Top 18 Apps Similar to LearningWords

English cards 2.7.4
Learn and Teach playing
English words on the cards will allow you to learn Englisheasilyand quickly
Карточки для запоминания 1.0.2
Memory cards - этонебольшиедвухсторонниекарточки с надписями: с лицевой сторонывопрос, а собратнойответ.Где и как их использовать? Везде, где они могут помочь,например,этоочень удобно для запоминания иностранных слов.Если вы обучаетесь в школе, Memory cards помогут вамподготовитьсякконтрольной, если вы студент, то к экзамену, а есливы ужепрошливсе этапы образования, то карточки могут статьвашимнезаменимымпомощником в изучении любого иностранногоязыка.Носите огромные колоды карточек в своем кармане, листайте ихгдеикогда вам только захочется.Memory cards - thisisasmall double-sided card with the inscription on the frontsideofthe question, and the answer on the back.Where and how to use them? Wherever they can help, for example,itisvery convenient to memorize foreign words.If you learn at school, Memory cards to help you prepare fortestsifyou are a student, the exam, and if you have alreadygonethrough allthe stages of education, the cards can beyourindispensableassistant in the study of any foreignlanguage.Wear a huge deck of cards in his pocket, flipping them whereandwhenyou only want to.
Still Empty Wordbook 6.7
Number Valley
Learn foreign languages or improve your vocabulary. For yourchoice!
Flashcards - learn languages
Intensive words learning with perfect pronunciation!
Pocket Cards 1.0.2
Pocket House
An easy, intelligible andconvenientinteractiverepetition tool for learning second language(or anyother subject)in your smartphonePocketCards application is smartly integrated into a mobilephoneanold-school double-sided “flash cards” training facilityforlearningsecond language words as well as anyothereducationalmaterial.“Flash cards” is successfully proved learning strategy which:a) allows you to learn faster and remember longer any subjectb) always ready-to-use at any moment (can beeasilycarriedaround)c) easy, intelligible and convenient to useThe power of mobile phone makes it far moreconvenientandadvanced.You don’t need anymore to cut the paper into cards, pile andtiethemround to take with. A plenty of double-sided flash cardsisnowquicker, cheaper and easily available in yoursmartphone.You can now start learning: 300 English phrasal verbs andidioms,330most commonly used English verbs, 116 English irregularverbs,1-500first English words, 501-1000 English words,1001-1500English words,1501-2000 English words, 500 most commonlyusedItalian words andcreate your own decks for any subject youwantusing PocketCardswhich is free for downloading.PocketCards application advantages:+ Convenience:• Feels like real deck of flashcards you can slide and flip• No more paper craft and handwriting to createyourownflashcards• No more purchasing cards in the bookstore• All plenty of cards can be taken with you anywhere you want+ Savings• The price for 1 deck is 10 times lower than for paperone,creationis free.• Free demo with limited cards number is availableforalldecks• We contribute saving the nature by reducingpaperconsumption+ Useful options:• built-in tutorial mode for each side (if available)• quick search of any word for all decks• the display direction can be changed (A or B side)• learned cards can be sent to archive folder whichisalwaysaccessible. you can always send shelved card back totheset.• cards can be arranged in certain order(alphabet,numeric,random)Master your knowledge in any place!
Little flash cards 1.7.8
Education cards for your baby. Animals, fruits, colors, lettersandmore!
Flashcards: learn languages 4.8.5
Memorize words efficiently and improve your vocabulary withLexilizeFlashcards
Gambit Flashcards
Artur Dryomov
Flashcards — as simple as it should be
Barabook 12b14f
Barabook LLC
Learn anything you need!
Wordex: Learn English words
Smarti Club
Wordex - application forEnglishlanguage learning. Every day you will study new words andimproveyour vocabulary.Wordex features:----------------------------------------➜ 3000 English words translated to Russian language➜ 7 levels of complexity from Beginner to Proficient➜ all levels of the dictionary are free➜ thematic dictionaries divided into categories and groups(e.g."Home", "Food", "Science", ...)➜ personal dictionaries with your own words➜ different parts of speech - prepositions, pronouns, nouns,verbsand adjectives➜ English transcription for all words➜ pronunciation of words (if you have installedText-to-Speechengine)➜ simple, but very effective tests to study new words andcheckknowledge➜ clear grading system➜ take а part in global rating, compete with other learners➜ home screen widget for new words➜ new words with every new releaseEnrich your vocabulary and learn languages ​​with Wordex!Important! "Audio"Correct pronunciation of the words depends on Text-to-Speech(TTS)application installed on your device. Remember,auto-pronunciationcan make mistakes. Therefore guarantee of correctpronunciation isability to use transcription!Application permissions:– Internet access to display rating data and ads– find accounts and billing for upgrading to version PRO– read external storage to import new dictionariesDo you have any ideas how to improve this application? Pleasefeelfree to contact us via … or leave a comment below.
TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards 3.6.1
Learn English vocabulary words for the TOEFL with freeflashcardsfrom Magoosh.
Английский с Clever English 4.5
Clever English - this is the best application for learningEnglishwords.
Mnemocon CardsLite обучение английскому карточками 1.5.4
Mnemocon Games
Mnemocon Cards – приложение для обучения иностранномуязыку.Главноенаправление — изучение английских слов.Приложениеобъединяет 2метода, которые позволяют выучить английский— этообучениеанглийскому с помощью карточек или еще их называютflashcards иметод изучения слов с помощью мнемотехники.Карточкииспользуютсядля изучения английских слов уже ни однимпоколением.Методэффективный и проверенный временем. Это оченьпростойспособпополнить словарный запас, проверить свои знаниясловпоопределенной тематике, и самое главное запомнить словасправильнымпроизношением. Преимуществом карточек в том, чтоонивсегда и вездес собой в отличие от учебника английского языкаилилекции.повторение не занимает много времени и отличноподходитдлятренировки в общественном транспорте, в перерывахилиМнемотехника— эффективный способ обучения без зубрежки,которыйдаетмоментальный потрясающий результат. Методзапоминания,которыйприменяют в том числе для запоминанияиностранныхслов.Мнемотехника основана на естественных принципахработынашегомозга. И конечно это просто интересный, веселый инеобычныйспособучить слова. Главные преимущества Mnemocon Cardпереддругимиприложениями например flashcards Anki: В Mnemocon Cardестьдварежима повторения для выученных слов. Вы можете самивыбратькакиеслова хотите повторить. В приложении реализован выборсловповремени запоминания. Например вы можете повторитьслова,которыеучили сегодня или вчера. Это удобный и видимоуникальный(большенигде подобного не встречал) способ повторения.Также естьвариант,когда приложение автоматически подберет слова,которыепосчитаетВам нужно повторить и проверить качество знания.Такжедляэффективного изучения английского, приложениепредложитвам,проверить как вы запомнили последние несколько словMnemoconCardsдает возможность выбрать любую категорию слов и учитьсловатолькоиз этой категории. В Lite версии ограничение 300 слов, авплатнойверсии доступно более 2700 слов для изучения.УстановитеMnemoconCards – поддержите разработчика самогопопулярного ибесплатногоприложения в России о Мнемонике. Снаилучшимипожеланиями восвоении Английского языка, командаMnemocon.
English Baby Cards 12.7
Danila B. Popov
The learning cards in English languageforearly childhood development are based on Dr. Glenn Doman’smethodand a similar method of Pr. Makado Shichida.Dr. Glenn Doman is a globally recognized scientist and doctorwhofirst developed the leading method of teaching readingforchildren. With a use of special flashcards, children canstartlearning reading the words from 6 months old.A classic Doman’s method contains paper flashcards and worksasfollows: a child is showed the cards with words written onwhitebackground in big red font and every word is beingpronouncedclearly. The length of such exercise depends on theindividualqualities of a child and can last only several seconds inthebeginning. It is recommended to repeat the exercise severaltimes aday. The frequency and length of exercises areselectedindividually. Internet is full of many interactivevideos,demonstrating the impressive results, such as 1,5-2 yearsoldbabies pronounce and show the meaning of the written words.Littleelder children are even capable of reading thecompletesentences!Learning process with a use of application is available intwomodes. First is a “text” mode which is very similar to theclassicmethod and where the flashcards with words (on whitebackground andin red font) are written on the screen anddemonstrated to thechild. The second mode called “images” wherethere are images ofthings on white background with definitionswritten below. Ineither mode a card can be skipped to the nextmanually and each oneis pronounced by a narrator. Some cards withimages of animals forinstance contain additional sounds theyproduce. By pressing abutton you can hear the sounds of animals,birds, insects andetc.Application “Doman’s Cards” includes:385 cards voiced by the professional narrator (592 cards inthe“Golden” version)More than 450 quality images (~680 images in the“Golden”version)Several view options of the image for one card17 themes (35 themes in the “Golden” version)Sounds produced by animals, birds, insects andmusicalinstrumentsText and image modesSlideshow modeSpeed settings of the slideshow modeFunction of random order of the imagesKid mode (“back” button and the setting buttons are disabled)Creation and review of the individual sets of cardsColor and font size settingsWe will be happy to receive your feedback, wishes andsuggestionsrelated to the further development of this program.Attention! After certain time period of using thecomplimentaryversion of the “Doman’s Cards” you will see thecommercialadvertising. Frequency of the ads depends on how long youhave beenusing the application. Owing to the commercial ads you canuse theapplication free of charge. In order to deactivatetheadvertisements you can buy the “Golden” version which hasasignificantly increased number of cards and no ads.
Words - Learn Languages 5.5
Words - the best application for learning the words of aforeignlanguage.
Запоминалка английских слов 2.16
Word Memorizer - study, memorization of English words andphrases,dictionary
Learn Korean Vocabulary Free 3.1.0
Language Course S.L.
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Korean travel phrases, slang,businesslanguage...
IELTS Exam Preparation: Vocabu 3.5.1
Prep for the IELTS exam & study using these freevocabflashcards by Magoosh!