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ADD/ADHD Help 1.00
How does ADD/ADHD Help work?This session is design to speed up the brain and actlikea“mental workout”, increasing electrical activity and bloodflowtothe brain, speeding it up, even promoting new dendriteandsynapsegrowth.Research shows that speeding up the brain is highlyeffectiveintreating ADD/ADHD. This session can greatlyincreasecognitiveabilities, enhance memory, increase focus andmentalspeed.Do it the healthy way...Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD orADHD)causesdifficulty in focusing and concentrating. It isestimatedthat 8million adults in the United States alone haveADHD.People affected by this ADD tend to beinefficient,easilydistracted, impulsive, emotionally unstable andwith lowselfesteem.When people with ADD are engaged in an activity,theirbrainwavefrequencies stay at lower levels. ADD is in a groupofdisorderslabeled “slow-wave”, as the brain has an overabundanceofslowerbrainwave patterns.The brain is capable of producing four main frequenciesofwaves.The highest frequency is the beta – that’s what we usewhenwe arefocused on an activity. And that’s the brain wavethatdoesn’tnecessarily appear for those with ADD/ADHD.USAGE:1) Choose a quiet place which is free of disturbances.2) Keep the body in a comfortable and relaxed state freefromanystrain or stress. If possible, wear non-restrictiveclothingsuchas pajamas, or if in the office, loosen belts andties.3) Choose a comfortable position.4) Remove contact lenses and any accessories.5) Do not undergo treatment on an empty or bloated stomach.6) Do not undergo treatment while under theinfluenceofalcohol.7)The process of hypnosis is effortless, what need to doissimplyfollow and concentrate on the instruction.8) Do not listen to the hypnotic music while driving,cyclingorwalking.9) People with a history of epilepsy or mental diseasesshouldnotundergo this treatment.10) For best results, each period of treatment should lastforatleast 30 days, with a fixed time each day forfocusedlistening.Unless used as a sleep aid, it is discouraged toscheduleahypnotic session before bedtime, as the music mayinducesleep.