Top 21 Apps Similar to Путеводитель по Парижу

Путеводители и оффлайн карты 1.8
Convenient and compact guide and offline maps by country
Париж Промо аудио-путеводитель 2.3.1
Offline travel guide with an audio guide in Paris Promo - trythefree version.
Путеводитель iSpbGuide 2.0
Ilya Dobrovolsky
iSpbGuide — бесплатный путеводительпоСанкт-Петербургу. Его ждали, и он появился!«iSpbGuide» действительно полезен, потому что:— это ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО путеводитель, а не справочник с информациейоботелях и ресторанах. Маршрут составлен так, чтобы за пару часовВыувидели подавляющее большинство самыхизвестныхдостопримечательностей города и при этом хорошо провеливремя.— это АВТОРСКИЙ путеводитель известного петербургского гидаиисторика Юрия Нежинского, специалиста по городскому бытуифольклору, а не сумбурная подборка материалов изоткрытыхисточников информации. Вы сможете познакомиться не толькосособенностями архитектуры и истории Петербурга, но и узнатьмногозанимательных фактов, мифов и мистических легенд.— это ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ путеводитель по Петербургу, который непростозаменяет бумажную книжку. Он может нарисовать точнуюкартувосстания декабристов и приблизить лицо ангела наАлександровскойколонне. Скоро мы добавим аудио и видеоматериалы!Мы попытались сделать наш бесплатный путеводительполноценнойзаменой индивидуального гида на время Вашей обзорнойэкскурсии поПетербургу. Получилось у нас это или нет — решатьтолько Вам!
Путеводители Ever.Travel 1.2.4
Ever.Travel – это простой, красивый и удобныйпланировщикпутешествий. С ним вы подготовитесь к поездке буквальнов три шага!Всё просто:1. Скачайте приложение.2. Выберите город, куда вы собираетесь поехать.3. Добавьте в избранное места, которые захотите посмотреть.Почему путеводитель Ever.Travel лучше многих другихпланировщиковпутешествий?- Вы можете организовать поездку,«распределив»достопримечательности по нескольким дням путешествия ивыстраиваямаршруты даже между несколькими городами истранами!- Карта города доступна для загрузки и использования вofflineрежиме.- Описания всех достопримечательностей идут на русском языке.- В каждом городе вы найдете до 150 интересных мест, музеев,кафе,торговых центров, парков отдыха и развлечений.- Каждый объект сопровождается фото, кратким описанием, меткойнакарте и сведениями о часах работы и стоимости билетов.- По многим городам у нас есть готовые маршруты для прогулок, апоРиму, Парижу, Венеции, Стамбулу, Мадриду, Таллину,Иерусалиму,Праге, Милану и Барселоне даже аудиогиды!На данный момент мы рады представить вам путеводители последующимгородам:- Анапа- Ангкор- Амстердам- Афины- Баку- Бали- Бангкок- Барселона- Берлин- Бостон- Братислава- Брюссель- Будапешт- Буэнос-Айрес- Варшава- Вашингтон- Великий Новгород- Вена- Венеция- Верона- Вильнюс- Владимир- Волгоград- Геленджик- ГОА- Гонконг- Дели- Дрезден- Дубай- Дублин- Екатеринбург- Женева- Зальцбург- Иваново- Иерусалим- Инсбрук- Казань- Калининград- Кёльн- Киев- Кипр- Копенгаген- Кострома- Краков- Куала-Лумпур- Лас-Вегас- Лиссабон- Лондон- Лос-Анджелес- Львов- Мадрид- Милан- Минск- Монреаль- Москва- Мумбай- Мюнхен- Неаполь- Нижний Новгород- Нью-Йорк- Одесса- Осло- Париж- Пекин- Переслаль-Залесский- Пермь- Прага- Псков- Пхукет- Рига- Рим- Рио-де-Жанейро- Ростов Великий- Самуи- Санкт-Петербург- Сан-Паулу- Сан-Франциско- Севилья- Сеул- Сергиев Посад- Сингапур- София- Сочи- Стамбул- Стокгольм- Суздаль- Таллин- Тбилиси- Тверь- Тель-Авив- Токио- Торонто- Флоренция- Франкфурт-на-Майне- Хайнань- Ханой- Хельсинки- Хошимин- Цюрих- Чикаго- Шанхай- Эдинбург- ЯрославльКаждую неделю мы добавляем в органайзер путешествийEver.Travelновые города, экскурсии и достопримечательности! Европа,Россия,Азия, Ближний Восток – перед вами подробный гид по десяткамстранмира! Не откладывайте на потом, скачайте бесплатнопрямосейчас!ВНИМАНИЕ: Продолжительное использование смартфона с включеннымGPSзначительно быстрее разряжает батарею. Не забудьте зарядитьтелефонперед выходом на прогулку!Ever.Travel – Путешествуйте. Всегда!http://ever.travelEver.Travel - a simple, beautiful and convenient travelplanner.With it, you prepare for the trip just in three steps!It's simple:1. Download the app.2. Select the city where you are going to go.3. Add to favorites places that you want to see.Why Guide Ever.Travel better than many other travel planner?- You can organize the trip, "distributing" attraction forseveraldays of travel routes and building even between severalcities andcountries!- Map of the city is available for download and use inofflinemode.- Descriptions of all the sights are in Russian.- In each city you will find up to 150 points of interest,museums,cafes, shopping centers, parks, recreation andentertainment.- Each object is accompanied by a photo, a brief description,thelabel on the map and information on opening hours andticketprices.- In many cities we have a ready-made routes for walking, andinRome, Paris, Venice, Istanbul, Madrid, Tallinn, Jerusalem,Prague,Milan and Barcelona even audio guides!At the moment, we are glad to present you the guides ofthefollowing cities:- Anapa- Angkor- Amsterdam- Athens- Baku- Bali- Bangkok- Barcelona- Berlin- Boston- Bratislava- Brussels- Budapest- Buenos Aires- Warsaw- Washington- Great Novgorod- Vienna- Venice- Verona- Vilnius- Vladimir- Volgograd- Gelendzhik- GOA- Hong Kong- Delhi- Dresden- Dubai- Dublin- Yekaterinburg- Geneva- Salzburg- Ivanovo- Jerusalem- Innsbruck- Kazan- Kaliningrad- Cologne- Kiev- Cyprus- Copenhagen- Kostroma- Krakow- Kuala Lumpur- Las Vegas- Lisbon- London- Los Angeles- Lviv- Madrid- Milan- Minsk- Montreal- Moscow- Mumbai- Munich- Naples- Nizhny Novgorod- New York- Odessa- Oslo- Paris- Beijing- Pereslal-Zaleski- Perm- Prague- Pskov- Phuket- Riga- Rome- Rio de Janeiro- Rostov- Samui- St. Petersburg- Sao Paulo- San Francisco- Sevilla- Seoul- Sergiyev Posad- Singapore- Sofia- Sochi- Istanbul- Stockholm- Suzdal- Tallinn- Tbilisi- Tver- Tel Aviv- Tokyo- Toronto- Florence- Frankfurt- Hainan- Hanoi- Helsinki- Ho Chi Minh City- Zurich- Chicago- Shanghai- Edinburgh- YaroslavlEvery week we add in the travel organizer Ever.Travel new citytoursand attractions! Europe, Russia, Asia, the Middle East - infront ofyou a detailed guide to dozens of countries around theworld! Do notprocrastinate, download now for free!NOTE: Continued use of GPS-enabled smartphone significantlydrainthe battery faster. Do not forget to charge the phone beforegoingfor a walk!Ever.Travel - traveling. Always!
Москва Путеводитель 5.0.5
Москва Путеводитель облегчает жизнь туристу.Внего заложены многие возможности, которые оченьмогутпригодиться:Путеводитель:- полная поддержка русского языка;- справочная информацию о множестве достопримечательностей:адреса,стоимость, график работы, номер телефона и др.;- сохранение самых интересных объектов в списке избранных;- отслеживание текущего местоположения по координатам GPSилисотовой сети;- вычисление ближайших достопримечательностей, расстоянияинаправления до них;- актуальная схема Московского метро;- рассчет количества станций и времени движениямеждуостановками;- поиск ближайшей остановки и расстояния до нее.После покупки карты Вы сможете:-использовать подробную оффлайн карту Москвы с более чем20000объектов на ней;-прокладывать маршрут между любыми 2 точками на карте;-сохранять выбранные места в списке Избранного.Moscow Travel Guidemakeslife easier for tourists. It incorporates many of the featuresthatreally can be useful:Travel Guide:- Full support for Russian language;- Background information on a variety of attractions: address,cost,schedule, phone number, etc .;- Preservation of the most interesting objects in the listoffavorites;- Track your current location using GPS coordinates or acellularnetwork;- Calculation of nearby attractions, distance and directiontothem;- An actual scheme of the Moscow subway;- Calculation of the number of stations and the travel timebetweenstops;- Find the nearest stop and distance to it.After purchasing the card, you will be able to:-use detailed offline map of Moscow with more than 20,000 objectsonit;-prokladyvat route between any two points on the map;-Saves selected locations in the list of Favorites.
Paris Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
World Explorer - Travel Guide 4.1
Tasmanic Editions
The essential guide for your travels, holidays and weekends !
Санкт-Петербург Путеводитель 5.1.3
Что может наше приложение Санкт ПетербургПутеводительПутеводитель:- полная поддержка русского языка; -справочнаяинформацию омножестве достопримечательностей: адреса,стоимость,график работы,номер телефона и др.; - сохранение самыхинтересныхобъектов всписке избранных; Навигатор: - отслеживаниетекущегоместоположенияпо координатам GPS или сотовой сети; -вычислениеближайшихдостопримечательностей, расстояния и направлениядо них;Схемаметро: - актуальная схема метро Санкт-Петербурга;-рассчетколичества станций и времени движения между станциями;-поискближайшей станции и расстояния до нее. Для получениядоступакОффлайн картам Санкт-Петербурга установите Proверсию.Позволяетбез доступа в интернет получить информацию омножествесамыхинтересных достопримечательностях Санкт-Петербурга.СанктПетербургПутеводитель удобно использовать даже вроуминге,получаякоординаты посредством GPS.
Путеводитель по Крыму 3.0.4
Что может приложение ПутеводительпоКрымуПутеводитель:- полная поддержка русского языка;- справочная информацию о более чем 50достопримечательностях:описание, адреса, стоимость, график работы,номер телефона идр.;- сохранение самых интересных объектов в списке избранных;- отображение расстояния и направления доближайшихдостопримечательностей.Для получения доступа к Оффлайн картам Крыма установитеProверсию.Позволяет без доступа в интернет получить информацию омножествесамых интересных достопримечательностях Крыма. ПриложениеКрымПутеводитель удобно использовать даже в роуминге,получаякоординаты посредством GPS.What can the app GuidetoCrimeaGuide- Full support for Russian language;- Background information on more than 50 things to do:description,location, cost, schedule, phone number, etc.;- Preservation of the most interesting objects in thefavoriteslist;- Shows the distance and direction to nearby attractions.To access the offline map of Crimea install Pro version.Allows free access to the Internet to get information about manyofthe most interesting sights of the Crimea. Appendix CrimeaGuideuseful even while roaming, receiving the coordinates viaGPS.
tripwolf - Travel Guide & Map 1.1055
SmartGuide s.r.o.
Travel Guide & Offline Map with attractions, restaurants,hotels& lots more
City guide & Audio Tour + Maps 1.2.016
Tag Azbo llp
City guide "Azbo Audio Tour" is a real catch for thosewhopreferfree style of travelling. This is a professionaltourguide,installed in your smartphone or tablet. City guide"AzboAudioTour" app helps you to explore the city any time youlike.Ourfascinating excursions around the world's most excitingcitieshavebeen specially written by top professional tour-guidesandvoicedby professional presenters. City guide "Azbo AudioTour"featuresroute maps which remain accessible offline. Themust-seesights ofevery city are marked on the maps with yellowstar. Thiswillquicken the search and to help you in composing yourown routwiththe help of our city-guide, if your time is restricted.Cityguide"Azbo Audio Tour" is now completed with the Guide’s Tips–duringyour city walk or your Azbo excursion you can getmorepracticalinformation about local traditions andspecialties,afforded by thetour-guides. They are marked on the mapswith aspecial sign. Youcan opt to take pre-designed excursionroutes, oruse theroute-maker to set up your own tailor-made routethatfigures inyour preferences for both content andduration.Geo-positioningtechnology detects the user's locationthroughoutthe route, andoffers useful information about what'sworth seeingin theneighborhood at any given moment. The off-linemaps will helpyouto find the way even if you do not have access tothe Internet.Theever-expanding range of cities includes: Rome,Venice,Barcelona,Vienna, Prague, Paris, London, Amsterdam,Istanbul, StPetersburg(Russia), Moscow, Milan, Berlin, Hamburg,Madrid,Florence, Tokyo,Sevilla, Munich, Copenhagen, Dublin, Tallinnetc.You are able tomanage previously downloaded excursions. If youneedto clean thedisc space of your gadget, you can deletepreviouslydownloadedexcursions inside the app. If you need themagain, youmay downloadyour excursions back without purchasing themfor thesecond time.And enjoy your walks with our city-guide! Usertip: -buying theexcursions, united in geographically ortheme-basedsectors, willsave you 30-50 %. - to use maps of citiesin offlinemode justdownload a tour or the map Subscribe to ourpagesinFacebook:
Используйте Афишу-Мир, чтобы строитьпланы,делать путевые заметки и делиться впечатлениямии сдрузьями.Достоинства:— Тысячи советов, где жить, куда сходить и что посмотретьвсамыхинтересных городах мира— Путеводители и карты доступны без подключения к интернету— Рекомендации ваших друзей и других пользователей Афиши-Мир— Возможность добавлять новые адреса, мнения и советы прямо сместадействия— Карта ваших путешествийКак это работает?— Подготовьте свой собственный путеводитель насайте— Загрузите путеводитель в телефон— Отправляйтесь в путешествие— Отмечайте места, которые вам понравились, и делайтепутевыезаметки с фотографиями— Станьте экспертом по своим любимым городам и поделитесьвпечатлениями с друзьями в социальных сетях.Программа доступна для использования лицами от 16 лет истарше----------Afisha-Mir is a personalised travel guide to the whole world tobeused in conjunction with website. For the timebeing,Afisha-Mir is available in Russian only.Poster-world use tomakeplans, make travel notes and share vpechatleniyamiiwithfriends.Advantages:- Thousands of tips, where to live, where to go and what to seeinthe mostexciting cities- Guidebooks and maps are available without anInternetconnection- Recommendations from your friends and other users, theWorldPosters- Ability to add new addresses, opinions and advice straightfromthe scene- Map your travelsHow does it work?- Prepare your own guide online Download the guide in the phone- Go on a journey- Marks the place that you like, and make travel noteswithphotos- Become an expert on your favorite cities and sharewith your friends on social networks.The program is available for use by persons 16 years andolder----------Afisha-Mir is a personalised travel guide to the whole world tobeused in conjunction with website. For the timebeing,Afisha-Mir is available in Russian only.
Los Angeles Travel Guide 12.0.2 (Play)
This Los Angeles guide is our reliable and easy-to-usetravelcompanion. Find directions with detailed offline maps,in-depthtravel content, popular attractions and insider tips withthis LosAngeles city guide. Plan and have the perfect trip! Bookyour hoteland enjoy restaurant reviews and shared user content.Here is why15+million travelers love Ulmon Offline & CityGuides: Didn’tyou always want to have an easily portable andcompact travelassistant that allows planning your trips to foreigncountries andcities upfront? So turn your smartphone or tablet intoa digitalLos Angeles City Guide and planner leading you throughYOUR choicesof restaurants, hotels and which attractions to visit.Enjoyrecommendations and reviews of other enthusiastic travelersandtourists. Always keep your orientation and find the directiontothe next place; completely without roaming and offline. WiththisLos Angeles offline map and city guide you enjoy a wide varietyofadvantages: FREE Simply download and try this Los Angelescityguide for free. There is absolutely no risk, and we’re sureyou’lllove it! DETAILED MAPS Never get lost and keep yourorientation.See your location on the Los Angeles offline map, evenwithout aninternet connection. Find streets, attractions,restaurants,hotels, local nightlife and other POIs – and get guidedin thewalking direction of places you want to see. IN-DEPTHTRAVELCONTENT Have all the information offline and freely portable.Foreach destination, access comprehensive and up-to-dateinformationcovering thousands of places, attractions, points ofinterest andmany hotel booking options within this Los Angelestravel guide.SEARCH AND DISCOVER Find the best restaurants, shops,attractions,hotels, bars, etc. Search by name, browse by categoryor discovernearby places using your device’s GPS – even offline andwithoutdata roaming. GET TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Find tipsandrecommendations from locals and tourists. Browse offline inthisLos Angeles guide for the most popular attractions,restaurants,shops, hotels, nightlife places, etc. PLAN TRIPS ANDCUSTOMIZE MAPSCreate lists of places you want to visit. Pinexisting places, likeyour hotel or a recommended restaurant, to themap. Add your ownpins to the map. Find and book hotels from withinthis Los Angelescity guide. OFFLINE ACCESS The Los Angeles OfflineMap and the LosAngeles CIty Guide content are fully downloaded andstored on yourdevice. All features, such as address searches andyour GPSlocation also work offline and without data roaming (aninternetconnection is of course required for initial downloading ofdata orbooking hotels). DATA QUALITY: Map data and POI are providedbyOpenStreetMap and are regularly updated by us. To check thelevelof detail, go to DETAILED CITY COVERAGELosAngeles in California, USA has many interesting placesforsightseeing, not only Hollywood, the Walk of Fame, Santa Monicaorthe Venice Beach. Using this tourist guide and you will not missasingle attraction! Ulmon, the makers of this guide app, are asmallteam of enthusiastic travel freaks in Vienna, Austria. We aimtoassist tourists around the world with a portable planner,assistantand trip companion for their vacations and explorations.Enjoy yourtravels. Your Ulmon team! :-)
City Maps 2Go Pro Offline Maps
Ulmon GmbH
Your reliable and easy-to-use globaltravelcompanion. Find directions with detailed offline maps,in-depthtravel content, popular attractions and insider tips.Plan and have the perfect trip! Book your hotel and enjoyrestaurantreviews and shared user content.Here is why 15+million travelers love CityMaps2Go:Didn’t you always want to have an easily portable and compacttravelassistant that allows planning your trips to foreigncountries andcities upfront? So turn your smartphone or tabletinto a digitalguide and planner leading you through YOUR choicesof restaurants,hotels and which attractions to visit. Enjoyrecommendations andreviews of other enthusiastic travelers andtourists. Always keepyour orientation and find the direction tothe next place;completely without roaming and offline.With CityMaps2Go you enjoy a wide variety of advantages:PRO UNLIMITED VERSIONWith this Pro version you can enjoy a completely AD-FREE versionofthe popular travel app. Alternatively, a free version isavailableon the Play Store as well.WORLDWIDE MAP COVERAGEThousands of destinations available worldwide, coveringvirtuallythe entire globe. Paris, France; London, UK; Rome, Italy;New York,USA and all other major and many not so major destinationsinEurope, Asia, the Americas, Africa and Oceania. Majortouristdestination regions such as Hawaii, Mallorca, the Canaries,theGreek islands, the French Riviera, Thailand, the Tuscany ortheCaribbean can be covered by downloading a few maps.DETAILED MAPSNever get lost and keep your orientation. See your location onthemap, even without an internet connection. Findstreets,attractions, restaurants, hotels, local nightlife and otherPOIs –and get guided in the walking direction of places you wanttosee.IN-DEPTH TRAVEL CONTENTHave all the information offline and freely portable. Foreachdestination, access comprehensive and up-to-date guideinformationcovering thousands of places, attractions, points ofinterest andmany hotel booking options.SEARCH AND DISCOVERFind the best restaurants, shops, attractions, hotels, bars,etc.Search by name, browse by category or discover nearby placesusingyour device’s GPS – even offline and without dataroaming.GET TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONSFind tips and recommendations from locals and tourists. Browseforthe most popular attractions, restaurants, shops, hotels,nightlifeplaces, etc.PLAN TRIPS AND CUSTOMIZE MAPSSave places you want to visit and have an automated listcreated.Pin existing places, like your hotel or a recommendedrestaurant,to the map. Add your own pins to the map. Find and bookhotels fromwithin CityMaps2Go in all major regions from Hawaii tothe FrenchRiviera, from Scandinavia to Mallorca, from the Caribbeanto theTuscany and for all countries like Thailand, France, Germany,Italyor Spain.OFFLINE ACCESSMaps and guide content are fully downloaded and stored onyourdevice. All features, such as address searches and yourGPSlocation also work offline and without data roaming (aninternetconnection is of course required for initial downloading ofdata orbooking hotels).DATA QUALITY:Map data and POI are provided by OpenStreetMap and areregularlyupdated by us. To check the level of detail, The same applies to Wikipediatravelarticles.Use this offline map app and you will never have to carry aroundapaper city map or guide book. No matter whether you travel totopdestinations in the USA, Europe or Asia. Have reliable,interactiveoffline maps always available in your pocket.Ulmon, the makers of CityMaps2Go, are a small team ofenthusiastictravel freaks in Vienna, Austria. We aim to assisttourists aroundthe world with a portable planner, assistant andtrip companion fortheir vacations and explorations.Enjoy your travels. Your Ulmon team! :-)
Paris Travel Guide Offline 1.0
*** travel guidesearnedfirstplace in connect magazine’s test of 12 travel guides,beatingthelikes of Marco Polo, Merian Scout and Beeloop! ***There are many travel guides available, but here guides apart from the rest:• Designed to be used OFFLINE. All articles, events,transportandmaps can be viewed without an internetconnection.• An up-to-date events guide: Update when you haveaninternetconnection, and hundreds of upcoming events suchasconcerts,theatre, sporting events, festivals and more willbestored on yourdevice. Updates occur regularly so your guidewillnever bebehind.• Fully zoomable, offline maps that shows your location andpointsofinterest around you (your location is shown on the map).If atravelguide doesn’t have a map, it’s as good as useless.• Professionally written content by locals who know thecitywell,and not just content taken from Wikipedia like somanyotherguides.• Major transport lines and stations are stored in the guide.Youcanview the lines/stations on a map, or find the neareststationto youor any attractions with just a few taps.• Hundreds of points of interest (allsearchable)detailingattractions, museums, hotels, bars and cafes,nightlifeand morewith opening hours, pictures and prices.• English, Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, Finnish,French,Hebrew,Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Swedish andChineselanguages aresupported for the travel guide content (eventsectionis mostly inEnglish).Read below for more information:The Paris travel guide is theperfectcompanionduring your time in the city. It is designed to beusedoffline soyou can avoid expensive roaming fees.Our guides are professionally written and have a hugeamountofinformation about everything this city has to offer.Usingyourdevice’s location services, you can also always see whatpointsofinterest are around you at any time.The events guide includes hundreds of upcoming events,andisregularly updated. Just click the update button when youhaveaninternet connection, and the events will be stored onyourdevicefor offline use.The most important thing to figure out when you arrive inanewcity is the transport system. That’s why we’veincludedinformationon all major transport points and lines. Theseare allviewable ona map, and the "Nearby stations" feature makes iteasyto determinewhere the closest transport is to yourcurrentlocation.Other features include the built in currencyconverter(converts45 of the world’s top currencies), a "Want tovisit" listwhere youcan mark the attractions you want to see, andareview/ Travel Guides are available for over80citiesworld wide. Just search for "cityscouter" to seethemall!
Будапешт аудио-путеводитель 10 2.3.1
Offline travel guide with audio guide Budapest - your bestpersonalguide.
Париж Большой аудио-путеводите 2.3.1
Your best personal guide in Paris and its suburbs,includingVersailles.
Париж Карта и Путеводитель 3.1.2
Путеводитель по Парижу, самомуромантичномугороду ЕвропыЧто может приложение:Оффлайн Путеводитель:- полная поддержка русского языка;- справочная информацию о множестве достопримечательностей:адреса,стоимость, график работы, номер телефона и др.;- отображение ближайших достопримечательностей;- сохранение самых интересных объектов в списке избранных;Оффлайн карта:- подробная оффлайн карта Парижа;- прокладка маршрутов между любыми 2 точками на карте- возможность просмотра информации и поиска более чем 20000объектовна карте. Поиск осуществляется по имени и типу объектовСхема метро:- подробная схема метро с возможностью прокладки маршрутовирасчетом времени проезда.Также в приложение включены объекты не только самого Парижа, ноиего окрестностей.Позволяет без доступа в интернет получить информацию омножествесамых интересных достопримечательностях. Приложениеудобноиспользовать даже в роуминге, получая координатыпосредствомGPS.Guide to Paris, themostromantic city in EuropeWhat can the app:Offline Travel Guide:- Full support for Russian language;- Background information on many attractions: address,cost,schedule, phone number, etc.;- Display nearby attractions;- Preservation of the most interesting objects in thefavoriteslist;Offline Map:- Detailed offline map of Paris;- Laying routes between any two points on the map- The ability to view the information and search of more than20,000items on the map. The search is performed by name and typeofobjectsMetro map:- Detailed metro map routable and timing of passage.Also included in the application objects not only of Paris,butalso the surrounding area.Allows free access to the Internet to get information about manyofthe most interesting things to do. The application is usefulevenwhile roaming, receiving the coordinates via GPS.
Alternative Guide to Russia 0.45
Evgeniy Andreev
"Alternative Guide" ( isapersonal project, which introduces readers to thenon-standardplaces. Based on many years of travel experienceguidebook writershave been collected a wealth of material on theplaces worthvisiting. The project concept includes not disclosingthe specificnature places, but ideas for starting your own trip andanindependent review of the facility.The bulk of the catalog take nontrivial places, many ofthempublished for the first time. Each object is provided withdetailedinformation on accessibility and travel. This is especiallyusefulfor planning your trip, and allows you to lay the newroutecapturing the maximum number of objects at a time.Catalog contains more than 900 publications with descriptionsandGPS coordinates.Features-displays the current location and distance to the objectObjects can be found on Google Maps-may hide or show the selected object types-adding comments-Wikimapia ( support-Panoramio support- Check-ins translated to twitterApplication will be continuously updated and improvedTech. support
Paris City Guide -'s Paris travel guide is the bestwayto discover the coolest places to go in Paris. Whetheryou'replanning a vacation or simply exploring, offersinsiderreviews and photos for the best hotels, restaurants, andplaces togo in the City of Light. Named Editor's Choice on GooglePlay, andfeatured in New York Times Travel, Conde Nast Traveler,Travel +Leisure, CNN Travel, Huffington Post, Outside and more.You could plan a thousand trips to the City of Lights andstillhave plenty left to see and do in the French capital.Whetheryou're a museum nut who dreams of seeing the Musee d'Orsay,theLouvre and the Centre Pompidou; an architecture fan interestedinseeing Paris from the roof of the Arc de Triomphe, the SacreCoeurin Montmartre or the Eiffel Tower; or simply an urban wandererwhorevels in walking the streets of Île de la Cité, the LatinQuarteror the banks of the Seine river, you'll have it all atyourfingertips. Grab a map, a metro card, and let yourself be sweptupby the vibrant energy of the city. Short train rides will takeyouto Champagne tastings, Versailles, countryside castles, andthemagical kingdom of Disneyland Paris.While Paris sometimes feels like a caricature of its ownromanticperfection, the real Paris doesn't start to become aliveuntil youinteract with it in person. Start by smiling backenigmatically atthe Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Then assess thewideNapoleon-commissioned boulevards from atop the Eiffel Tower.Wanderthe streets (where you can appreciate Parisians' tax dollarsatwork on some of the cleanest streets of any city) past flowershopsand fresh vegetable stands until you reach the JardinduLuxembourg, where you can watch families sail model sailboatsinthe historic fountains. As one of the most dizzyingly dreamycitiesin the world, Paris both lives up to and surpasses itsclichés.Yes, people while away hours in cafes. No, Parisians do notseem togain weight, no matter how much delicious French food theyeat.Sure, your waiter might scoff if you say 'thank you' insteadof'merci,' but even this is starting to change. Paris is,gasp,modernizing. Gone are the smoke-filled restaurants (à fuméeisoutlawed in all public buildings) and perhaps soon, the35-hourwork week. But the romance will always stay.What users love about the Paris Travel Guide:
✓ EXPLORE Paris to the fullest.✓ PLAN your next trip easily and discover where friendshavebeen!
✓ BOOK a hotel on the go with just a tap.
✓ CREATE stunning photo postcards and reviews of placesyou'vevisited.
✓ GET INSPIRED with postcards and reviews by friends andtravelerslike you
✓ JOIN a community of passionate travelers from Tribes are communities of travelers who sharecommoninterests. Are you a trail-blazing jet-setter with anadrenalineaddiction? The Adventure Tribe may be for you. Feel athome inhigh-end hotels in exotic locations? Check out the LuxuryTribe forgreat tips. Always on top of the latest local hotspots?TheTrendsters Tribe and Nightlife Tribe is where you'll findyourgroove. With 19 Tribes, and more on the way, travel advicehasnever been more personal!POSTCARDSShare your experiences with your friends. Turn your photosintodigital postcards and customize them with filters to make themlookbeautiful. You can share your postcards with friends viaFacebook,Twitter, email or SMS. You can also browse beautifulpostcards fromaround the world on the "Featured" feed.
Paris Offline City Map 4.12.2
Ulmon GmbH
Your comprehensive and easy-to-use citymap.Easily find directions, nearby places and attractions supportedbya selection of user reviews and brief information.Plan and pin in advance what you want to visit and haveyourfavorites displayed on the map for better orientation duringyourtrip.Here is why 13+million travelers love Ulmon Maps &Guides:Didn’t you always want to have an easily portable and compactcitymap right at your disposal? There is no folding sciencerequiredwhen you turn your smartphone or tablet into a digitaloffline citymap. Always keep your orientation and find thedirection to thenext place; completely without roaming and entirelyoffline.With this Ulmon city map you enjoy a wide varietyofadvantages:FREESimply download and try this Ulmon city map for free. Thereisabsolutely no risk, and we’re sure you’ll love it!DETAILED MAPSNever get lost and keep your orientation. Identify yourlocationoffline on the map, even without an internet connection.See whatis around you on a map that shows a zoom able level ofdetail withmany location related information. Find streets,attractions,restaurants, hotels, local nightlife and otherinteresting places –and get guided in the walking direction ofplaces you want tosee.DISCOVER THE CITYFind the best restaurants, shops, attractions, hotels, bars,etc.Search by name, browse by category or discover nearby placesusingyour device’s GPS – even offline and without dataroaming.PLAN TRIPS AND CUSTOMIZE MAPSCreate lists of places you want to visit. Pin existing places,likeyour hotel or a recommended restaurant, to the map. Add yourownpins to the map.OFFLINE ACCESSThe city maps are fully downloaded and stored on your device.Allfeatures, such as address searches, and your GPS location alsoworkoffline and without data roaming (an internet connection isofcourse required for initial downloading of data).COMPREHENSIVE ADDITIONAL TRAVEL CONTENTA selection of Wiki-Articles and POI-Information make it easierforyou identifying what to see and what to skip. Have alltheinformation offline and freely portable.DATA QUALITY:Map data and POI are provided by OpenStreetMap and areregularlyupdated by us. To check the level of detail, The same applies to Wikipediatravelarticles.THE WHOLE CITY IN YOUR POCKETWith this clear and detailed offline map to Paris, the capitalcityof France you will find your way through attractions such astheEiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles, Montmartre and manymore.Included is also a map of the Paris metro.Ulmon, the makers of this guide app, are a small teamofenthusiastic travel freaks in Vienna, Austria. We aim toassisttourists around the world with a portable planner, assistantandtrip companion for their vacations and explorations.Enjoy your travels. Your Ulmon team! :-)