Top 3 Games Similar to Let's go to the Opera!

Aprender inglés con animales
Descubre a tus hijos los animalesensucontexto, a la vez que aprenden inglés. El perro, lavaca,elelefante, el león... y muchos más amigos os esperan.★ DIVERSIÓN EDUCATIVA ★Aprender inglés con los animales es una divertida yeducativaapppara niños. Permite a los más pequeños de la casadivertirse alavez que aprenden inglés. La aplicación está orientadaa unpúblicoinfantil de entre 2 y 6 años, en edad preescolar.★ DISFRUTA EN FAMILIA ★Ideal para los niños que están empezando a aprender inglésyparaaquellos de otros niveles que quieren repasar vocabulario.Yporsupuesto los adultos también pueden participar, jugarconsushijos, divertirse y aprender juntos. ¡Disfruta deunaexperienciacompartida con tus hijos!★ TODO TIPO DE ANIMALES ★Un cuento interactivo donde el niño puede, a través de14pantallasinteractivas, visitar diferentes escenarios (la selva,eldesierto,el campo…) y descubrir todo tipo de animalestantodomésticos comosalvajes en su contexto original. Leones,cebras,elefantes,perros, gatos, cocodrilos, serpientes, etc.Permite también conocer el nombre del animal y suonomatopeyaeninglés.★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Para niños de todas las edades.• Guión original y creativo.• Exquisitas ilustraciones• Rico en variedad de elementos interactivos. Graciosasanimacionesysonidos que crearán una experienciasorprendente.• Interfaz intuitivo y fácil con acceso directo a escenas.• De fácil lectura gracias a su cuidado aspecto tipográfico.• Toca cada frase para repetir su locución. Estupendoparalosprimeros lectores.• Dulce y relajante banda sonora original.• Desarrolla la coordinación mano-ojo en el niño.• Sin publicidad.• Desde Opciones podrás controlar aspectos como la locuciónolamúsica.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o hazclicenMe gusta en Facebook enásinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestrasappsen★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento decalidaddiseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres lasatisfacción deofrecer asus hijos una experiencia deaprendizajeenriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferentealaanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con elBolognaRagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por cuatro esquinitas denada”,“1000Aventuras”, “¡A la cama!” o “Con los transportesaprendo”entreotros.Soporte: soporte@dadacompany.comDiscover yourchildrentheanimals in their context, while learning English. Thedog, thecow,the elephant, the lion ... and many more friends awaityou.EDUCATIONAL FUN ★ ★Learning English with animals is a fun and educationalappforchildren. Allows smaller house fun while learningEnglish.Theapplication is aimed at children aged between 2 and6years,preschoolers.★ ★ ENJOY FAMILYIdeal for children who are beginning to learn English and tothoseofother levels who want to revise vocabulary. And of courseadultscanparticipate, play with your children, have fun andlearntogether.Enjoy a shared experience with your children!ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS ★ ★An interactive story where the child can, through14interactivedisplays, visit different scenarios (forest,desert,field ...) anddiscover all sorts of domestic and wildanimals intheir originalcontext. Lions, zebras, elephants, dogs,cats,crocodiles, snakes,etc..It also allows to know the name of the animal and itsonomatopoeiainEnglish.★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Exquisite illustrations• Rich variety of interactive elements. Funny animationsandsoundsto create an amazing experience.• Intuitive and easy with direct access to scenes.• Easy to read thanks to a dedicated typographic.• Touch each phrase to repeat his speech. Greatforearlyreaders.• Sweet and soothing soundtrack.• Develops hand-eye coordination in children.• No ads.• Since Options can control aspects such as speech or music.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at orclickonLike on Facebook at on all our news.Check out videos and trailers ofourapps★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainmentdesignedtoeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased tooffertheirchildren a rich learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is totally original and differentfromtheprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four corners made ofnothing","1000Adventures", "Go to bed!" Or "With transportlearn"amongothers.Support:
Marina and the light 1.0.1
Live with your children the experienceofdiscovering the magic of the light next to Marina and herfriends.An interactive story without words where you will be thecreator ofthe story.★ A DIFFERENT KIND OF STORY ★Discover "Marina and light", a unique application thathelpschildren build vocabulary and imagination: the child cancreate thestory and can make up a different story each time.★ REALITY AND FICTION ★Be amazed by an app that stimulates the imagination andcreativityof your little ones, accompanying Marina on a journeythrough a dayin a magical world where you will discover thewonderfulpossibilities of light with her special friends.★ A SURPRISINGLY ENGAGING EXPERIENCE ★Share with your children a perfect story to make learning fun.Aninteractive experience aimed at all those people who are curioustoget to know new creative experiences and who want to dream,reflectand enjoy a world where illustrations come to life.★ AMAZING ARTWORK AND SOUNDTRACK ★Enjoy the stunning visuals of the watercolour illustrationsbyAlberto Vazquez (2012 Goya Award for best animated short film)andoriginal soundtrack composed of twelve songs by DanielHerrero(Pocoyo's composer and music producer).A very complete storybook that will delight the whole family.★ CHARACTERISTICS ★Enriches a child's creativity and attention span.Stimulates imagination and visual literacy.Allows the sharing of experiences with the family byofferingquality entertainment.Promotes learning and encourages children'sstorytellingability.Transmits universal educational values ​​such as:tolerance,freedom, equality, commitment and fraternity.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our page at http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at or ifyouwould like to receive the latest information and news fromDADACompany click Like on our Facebook pageat a look at at our videos and story previews on YouTube★ ABOUT DADA COMPANY ★DADA Company offers children quality entertainment designedtoeducate and have fun, and to give parents the satisfactionthatthey are offering their children an enrichingeducationalexperience.Each DADA Company story is totally original and different totheprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded with the 2013BolognaRagazzi Digital Award in the fiction category.Some of their other titles include: "Four Little Squares","1000Adventures", "Off to bed! or "Learn withTransportation".Support:
Let's go to the Opera! 1.0
DADA Company Edutainment
In "Let’s go to the Opera" you will joinagroupof schoolchildren visiting the Opera House. You willbegreeted by afriendly guide who will accompany you on atourshowing you all thenooks and most intimate secrets aboutthetheater’s inner workings.Orchestras, singers, choirs,dancers,lights, scenery ... all at yourfingertips! During the touryouwill discover how the show and theprofessionals who makeitpossible work. All explained in a playfuland didacticmanner,exquisitely illustrated by the great artist JohnBerrio.Especially recommended for children between ages 5and12.Thisapplication presents a secure environment forchildren.CONTAINS NOTHIRD-PARTY ADVERTISING NOR IN-APP PURCHASES. Auniqueoperaexperience for the whole family to enjoy!CONTENT- Travel through the history and origins of opera.- Discover genres and operatic themes.- Learn about key representatives of the genre.- Observe theatrical architecture and structural elements.- Learn about types of opera singers, choruses, balletandmore!- Role description of each member of the orchestra.- How a stage director works.- Find out about technical duties(tailoring,stagehands,illuminator, set designer, seamstress,sewing, costume,makeup andcharacterization).- Introduction to major opera composers.The child will learn many new concepts associated withtheoperaperformance. Especially recommended for children betweenages6 and12.This app provides a safe environment forchildren,containing nothird-party advertising or in-apppurchases.Dare to enter the world of opera!FEATURES- Acquire or expand user knowledge related to the opera.- Ideal as educational support for teachers.- Texts and dialoque in English, Spanish, Catalan,GalicianandBasque.- Detailed original artwork from artist Juan Berrio.- Develops the ability to analyze lyrical production.- Promotes the education and diversification ofmusicaltastes.- Acquire vocabulary of the processes involved indevelopinganopera.- Encourages participatory methodology.****************************ABOUT DADA COMPANYDada Company is an award-winning studio thatcreatesinteractivebooks and digital toys for children and adults toenjoytogether.We offer quality entertainment designed to educateandentertain,and to parents we offer the satisfaction ofprovidingtheirchildren an edifying learning experience. We workwitheducatorsand education experts to make our productschildfriendly.Visit our webpage at where you canfindmoreinformation and assistance.Follow us on Twitter at @DADA_Company orFacebookat for more informationaboutallour latest news.Check out videos and trailers of ourappsat Company takes children’s privacy very seriously, andwewantyou to have a safe experience. That’s why our apps donotincludethird-party advertising or in-app purchases.If you have any trouble with our app or any otherquestionsorsuggestions, feel free to contact us at We will be happy to help you.Don’tforgetto mention the version of your device andyouroperatingsystem.