de cargar tus leyes contigo a donde quieraquevayas? No te preocupes, la solución esta ¡Aquí!, - IUS CODEX -tetrae la nueva Aplicación del Código Civil de Guatemalatotalmentedigitalizado y ¡Gratis! Dentro de la Aplicación seincluyen variasherramientas, tales como: *Configuración: Cambia eltamaño de lafuente, el espacio entre las lineas, deja encendida lapantallamientras estés leyendo si gustas, cambia el color de fondodepantalla de lectura. * Lee sin conexión. * Efecto elegante alpasarpaginas. * Indice: para que puedas ubicarte rápidamente sobreelLibro, Titulo, Capitulo, Articulo que necesites. * Buscar:Escribeuna palabra o numero y rápidamente el buscador teencontrara elArticulo relacionado. * Adherir Marcadores: Puedesadherirmarcadores para dirigirte exactamente al Articulo quenecesites oquitar cada uno de los marcadores, tu decides. *Función Día/Noche:Cambia el fondo de la pantalla para proteger tuvista de lectura.Todo esto dentro de una aplicación a tu alcance,tal y como situvieras el Código Civil en ¡tus manos! Deja tusCódigos en casa...y bienvenido al Futuro. Eres el Jurisconsulto deuna nuevageneración, y esta herramienta esta hecha para ti¡Descárgala ya!Somos - Ius Codex - Derecho y Tecnología de lamano...
Dalail ul Hayrat 2.0.7
Semerkand Mobil
Dalail ul Hayrat / Semerkand Publications
Altun Silsile 1.2
Silsile-i Saadât HazretleriSİLSİLE-İ SAADÂTSilsile-i Zeheb | Altun Silsileİmamı Rabbani (k.s.) hazretleri Mektubatının 250.Mektûb-uŞeriflerinde bu yol ile alakalı olarak buyuruyorki:"Evliyâlık yolları arasında Silsile-tüz zeheb yolu,Sıddîk-iekberin yolu olduğundan, bu yolun yolcuları uyanık olur.Onun içinde, yolların en üstünüdür. Başka yoldaki Evliyâ,bunlarınkemâlâtına nasıl yetişebilir? Onların içyüzünü nasılanlıyabilir?Bu yolun yolcularının, bu işte kârları müsâvîdir demekistemiyorum.Belki milyonda biri böyle olabilirse nîmettir,saadettir.Peygamberimizin haber verdiği Hazret-i Mehdî, vilâyetinen yüksekderecesinde olacağına göre, o da bu yoldan yetişmiş ve buyolutemâmlamış ve düzeltmiş olacaktır. Çünki bütün vilâyet yolları,buyoldan aşağıdır ve ulaştıkları vilâyetlerde, Peygamberlikmakamınınkemâllerinden az birşey vardır. Bu yoldan kazanılanEvliyâlıktaise, Sıddîk-ı ekberin yolu olduğu için, o kemâlâttan pekçokbulunur."------------------(Yardımları için Mehmet Coşkun kardeşimizden Allah razı olsun.)Sequence-iSaadatHolinessSilsila-i SaadatSequence-i dhahab | Altun SequenceImam Rabbani (ks) Letters of Hadrat 250 In-serif lettersinrelation to the way in buyuruyor:"Sainthood path between the Sequence-charter dhahabway,Siddiq-i-Akbar's way, because this way passengers are awake.Sothey, path is the most excellent. Else on the road Evliya,theirkemalatı How can grow? Their insight into howlanguageunderstandable can? This way passengers, this Here profitsMousaviis not mean. Maybe one millionth become such if you areblessings,happiness is. Prophet informed that Hadrat al-Mahdi, theprovincesthe highest grade will be based on, it is this way growsand thisway temâmla and fix will be. Çünür all provinces, roads,this waythey reach down and in the provinces, there is a littlesomethingof ripeness of the office of Prophethood. earned sainthoodIn thisway, Siddiq-i-Akbar is the way, he has a lot of kemalatı."------------------(For help God bless our brother, Mehmet Coskun.)
Adabı Fethullah 1.4
Merve - Tubanur
Etiquette Fethullah 1.4
Günlük Dualar (Sesli) 2.1.0
Semerkand Mobil
Günlük Dualar Bu uygulamada, Şadırvan yayınlarındançıkanGünlükDualar kitabından yararlanılmıştır. Uygulamanıniçeriğinde,günlükhayatta herkese lazım olan ayet, hadis kaynaklıveya büyükİslamalimlerinin tavsiye ettiği dualar yer almaktadır.Dualartürkçeaçıklamalarıyla birlikte Eyüp Beyhantarafındanseslendirilmiştir.Ayrıca istediğiniz duayı yazı veyaresim olaraksosyalplatformlarda paylaşabilirsiniz. - Besmele, -Temizlik ileilgilidualar, - Evde, yolda, çalışırken okunacakdualar, - Yeme,içme ileilgili dualar, - Ve birçok dua... AyrıcaGünlük Dualarkitabını,tüm Semerkand İletişim Merkezlerivewww.semerkandpazarlama.comsitesinden temin edebilirsiniz.Uygulamaile alakalı şikayet veönerileriniz içinlütfen, veyasupport@semerkandmobile.comadresinemail atınız.
Constitución de Guatemala 1.0
Ius Codex
Encuentranos en Facebook como:LeyesDigitalesde Guatemala Gratis / Ius Codex.¿Cansado de cargar tus leyes contigo a donde quiera quevayas?Note preocupes, la solución esta ¡Aquí!, - IUS CODEX - tetraelanueva Aplicación de la Constitución Política de laRepúblicadeGuatemala totalmente digitalizado y ¡Gratis! DentrodelaAplicación se incluyen varias herramientas, tales como:*Configuración: Cambia el tamaño de la fuente, elespacioentrelas lineas, deja encendida la pantalla mientras estésleyendosigustas, cambia el color de fondo de pantalla delectura.* Lee sin conexión.* Efecto elegante al pasar paginas.* Indice: para que puedas ubicarte rápidamente sobreelLibro,Titulo, Capitulo, Articulo que necesites.* Buscar: Escribe una palabra o numero y rápidamenteelbuscadorte encontrara el Articulo relacionado.* Adherir Marcadores: Puedes adherir marcadoresparadirigirteexactamente al Articulo que necesites o quitar cadauno delosmarcadores, tu decides.* Función Día/Noche: Cambia el fondo de la pantallaparaprotegertu vista de lectura.Todo esto dentro de una aplicación a tu alcance, tal ycomosituvieras la Constitución en ¡tus manos! Deja tus Códigosencasa...y bienvenido al Futuro. Eres el Jurisconsulto deunanuevageneración, y esta herramienta esta hecha parati¡Descárgalaya!Somos - Ius Codex - Derecho y Tecnología de la mano...Find us onFacebookas:Digital Law Free Guatemala / Ius Codex.Tired of your laws load with you wherever you go? Donotworry,the solution is here !, - IUS CODEX - brings youthenewImplementation of the Constitution of the RepublicofGuatemalafully digitized and Free! : Application withinseveraltools, suchas are included* Configuration: Change the font size, the spacebetweenthelines, left on the screen while you are reading if youlike,changethe background color of screen reading.* Read offline.* Effect elegant passing pages.* Index: to be able to reach you quickly about thebook,title,chapter, article you need.* Search: Type a word or number and the search enginewillquicklyfind the related article.* Adhere Bookmarks: You can attach bookmarks to goexactlytheitem you need or remove each of the markers, youdecide.* Day / Night Function: Changes the bottom of thescreentoprotect your sight reading.All this within an application at your fingertips, as ifyouhadthe Constitution in your hands! Put your code at home...andwelcome to the future. You're the Jurisconsult of anewgeneration,and this tool is made for you Download it now!We are - Jus Codex - Law and Technology hand ...
ভূমি সেবা 1.1.8
Land Services: Information and do sebagrahitara