Top 21 Games Similar to 金富爺5PK

金富爺四人麻將 1.022
5PK by gametower 1.1.80
「王牌5PK」完美重現超經典的「五張撲克」遊戲。遊戲中您共有兩次取得中獎的機會。一局牌、兩次機會!換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧。鬼牌 Joker,大幅提昇您的中獎機率!特殊比倍,讓您翻倍贏獎金!同花派對,歡樂氣氛讓您開心滿載而歸~JP 彩金,拉中給您大把i幣,裝滿你的荷包!免費下載、新註冊送i幣、每日系統自動補幣~讓您玩個痛快!歡迎玩家註冊 Game Tower 會員,獲得更多驚喜與好康。每週三上午 9:00~12:00 維護依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,本軟體分類為:保護級
金富爺百家樂 1.022
金富爺水果盤 1.022
簡單好玩,可以以小博大,樂趣無窮!遊戲玩法說明:+-:設定自動次數啟動:當自動次數為0時,只會轉動一次,贏分需手動取分;當自動次數大於1時,贏分會自動取分。離開:回到大廳押注分數:增加海線押注分數,當到上限10時,下一次會回到1開始。STOP:單線停止。全停/得分:所有滾輪全停止及取分功能鍵。Simple and fun,candeduct, fun!Gameplay Description:+ -: Set the number of automaticStart: When the automatic number is 0, only a single revolution,winpoints need to manually take points; when automatic numbergreaterthan 1, the automatic win club to take points.Left: Back hallBet score: increased sea line bet score to 10 when the upperlimit,the next time will return 1.STOP: Stop single line.Full stop / score: All wheel full stop to get points andfunctionkeys.
金富爺德州 1.022
有趣好玩的德州撲克來拉!多達九人的刺激對戰、挑戰你的機智。可觀局,觀察玩家精彩的對戰。想Allin 就Allin,我最霸氣。同花順鐵支葫蘆,說來就來。
王牌7PK gametower 1.0.79
台仔間人氣歷久不衰的經典機檯隨身帶著走,想玩就能玩!7PK的原名為7poker,每局牌局都會發出7張牌,只要其中5張牌湊出牌型如三條、順子、同花、葫蘆等,就可以分別獲得對應的獎項。只要7中5就有獎金拿,中獎機率多更多!唯一有公式可依循的撲克遊戲,拼腦力、拼膽識,人定勝天敢押就會贏!牌局發出來的7張牌中,前3張牌可以預測出後3張會出什麼牌,遊戲內也提供帶牌公式隨時對照,玩家可以先下個一兩注試試水溫,遇見有利的情形再大膽全押,是一款熟悉玩法之後就能確實達到趨吉避凶,越玩越上手的策略型撲克遊戲。還有免費贈獎小遊戲Lucky 7與TopAce,只要達成收集條件即可進入FeverGame,不但完全免押注,甚至還保證把把都開獎!獎金嘩啦啦地送不停~免費下載、新註冊送i幣、每日系統自動補幣~讓您玩個痛快!歡迎玩家註冊 gametower 會員,獲得更多驚喜與好康。每週三上午 9:00~12:00 維護依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,本軟體分類為:保護級
Five Silver 5PK(Poker) 1.4.0
OneChapter Studios
Five Silver 5PK gives the player five cards, which are specifiedbythe players a few reservations, the rest of replacement,afterreplacing the card in line with the pay table card type canscore.Ghost card deck of cards containing a total of 54 games inthe wildcard can replace any card, greatly enhance the chances ofwinning!Leave will automatically record score, bad luck willautomaticallyfill 8000 you continue to enjoy the thrill of winning.It does notrequire Internet - you can always spend time ~ Quicklyinstall toplay ~ !!
Five Silver 7PK(Poker) 1.3.3
OneChapter Studios
Five Silver 7PK gives the player fivecards,which are specified by the players a few reservations, therest ofreplacement, after replacing the card in line with the paytablecard type can score.Ghost card deck of cards containing a total of 54 games in thewildcard can replace any card, greatly enhance the chancesofwinning!Leave will automatically record score, bad luck willautomaticallyfill 8000 you continue to enjoy the thrill ofwinning.It does not require Internet - you can always spend time ~Quickly install to play ~ !!
7PK撲克王(Life) 1.12
Jhang Jiaming
Perfectly reproduce the arcade classic 7PK poker game withcardsformula
決戰合輯(妞妞,7PK,牌九) 1.0
《遊戲玩法》遊戲人數:2至6人,由一人當莊家,其餘為閒家。使用牌數:一副牌52張,不包含鬼牌。遊戲玩法:每人發七張牌,由玩家從七張牌中選出五張,組合梭哈牌型,各閒家與莊家比牌大小。特殊規則:贏家若取得特殊牌型如同花大順(x30),同花順(x20),鐵支(x10),葫蘆(x8),同花(x5),順子(x2),三條(x2),輸家必須加倍賠付點數。《牌型組合說明》同花大順:同一種花色的由10JQKA組成的順子同花順:同一種花色的順子鐵支:有四張點數相同的牌葫蘆:三張點數一樣的牌外加一個對子同花:具有相同花色的五張牌順子:五張點數相連的牌(注:8和A不算相連)三條:有三張點數相同的牌,另外兩張為散牌兩對:有兩個對子,另一個為散牌對子:有兩張相同點數的牌烏龍:五張散牌,不成任何其他牌型《比牌規則》1.牌型:同花大順>同花順>鐵支>葫蘆>同花>順子>三條>兩對>對子>烏龍2.牌點數:A>K>Q>J>10>9>83.花色:黑桃>紅桃>方片>草花先比牌型大小,牌型相同再比點數大小,連點數皆同則比較花色大小。4.同牌型比法:同花大順:比A花色。同花順:比最大牌之點數與花色。四枚:無同型。同花:比最大牌之點數與花色。順仔:比最大牌之點數與花色。三條:無同型。兩對:比最大對中最大牌點數與花色。一對:比對中最大牌點數與花色。烏龍:比最大牌之點數與花色。"Gameplay"Players: 2-6 people, by the people as a banker, and the restoftheplayers hand.Use the number of cards: a card 52, does not includewildcard.How to play: each made seven cards, five elected by theplayersfromthe seven cards, the combination of stud card type,eachPlayer anddealer licensing size ratio.Special rules: the winner if get a special card type as aRoyalFlush(x30), flush (x20), iron support (x10), gourd (x8),flush(x5),straight (x2), three (x2), losers must redoublepaymentpoints."Card type combination that"Royal Flush: the same kind of suit composed by 10JQKAstraightFlush: color the same straightRail Extension: There are four points the same cardGourd: three points the same cards plus a pairFlush: a five cards of the same suitStraight: Five cards of points connected (Note: 8, and Aisnotconnected)Three: There are three cards of the same number of points,theothertwo as a casual brandTwo pairs: two pairs, one for casual cardPair: two cards with the same number of pointsOolong: five casual card, not any other card type"Licensing rules than"1. The card type: Flush> Flush> RailExtension>Hoists>flush> straight> three> two pairsof>pair>Own2. licensing Points: A> K> Q> J> 10> 9> 83. color: Spades> Hearts> square piece> flowerFirst type size than the card, the same card type furtherthanthepoint size, and even the same as those points aremoresuitsizes.The same card type ratio method:Royal Flush: A suit over.Flush: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.Four: not the same type.Flush: ratio of the number of points with the biggestbrandofsuit.Shun Tsai: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.Three: None same type.Two pairs: the biggest brand than the maximum number ofpointsforthe suit.One pair: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.Oolong: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.
至尊娛樂城 1.22.39
最刺激的娛樂玩法、最精緻的遊戲畫面、華麗的聲光效果讓您彷彿置身拉斯維加斯!遊戲特色介紹:○ 手機、PC、Web三端同步,走到哪玩到哪!○ 真人視訊百家樂,零時差零距離即時轉播。○ 神秘四層JP彩金,不定時送出高額大獎!○ 多款經典拉霸、老虎機,輕鬆上手!*系統維護→每星期一 AM08:00~AM10:00◎ 本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級。◎ 遊戲以成年人為訴求對象。◎ 遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品。◎ 在社交類遊戲中的練習狀況或成就,不代表日後在「現金交易賭博」中會獲得成功。Play the mostexcitingentertainment, the most exquisite game screen, gorgeoussound andlight effects make you feel you 拉斯维加斯!The game features introduced:○ phone, PC, Web synchronized three-terminal, where they gotoplay!○ live video Baccarat, Zero Day Zero immediate broadcast.○ mysterious four-JP winnings, from time to time sendhighprizes!○ variety of classic slot, slot machine, easy to use!* System Maintenance → every Monday AM08: 00 ~ AM10: 00◎ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: counseling twelve levels.◎ game appealing to adults.◎ game does not offer "Cash transactions Gambling", there isnochance to win cash prizes or entity.◎ practice status or social class achievements in the game, doesnotmean that in future "gambling cash transaction" willbesuccessful.
金富爺二人麻將 1.022
麻將 多樂米娛樂城 德撲 紙牌 多款機台SLOT任你玩! 2.4.2
加入遊戲後,建議各位玩家先將遊戲帳號註冊個人資料「綁定帳號」,日後若遇有遊戲問題或是裝置帳號遺失時可協助查詢;另外遊戲版本更新後,如發生遊戲無法正常進行,請試著完整移除遊戲後再重新安裝,如有任何遊戲問題,歡迎各位玩家不吝告知,我們會盡力協助解決您的問題。★館內機台遊戲:七彩水果盤、超8水果盤★館內機台遊戲:非洲大探險、埃及歷險★館內機台遊戲:7PK★館內紙牌遊戲:德州撲克★館內紙牌遊戲:大老二、接龍、撿紅點、十三支★正宗台灣16張麻將★免費多人連線!眾多玩家陪您玩。★開放聊天功能,每天與好友線上談心,熱線玩不停!★拿多幣免掛網,時間到即可上來領。★終身免月費!登入滿3小時送100多幣。★每日早上6點多幣不足免費補幣至800。★強檔任務競賽,拼積分衝排名★每日簽到拿多幣,記得天天來報到★每日任務衝寶箱,高額獎勵任您抽★集字任務多搜集,跨平台兌換多幣★全民闖關拼勝場,牌技好就來挑戰★等級任務再升級,角色頭貼送您玩★遊戲紅利換好禮,好康獎勵拿不完★高質感水果機台,聲光享受有夠讚★打開遊戲馬上玩,走到哪玩到哪!★介面簡單好操作,超大牌面更清楚!★上萬牌咖線上同遊,快速成局不用等!★完美支援手機、平板、PC電腦,各式平台皆可上線暢玩。=多樂米 遊戲特色=☆隨機成局 防弊系統☆上萬牌咖 快速成局☆虛寶裝備 商城系統☆多樣任務 挑戰牌技☆社群交友 聊天系統☆經典滾輪機台 全民拉JP彩金☆手機版、網頁版、安裝版,帳號全通!☆各種有趣可愛的表情語音,生動好玩!☆競賽獎品豐富,裝備虛寶、遊戲幣、禮券通通有!===========================多樂米遊戲相關介紹請參考===========================多樂米麻將-手機版:固定停機維護時間:每隔週三下午4點停機維護30分鐘,實際情形以官方網站公告為準。本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級。遊戲以成年人為訴求對象。遊戲不提供「現金交易賭博」,也沒有機會贏得現金或實體獎品,僅提供使用者娛樂用途。在社交類遊戲中的練習狀況或成就,不代表日後在「現金交易賭博」中會獲得成功。
5PK撲克王(Life) 1.16
Jhang Jiaming
* Perfectly reproduce the arcade classic five poker games. Whoareyou compost? Recipient or color?
鑽翻天Online 1
【鑽翻天】千萬連線彩金等你拿!成就獎勵送給你!升級回饋不能少!最甘心的線上娛樂城支援Facebook帳號登入,體驗與好友共同遊玩的最佳選擇!※ 遊戲特色 ※【水果盤】超爆連莊近百次,全盤講間翻天、翻天、鑽翻天【極地冒險】JP、Bonus高額彩金破天際!Double比倍無上限!【7PK】最熟悉的正統帶牌法,最豐厚的外贈獎金【5PK】鎖定大小牌中獎率翻倍,獨創加倍模式,撲克牌也能Combo99!◆每週三上午 9:00~12:00 維護◆依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,本軟體分類為:輔導級◆本遊戲設計僅供休閒娛樂而非現金博奕,歡迎21歲以上玩家加入[Drilling] earthshakingTen million connections prize money so you get!Achievement Rewards for you!Upgrade back no less!Most willing to online casinoSupport Facebook account to sign in and experience thebestchoice to play together with your friends!The game features ※ ※【Fruit tray】Ultra-burst even the village nearly a hundred times, theoverallstresses between earthshaking, earthshaking,drillingearthshaking[] Polar AdventureJP, Bonus winnings broken sky high! Double fold than unlimited![7PK]The most familiar with orthodox licensing law, the mostgenerousbonus gifts outside[5PK]Lock size card winning rate doubled, doubling the originalmodel,poker can Combo99!◆ every Wednesday morning 9:00 ~ 12:00 Maintenance◆ by game software ROC hierarchical management approach,thissoftware is classified as: Parental Guidance◆ The design of the game, not only for recreation and leisurenowJinbo Yi, 21 years old players welcome to join
經典 5PK 1.2.5
5PK又稱葫蘆機,翻牌機,ATT連環炮是遊戲廳裏很經典的遊戲,簡單而又刺激的玩法給廣大玩家帶來非凡的遊戲享受。ATT連環炮(也叫葫蘆機、ATT翻牌機、大字版,金皇冠)是壹款娛樂場風格的街機遊戲,畫面還原真實娛樂場效果,它是街機平臺上的經典壓分遊戲,玩法簡單,不需要掌握什麽規則或者技術就可以盡情愉悅,因此在遊戲廳和網絡上十分流行和受歡迎。遊戲規則和操作也真機完全壹模壹樣。可以通過簡單的鼠標和鍵盤操作即可直接完成遊戲,是消磨無聊時的很好選擇。5PK hoistmachine,alsoknown as the flop machines, ATT chain gun game room isaclassicgame, simple and exciting games are played the majorityofplayersto bring extraordinary enjoyment of the game.ATT chain gun (also called gourd machine, ATT flopmachines,largeprint, Golden Crown) is One section casino stylearcade game,thescreen to restore the true casino effect, it is aclassicarcadeplatform on pressure points game, play simple do notneed tograspwhat the rules or techniques you can enjoy a pleasant,popularandtherefore very popular on the Internet and game room.Rules ofthegame and the operation is completely real machine Onekind Onedie.Games can be done directly through a simple mouse andkeyboard,itis a good choice to spend boring time.
虎爺柏青哥~9453 1.0.032301
虎爺柏青哥 交流方便 超多獎勵 讓您開運一路發 !機智消牌王 重磅上市1.業界唯一 世界先進博奕遊戲2.智慧與膽識兼具的消牌王3.三種模式:你受的了嗎?虎爺骰寶 一種出牌結果/館 最公正(用力搖出兩倍吧)媽祖Slots 微服繞境 平定東海 有玩有保庇大牌7PK 最會出大牌 大柳最多公路情人 開車兜風 趴趴走 最簡單命運水果盤 獨創命運轉輪 免費拉彩金呂布直直走 第七代機台 玉璽轉輪彩金免費拉棒棒糖果屋 趕走俏女巫 幫助小兄妹野球外傳 棒球不囉嗦 來比賽吧虎爺柏青哥~在地原創機台~Slots 水果盤 骰寶 7PK 柏青斯洛... ~ 絕對讓您驚喜連連~!!!
SLOTS水果盤(暗棋.麻將.小瑪莉.骰寶.百家樂) 1.27
SLOTS水果盤是一種簡易上手的拉霸遊戲,共有九個轉輪,擬真機台設計讓您享受真實的水果機台遊戲,體驗以小博大的刺激感。★【登入送】每天登入送您獎勵點數!★【分享送】FB分享訊息天天送!★ 自選幸運機台、掛機台(插牙籤)超方便!★ 最具臨場感的機台音效,轉盤樂翻天!★ 簡化介面,螢幕再小也能輕鬆點選。★ 彩票遊戲博點數!免費送、不定期推出各類型小遊戲!★ 機台種類多變化,不定時推出新檯子!已開放機台:1.水果盤2.小瑪莉3.彈珠賓果4.暗棋5.麻將6.骰寶7.百家樂如有任何疑問?1.可透過遊戲內客服系統回報、留言2.來電客服電話:04-22965817週一至週五 10:00~19:00) 3.來信客服信箱※ 每週三例行維護時間 09:00(am)~11:00(am)
水果盤-魔幻神燈slot娛樂城online 16.04.18
SSTG Corp.
橘子盤、西瓜盤、櫻桃盤、銅鐘盤、BAR盤,當然還有只在夢中出現的97盤,現在走到哪就讓你玩到哪,安卓手機板,電腦版同步推出了。Orange disctraywatermelon, cherry plate, bell plate, BAR dish, of course,onlyappears in the dream of 97, and now let you play where theygo,Android mobile phone board, computer versionsimultaneouslylaunched.
777 Poker Slot Machine 5PK 1.6
Lonaisoft Tech.
[777 Poker 5PK]The most interesting poker game is precisely 5PK, or called5Poker!This version is a simulation of early 5PK, so there is no Jockerinthe game.You will get 5 cards at first, and press the cards you wanttohold.These cards you hold can be paired any card type likeFullhouse,etc.Next, press the button to change, Not retained cardswillreconfigure another cards.At this time, if the 5 cards you got have the card typelikeStraight Flush or Two Pairs, etc. you will earn points.When you earn points,you can choose score points or double,yourscore-maximum of 50x !!!So which cards you keep will get points, depending on yourwisdomand luck.At first, you can get 10000 chips when the game began.If you win a lot of score by your good luck, don't worry aboutyourscore will lost when you leave.[777 Poker 5PK] will save your coins and you can continue yourgamenext time.And don't worry about the bad luck.We will give you another 10000 chips in two ways.1.When your chips become 0, please press the button!2.When your chip is less than 10000, please leave the game andturnback again!Without connecting internet and spend your time foranytime~!!!Go to download and play now ~ !!!
妞妞「5PK」完美重現經典五張撲克遊戲(梭哈)。在遊戲中,玩家共有兩次機會取得中獎牌型,第一次先發出5張牌,您可使用手指點擊需要保留/放棄的牌張,確定選擇後按下「發牌」按鈕,即開始第二次發牌。遊戲中還會出現Joker牌,大幅提昇中獎機率!一局牌、兩次機會,換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧!※Joker牌為萬用牌,可代替所有的牌。50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777妞妞官網粉絲專頁:"5PK"perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). Inthegame, playersget a total of two chances to medal in type, thefirstissue of thefirst five cards, you can use your finger to clickonthe need toretain / abandonment of a card, select OK and pressthe"Deal"button starts the first secondary licensing.The game will appear Joker card, greatly enhance thechancesofwinning! A game of cards, two opportunities for a license?Notfora license? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker cardisuniversalcard can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem maintenance time: every Thursday AM: 9: 00 ~ AM12:00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Niu official website: page: https: //