Top 7 Apps Similar to Cíngulo – bem-estar emocional

Myself! Boost your Self-Esteem 4.0.1
SilverDev Tech
"Myself! Boost your Self-Esteem" is a tool that will improveyourlife.
Como mejorar tu autoestima 1
Free !!
Tener autoestima significa tener un sano y buen conceptodenosotrosmismos, es amarnos y aceptarnos tal y como somos, eselrespetohacia uno mismo desde el reconocimiento denuestrosdefectos hastala valoración de nuestras habilidades. Enestaaplicación teayudaremos a mejorar tu autoestima. Sigue elmétodo ylas leccionesque te proporcionamos y lograrás valorarte yteneruna vida másagradable.
PNL y Coaching Técnicas Gratis 1.4
La Programación Neuro Lingüística (PNL) es el arte y la cienciademodelar la excelencia Humana. Mediante el Coaching, poniendoenpráctica ejercicios y técnicas, podemos adquirirHabilidadesincreíbles que por estar programados con falsascreencias nohabíamos desarrollado. Nuestra mente funciona como unaSuperComputadora, debemos instalar los programas adecuados paraquealcance su máxima potencia. En nuestros días la PNL, se aplicaendiversos aspectos del SER: Habilidades intelectuales,motrices,sociales, espirituales, comunicación efectiva, liderazgo,lenguaje,hasta incluso en el tratamiento de fobias, adicciones, ypatologíaspropias de nuestro tiempo como el Stress, la ansiedad yladepresión. En esta aplicación podrás disfrutargratuitamentenumerosas Técnicas y ejercicios para potenciar variosaspectos detu vida. Proyectar metas y objetivos, adquirirhabilidadessociales, generar empatía en el entorno que te muevas,maximizar lacalidad de tus horas de descanso, aumentar la confianzaen timismo, y el Autoestima. Comienza YA! aprovecha todaestasherramientas e información de Valor para elevar al máximotucalidad de vida, y la de todos los seres queridos que terodean!Podrás encontrar también en esta aplicación, Informaciónacerca dela Neuro-Alimentación. Alimentos para tu cerebro,alimentos quedeberías evitar. Escuchamos tus opiniones ysugerencias para hacerentre todos una mejor experiencia para elusuario. Agregamos nuevassecciones sobre Neuro Riqueza.Afirmaciones positivas paraprogramar tu mente con el éxito, eloptimismo y la auto-motivación.Nuevas secciones de Videos de PNL,Coaching Ontológico, Autoestima,Neuro Riqueza, Neuro Marketing.Nueva Sección de Juegos paraentrenar la mente, Lógica, cálculo,Velocidad mental, Lógica.Escucha los mejores audios y podcast sobrePNL, ho´oponopono,MindFulness, Ventas con Pnl, coaching ontológico,Ley de Atracción,Meditaciones guiadas. Disfruta los nuevos diseñosy numerososaudios sobre PNL, Ejercicios y Técnicas. Nuevo proyectode Cursosde PNL Gratis para muchos interesados en la programaciónNeuroLingüística. Y para otros que desean aprender Técnicas,Ejercicios,y muchas herramientas de crecimiento personal. PNL paratodos!También encontrar{as ahora imágenes motivacionales de PNLparacompartir con tus contactos y en todas las redes sociales.Imágenesde abundancia, superación, crecimiento personal, y muchomás!
PsykeApp Autostima 1.1.1
SFCoding Software
PsykeApp è stata creata da un gruppodipsicologhe, sessuologhe e psicoterapeute conapprocciopsicocorporeo Biosistemico.Attraverso i loro studi ed esperienze professionali,hannoapprofondito il tema dell’autostima, fondante per ilbenesserepsicologico della persona.Nasce così PsykeApp: uno strumento interattivo, dovepotraisviluppare la tua autostima, accorgendoti di avere, oltreallamente, anche un corpo e delle emozioni.Proprio attraverso esperienze che coinvolgono e integranocorpo,mente ed emozioni, otterrai una consapevolezza più viva di tee unanuova forza per essere profondamente te stesso!Come è fatta?PsykeApp è composta di una parte centrale di esercizi e unapartedispiegazione per approfondire i temidell’autostima,dell’integrazione psicocorporea e del metodobiosistemico.È presente una pagina di contatti con i riferimenti dellepsicologheautrici della App.Per partire al meglio, ti consigliamo di iniziaredall’esercizio“Crea la tua base” e poi passare agli altrinell’ordine chedesideri.Gli esercizi sono stati pensati per essere svolti in un tempodicirca 15-30 minuti, richiedono uno spazio tranquillo eunabbigliamento comodo (in particolare quelli psicocorporei).Aumentare l'autostima con PsykeAppL’autostima è la stima che dai a te stesso, il valore chetiattribuisci come persona e nelle cose che fai, il modo in cuitivaluti, la sicurezza che sperimenti quando affrontiledifficoltà.L’autostima può variare a seconda delle situazioni e deltuostato d’animo: quindi puoi provare talvolta sensazioni dibassaautostima o alta.Questo è fondamentale! Non è una condizione immodificabile! Senellamaggior parte delle situazioni senti di avere una bassaautostima,lavorando su di te, puoi aumentarla.Ma come si fa?Non esiste una ricetta che vale per tutti, perché ognuno di noièunico, ha una propria storia e personalità.Quindi, la chiave, secondo noi, è nel contattare cosavuoiveramente, quali sono i tuoi bisogni, pensieri edemozioni.Attraverso gli esercizi potrai allenarti, proprio come inpalestra,a fortificare te stesso, ascoltare chi sei veramente,sentire diavere un corpo che parla e che spesso è più saggio dellatua mente,affollata di pensieri contrastanti.Ecco, talvolta dobbiamo silenziare quei pensieri per ascoltarelanostra parte più autentica.Con gli esercizi di PsykeApp ti allenerai anche a riconoscereipensieri disturbanti, che ti ostacolano nel sentire iltuovalore.Autostima è essere te stesso, in ogni momento esituazione!PsykeApp ti aiuterà a migliorare la tua autostimaattraverso unoriginale percorso di sviluppo personale, in cuiintegrare corpo,mente ed emozioni, vere risorse del nostrobenesserepsicofisico!Le autrici:Lara Dattolilara.dattoli@libero.itManuela Galiazzomanuelagaliazzo@gmail.comPatrizia Simonisimoni74@inwind.itPsykeApp was created byagroup of psychologists, psychotherapists and sessuologhewithpsicocorporeo Biosistemico approach.Through their studies and professional experience, have examinedtheissue of self-esteem, founding for psychological well-being oftheperson.Thus was born PsykeApp: an interactive tool, where you candevelopyour self-esteem, accorgendoti to have, in addition to themind, abody and emotions.Right through experiences that engage and integrate body, mindandemotions, you become more deeply conscious of yourself and anewforce to be deeply yourself!How is it made?PsykeApp is composed of a central part of exercises and apartofexplanation to explore the themes of self-esteem, and the methodofintegration psicocorporea biosistemico.There is a page of contacts with the references of the authorsofpsychologists App.To go to the best, you'll want to start over from the"Createyour base" and then switch to the other in the order youwant.The exercises are designed to be carried out in a time ofabout15-30 minutes, require a quiet and comfortable clothing(especiallypsychosomatic).Increase self-esteem with PsykeAppSelf-esteem is the estimate that by yourself, the valueyouattribute as a person and in the things we do, the way youassessthe security you experience when you face difficulties.Self-esteem can vary depending on the situation and your stateofmind: then you can try sometimes feelings of low self-esteemorhigh.This is critical! Is not unchangeable! If in most situationsyoufeel you have low self-esteem, working on you, you canincreaseit.But how?There is no recipe that applies to everyone, because each of usisunique, has its own history and personality.So, the key, according to us, is in contact what you reallywant,what are your needs, thoughts and emotions.Through the exercises you can train, just like in the gym,tofortify yourself, listen to who you really are, you feel thatyouhave a body that speaks and that it is often wiser than yourmind,crowded with conflicting thoughts.Here, sometimes we need to silence those thoughts to hearourmost authentic.With exercises PsykeApp you allenerai also to recognizethedisturbing thoughts that hinder you hear your value.Esteem is to be yourself, at any time and situation!PsykeAppwill help you improve your self-esteem through an originalpath ofpersonal development, in which integrate the body, mindandemotions, real resources of our psychological well-being!The authors:Lara Dattolilara.dattoli@libero.itManuela Galiazzomanuelagaliazzo@gmail.comPatrizia
Atracción del Dinero 1.0
Esta aplicación te enseña como puedesatraerlariqueza, solo a partir de tu propiaautoestima,valorándote,amándote y reconociéndote primero a timismo. El amor,elmerecimiento y la expresión de la riquezamaterial, trabajanenconjunto. El merecimiento a la riqueza, es unsentimientodelcorazón, es el ¡amor propio!. Si existe merecimiento,la riquezaserecibe instantáneamente. Si existe un sentido denomerecimiento,de no amor propio; el flujo de la abundancia enelcuerpo y en lavida se bloquean.Este merecimiento a la riqueza, amor propio, fluyemásfácilcuando aceptamos con amor y gratitud nuestro origen,quieredeciraceptamos los padres que nos dieron la vida, y ocupamosellugar denacimiento en nuestra familia.La riqueza material parte única y exclusivamente deturiquezainterior, porque es una energía. Entonces siteaceptasprofundamente, si elevas tu autoestima, respetas, amasyreconocesque tu cuerpo es una poderosa maquina, que se renuevacada7 años,te darás cuenta de que puedes atraer todo lo que deseas.Loque haslogrado, lo que has hecho, antes fue pensado, creado, portupropioser.En esta aplicación te darás cuenta del enorme poder de laleydela atracción. La ley de la atracción es elvehículotransportadorde tus palabras, pensamientos y sentimientos.Nada seescapa deesta poderosa ley. Todo es energía, tu, lariquezamaterial, eldinero, por ello es muy importante que seasconscientede estemágico poder.Thisapplicationteachesyou how you can attract wealth, only from yourownself-esteem,valorándote, loving and reconociéndote yourselffirst.Love, meritand expression of material wealth, worktogether.Deserving wealth,is a feeling of the heart, is the self !.If thereis merit, wealthis received instantly. If there is a senseofunworthiness, notself-love; the flow of abundance in the bodyandin life areblocked.This merit to riches, pride, flows easier when we acceptwithloveand gratitude our origin, means accept the parents whogave uslife,and occupy the place of birth in our family.Material wealth and exclusively only part of yourinnerwealth,because it is an energy. So if you accept yourselfdeeply,if youraise your self-esteem, you respect, love andrecognize thatyourbody is a powerful machine, which is renewedevery seven years,youwill realize that you can attract anything youwant. What youhaveachieved, what you've done before was thought,created by yourownself.In this application you will realize the enormous power ofthelawof attraction. The law of attraction is the transportvehicleof yourwords, thoughts and feelings. Nothing escapes thispowerfullaw.Everything is energy, you, material wealth, money, soit isveryimportant to be aware of this magical power.
Simple Positive Psychology 1.3
3Temes Publishers
Articles on positive psychology.Positive psychology is a new approach within psychologythattakes into account the positive aspects of human emotionsandbehavior. Twentieth-century classical psychology hasfocusedprimarily on the treatment of mental illness. In contrast,positivepsychology aims to focus on improving quality of lifeandwell-being; studying the qualities, attitudes and positiveemotionsof human beings; and applying this knowledge in ascientificmanner.The most important positive states are optimism,hope,perseverance, humor, flow, resilience, creativity,happiness,courage, love, caring, self-esteem, assertiveness,empathy, etc.Experiencing positive emotions leads to mental states,cognitiveprocesses and behaviors that prepare us to successfullyface thechallenges that life brings as well as augment ourwell-being andhappiness.
Vital Tones Alzheimer 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Alzheimer isagroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment to positivelyaffectAlzheimer's Disease(AD).Alzheimer's disease is a chronic neurodegenerativediseasethatusually starts slowly and gets worse over time. Themostcommonearly symptom is difficulty in rememberingrecentevents(short-term memory loss). As the disease advances,symptomscaninclude problems with language, disorientation(includingeasilygetting lost), mood swings, loss of motivation, notmanagingselfcare, and behavioural issues.Alzheimer's disease is characterised by loss ofneuronsandsynapses in the cerebral cortex and certainsubcorticalregions.This loss results in gross atrophy of theaffectedregions,including degeneration in the temporal lobe andparietallobe, andparts of the frontal cortex and cingulategyrus.Degeneration isalso present in brainstem nuclei like thelocuscoeruleus.Vital Tones Alzheimer consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the parahippocampal- the dentate gyrus- the hippocampus- the amygdala- the olfactory bulb- the septal areaSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the medial frontal cortex- the orbitofrontal cortex- the anterior cingulate- the basal forebrain- the nucleus accumbensSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the temporal lobe- the locus coeruleus- the pons- the parietal lobe- the posterior cingulate- the colliculusSession 3 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones orhighqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.