Top 4 Apps Similar to Barmherzigkeit

Divine Mercy In My Soul -Diary 2.0
This is the diary of St Faustina KowalskaDivine Mercy in My SoulCopied from:Marian Press Stockbridge, MA 01263We also recommend the Mobile App of the Marian Presscalled:Divine Mercy
Divine Mercy In My Soul2 Diary 3.0
The devotion to Jesus as the Divine Mercy is based on thewritingsof Saint Faustina, a Polish nun who wrote a diary of about600pages recording the revelations she received about God'smercy.Jesus looked at me and said, Souls perish in spite of MybitterPassion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; thatis, theFeast of My Mercy. If they will not adore My mercy, theywillperish for all eternity. Secretary of My mercy, write, tellsoulsabout this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the dayofMy justice, is near. (Diary - Divine Mercy in My Soul, 965)
JesusCristoTeHabla 1.0
Fernando Ramirez Vargas
JesusCristoTeHabla es un app para todalafamilia y amigos...Contine los "25 Secretos" para defenderse delastentaciones del demonio, que JesuCristo le entregó a SorFaustinaKowalska y ella los registró minuciosamente en su diario.La misericordia de Dios hacia nosotros es muy grande: De lamismaforma debemos tenerla con nuestros hermanos en Cristo.Gracias por compartirla...Un abrazo.JesusCristoTeHabla isanapp for the whole family and friends ... Contine "25 Secrets"tofend off the temptations of the devil, that Jesus Christ gavetoSister Faustina Kowalska and she carefully recorded in his diary.God's mercy toward us is great: Just as we must have withourbrothers in Christ.Thanks for sharing ... A hug.
Jubileo de la Misericordia 1.5
Luis Angel Leguizamon
A tool to help us live the Jubilee of Mercy