Top 15 Games Similar to Virtual Barbarians for COC

Barbarian Exiles Survival 1.3
Barbarian Exiles Survival - anopen-worldsurvival game set in the brutal lands of king Conanexile! Survivein a hostile world, build your kingdom, and dominateyour enemiesin both single and multiplayer!You are an exile, outcast and downtrodden, sentenced to walk inabarbaric wasteland where the weak are crushed and only thestrongcan live. In Barbarian Exiles Survival you must fight tosurvive,build, and dominate the world alone on your own server, orwithenemies and allies in online multiplayer.Journey through a vast, seamless world filled with the ruinsofancient civilizations and uncover its dark history andburiedsecrets as you seek to conquer and dominate the king Conanexileslands yourself. In Barbarian Exiles Survival start withnothing butyour bare hands and forge the legacy of your clan, fromsimpletools and weapons to gigantic fortresses and entire cities.Enslavethe bandits of the king Conan exiles lands to do yourbidding bybreaking them on the grueling Wheel of Pain. Sacrificethe beatinghearts of your enemies on the blood-soiled altars ofyour god toseize true power and glory. Summon the colossal avatarof your godand see them lay waste to your enemies and theirhomes.Just remember: in this brutal land of vengeful gods,bloodthirstycannibals, and vicious monsters, survival is more thantrackingdown food and water. Explore mysterious ruins in search oftreasureand knowledge, but beware the risk of your mind beingcorrupted bythe dark forces of the world. Traverse vast sand dunesand seekshelter from scouring sandstorms sweeping across theburning sands.March into war against your enemies and unleash yoursavage fury inbrutal combat. Go in unprepared and it will be yourhead rollingand limbs flying.Barbarian Exiles Survival is not an empty sandbox. It is aworldrich in history where you must discover the knowledge andsecretsof ancient civilizations as you struggle to build yourown.
Bus Simulator 2019 1.3
Traxis Racing
Are you ready to be a bus driver? This game is for you
Mummy Adventure 3D 1.0
Mummy Adventure 3D is a simulation gamethatyoucontrol a deadly mummy.Hunt villager, dwarf, barbarian, goblin, zombie, troll and ogre.- 5 huge, well designed maps.- Control a realistic mummy.- 75 easy to hard missions.- Wise enemy horde.- Realistic animations and effects.- Villager man, woman, monk, dwarf, barbarian, goblin,troll,zombie,ogre and more!
Forest Clans - Mushroom Farm 4.7.0
Gather mushrooms and cook dishes! Build your village andopenmushroom places!
Детская игра «Мясорубка» 1.0.0
You Digital
Game simulator for young children who love to cook.
Сахалинская Колония 0.3
Экономическая пошаговая стратегия.Цельигры:дожить до настоящего времени. Игра ведется на полесостоящимизклеток, на каждой клетке можно построить одностроение.Игразавершится проигрышем, если все ваши строения будутуничтожены.В начале игры вам дается 81 937 единиц денежных средствисамгород (самое главное строение в игре). В течениеигрывамнеобходимо зарабатывать деньги, чтобы сохранить городдонастоящеговремени, т.к. с каждым новым днем состояниелюбойпостройкиухудшается.Вы можете создавать 33 вида строений.В некоторыхклеткахземлинаходятся определенные ресурсы (лес, вода, уголь ит.д.).Каждыйдень строения расходуют ресурсы и приносятприбыль.Некоторыестроения могут работать только в определенныевременагода.Советы· Прежде, чем построить какое-либо здание иливыполнитьдействие,выделите нужную клетку на территории.· Чтобы начать новый день, нажмите клавишу N или щелкнитекнопкусострелкой (в правом нижнем углу экрана).· Количество ваших денег и ресурсов отображается на экранесправа,асообщения - снизу.· Ресурсы можно покупать и продавать нарынке(ценыразличаются).· Чтобы найти неисправное строение нажмите кнопку слупой,чтобыпочинить строение, нажмите кнопку с гаечнымключом.· Если строение не работает в текущее время года или дляегоработынедостаточно ресурсов, то его можновременнозаблокировать.Theeconomicturn-basedstrategy. Goal of the game: to survive until thepresenttime. Thegame is played on a field consisting of cells, eachcellcan buildone building. The game losing end if all yourbuildingsaredestroyed.At the beginning of the game you are given 81,937 unitsoffundsand the city itself (the most important building inthegame).During the game you need to earn money to keep the city uptothepresent time, because with each new day the state ofanyofconstruction deteriorated.You can create 33 types of certain resources (wood,water,coal,etc.) are some cells stroeniy.V land. Every day,buildingsconsumeresources and generate profits. Some buildings canonly workatcertain times of the year.Advice· Before you build any building or perform an action,highlightacell in the area.· To start a new day, then press N or click the arrow button(inthelower right corner of the screen).· The amount of your money and resources is displayed ontheright,and the message - from the bottom.· Resources can be bought and sold on the market(pricesvary).· To find a faulty structure click the magnifying glass torepairthebuilding, press the button with a spanner.· If the structure does not work in the current season or forittowork is not enough resources, then it canbetemporarilyblocked.
Coco Mar Hotels 1.5
Come and meet Coco, the virtual pet of Mar Hotels. He would lovetobe your best friend. Coco lives many adventures in the hotel,onthe beach or in the sea. Have fun playing his fantasticmini-gamesthat allow you to unlock new activities. Make sure thatCoco alwayshas enough food, drinks, health and love. Meet Coco'sfriends - thedolphin, the crab and the octopus.
A very special funto share withyour friends. And it is all for free!!
For sure thisadorableseahorse will surprise you ! Give us a like on facebook andfindout all the latest news on ourfacebook-page.
Ферма Удивительный колхоз 3.0
Если будут проблемы и на этом хостинге, томыпросто перейдем на более дорогой тариф и все будет отлично)Добро пожаловать в хитовую онлайн-игру!- Грядки, загоны, погреб, пруды, сад.- Овощная арена, лотерея и садовники.- Колхозы, вертолеты, селекция, госзаказ.- Регулярные акции и скидки, активный форум, чат.- И много всего другого.Все это тебя ждет в нашей игре.Заходи и создавай уютный, цветущий, добрый мир Фермы.If there are problemsandthis hosting, we just go to a more expensive fare andeverythingwill be fine)Welcome to the hit online game!- The beds, pens, cellar, ponds, garden.- Vegetable arena, lottery and gardeners.- Collective and helicopters, selection, state order.- Regular promotions and discounts, active forum, chat.- And much more.All this awaits you in our game.Come and create a cozy, flowering, good world Farms.
Coco Panda 1.0.4
Reflex Game. Avoid obstacles and break the record!
Cockroach Hand Joke 1.3
Baby Apps And Games
Hand Cockroach JokeCockroach Hand Joke - this application simulation game joke!Rafflefriends and loved ones! It will be scary, try ityourself!Make a photo palm, place the phone on hand and wait for theresult,it will surprise you!This game is designed to draw a joke and fun!
"Самогонщики" | Bootleggers 0.0.1
Games Company "Varset"
Эй,парень, хочешь гнать самогон?Интересное деревенское приключение, в котором вам нужно будетгнатьсамогон. Постарайтесь развиваться и начните делать болееэлитнуюпродукцию, например вино!Особенности:- Можно гнать 2 вида самогона- Купите лицензию для вина и готовьте вино.- Крышуйте деревни- Воруйте сахар- Легкое управление- Продавайте свою продукцию, чтобы привлечь покупателей.Стань истинным самогонщиком.____________________________________________________________________________Hé, mec, vous voulez conduire la lune?Aventure rustique intéressant dans lequel vous devez conduireleclair de lune. Essayez de développer et de commencer à faireplusde produits de luxe tels que le vin!Caractéristiques:- Vous pouvez conduire les deux types d'alcool de contrebande- Acheter une licence pour le vin et cuire vin.- Le toit du village- Steal sucre- Gestion facile- Pour vendre leurs produits pour attirer les acheteurs.Devenez un véritable bouilleurs._________________________________________Hey, Mann, um den Mondschein fahren wollen Sie?Interessante rustikalen Abenteuer, in dem Sie benötigen, umdasMondlicht zu fahren. Versuchen Sie, zu entwickeln undbeginnen,mehr Luxus Produkte wie Wein!Eigenschaften:- Sie können die 2 Arten von moonshine fahren- Kaufen Sie eine Lizenz für Wein und kochen Wein.- Das Dach des Dorfes- Steal Zucker- Einfache Verwaltung- Um ihre Produkte zu verkaufen, um Käufer anzulocken.Zu einem echten Schwarzbrenner._______________________________________Hey, hombre, usted desea conducir la luz de la luna?Aventura rústico interesante en el que tendrá que conducir la luzdela luna. Trate de desarrollar y empezar a hacer más productosdelujo, como el vino!características:- Usted puede manejar los 2 tipos de luz de la luna- Comprar una licencia para el vino y cocinar vino.- El techo de la aldea- Robar el azúcar- Fácil gestión- Para vender sus productos para atraer a los compradores.Convertirse en un verdadero destiladores ilegales.__________________________________________Hej, chcesz jechać do bimbru?Ciekawe rustykalne przygodowa, w której trzeba będzie jechaćdobimbru. Staraj się rozwijać i zacząć więcej produktówluksusowych,takich jak wino!cechy:- Możesz jechać na 2 rodzaje bimbru- Kup licencję na wino i gotować wino.- Dach wsi- Steal cukru- Łatwe zarządzanie- Aby sprzedawać swoje produkty, aby przyciągnąć nabywców.Zostań prawdziwym Moonshiners.___________________________________________Ehi, amico, si vuole guidare il chiaro di luna?Interessante avventura rustico in cui dovrete guidare il chiarodiluna. Cercare di sviluppare e iniziare a fare più prodotti dilussocome il vino!Caratteristiche:- Si può guidare i 2 tipi di chiaro di luna- Acquistate la licenza per il vino e fate cuocere il vino.- Il tetto del villaggio- Ruba zucchero- Facilità di gestione- Per vendere i loro prodotti per attirare gli acquirenti.Diventa un vero distillatori clandestini._______________________________________Официальная группа игры:, man, you wanttodrive the moonshine?Interesting rustic adventure in which you will need to drivethemoonshine. Try to develop and start making more luxuryproductssuch as wine!Features:- You can drive the 2 types of moonshine- Buy a license for wine and cook wine.- The roof of the village- Steal sugar- Easy management- To sell their products to attract buyers.Become a true moonshiners.____________________________________________________________________________Hé, mec, vous voulez conduire la lune?Aventure rustique intéressant dans lequel vous devez conduireleclair de lune. Essayez de développer et de commencer à faireplusde produits de luxe tels que le vin!Caractéristiques:- Vous pouvez conduire les deux types d'alcool de contrebande- Acheter une licence pour le vin et cuire vin.- Le toit du village- Steal sucre- Gestion facile- Pour vendre leurs produits pour attirer les acheteurs.Devenez un véritable bouilleurs._________________________________________Hey, Mann, um den Mondschein fahren wollen Sie?Interessante rustikalen Abenteuer, in dem Sie benötigen, umdasMondlicht zu fahren. Versuchen Sie, zu entwickeln undbeginnen,mehr Luxus Produkte wie Wein!Eigenschaften:- Sie können die 2 Arten von moonshine fahren- Kaufen Sie eine Lizenz für Wein und kochen Wein.- Das Dach des Dorfes- Steal Zucker- Einfache Verwaltung- Um ihre Produkte zu verkaufen, um Käufer anzulocken.Zu einem echten Schwarzbrenner._______________________________________Hey, hombre, usted desea conducir la luz de la luna?Aventura rústico interesante en el que tendrá que conducir la luzdela luna. Trate de desarrollar y empezar a hacer más productosdelujo, como el vino!características:- Usted puede manejar los 2 tipos de luz de la luna- Comprar una licencia para el vino y cocinar vino.- El techo de la aldea- Robar el azúcar- Fácil gestión- Para vender sus productos para atraer a los compradores.Convertirse en un verdadero destiladores ilegales.__________________________________________Hej, chcesz jechać do bimbru?Ciekawe rustykalne przygodowa, w której trzeba będzie jechaćdobimbru. Staraj się rozwijać i zacząć więcej produktówluksusowych,takich jak wino!cechy:- Możesz jechać na 2 rodzaje bimbru- Kup licencję na wino i gotować wino.- Dach wsi- Steal cukru- Łatwe zarządzanie- Aby sprzedawać swoje produkty, aby przyciągnąć nabywców.Zostań prawdziwym Moonshiners.___________________________________________Ehi, amico, si vuole guidare il chiaro di luna?Interessante avventura rustico in cui dovrete guidare il chiarodiluna. Cercare di sviluppare e iniziare a fare più prodotti dilussocome il vino!Caratteristiche:- Si può guidare i 2 tipi di chiaro di luna- Acquistate la licenza per il vino e fate cuocere il vino.- Il tetto del villaggio- Ruba zucchero- Facilità di gestione- Per vendere i loro prodotti per attirare gli acquirenti.Diventa un vero distillatori clandestini._______________________________________Official Game Group:
Great Cyclops 3D Sim 1.0
Great Cyclops 3D Sim is a simulationgamethatyou control a deadly cyclops.Hunt villager, dwarf, barbarian, goblin, zombie, troll and ogre.- Well designed models and areas.- Control a huge cyclops.- 75 challenging missions.- Clever enemies.- Optimized for all smartphones and tablets.- Villager man, woman, monk, dwarf, barbarian, goblin,troll,zombie,ogre and more!
Darkness Spider Sim 3D 1.0
Control a spider! Darkness Spider Sim 3Disasimulation game with high quality graphics!Fight to villager, dwarf, barbarian, goblin, zombie, troll andogre.- Console quality environment and models.- Control a huge spider.- 75 easy to hard missions.- Smart enemies.- Realistic animations and effects.- Villager man, woman, monk, dwarf, barbarian, goblin,troll,zombie,ogre and more!
=sAs= Clan 2.6
Fabio Pichini
We are a group of "Arma" enthusiastsatthemoment active on "Arma 3". We like every kind of missionsandeverygame mode, we frequenly play with other clans else weareactive intraining sessions, campaigns and/or missions madebyourmap-makers.Our goal is the simulation in every mission, wemakedetailedbriefings and each clan member has his own role basedonthespecialization obtained.In the Special Assault Squad clan we admit 18+ playersonly,peoplewho likes simulation like we do.special thanks=sAs= Karmine=sAs= Fapic=sAs= Raffal=sAs= Sansone=sAs= BoxerDog=sAs= MegaDein=sAs= Deeelite=sAs= Wolf=sAs= Matteino=sAs= Rosco=sAs= Dani=sAs= Denny=sAs= Orso=sAs= RetroLogi=sAs= Patriot=sAs= BlackLegion=sAs= StationMax=sAs= Barista=sAs= Nixiam=sAs= Thor=sAs= Loki=sAs= Imirion=sAs= Veli=sAs= Artyomvisit our website are a groupof"Weapon"enthusiasts at the moment active on "Weapon 3". Welikeevery kindof missions and every game mode, we frequenly playwithother clanselse we are active in training sessions, campaignsand/ or missionsmade by our map-makers.Our goal is the simulation in every mission, wemakedetailedbriefings and each clan member Has His own role basedonthespecialization obtained.In the Special Assault Squad clan we admit only 18+players,peoplewho likes simulation like we do.special thanks= = SAs Karmine= = SAs Fapic= = SAs raffal= = SAs Samson= = SAs boxerdog= = SAs MegaDein= = SAs Deeelite= = Wolf sAs= = SAs Matteino= = SAs Rosco= = SAs Dani= = SAs Denny= = SAs Bear= = SAs RetroLogi= = SAs Patriot= = SAs BlackLegion= = SAs StationMax= = SAs Barista= = SAs Nixiam= = SAs Thor= = SAs Loki= = SAs Imirion= = SAs Veli= = SAs Artyomvisit our website
Gorodki 1.1
Try to play the game of my childhoodalongwithyour favorite phone or tablet!15 levels, great gameplay!Realistic physics!Easy control!What can I say? Try it yourself, You will like it!