Top 5 Apps Similar to Route Safety IQ

LMRA 1.2
Panterra Consultants
LMRA Last Minute Risk Analysis. Complies with safetyrulesandregulations. Working on the shopfloor and outdoorscomeswithrisks. The LMRA-app will help you to analyse the risksaroundyoubefore you start working. For anyone who has to dealwithobservingand calculating risks on the shop floor. Do no longerusea cardfor the LMRA, but download the app. You download the appandthefollowing LMRA’s are available: - Construction -Roadconstruction,hydraulics engineering, groundwork -Horticulturists,gardners -Painting business - Carriers, transport -Industry
IARP Tax Audit Risk 2.5
No business wants to be audited by the IRS.Small business owners lose sleep over it. CFO’s,controllersandtax manager’s get gray hair during it. Shareholderscanlosesignificant capital because of it. Bankers, suppliersandcustomerssometimes walk away from long term businessrelationshipsas aresult of it. Individuals and familiesunfortunatelysometimessuffer as a consequence of it.CPA’s and attorneys advise clients they must assumethateveryreturn, deduction and accounting practice willbequestioned.Though that is not the case, when an audit doesoccurthere is a50/50 chance that a tax deduction will bedisallowed.The 2010 IRS Data Book reports that over 100,000AdditionalTaxrecommendations were sent to corporations after returnandfieldaudit examinations. Audit tax risk is a significantchallengeforall sized businesses.IARP: (IRS Audit Risk Program)IARP is an audit risk management road map targetingIRSIndustryFocus Issues (IFI). Industry Focus Issues areguidelinesIRSexaminers use to enforce oversight of tax laws. IFIoutlinesastatute specific risk based approach to examinationoversightandaudit engagement rules. IFI outlines focus areasofheightenedagency scrutiny targeting specific issues thatarereported on taxfilings.IARP assists small and mid-size businesses (SME) todeterminetaxaudit exposures to Tier I, II and III risk factors.The IARP is a threat management and scoring toolthatuncovers,ascertains, manages and mitigates tax audit risk foreachIFI riskfactor.The IARP ranks, aggregates and groups all taxriskexposures.Managers and tax advisers can then take consideredactiontomitigate exposure, prepare for tax audits andorganizedefensiveresponses for potential mediation, arbitrationorlitigation of taxaudit disputes.The IARP is a necessity for SME’s, private equityfirms,financialservices firms, companies conducting business inforeigncountries,corporations utilizing offshore structures,companiesengaged ininnovative transactions, R&D programs,carry trade,recognize andbook revenue from diverse sources oremploysophisticated taxstrategies.The IARP is a resource for CFOs, complianceofficers,riskofficers and corporate counsel. CPA’s, attorneys witha focusoncorporate tax, compliance and risk consultants andotherindustryservice providers will find the IARP anindispensableclientengagement tool.The IARP scoring methodology is designed to determineauditriskexposure and level of preparedness to meet audit riskfactorsas itguides users through a thorough risk assessment. TheIARPhelpsmanagers formulate and initiate actions required tomitigatethethreat of audit risk exposures.IARP identifies and calculates expenses associatedwithmitigationinitiatives while assisting managers to tracktheprogress ofmitigation responsibilities assigned to staffmembersand outsideservice providers.IARP links to issue specific IRS resources anddocumentationthatexplains tax issues, documentation requirementsandagencyengagement guidance pertaining to the specific IFIriskfactor.These critical tax compliance resources helps toquicklydeterminethe severity of risk factors and alignscorporateresources neededto address aggregated corporateexposures.Product features:Audit Risk Scoring MethodologyIdentify Audit Risk ExposuresIdentify Mitigation InitiativesManage Mitigation InitiativesPrioritize Aggregated RiskAssign Tasks and Track Open IssuesCalculate Mitigation ExpensesAlign Staff and Service ProvidersLinks to Issue Specific IRS GuidanceIRS Form Library and Search EngineFASB and AICPA GuidanceThe IARP is an Mobile Office MS Excel© App. IARP MobileOfficeApprequires a Mobile Office App a PDF reader and a Zipfilemanager forAndroid users. All available for no charge onGooglePlay. The appdirects users to a Drop Box to pick up zipfile.
ID Formalys 1.1
ID FORMALYS PREVENTION est un centreagrééparles préfectures pour les stages de récupération de pointsquionpour objectif de sensibiliser les conducteurs au dangerdelaroute.ID FORMALYS PREVENTION vous apporte une solution rapidepour:récupérer 4 points sur votre permis de conduireéviter l’annulation de votre permiséviter une poursuite judiciaireID FORMALYS PREVENTION a pour objectif desensibiliserlesconducteurs au danger de la route et de leurapporter un servicedequalité.Le stage ne comporte aucun examen, seule la présence etlerespectdes horaires du stage sont indispensables.Dès le lendemain du stage vous récupérez 4 points sur votrepermisdeconduire.Application réalisée par AppsVision.ID FORMALYS PREVENTIONisacenter approved by the prefectures for internships recoveryofpointswhich we objective of educate drivers to danger of theroadfor.ID FORMALYS PREVENTION brings you a quick solution for:recover 4 points on your driving licenseavoid cancellation of your permitavoid a judicial pursuitID FORMALYS PREVENTION has objective of educate driverstothedanger of the road and bring them a quality service for.The internship contains no discussion, only thepresenceandschedule adherence of the internship areindispensable.Immediately after the internship you recover 4 points onyourdrivinglicense.Application conducted by AppsVision.
Yechiel Portal
Triple+ CLMTM is theultimate,cloud-based,mobile device-managed, IoT - compatible,fullycertified andmostaffordable system in the world with regards to thepreventionofWater and Gas damage. Water and Gas leakagein buildings stems from wear and tear, frozen pipes,overflowandcareless administration. Billions are spentannually replacing infrastructure and equipment, not tomentionthewastage of Water and Gas and the physicalinjury. Triple+ CLMTM is the most effective system inaddressingtheroot cause for flooding huge damages, that is, thelength oftime ittakes to discover and stop the leak. With Triple+CLMTM youcanreduce the damage by over 90%. Triple+ CLMTM is fittedinminuteswith little to no infrastructure changes. Installingthesystemrequires noelectrician.Insurance companies carry a huge financial burden resultingfromtherepair and renovation of damagedproperty. This in turn pushes consumer premiums even higher.Asaresult, the market demand for “smart grid”solutions – monitoring, detecting and reducing leakages–isinevitably growing.Triple+ CLMTM line of products includes innovativebatteryoperatedand wireless flood and leak detectors,repeaters, remote control, and shut-off technologies thatenabletheautomated control of water and gas valves,all unified under the Smart Home umbrella and designed toavertwaterflooding, gas leakage and subsequentdamages, injury and financial losses. The CLMTM hub servesasaMobile Secure Gateway that ensures a securecommunication between the listed smart home appliancesandourproprietary mobile application.Triple+ CLM easily integrates into the Smart HomeIoTecosystem,providing a unique cloud-based securemobile platform for Water and Gas Leak Management.Key features:- Wireless, battery powered shutoff valves and sensors- Easy integration into the Smart Home and IoT ecosystem- Robust, secured, always on, proprietaryRFcommunicationlayer- Cloud-based secure platform for mobile Leak Management- Fully certified (FCC, IC, CE)- No wire trenching- Simple integration with alarm systemsAbout us:Triple+ is an innovative and leading manufacturerand marketer of products and services within the IoT(Internet of Things) arena. Triple+ offers solutions foraverting property damage, injury and financial lossesdue to gas and water leaks.Triple+ broad product and service portfolio are designedfor use in commercial and residential environments.The company’s line of products, based on its ownproprietary technologies and know-how, includesautomatically shut off water and gas valves wheneverrisky events such as leaks are detected or when peopleleave buildings unattended.Triple+ helps home and office owners to increaseoperational efficiencies, improve customer safety andprevent damages.When you invest in your water and gas infrastructure,innovation really matters, from the products themselvesto the people behind them.We offer solutions for the professional installers usingrock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. Ourteam knows the industry inside and out, and providesend-to-end services.Follow us for updates and
Yechiel Portal
Triple+ CLMTM is theultimate,cloud-based,mobile device-managed, IoT - compatible,fullycertified andmostaffordable system in the world with regards to thepreventionofWater and Gas damage. Water and Gas leakagein buildings stems from wear and tear, frozen pipes,overflowandcareless administration. Billions are spentannually replacing infrastructure and equipment, not tomentionthewastage of Water and Gas and the physicalinjury. Triple+ CLMTM is the most effective system inaddressingtheroot cause for flooding huge damages, that is, thelength oftime ittakes to discover and stop the leak. With Triple+CLMTM youcanreduce the damage by over 90%. Triple+ CLMTM is fittedinminuteswith little to no infrastructure changes. Installingthesystemrequires noelectrician.Insurance companies carry a huge financial burden resultingfromtherepair and renovation of damagedproperty. This in turn pushes consumer premiums even higher.Asaresult, the market demand for “smart grid”solutions – monitoring, detecting and reducing leakages–isinevitably growing.Triple+ CLMTM line of products includes innovativebatteryoperatedand wireless flood and leak detectors,repeaters, remote control, and shut-off technologies thatenabletheautomated control of water and gas valves,all unified under the Smart Home umbrella and designed toavertwaterflooding, gas leakage and subsequentdamages, injury and financial losses. The CLMTM hub servesasaMobile Secure Gateway that ensures a securecommunication between the listed smart home appliancesandourproprietary mobile application.Triple+ CLM easily integrates into the Smart HomeIoTecosystem,providing a unique cloud-based securemobile platform for Water and Gas Leak Management.Key features:- Wireless, battery powered shutoff valves and sensors- Easy integration into the Smart Home and IoT ecosystem- Robust, secured, always on, proprietaryRFcommunicationlayer- Cloud-based secure platform for mobile Leak Management- Fully certified (FCC, IC, CE)- No wire trenching- Simple integration with alarm systemsAbout us:Triple+ is an innovative and leading manufacturerand marketer of products and services within the IoT(Internet of Things) arena. Triple+ offers solutions foraverting property damage, injury and financial lossesdue to gas and water leaks.Triple+ broad product and service portfolio are designedfor use in commercial and residential environments.The company’s line of products, based on its ownproprietary technologies and know-how, includesautomatically shut off water and gas valves wheneverrisky events such as leaks are detected or when peopleleave buildings unattended.Triple+ helps home and office owners to increaseoperational efficiencies, improve customer safety andprevent damages.When you invest in your water and gas infrastructure,innovation really matters, from the products themselvesto the people behind them.We offer solutions for the professional installers usingrock solid materials and ground-breaking technology. Ourteam knows the industry inside and out, and providesend-to-end services.Follow us for updates and