Top 23 Apps Similar to C7 GPS Malha

C7 GPS Dados 12.0
Survey of points and maps with area calculations
C7 GeoPoints 1.0
Survey of points isolated with atributtes
C7 Planimétrico II 1.0
The C7 Planimetric System II from the recovery of a coordinatefile(geotxt) of any polygon, in itself generated by surveying withGPSAndroid or image vectorization on the GMaps or edited bysomeexternal program topography, allow processing various functionsofa planimetric such as: - Structuring sub polygons (assembling anewpolygon sequences from the original polygon points,withcalculation of area and perimeter, with the option to save as anewfile geotxt) - Division areas. From the area of informationsharing(m2) and the initial vertex of the calculation and straightleasethe dividing point that meets the specifications given, thesystemcalculates the UTM coordinates of the point P (E, N). -PositionPlanimetric: Given a straight AB formed by any two pointsof thepolygon, and given a distance (m) from point A, the positioniscalculated (E, N) this new point on the line. - Distance:Calculatethe distance between two points - Azimuth: Calculates theazimuthalignment defined by any two points of the polygon -InternalAngle: Informing central vertex, vertex aft and fore of avertex iscalculated horizontal angle at the vertex formed internalcentral
Distance and area measurement 1.52
Second Tech
Use your phone's built-in GPS to measure the area of a region.
C7 AgroCalc 1.0
The C7 AgroCalc is an application for basic agronomic calculations.
Agri Precision - Agriculture 1.17
AGRI PRECISION is an application to be usedinthe practice of Precision Agriculture.It performs the functions of a portable GPS, guiding userspointto point so that the samples are collected in the field.Also can be used to calculate the glebe's area, samplinggridgeneration, and exportation of border and sampling grid pointstosoftwares for PC platforms that apply PrecisionAgriculturetechniques for generating sampled and recommendedmaps.The main features are:> Registration of glebes and projects> Generation of glebe's border> Calculation of glebe's area> Generation of sampling grid> Edit the size, numbering direction, and location ofindividualsampling grid points> Point to Point navigation for sampling> Creation of data table and insertion of samplingresultvalues> Export the border, sampling grid points and data tablevaluesto filesThe AGRI PRECISION eliminates the need for a portable GPS,usuallyrequired in Precision Agriculture practice, making thisactivitymore accessible, practical and cheaper.Suitable for any practitioner of Precision Agriculture, mostofprofessionals, technical assistants, large and small farmers,evenfor students who want to understand, learn and practicethisactivity.Download the AGRI PRECISION now and enjoy thisamazingapplication!cd2f0745d4
Topography APP 1.0.11
Aguiar Desenvolvimento
The Topography APP is an excellent application for georeferencingorland surveying, design of electrical networks, avenues,streets,subdivisions and studies in general.Export your surveys to DXF (Autocad), KML (Google Earth), CSV(MSExcel) without the slightest difficulty and the possibilityoftransmission by email of their withdrawals directly from thefieldto the office.In the Professional version you can mark up to 5000 pointsforsurveys.
Area Meter 4.0.0
Mobile Next
Get the area of your real estate in just 3 clicks!
C7 MapaGeo 1.1
App view georeferenced digital map of fertility
C7 Gado Corte - Manejo I 1.0
O aplicativo C7 Gado Corte I é integrante doCRCampeiro 7 e tem por objetivo o registro de operações de manejodorebanho bovino de corte em uma propriedade rural.Nesta primeira versão essas operações são:- Registro de pesagens.- Registro de operações de sanidade animal (vacinas,medicamentosetc)- Registro de operações do manejo reprodutivo ( inseminaçõesediagnósticos de prenhez)Esse aplicativo armazena todos os registros em um banco dedadosSQLite para a finalidade de consultas/relatóriossobreprocedimentos efetuados, bem como armazena os dados decadaoperação em arquivos de formato CSV (compatível com Excel) osquaispodem ser enviados por email a qualquer destinatário a partirdopróprio app.Além desses registros de operações de manejo podem sercadastradosainda:- Propriedade Rural (com georreferenciamento de um ponto).- Rebanho Bovino (Cadastro individual dos animais do plantelbovino-machos e fêmeas - com informações de identificação, raça,pelagem,idade, categoria animal etc).- Ficha do Gado (Cadastro quantitativo do número de animaisdeacordo com a classificação/categoria).- Produtos Veterinários para utilização em operaçõesdemanejo.- Cadastro de Indexadores como a cotação diária do dolar.O aplicativo permite ainda consultas estruturadas com filtros,comoseleção de data, individual por animal etc.Os dados registrados também podem ser apagados da base.Todos os dados registrados no app podem ser exportados paraoSistema CR Campeiro7 - Desktop .No site , no link "Sériecomofazer" são apresentados vídeos tutoriais de uso desseaplicativo eoutros da Série C7 do Sistema CR Campeiro7.The C7 Cattle CourtIapplication is part of the CR Campeiro 7 and aims to recordthemanagement of beef cattle operations on a farm.     In this first version theseoperationsare:      - Weighing registration.      - Animal healthoperationsRegistration (vaccines, drugs etc.)      - The reproductivemanagementoperations Registration (insemination andpregnancydiagnosis)      This application stores alltherecords in a SQLite database for the purpose of queries /reportson the procedures performed, and stores the data of eachoperationin CSV files (Excel compatible) which can be emailed toanyrecipient from the app itself.      In addition to thesemanagementoperations records can be registered again:       - Rural Property(withgeoreferencing of a point).       - Cattle Herd(individualRegister of breeding animals bovino- males and females -withidentifying information, breed, coat, age, animalcategoryetc.).        - Cattlespecs(quantitative Register the number of animals in accordancewith theclassification / category).        -VeterinaryProducts for use in management operations.        - Indexers Masterasthe daily rate of the dollar.      The application alsoallowsstructured consultation with filters like dateselection,individual per animal etc.      The recorded data can alsobedeleted from the base.      All data recorded in the appcanbe exported to the CR System Campeiro7 - Desktop.      In site, the link"Serieshow to" video tutorials are presented use of thisapplication andother series C7 System CR Campeiro7.
C7 InterPAP 1.0
The C7 InterPAP is an applicationdesignedforPrecision Agriculture, with the function to getvariablevalues​​from soil and plant from the interpolationofgeoreferencedpoints located near the location indicated, this isatouch on thescreen or by recovery the GPS position of the tablet/smartphone.The method of interpolation is the inverse square ofthedistanceis still the user can limit the size of the searchradiusfornearby points.      The application workswithPrecisionAgriculture Project (PAP) created by C7 GPS mesh, orwithprojectsexported by Desktop system in SQLite database.     The functions can be performed ontheimagesif GMAPS WEB connection, or directly georeferenced pointsinthedesign of the project.
C7 Mercado da Soja 1.0
Estimate of the soybean sack value and historical rangeofquotations
C7 GPS Malha ES 1.1
App for sampling grid in farmer precision
Topography APP Pro 2.5.21
Topographic Surveys and georeferencing Land, Other Projects
C7 Leite II
O Aplicativo C7 Leite II, é umaplicativovoltado a Agricultura Familiar, mais especificamenteaogerenciamento do rebanho leiteiro e atividades relacionadasnapropriedade rural.As funções do aplicativo abrangem:- Cadastro georreferenciado de propriedades rurais- Cadastro de identificação de novilhas e vacas de leite- Cadastro de identificação de novilhos.- Registro de Produtos Veterinários e de Nutrição Animal- Registro de Indexadores (Dolar e Preço do Leite)- Cadastro de operações agropecuárias relacionadas a atividade,comcusto hora/homem e custo hora/máquina- Registro diário de ordenhas.- Registro de operações do manejoreprodutivo(Coberturas/Secagens/Partos)- Registro de operações do manejosanitário(Vacinas/Medicamentos/Controle de Mastite)- Registro de operações do manejo nutricional(Individual/Lotes)- Interface com o C7 NutriBovinos CL – Cálculos de Rações edeNecessidades Nutricionais)- Diário de custos e horas em atividades agropecuáriasnapropriedade.- Registro de entregas (coletas) da produção de leite- Registro de análises da qualidade do leite- Registro de Boas Práticas de Produção de Leite (ProgramaPASLeite)- Funções de Relatórios relacionados a todos os itens de cadastroeregistros executados pelo aplicativo. Relatórios deestruturaçãodinâmica, em séries históricas e possibilidade deexportação emformato PDF.-- Função de Importação dos dados da versão 1.0- Registro e gestão de múltiplas propriedadesNo site ( Série Como Fazer) estádisponívelum vídeo tutorial e uma apostila (pdf) das operaçõesdesteaplicativo. ( A partir de 01/2016)ATENÇÃO USUÁRIOS DA VERSÃO 1- É necessário importar os dados anteriores (Banco deDadosleite.db3) para o novo banco de dados leite2.db3. ( Não hárisco deperda de dados)Para isso utilize Cadastros Básicos - Importar Versão 1. -1. Primeiro a propriedade ( depois encerre o aplicativo)2. Reinicie o aplicativo, e importe na mesma rotina, os dadosdasvacas de leite cadastradas na versão 1Qualquer problema:a) Nos comunique por email crcampeiro@gmail.comb) Se precisar. Copie os bancos de dados leite.db3egr_propriedades.dbr que estão localizados na pasta /campeiro/bdnointerior do smartphone e nos envie pelo email, que nós efetuamosaimportação para você.The Application C7MilkII, is an application oriented family farming, morespecificallythe management of the dairy herd and related activitieson thefarm.     The application'sfeaturesinclude:- Georeferenced Register of farms- Heifers identification Registration and dairy cows- Bulls Identification Register.- Registration of Veterinary Products and Animal Nutrition- Indexers registration (Dollar and Price of Milk)- Registration of agricultural operations related to activity,costtime / cost and man hours / machine- Daily Record milkings.- The reproductive management operations Registration (Covers /Dryouts / Births)- The sanitary management operations Registration (Vaccines/Medicines / Mastitis Control)- The nutritional management operations Registration (Individual/Lots)- Interface with the C7 NutriBovinos CL - Meat calculationsandNutritional Needs)- Daily costs and hours in agricultural activities ontheproperty.- Supplies of Registration (collections) of milk production- Milk quality analysis registration- Registration Good Milk Production Practices (SBPMilkProgram)- Reporting functions related to all registration items andrecordsperformed by the application. Reports dynamic structuringinhistorical and possibility of exporting series inPDF.-format- Import function of version 1.0 data- Registration and management of multiple properties     On the How) is available a tutorial videoand a booklet (pdf) ofthe operations of this application. (From01/2016)VERSION 1 OF ATTENTION USERS- It must import the previous data (Database leite.db3) to thenewdatabase leite2.db3. (There is no risk of data loss)For that use Basic entries - Import Version 1. -1. First the property (then shut down the application)2. Restart the application, and then import the same routine,thedata from the milk of cows registered in version 1Any problem:a) communicate by email crcampeiro@gmail.comb) If you need. Copy the databases leite.db3 andgr_propriedades.dbrthat are located in the / pampas / bd insidethe smartphone and sendit by email, that we establish the importfor you.
C7 Relação h/d 1.0
Calculation hypsometric relation - operates with the diameterandheight
GPS Area Measure Free 1.6
Oceanic Software
!!! High accurate area calculations.Pleaseverify with other area tools !!!"GPS Area Measure" is an excellent application for thecalculationof the area on the map. App gives the highly accuratearea,distance, angle and volume information.Easy and fast insertion point can coordinate with theverydelicate.GPS Area Measure is used for:- Map Measure- Outdoor Measure- Sports- Road repairing- Range finder- Concrete- Roofing- Underground- Paving- Fence- Distance measure- Seal coating- Run- Walk- Bike- Jog tracking- Field and pasture area measure- Garden and farm work and planning- Construction- Agricultural measure- Solar panel installation- Roof area estimation- Trip planningKey Features:- Support for 50 languages- GPS Tracking support- Distance, Angle and Area Modes- Metric and Imperial units- Distance between points- Angle between lines- Area calculation- Address information- Volume calculation- Direction info forlines(N/NNE/NE/ENE/E/ESE/SE/SSE/S/SSW/SW/WSW/W/WNW/NW/NNW)- GPS coordinates for selected point- Manage saved KML files (Open, Save and Share)- Export KML file format to Google Earth and Google Maps- Terrain and Satellite Views- Delete last point or all points
Agriport Mobile 1.0.21
Agricon GmbH
Agriport Mobile with the integrated AgriPhoto provides youfeaturesfor precision farming on outdoor usage. Features are: -takepictures and sequences of pictures - for future analysis, -thepresentation of nutrients distribution maps and sensor data -andentering of new N-Monitoring points on the field.
C7-EqVolume FN 1.0
The System C7 EqVolume FN is an Androidappdesigned to adjust volume equation models of native forestspecies,from data of DAP and total height, which are stored inForestryProjects Surveys for application C7 - LDFN (SurveysNativeForests).There are seven pre-defined regression models which arecommonlyused in Forest Inventory, which are referenced intheliterature.The application calculates the coefficients Bo, B1, B2 ofthesemodels, the coefficient of determination (R2) and standarderror ofestimate (Syx), besides enabling save these elements in aCSVformat file.
AGRO-N 2.2
The program of parallel driving fordriverassistance in the agricultural machinery work. View 3D.Acceptable for tablets and smartphones with built-in GPS.Questions, comments, suggestions, please send an email to:The program allows in conducting agricultural activitiescreatingparallel lines and curves that helps hold the desiredtrajectory.Displays operational information of the process works.Works withobjects of type "field."1. FunctionalityThis application shows and calculates data foragriculturalapplications.◦ Creation of field boundaries;◦ Export and import field boundaries in the format * KML;◦ Creation of parallel lines and curves with the width;◦ Automatic construction of a new line when turning;◦ Display the treated area;◦ Help the driver;◦ Displays operational information:▪ Odometer - 2 pieces▪ Speed▪ The area of ​​the field▪ The area of ​​the treated area▪ The percentage of treatment field▪ Current time◦ The ability to save the current session, followed bytheopportunity to return to her◦ Possibility upon return to the previous session, to navigatetothe place of work completion2. Requirements◦ Compatibility with Android 4.0 or higher smartphones andtablets..3. Known Issues◦ Job becomes unstable after prolonged use in connectionwithelongation histories of tasks. To resolve this, try to restarttheapplication persistence, and then load the previous session.
C7-Matrizes Florestais 2.1
Register georeferenced of trees, both native and exotic species
ApVox - Coleta por Voz 1.1
Leonam de Paula
Aplicativo para auxiliar as práticasdeAgricultura de Precisão.Com ele é possível cadastrar quaisquer variáveis através deinserçãomanual ou arquivo txt, e então realizar procedimentos decoleta dedados com reconhecimento de voz.Os dados serão gravados em arquivos txt com ascoordenadasgeográficas do instante da confirmação da coleta.Suporte a reconhecimento de voz offline desde versãomínimaJellyBean com idioma português baixado para offline.Suporte a idioma inglês.Coleta de dados pode ser ativada por botão multimídia em fonesdeouvido.Dúvidas: leonamjlpaula@gmail.comApplication to assistthepractices of Precision Agriculture.With it's possible to register any variables throughmanualinsertion or txt file and then perform procedures fordatacollection with voice recognition.The data will be stored in txt files with geographicalcoordinatesof the moment of confirmation of collection.Supports voice recognition from offline JellyBean minimumversionwith Portuguese language downloaded for offline.Support for English.Data collection can be enabled by multimedia buttononheadphones.Questions: