Top 3 Apps Similar to Visitez la résidence N°40

Hide Number (Caller Id)
Do you want to call someone or a company anddonot want them to have your number?Hide Number is the solution.Block your cell phone number and don’t be identified by callerIDboxes and other caller identification systems.When enabled, Hide Number will hide your telephone numberfromcaller identifiers on mobile and landlines, so that the otherpartyreceives the call as "Private" or "Unknown" or "Hidden".You don't need to keep changing the general settings of yourAndroidevery time you wish to make a hidden call anymore.The app provides an easy way for you to enable and disablethesending of your number or ID to other phones or callerIDidentifiers.* PLEASE NOTE: The application does not allow hiding theoriginatorof SMS messages.The application may not block your phone number for callstoemergency services.Your network-operator must support hiding your caller ID,Indiancell phone operators don't support that!In india the blocking of caller id, CLIR, Caller LineIdentificationRestriction, is only available in some carriers, ex.Airtel, inpost-paid plans with additional cost.✔ FULLY COMPATIBLE with a wide number of GSM operatorsworldwide✔*** Features ***✔ Hide your caller ID for outbound calls.✔ Hide Caller ID for specific numbers only (Block list /BlackList)✔ Status bar notification, indicating when the applicationisrunning and if it is hiding the ID of your calls.✔ Once you buy the application, you are entitled to all itsfutureupgrades.✔ The application allows you to add a custom block code providedbyyour mobile operator.✔ Widget to turn on / off the app functionality.** Important Notes - Read before you buy **✔ Hide Number will work with GSM operators fromdifferentcountries.✔ If after activating the program, your number continues to beshownto the other party, contact your mobile service provider andrequestactivation of the service "blocking or barring outboundcaller ID".Some operators may charge for this service.✔ For suggestions and comments do not forget to send us an e-mailsowe can get in touch. The comments field of the Market doesn’tlet weknow your e-mail.✔✔ Attention ✔✔Test the app by calling any number and check if the ID wasblocked.If it does not work with your operator, you have 15 minutestoreturn the application to the Market and get your moneyback.* Operators BR *✔ TIM – Ok.✔ Vivo – Ok.✔ Oi – Need to request activation of the service.✔ Claro – Need to request activation of the service.✔ Aeiou – To be tested.✔ CTBC – To be tested.✔ Nextel – To be tested.✔ Sercomtel – To be tested.* Operators Other *✔ Telecom Italia Mobile - Ok✔ Wind Italia - Ok✔ Vodafone - Ok✔ CTMR Cel - Ok✔ T-Mobile - US - Ok✔ Teleacre Cel - Ok✔ H3G - Ok✔ ATL Algar - Ok✔ Telesc Cel - Ok✔ AT&T - Ok✔ Red Pocket Mobile USA - Ok✔ Simple Mobile - Ok✔ Airtel India Post-paid - Maybe✔ Simobil Vodafone Slovenia - Ok✔ Bouygues Telecom - France - OkIcon by Http:// (licensed under theCreativeCommons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.)
Bouygues Telecom
Profitez d’un second numéro de téléphonepourappeler et échanger des SMS, sur votre mobile et avec votrecarteSIM.Grâce à l’application B.duo, vous pouvez :- appeler ou envoyer un SMS à vos contacts, sans avoir à taperlepréfixe 999- écouter vos messages vocaux- enregistrer un message d’accueil personnalisé pour cedeuxièmenuméro- paramétrer vos disponibilités en renvoyant vos appels verslerépondeur…Application réservée aux clients forfaits Bouygues Telecom,ycompris Pro et B&YOU, ayant préalablement souscrit àl’optionB.duo depuis leur Espace Client (ATTENTION, cette optionn’est plussouscriptible depuis le 7 décembre 2016). N° utilisableaux mêmesconditions tarifaires que la ligne rattachée. EnFrancemétropolitaine.Enjoy a secondphonenumber to call and exchange text messages on your mobile andyourSIM card.Through B.duo app you can:- Call or send an SMS to your contacts, without typing theprefix999- Listen to your voice messages- Record a custom greeting for the second issue- Set your availability by returning your calls to theansweringmachine ...Application packages reserved for Bouygues Telecomcustomers,including Pro and B & YOU, having previouslysubscribed toB.duo option from their Customer Area (WARNING, thisoption is nolonger souscriptible since December 7, 2016). No usableto the sameprice conditions as the attached line. In France.
Nouvel Horizon 1.1.0
Bouygues Immobilier
Visualisez en réalité augmentée leprogramme"Nouvel Horizon " de Bouygues Immobilier situé àRennes.Au cœur du quartier Beauregard, dans un environnement verdoyant etàproximité des transports (à moins de 10 minutes à pied de lastationde métro VILLEJEAN-UNIVERSITES), des commerces et desécoles, larésidence Nouvel Horizon vous propose des appartementsdu studio au4 pièces exposés au sud pour la plupart, avec vue surun vasteespace vert paysager. Les logements s'ouvrent sur delarges balcons,de belles terrasses, ou de grands jardins à usageprivatif. Quelquesappartements sont réservés en résidenceprincipale à prix maîtriséset en TVA à taux réduit. C’est aussiune réelle opportunité eninvestissement sur un secteur à fortpotentiel locatif !Pour voir apparaître le projet en réalité augmentée sur votreiPadou de votre iPhone, vous pouvez suivre les étapes suivantes:1. Téléchargez et imprimez le marqueur à l'adresse suivante : Chargez l'application sur votre tablette ou votresmartphoneet visez le marqueur. Vous verrez alors le programme enréalitéaugmentée.Conditions d'utilisation : Veillez à utiliser l'applicationdansune pièce suffisamment éclairée.Display augmentedrealitythe "New Horizon" program located at BouyguesImmobilierRennes. In the heart of Beauregard, in a green environment and closetopublic transport (less than 10 minutes walk from the subwaystationVILLEJEAN-UNIVERSITIES), shops and schools, the NouvelHorizonresidence offers studios and 4 rooms facing south for themostpart, overlooking a large landscaped green space. Units openontolarge balconies, terraces or large gardens for private use.Someapartments are reserved for main residence controlled pricesandreduced VAT rates. This is a real opportunity in investment inasector with high rental potential!To see the project appear in augmented reality on your iPadoriPhone, you can follow these steps:1. Download and print the marker to the following address: Load the app on your tablet or smartphone and aim forthemarker. You will see the program in augmented reality.Terms of Use: Be sure to use the application in a welllitroom.