Top 17 Apps Similar to Foster Fit Academia

Dama Fitness 1.87
Fique por dentro de todas as novidadesdotimeDama Fitness, através deste app você encontrará todasasreceitasfitness, dicas de nutrição, vídeos de exercícioseoutrosconteúdos, num único lugar.Stay on top of allthenewsof Lady Fitness team through this app you will findallfitnessrecipes, nutrition tips, exercise videos and othercontentin oneplace.
Corpo D21 - Express 1.3.i
Corpo D21
Corpo D21 Express é o aplicativo maisefetivoquando o assunto é PERDER PESO de forma Rápida eSaudável.Você NUNCA imaginou um treino REVOLUCIONÁRIO que já ajudou + de25mil ALUNAS a emagrecerem por todo o Brasil, disponível em suasmãospara você poder acessar a Qualquer Hora, em Qualquer Lugar,emQualquer nível de atividade que você se encontra, SemAparelhos,Sem Academia e SEM DESCULPAS!Com o Corpo D21 Express você vai obter 1 Ano de ResultadosemEmagrecimento com Apenas 6 Semanas! Com um custo menor que 1SESSÃOde treinamento com um Personal que você tenha disponível emseuiPhone e Android.Nesse aplicativo, você encontra um TREINO totalmentePersonalizadopara todo tipo fisico, sendo você uma pessoasedentária ou umapessoa que já pratica atividade física, osRESULTADOS sãoIncríveis! 
Esse programa tem uma duração de 6Semanas, onde vocêvai ter disponível em seu Android, uma Personalque irá te mostrartodos os exercícios necessários para vocêalcançar a máximaeficiência em seus resultados.
Dentro doaplicativo você tambémencontra um guia nutricional para acelerarseus resultados, assimcomo receitas fitness, gostosas e supersimples de fazer e um guiainterativo de itens que você não podedeixar de incluir em suascompras no supermercado.*** NÃO há NADA Parecido na Apple Store e Google Play ***"Em menos de um mês eu perdi 3 kilos, mas o que me surpreendeu foiagordura abdominal que sumiu" - Marcia"Nessa minha vida louca de viagens, conheci o programa "Corpo de21"e já te digo, que me salvou das "desculpas" da correria do dia....eo mais legal é que são treinos de 21 minutos apenas, que dáprafazer em casa ou nos hotéis da vida.era impossível. ObrigadaCorpoD21!" - Debora Lyra"Não vejo a hora de poder voltar a treinar, e fazer os treinosdoCorpo de 21 , quer coisa melhor que ficar em forma só com21minutos por dia? Demais!! Olivia, daqui a pouco eu recomeço:grin:" - Rachel ApollonioCaracterísticas Corpo D21 Express adicionais:+ Treinamento em Vídeos+ Calendário interativo para informar o dia do seu treino+ Central de Progresso, para você acompanhar seu IMC,acompanharsuas medidas e o quanto você esta emagrecendo ao longodas 6semanas+ Uma área destinada a te MOTIVAR todos os dias, para que nãohajadesculpas enquanto você treina——
* O usuário é o único responsável pela execução epelasconsequências e efeitos das execuções dos exercícios, dicas,guias,guias nutricionais e todos os outros conteúdos dentrodoaplicativo, sendo assim, o aplicativo Corpo D21 Express,étotalmente isento de toda e qualquer responsabilidade pordanos,mau uso e todas as outras lesões e prejuízos quepossamacontecer.D21 Body Express isthemost effective application when it comes to LOSE WEIGHT QuickandHealthy way.You've never even imagined a REVOLUTIONARY workout that hashelpedmore than 25,000 STUDENTS to get thin throughout Brazil,availablein your hands so you can access Anytime, Anywhere, on Anyactivitylevel you are in, no appliances, No gym and wITHOUTEXCUSES!With the D21 Body Express you will get 1 year of Thinning inresultswith just 6 weeks! With a lower cost than 1 SESSIONtraining with aPersonal you have available on your iPhone andAndroid.In this application, you will find a completelypersonalizedtraining for all physical type, you being a sedentaryperson or aperson who has practiced physical activity, RESULTS areAwesome!This program has a duration of 6 weeks, where you willhaveavailable on your Android, a Personal that will show you alltheexercises needed for you to achieve maximum efficiency initsresults. Within the app you can also find a nutritional guidetoaccelerate their results, as well as fitness recipes, tastyandsuper simple to make and an interactive guide of items that youcannot fail to include in their grocery shopping.*** There is nothing like the Apple Store and Google Play ***"In less than a month I lost 3 kilos, but what surprised me wasthatabdominal fat is gone" - Marcia"At my crazy life of travel, I met the program" Body 21 "andI'lltell you, I saved the" excuses "from the rush of the day. ...Andthe coolest is that they are only 21 minutes of training,whichgives to do at home or in hotels vida.era impossible. ThankD21Body! " - Debora Lyra"I can not wait to be able to resume training, and make 21Bodyworkouts or anything better than getting in shape with only21minutes a day !! Other Olivia, soon I resume: grin:" -RachelApollonioFeatures Body D21 additional Express:+ Training Videos+ Interactive calendar to inform the day of your workout+ Central Progress, for you to monitor your BMI, trackyourmeasurements and how much you are losing weight over 6weeks+ An area designed to MOTIVATE you every day, so there arenoexcuses while you train-* The user is solely responsible for the implementation andtheconsequences and effects of the execution of the exercises,tips,guides, nutritional guides and all other content withintheapplication, so the application Body D21 Express is completelyfreeof any responsibility for damage, misuse, and all theotherinjuries and damages that may occur.
Recipe Book : Free Recipes 44.0.0
Fitness Circle
Recipe book is a completely free appthatbrings you millions of variety recipes. We provide you onlyhealthyand delicious recipes. If you are a beginner in cooking thenthisfree app will be the best companion for you. Step bystepinstructions for cooking is provided.Recipes from differentpartsof the world. You can try new delicious,tasty and healthyrecipes.Even kids can prepare their favorite recipes withoutanyone's help.Recipes like healthy, salad, vegetarian, dessert,cake, pizza,barbecue, low calorie, burger, diabetic, egg, fish,chicken, icecream, beverages, bread, breakfast, dinner, slowcooker, glutenfree etc all integrated in a single free app. We havespecialcategories for festival recipes,holiday recipes likeChristmasrecipes,New year, Eid, Thanksgiving, Fathers day, mothersdayrecipes, children's day recipes, Halloween etc. Native languageissupported. You can view recipes in your own nativelanguages.Recipes that available only in famous restaurants can nowcook inyour kitchen. Take this free recipe app to kitchen andstartcooking. This will be the best and perfect recipe app foryou.Explore the largest collection of healthy recipes. Indianrecipes,Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, German and more. Youcan getyour favorite recipe by searching the recipe name,ingredients etc.You can access recipes without the aid of internetby adding theminto offline. You can bookmark your favorite recipestoo. You canadd ingredients to shopping list so that you can buy itfrom themarket very easily. Our extensive library of recipeshighlights themany diverse cuisines of World.App features:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentPizza recipes have more demand in all countries. Chinese noodlesandfried rice is more tasty. People always searches for healthyfoodswith more taste. This free recipe app provides dietplanningrecipes. Food calories is must needed. We have addedcalorie ofeach recipes. Nutritional information is also provided.Diseaseslike scurvy, obesity, or osteoporosis, diabetes,cardiovasculardiseases etc can occur due to improper foods. Allthese can beavoided by taking healthy food habits. Diabetics can becontrolledby taking diabetic recipes. You can cook deliciousrecipes veryeasily. Easy and quick recipes are there for cooking.Paleorecipes, pancake recipe, salsa recipe, carrot cake recipe,eggplantrecipes etc. There are baby cook specially for babies.Weightwatchers cookbook will surely have some good healthy saladrecipes.Healthy salad recipes can be given for heart and diabeticpatients.This app is free for all time.Download this perfect app and start cooking variety dishes.Happy Cooking !!
Healthy recipes 1.5.0
Jan Thér
Healthy and Fitness Recipes - cookbook app weight loss
SUPERBOM - Receitas e Vídeos 1.1.8
SOBRE O APP SUPERBOMHá mais de 9 décadas a Superbom está nos lares de milharesdebrasileiros que investem numa alimentação saudável e equilibrada,eagora com o APP Superbom, ficou ainda mais fácil se alimentar bemeter uma vida mais leve e feliz.Desfrute de uma diversidade de receitas, um localizar de pontosdevendas de produtos Superbom, saiba mais sobre todos osprodutosatuais e os lançamentos, amplie seus conhecimentos com osvídeoseducativos sobre saúde e bem estar, vivencie a mudança devida de 4participantes do Reality Show: O Melhor da Vida Superbom,e,acompanhe nossa agenda de eventos.RECEITASCom o diferencial de todas as receitas contereminformaçõesnutricionais feitas pela especialista Cyntia Maureen-nutricionista e chefe de cozinha - o aplicativo está repletodereceitas saudáveis e exclusivas da culinária vegetariana evegana,nas seguintes categorias: • Entradas • Prato principal • Sopas, caldos e cremes • Bebidas • Doces e sobremesas • Lanches • Saladas e acompanhamentos • VeganosPONTOS DE VENDAMais facilidade para você! Em conexão direta com aferramentaexclusiva do site Superbom, você poderá informar o seuCEP, eatravés do mesmo, encontrar os pontos de venda de produtosSuperbommais próximos de onde você estiver.PORTFÓLIO DE PRODUTOSVocê que já está habituado a utilizar alguns produtos daSuperbom,irá se surpreender ao conhecer todos os produtos da marca.ASuperbom possui hoje um mix de quase 100 produtos, disponíveisparafazer parte dos melhores momentos do seu dia. Conheça todososprodutos e tenha mais opções saudáveis para você esuafamília.EVENTOSA Superbom participa de inúmeros eventos, vários deles abertosaopúblico. Que tal acompanhar nossa agenda e interagir mais depertocom a nossa marca?VÍDEOS EDUCATIVOSMais do que vender produtos, a Superbom deseja que você vivaomelhor da vida e, para isso, disponibilizamos diversas dicasdesaúde, dadas por especialistas de várias áreas da saúde.Através de um “vídeo aula” de 10 a 15 minutos, aprenda sobre maisde40 temas, como: arritmia, doenças cardiovasculares,estresse,amamentação, limpeza de ouvido, autoestima e muitomais.REALITY SHOW – O MELHOR DA VIDAO reality show “Melhor da Vida” é um programa realizado emformatode documentário, e que tem como principal objetivo promoveraqualidade de vida. Reunimos quatro candidatos de diferentesfaixasetárias, que participam de diversas provas em busca de umavidamais saudável. Para auxiliá-los, o reality show contacomprofissionais qualificados como preparadores físicos,médicos,nutricionista, psicólogo entre tantos outros.“O Melhor da Vida não mostra apenas pessoas perdendopeso,acompanhadas por especialistas. Nosso foco são histórias devida,que também podem transformar o olhar de muitas pessoas. Aolongo de12 episódios, os participantes enfrentam provas físicas equefortalecem também aspectos emocionais e psicológicos.HISTÓRIA DA SUPERBOMConheça a história dessa indústria com mais de 90 anos de atuaçãonomercado nacional, dedicada a fabricação de alimentos saudáveisqueajudam milhares de brasileiros a, todos os anos, desfrutarem deumavida mais equilibrada e feliz.ABOUT APP SuperbomFor over nine decades Superbom is in the homes of thousandsofBrazilians who invest in a healthy and balanced diet, and nowwithAPP Superbom, it's even easier to eat well and have a morelightand happy life.Enjoy a variety of recipes, a find sales points Superbomproducts,learn about all current products and releases, expandtheirknowledge with educational videos on health andwellness,experience the life changing 4 participants reality Show:the Bestof Superbom Life, and follow our events calendar.RECIPESWith the spread of all receipts contain nutritional informationmadeby expert Cynthia Maureen - nutritionist and chef - theapplicationis full of healthy and unique recipes of the vegetarianand vegancuisine, in the following categories:• Appetizer• Main course• Soups, broths and creams• Drinks• Sweets and desserts• Snacks• Salads and side dishes• VegansOUTLETSEasier for you! In direct connection with the exclusivetoolSuperbom site, you can enter your zip code, and through it,findthe point of sale nearest Superbom products wherever youare.PRODUCT PORTFOLIOYou who are already accustomed to using some of Superbomproducts,you will be surprised to know all the brand's products.TheSuperbom now has a mix of nearly 100 products are available tobepart of the best moments of your day. Check out all theproductsand make healthier choices for you and your family.EVENTSThe Superbom participates in numerous events, many of them opentothe public. What about follow our agenda and more closelyinteractwith our brand?EDUCATIONAL VIDEOMore than selling products, Superbom wants you to live the bestlifeand, therefore, we provide various health tips given byexperts fromvarious areas of health.Through a "video class" 10 to 15 minutes to learn about more than40topics, such as arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease,stress,breastfeeding, ear cleaning, self-esteem and more.REALITY SHOW - THE BEST LIFEThe reality show "Better Life" is a program held indocumentaryformat, and which has as main objective to promote thequality oflife. We gathered four candidates of different agegroups,participating in several events in search of a healthierlife. Toassist them, the reality show has qualified professionalsastrainers, doctors, nutritionists, psychologists amongothers."The Best of Life not only shows people losing weight,accompaniedby experts. We focus on life stories, which can alsotransform thelook of many people. Over 12 episodes, theparticipants facephysical evidence and also strengthen emotionaland psychologicalaspects.Superbom HISTORYLearn the history of this industry with over 90 years ofexperiencein the national market, dedicated to the production ofhealthyfoods that help thousands of Brazilians every year, enjoy amorebalanced and happy life.
Healthy Recipes
Fitness Circle
Healthy Recipes FREE app provides you morethanhalf million healthy recipes all over from the world. Theseare veryessential in today's life. Having healthy recipes willmaintain ourlife. You can Discover the best heart-healthy foodsfrom thiscookbook. The recipes from this app are very simple tocook .Healthy dishes contains high nutrition and vitamins. Thiskind ofcooking is simple when you've got fresh ingredients. Thesedishesuse ingredients that are easily available. This app iscompletelyFREE and easy to use with a good user friendly design.App include:*Healthy Appetizer*Healthy Bread*Healthy Breakfast and Brunch*Healthy Desserts*Healthy Kids*Healthy Lunches*Healthy Main Dishes*Healthy Makeover Recipes*Healthy Salads*Healthy Side Dishes*Healthy Snacks*Healthy Soups and Stewsand more. For maintaining a good health we should alwayshavehealthy recipes. Healthy recipes will reduce diabetic diseases.Itwill results in a better and joyfull life. The main feature ofthisFREE recipe app is that you will get your loved recipesinstantly .In our fast life we are not able to maintain healthylife,so thatwe are providing you many healthy recipes . You can getyourfavorite dishes by searching the name of recipe,ingredientsnameetc. Healthy salads are more easy to cook . Recipes from thisappcan be cook very easily even by kids . Everyone can makesurprisesby making new healthy dishes. Almost all recipes from thisapp arechefs special recipes and is homemade. Homemade recipes areverydelicious. This will be the best HEALTHY FREE recipe app foryou.The main features of this FREE recipe app are :**GLOBAL SEARCH**SEARCH RECIPES BY INGREDIENTS,NAMES,TAGS**SHOPPING LIST**RECIPE PREPARATION TIME**OFFLINE RECIPE ACCESS**FAVORITE RECIPES CAN BE STORED SEPARATELY**REVERSE RECIPE SEARCH**RECIPES CAN BE SHARED TO ANYONE BY A SINGLE CLICK**RECIPES ARE PROVIDED WITH THEIR NUTRITIONAL VALUE,CALORIES**NUMBER OF SERVINGS IS ALSO PROVIDEDHaving healthy recipes will maintain a good fitness toourbody.Start cooking new healthy dishes!!ENJOY COOKING!!
Vegan Recipes FREE
Fitness Circle
Vegetarian recipes free appisperfectlydesigned cookbook which contains variety of veganrecipesfor free.These are always healthy. Healthy recipes will helptomaintain ourhealth. This app is a perfectly designed cookbook.Evenkids caneasily cook dishes using this app. Vegan recipes arealwayslovedby all people. Diabetic patients always likely tousevegetariandishes and recipes. This app have step by step guideforcookingrecipes. So you can save your time very much.App includes categories like :healthy vegetarianproteinquick and easy vegetarianmain dishesside dishesappetizersbreakfastvegetarian chilisoups and stewsbbq & grillingvegetarian whole grainpasta saladpielasagnaand more..You can get your loved or favorite recipebyjustsearching. Advanced searching option is alsoprovided...Findeasyvegetarian dinners for eating healthy. Theselection ofvegetariancooking depends on many reasons . Some choosethese aspart oftheir religious belief , some takethese for healthydiet duetotheir health reasons etc. The app features include:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentHere we provide you thousands of vegetarian recipes whichyoucancook easily.Happy Cooking !!
Academia Eldorado Fitness 1.0
A Academia Eldorado Fitnessdisponibilizaparatodos os seus alunos um aplicativo com o intuitode oferecerumainformação de qualidade e diferenciada.Com este aplicativo, os nossos alunos poderão de formasimplesegratuita, viver uma experiência única além denossasinstalaçõesfísicas.Neste aplicativo, você poderá:• Ter acesso a sua ficha de musculação de formapersonalizada;• Dicas exclusivas de saúde feitas por um EducadorFísico,umaNutricionista e uma Psicanalista;• Execução de vários exercícios físicos ministradosporumprofissional qualificado no qual ele ensina como fazerdeformaadequada e correta os principais exercícios. Issoproporcionaumaautonomia incrível para os alunos• Várias receitas fitness que vão te dar água na boca• Calculadora IMC inclusa no aplicativo• As nossas Redes Sociais podem ser vistas atravésdonossoaplicativo• Acesso a um chat exclusivo entre os alunosdaEldoradoFitness• Leitor QR Code• E muito mais!!!TheAcademyEldoradoFitness offers to all its students an application inordertoprovide quality information and differentiated. With this application, our students can simply and free,liveaunique experience beyond our physical facilities.In this application, you can:• Access your fitness record a personalized way;• Exclusive Health Tips made by a Physical EducatoraNutritionistand a Psychoanalyst;• Execution of various physical exercises taught byaqualifiedprofessional in which he teaches how to properlyandcorrectly themain exercises. This provides an incredibleautonomyforstudents• Various fitness recipes that will give you mouth water• BMI calculator included in the application• Our Social Networks can be seen through our app• Access to an exclusive chat among studentsofEldoradoFitness• QR Code Reader• And much more!!!
Gluten Less Recipes 51.0.0
Hitbytes Technologies
Enjoy healthy non gluten recipes
Workout 2.0 - Treino Emagrecer 2.211
O Workout 2.0 é o aplicativo maisefetivoquando o assunto é PERDER PESO de forma Rápida e Saudável.Você NUNCA imaginou um treino REVOLUCIONÁRIO que já ajudou + de3milhões de pessoas a emagrecerem por todo o mundo, disponívelemsuas mãos para você poder acessar a Qualquer Hora, emQualquerLugar, em Qualquer nível de atividade que você se encontra,SemAparelhos, Sem Academia e SEM DESCULPAS!Com o Workout 2.0 você vai obter 1 Ano de ResultadosemEmagrecimento com Apenas 8 Semanas! Com um custo menor que 1SESSÃOde treinamento com um Personal que você tenha disponível emseuAndroid.Nesse aplicativo, você encontra um TREINOtotalmentePersonalizado para todo tipo fisico, sendo você umapessoasedentária ou uma pessoa que já pratica atividade física,osRESULTADOS são Incríveis!Esse programa tem uma duração de 8 Semanas, onde você vaiterdisponível em seu Android, uma Personal que irá te mostrar todososexercícios necessários para você alcançar a maxima eficiênciaemseus resultados.Dentro do aplicativo você também encontra um guia nutricionalparaacelerar seus resultados, assim como receitas fitness, gostosasesuper simples de fazer e um guia interativo de itens que vocênãopode deixar de incluir em suas compras no supermercado.*** NÃO há NADA Parecido no Google Play ***“Você nunca mais vai precisar se matar por horas e horas emumaacademia fazendo aeróbico parecendo um rato de laboratórioparaemagrecer, esse aplicativo tem absolutamente tudo que eupreciso,nunca havia encontrado nada parecido que juntasse tudo emum únicoaplicativo, é perfeito eu super recomendo.” - SiloéBezerraCaracterísticas Workout 2.0 adicionais:+ Treinamento em Vídeos+ Calendario interativo para informar o dia do seu treino+ Central de Progresso, para você acompanhar seu IMC,acompanharsuas medidas e o quanto você esta emagrecendo ao longodas 8semanas+ Uma área destinada a te MOTIVAR todos os dias, para quenãohaja desculpas enquanto você treina——* Muito importante avisar que esse aplicativo de treinamento nãotemNENHUM vinculo com o Programa de Emagrecimento Queima de 48horas doVinicius Possebon.** O usuário é o único responsável pela execução epelasconsequências e efeitos das execuções dos exercícios, dicas,guias,guias nutricionais e todos os outros conteúdos dentrodoaplicativo, sendo assim, o aplicativo Queima de Gordura Workout,étotalmente isento de toda e qualquer responsabilidade pordanos,mau uso e todas as outras lesões e prejuízos quepossamacontecer.Esses são os termos de uso: Workout 2.0 isthemost effective application when it comes to LOSE WEIGHT QuickandHealthy way.You've never even imagined a REVOLUTIONARY workout thathashelped more than 3 million people get thin around theworld,available in your hands so you can access Anytime, Anywhere,on Anyactivity level you are in, No devices Without Academy andNOEXCUSES!Workout with 2.0 you will get 1 year of Thinning in ResultswithJust 8 Weeks! With a lower cost than 1 SESSION training withaPersonal you have available on your Android.In this application, you will find a fully Custom TRAININGforall physical type, you being a sedentary person or a person whohaspracticed physical activity, RESULTS are Awesome!This program has a duration of 8 weeks, where you willhaveavailable on your Android, Personal one that will show you alltheexercises needed for you to achieve the maximum efficiency initsresults.Within the application you can also find a nutritional guidetoaccelerate their results, as well as fitness recipes, tastyandsuper simple to make and an interactive guide of items you cannotfail to include in their grocery shopping.*** There is nothing like on Google Play ***"You'll never need to kill for hours in a gym doing aerobiclikea lab rat to lose weight, this application hasabsolutelyeverything I need, had never found anything like thatjoin all inone application, it is perfect I super recommend. "-SiloamBezerraWorkout 2.0 Additional features:+ Training Videos+ Interactive calendar to inform the day of your workout+ Central Progress, for you to monitor your BMI, trackyourmeasurements and how much you are losing weight over the8weeks+ An area designed to MOTIVATE you every day, so there arenoexcuses while you train-* Very important to tell that this training application has NObondwith Slimming Program burning 48 hours of ViniciusPossebon.** The user is solely responsible for the conduct andtheconsequences and effects of the executions of the exercises,tips,guides, nutritional guides and all other content withintheapplication, so the Workout Fat Burn application is completelyfreeof all liability for damage, misuse, and all the other injuriesanddamages that may occur.These are the terms:
Academia Body Control 1.4
A Academia Body Control disponibilizaparatodos os seus alunos um aplicativo com o intuito de oferecerumainformação de qualidade e diferenciada.Com este aplicativo, os nossos alunos poderão de forma simplesegratuita, viver uma experiência única além de nossasinstalaçõesfísicas.Neste aplicativo, você poderá:- Ter acesso a sua ficha de musculação de formapersonalizada;- Dicas exclusivas de saúde feitas por um Educador Físico,umaNutricionista e uma Psicanalista;- Execução de vários exercícios físicos ministrados porumprofissional qualificado no qual ele ensina como fazer deformaadequada e correta os principais exercícios. Isso proporcionaumaautonomia incrível para os alunos- Várias receitas fitness que vão te dar água na boca- Calculadora IMC inclusa no aplicativo- As nossas Redes Sociais podem ser vistas através donossoaplicativo- Acesso a um chat exclusivo entre os alunos da Body Control- Leitor QR Code- E muito mais!!!The Academy BodyControlprovides for all its students an application in order toprovidequality information and differentiated. With this application, our students can simply and free,livea unique experience beyond our physical facilities.In this application, you can:- Have access to your weight plug in a personalized way;- Exclusive Health Tips made by a Physical Educator aNutritionistand a Psychoanalyst;- Execution of various physical exercises taught by aqualifiedprofessional in which he teaches how to properly andcorrectly themain exercises. This provides an incredible autonomyforstudents- Several fitness recipes that will give you mouth water- BMI calculator included in the application- Our Social Networks can be seen through our app- Access to an exclusive chat between students of BodyControl- QR Code Reader- And much more!!!
Japanese Recipes
Fitness Circle
Japanese Recipes free app has the collectionoflargest number of Japanese yummy, delicious and healthyrecipes.This app is completely free for all time. This app is verysmalland easy to use. Healthy recipes will maintain ourhealthperfectly. Japanese recipes are healthy . Doctors alwayssuggestsfor healthy foods. From sushi to tempura and teriyaki, weregot allyour favorite Japanese recipes . Diabetic patients can havehealthyfoods. This app helps you to cook new delicious recipes veryeasilyand quickly. Burgers, noodles, szechuan soups etc havehighpopularity all over the world. Kimchi recipes are very tasty.Soups are very needed before lunch or dinner . Using this freeappeven kids and adults can simply prepare new dishes very easily.Nowyou can start cooking in you home itself. Sumashijiru is aJapaneseclear soup also called Suimono. Sumashijiru can be servedfor anyoccasion. This free app helps to get people healthy food.They canavail the taste of real food. Lots of recipe categoriesareincluded in this free Japanese recipe book. Kids recipes,healthyrecipes, dessert recipes, main dishes, vegan recipes, saladrecipesetc are there. All recipes are detailed with theirnutritionalinformation. Number of servings is also provided. Youcan organizeyour meals using meal planner. Categories likeSzechuaan Soup recipesSzechuan Rice recipesKimchi recipesSpaghetti salad recipesmain dish recipesSoy Tofu Vegan recipesSoy Tofu Asian recipesHeirloom recipesRice recipesSoup recipesand more. Japanese food are really great but we must take atmostcare in cook them also. So our app provides you step by stepguidefor cooking. This free app is integrated with shopping listwhereyou can add the recipe and the ingredients to be boughtfrommarket. You can search for all kinds of dishes in the app. Noneedof much cooking expertise for cooking now. Just took our app tothekitchen and start cooking. The main features of the appincludes:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentThis app is completely free for all time. Halloween specialdayfoods are also very famous . Perfect meal planner will help youtochoose a perfect diet plan. Japanese food is refinedandelegant.Happy Cooking
Galpão Academia 1.3
A Galpão Academia disponibiliza para todososseus alunos um aplicativo com o intuito de oferecer umainformaçãode qualidade e diferenciada.Com este aplicativo, os nossos alunos poderão de forma simplesegratuita, viver uma experiência única além de nossasinstalaçõesfísicas.Neste aplicativo, você poderá:• Ter acesso a sua ficha de musculação de formapersonalizada;• Dicas exclusivas de saúde feitas por um Educador Físico,umaNutricionista e uma Psicanalista;• Execução de vários exercícios físicos ministrados porumprofissional qualificado no qual ele ensina como fazer deformaadequada e correta os principais exercícios. Isso proporcionaumaautonomia incrível para os alunos• Várias receitas fitness que vão te dar água na boca• Calculadora IMC inclusa no aplicativo• As nossas Redes Sociais podem ser vistas através donossoaplicativo• Acesso a um chat exclusivo entre os alunos daGalpãoAcademia• Leitor QR Code• E muito mais!!!The Shed Academy offerstoall its students an application in order to providequalityinformation and differentiated. With this application, our students can simply and free,livea unique experience beyond our physical facilities.In this application, you can:• Access your fitness record a personalized way;• Exclusive Health Tips made by a Physical Educator aNutritionistand a Psychoanalyst;• Execution of various physical exercises taught by aqualifiedprofessional in which he teaches how to properly andcorrectly themain exercises. This provides an incredible autonomyforstudents• Various fitness recipes that will give you mouth water• BMI calculator included in the application• Our Social Networks can be seen through our app• Access to an exclusive chat between the students of theAcademyShed• QR Code Reader• And much more!!!
Fitness Recepty 1.0.2
Live a healthy lifestyle with gusto!
Academia Pampulha Gym 1.2
A Academia Pampulha Gym disponibilizaparatodosos seus alunos um aplicativo com o intuito de oferecerumainformaçãode qualidade e diferenciada.Com este aplicativo, os nossos alunos poderão de formasimplesegratuita, viver uma experiência única além denossasinstalaçõesfísicas.Neste aplicativo, você poderá:- Ter acesso a sua ficha de musculação de formapersonalizada;- Dicas exclusivas de saúde feitas por um EducadorFísico,umaNutricionista e uma Psicanalista;- Execução de vários exercícios físicos ministradosporumprofissional qualificado no qual ele ensina como fazerdeformaadequada e correta os principais exercícios. Issoproporcionaumaautonomia incrível para os alunos- Várias receitas fitness que vão te dar água na boca- Calculadora IMC inclusa no aplicativo- As nossas Redes Sociais podem ser vistas atravésdonossoaplicativo- Acesso a um chat exclusivo entre os alunos da Pampulha Gym- Leitor QR Code- E muito mais!!!The PampulhaGymAcademyoffers to all its students an application in ordertoprovidequality information and differentiated. With this application, our students can simply and free,liveaunique experience beyond our physical facilities.In this application, you can:- Have access to your weight plug in a personalized way;- Exclusive Health Tips made by a Physical EducatoraNutritionistand a Psychoanalyst;- Execution of various physical exercises taught byaqualifiedprofessional in which he teaches how to properlyandcorrectly themain exercises. This provides an incredibleautonomyforstudents- Several fitness recipes that will give you mouth water- BMI calculator included in the application- Our Social Networks can be seen through our app- Access to an exclusive chat between students Pampulha Gym- QR Code Reader- And much more!!!
Healthy Drink Recipes
Fitness Circle
Thousands of variety healthy drinkrecipes.This app is completely free for all time. if you arelooking forhealthy drink recipes then this app will be the bestcompanion foryou. You can explore many new recipes which you canmake simply athome. Even kids can make their own favorite recipes.Step by stepinstructions for cooking new recipes. If you are abeginner incooking then this will be the best app for you. Takethis freecookbook into the kitchen and start cooking. Coffeedrinks,chocolate, juice, lemon drinks,shakes, smoothies, tea drinksetcall integrated in a single app. Lemon drink recipes are lovedbyall people. All recipes from this app are top rated. Getinspiredwith our favorite summer drinks and cocktails likesangria,mojitos, iced tea and more. Native language support isalsointegrated in this app. You can view your recipes in yourownnative language itself. Feeling thirsty? try our delicioushealthydrink recipes. Whether you want to cool down, warm up orjust sipsomething slowly, you'll find what you're looking for withour bestthirst-quenching drink recipes.Drink recipes may varies depends on countries and regions.You can get your favorite appetizer recipe by searching thedrinkrecipe name,ingredients etc. You can access recipes withoutthe aidof internet by adding them into offline. You can bookmarkyourfavorite recipes too. You can add ingredients to shopping listsothat you can buy it from the market very easily. Ourextensivelibrary of healthy drink recipes highlights the manydiversecuisines of drink recipes. Now its easy to claim i can cookdrinkrecipes using this app. Drink recipes makes our wholecuisinecolorful.App Features:Global searchSearch recipes by ingredients, names, tagsShopping listRecipe preparation timeOffline recipe accessFavorite recipes can be stored separatelyReverse recipe searchRecipes can be shared to anyone by a single clickRecipes are provided with their nutritional value, caloriesNumber of servings is also providedRecipe of the momentAuthentic collection of delicious drink recipes. To be healthyweshould have some healthy dishes like soup, salad recipes.Drinkingcold water will give us a fresh mind,especially in summer.Now youcan start making drink recipes very confidently. Flow drinksarealso very special. There are fruit juices and sodas.Download and enjoy cooking delicious healthy drink recipes.HappyCooking :)
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