Top 9 Apps Similar to Ababox Pay-Per-View

Livestream 4.1.14
Download Livestream’s Android app tosearch,explore and stream your own content live.Explore events from hundreds of thousands of broadcasters aroundtheworld. Follow your friends and favorite accounts to getnotifiedwhen they go live.Broadcast live from your phone or tablet to viewers watchingonFacebook, Twitter, Livestream or any other website. Engagewithviewers via the built-in chat.Enjoy live events on your big screen with Chromecast, Roku orAppleTV.
MegaTV Player 1.3.3-BETA
No solo es una app compatible condiferentesformatos de videolistas sino que también es una redsocial, unacomunidad de usuarios.Contamos con una interfaz amigable diseñada conMaterialDesign.MegaTV Player es un reproductor pensado para Smartphones ytabletscon sistema operativo Android. Algunas de suscaracterísticas son:- Lista de videos: permite la carga y gestión de listas devideo(videolistas) en formato XML y JSON- Soporta multiples formatos (m3u8, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mpeg4,rtmp,http, https, etc)- Chromecast: permite enviar los videos en tiempo real acualquierdispositivo Chromecast detectado en la redIt is not just anappsupports different formats videolistas but also a socialnetwork, acommunity of users.We have a friendly interface designed with material design.Mega TV Player is a designed for smartphones and tabletswithAndroid operating system. Some of its features are:- List of videos: allows loading and list managementvideo(videolistas) in XML and JSON- Supports multiple formats (M3U8, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mpeg4,RTMP,http, https, etc.)- Chromecast: send the video streaming to any device on thenetworkdetected Chromecast
Mobile TV Free 3.1.2
TV Apps
Watch TV on your Android device for free!FreeMobile TV app loads a database of TV channels compatible withyourmobile device.Simply choose a TV channel, click play icon and watch TVwhereveryou are whenever you want for free!You can watch free TV channels divided infollowingcategories:- news- music- entertainment- sports- gaming- educationaland much more!Mobile TV app works wherever there is an internetconnection.Watch over 200 free TV channels on the go. No need toinstall flashplayer, as mobile tv app works with HTML5technology.Free TV app stream content in HD quality almost 24/7.Average number of television per household is around 3 in USAandstill increasing. According to USAToday, there has been only 1TV inthe majority of homes in 1975, so that`s really big increasein fewyears. There were not only increase in number of televisionsperhousehold, but also in offer of different TV channels, TVnetworks,TV shows, informative programs, entertainment, health,beauty,fashion, religious, music and sport content. Ten or twentyyears agothere were trend watching only informative programs, newsandweather forecasts. Nowadays it seems a bit different: peoplemostlikely watch TV shows, movies and entertainment content.There is also one another trend rising every year more andmore:mobile tv. It`s service which mainly operate on computers andonmobile devices and offers you your most popular tv channelwhereveryou are over internet. Many different online TV channelsandnetworks providers offer their service for free, some of themarealso charging few bucks per month. Most popular Pay-TV channelsandnetworks are definitely Netflix, Hulu and ESPN, butfreealternatives such as Mobile TV don`t offer lower qualitycontent.Just the opposite, Mobile TV for example offers more than200 HDchannels for free 24/7.As we mentioned before, free TV providers ensure thateverybodycan watch his favourite channels wherever he is andwhenever hewants.Regarding some research, people most likely watch TVshows,movies and other entertainment content.Luckily, there are every year more and more free TVchannelproviders which offer really good quality content, so peoplecanreally afford many televisions in household and watch TVwheneverthey want and wherever they are.TERMS OF CONDITIONS:Content used in this app is available on website archive.organdlicensed under Creative Commons 3.0 ( the video is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 license wearefree to:- Share – copy and redistribute the material in any mediumofformat- Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the materialfor any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revokethesefreedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Free TV 3.0
Free TV Apps
Watch TV on your mobile phone or tabletforfree!Free TV app loads a database of TV channels compatible withyourmobile device. Simply choose a TV channel, click play iconandwatch TV wherever you are whenever you want for free!Categories of TV channels:- news- music- entertainment- sports- gaming- educationalMobile TV app works wherever there is an internetconnection.Watch over 600 free TV channels on the go.No need to install flash player, as mobile tv app workswithHTML5 technology.Free TV app stream content in HD quality almost 24/7.Nowadays it`s common belief that every house has a TV.Althoughin the past, a television hasn`t played a main role inhumans life,in these days everything changed. Firstly, the mainreason ishiding in developing tehnology. In the past there was abig thingif you had a mobile, a radio or a television at home, buttoday isunacceptable being without all this stuff. Life must gowith theflow and this means growing with tehnology.Secondly, people in the past had no idea about possibilityofwatch TV online on mobile device. If we look wider, this isreallyfantastic invention. Sometimes we just watched black-whitemovies,where the main role was played by Charlie C. andothers,furthermore, we didn`t know anything about movie sound atall.Thanks to innovators who have discoverd dimensions oftehnology,expecially television, that we can watch everythingdirectly. Moreover, streaming is really cool idea, because we canwatch what ishappening at the moment accross the world. There areso manychannels where are streamed daily news from differentcountries. Onthe other hand, some of these local channels for newson basictelevision can be payable, so the solution is Free TV. Thismeansthat we can watch every channel on your computer, mobile ortab.Mobile TV is very convenient and in recent days veryspreaded.Watch TV online is a popular trend, because you can have aTValways with you.Thirdly, the main advantage of television which was doneinnearly past was HD. This was a big revolution, due to the factthatin the past existed just white and black pitcures on screen.Thanthey invented coloured movies, more over they also improvedsound.With developing they invented fantastic HD screen andsometimeswhile watching movie we could swear we where there.Indeed, a television had survied a lot of improvemens.Incomparison with the past, nowadays we have countless channels,HDscreen, Online TV, Free TV, Mobile TV and other advantages.Wecan`t forget on streaming TV, witch is the best way formonitoringevents accross the world. In conclusion, every life wasat leastonce marked by a television in a good way- great movie,good news,but on the other hand also on a bad way- with bad news orobssesionwith series. A mobile TV became a part of our lifes.DISCLAIMER:Please note that all TV channels used in our app are availableonwebsite and licensed under Creative Commons3.0( the video is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 licenseweare free to:- Share – copy and redistribute the material in any mediumofformat- Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the materialfor any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revokethesefreedoms as long as you follow the license terms.Under the following terms we also have to:- Attribution: give appropriate credit, provide a link tothelicense, and indicate if changes were made. We may do so inanyreasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests thelicensorendorses you or your use.- ShareAlike — If we remix, transform, or build upon thematerial,we must distribute your contributions under the samelicense as theoriginal.
Ababox Vídeo On-Demand 5.0
Com o Ababox Vídeo On-Demandvocêpoderáassistir a qualquer momento o melhor que há do mundogospel,semter que esperar para passar no canal e o melhorquantasvezesquiser.With AbaboxOn-demandvideoyou can watch at any time the best there is thegospel world,withouthaving to wait to pass the channel and thebest overagain.
4fun Media SA
See what we play, show up on TV and have fun with satellite 4FUN!
FightTV Plus presents MCF 10 1.1
Fight TV Plus Presents MCF 10 - A fullnightoffights including the main event bout between Baron Muellerandyouup and comer Ryan "Main Event" McDonald. And a big timeamateurmainevent between grudge training centers Joe Guerero andDynastyCombatSports amateur bantamweight champion DelfinoBenetiz.Complete withCommentary from Strikeforce, UFC, and BellatorvetAnthony"Lionheart" Smith and old school MilatechFighterKellyWiseman.
NetTV Plus
NetTV Plus
(ENG) NetTV Plus application allows youtowatch your favorite ex-yu TV channels on your device, anywhereinthe World. Application is made for phones, tablet and TVdeviceswith Android 4.0+ operating system. Over 200 ex YU TVchannelsavailable wherever there is an Internet connection - WiFi,3G, 4G.TV channels are broadcast in real time, with possibility towatchprogram you have missed in last 7 days, whenever you feellikeit.Each channel has added EPG (electronic program guide) andthatallows you to know which tv show you are currently watchingandwhat is next on the program.(SRB) NetTV Plus aplikacija Vam omogućava da gledate omiljeneex-yukanale na Vašem uređaju gde god da se nalazite u svetu.Aplikacijaje namenjena za telefone, tablet uređaje i androidtelevizore saAndroid 4.0+ operativnim sistemom. Preko 200 ex YU TVkanaladostupno je gde god postoji internet konekcija - WiFi, 3G,4G. TVkanali se emituju u realnom vremenu, uz mogućnost da programkojiste propustili u prethodnih 7 dana pogledate onda kada toVamaodgovara.Svaki kanal ima dodat EPG (elektronski programski vodič), kako biusvakom trenutku znali koja emisija se emituje i šta je sledećenaprogramu.(BIH i CG) NetTV Plus aplikacija Vam omogućava da gledateomiljeneex-yu kanale na Vašem uređaju gdje god da se nalazite usvijetu.Aplikacija je namjenjena za telefone, tablet uređaje iandroidtelevizore sa Android 4.0+ operativnim sistemom. Preko 200ex YU TVkanala dostupno je gdje god postoji internet konekcija -WiFi, 3G,4G. TV kanali se emituju u realnom vrijemenu, uz mogućnostdaprogram koji ste propustili u prethodnih 7 dana pogledate ondakadato Vama odgovara.Svaki kanal ima dodat EPG (elektronski programski vodič), kako biusvakom trenutku znali koja emisija se emituje i šta je sljedećenaprogramu.(HR) NetTV Plus aplikacija Vam omogućuje da gledate omiljeneex-yukanale na Vašem uređaju gdje god da se nalazite usvijetu.Aplikacija je namjenjena za telefone, tablet uređaje iandroidtelevizore s operativnim sustavom Android 4.0+. Prepustiteseuživanju u više od 200 televizijskih kanala iz državabivšeJugoslavije bilo gdje u svijetu gdje se možete spojiti nainternet- WiFi, 3G, 4G. TV kanali emitiraju se u stvarnom vremenu,uzmogućnost da program koji ste propustili u prethodnih 7danapogledate onda kada to Vama odgovara.Svaki kanal posjeduje EPG (elektronički programski vodič) kako biusvakom trenutku znali koja emisija se emitira i što je sljedećenaprogramu.(SLO) Aplikacija NetTV Plus vam omogoča spremljanjepriljubenihprogramov s področja bivše Jugoslavije, kjerkoli senahajate.Aplikacija je namenjena za telefone, tablice in AndroidTVsprejemnike z operacijskim sistemom Android 4.0+. Več kot 200 exYUTV programv je dostopnih povsod, kjerkoli obstaja spletnapovezava- WiFi, 3G, 4G. TV programi se predvajajo v realnem času,zmožnostjo da si program ki ste ga v preteklih 7 dnehzamudili,ogledati takrat ko vam to odgovarja.Vsaka postaja ima dodan EPG (elektronski programski vodič), takodauporabnik ve, katero oddajo trenutno spremlja in katerajenaslednja na programu.(MK) NetTV Plus апликацијата Ви овозможува да ги гледатеомиленитеex-yu канали на Вашиот апарат, каде и да се наоѓате восветот.Апликацијата е наменета за телефони, таблет уреди иандроидтелевизори со Android 4.0+ оперативен систем. Достапни сепреку 200eкс ЈУ ТВ канали сегде каде што постои интернет конекција- WiFi,3G, 4G. ТВ каналите се емитуваат во реално време, соможностпрограмата што сте ја пропуштиле во претходните 7 дена, дајаодгледате тогаш кога вам Ви одговара.Секој канал има додаден ЕПГ (електронски програмски водич), какобизнаел корисникот која емисија ја следи во моментот и што еследнона програмата.
Transvision 1.0.2972
Digital Media Transvision
Transvision Tayangan Berkelas untuk KeluargaIstimewa.AplikasiTransvision memudahkan Anda mendapatkan informasipanduanacara(EPG), pengingat jadwal acara, cuplikan acara, berita,promo,kuis,event, informasi tagihan dan interaksi dengan teamlayanancallcenter Transvision. Rekomendasi minimum untukmenjalankanaplikasiini dibutuhkan koneksi 3G dan OS Android 4.3(Jelly Bean)