Top 5 Apps Similar to Travel Panama Guide

Panama - FREE Travel Guide 21.4.19
Travel Panama 2012: FREE IllustratedGuide,Phrasebook and Maps.MobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation. The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand always include FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference Travel Guides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developed foryoursmartphone have the following features:✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - no networkaccessneeded once the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearby sightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so they loadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates for attractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalanda categorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that no visitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and see inyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ The top restaurants have been individually selectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked by a starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map.✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesMobileReference Travel Guides provide detailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks, transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and much more. They areindexedalphabetically and by category, making it easier toaccessindividual articles. Attractions can be viewed on an offlineGPSmap along with your current location so that you can easilyfindattractions near you as you explore the city.This fully-functional guide is absolutely free. The fullversion(only $4.99) adds Text-To-Speech and expands articles withmoreinformation about attractions, history, culture,itineraries,phrasebooks and more. Listen to complete articles onthe go withText-To-Speech: double-tap on a word to startText-To-Speech fromthe selected word or select Menu > StartText-To-Speech.TABLE OF CONTENTS:Essentials: Phrasebook | Eat | Drink | Buy | Sleep | Stay Safe|Stay Healthy | Respect | Contact1. General: History | Geography | Climate | Culture | Talk|Politics | Economy | Demographics | Education2. Maps: Panama | Regions | Cities & Attractions |PanamaCanal | Pan-American Highway2.1 Cities & Areas: Panama City | Panama City Area | BocasdelToro | David | Boquet | Boquet Surroundings | Isla Contadora|Pearl Islands3. Transportation: Get In | Get Around | Pan-American Highway|Airports4. Attractions: Top 10 | Itinerary | Do | National Parks5. By Area: Regions | Cities | Islands6. Panama City: Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay Safe6.1 Transportation: Get in | Get Around6.2 Attractions: Sights Map | See | Buy | Get Out-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.
Metro de Panamá 1.4
adiante apps
La app imprescindible para los usuariosdelMetro de Panamá. Conoce todo lo que necesitas saber sobre elMetrode Panamá.Con esta app podrás:* Ver el plano del Metro de Panamá.* Utilizar el mapa interactivo con la ubicación de lasparadas,indicándote cuál es la más cercana.* Aprender las normas de uso del metro, conoce la campañadeMetrocultura.* Acceder a las últimas noticas de la prensa relacionadas conelmetro.* Conocer los datos curiosos del metro* Informarte de los comunicados oficiales del metro de suweb,twitter y facebookSi eres usuario del Metro de Panamá ésta es tuaplicaciónmóvil.Tienes toda la ubicación en el mapa de todas las paradas delalínea 1: Albrook, 5 de Mayo, Lotería, Santo Tomás, IglesiadelCarmen, Vía Argentina, Fernández de Córdoba, 12 de Octubre,PuebloNuevo, San Miguelito, Pan de Azúcar, Los Andes.Conoce las normas de conducta del Metro de Panamá gracias alaapp y olvídate de los tranques. Viaja cómodamente en el metro delaCiudad de Panamá.Aplicación móvil no oficial del Metro de Panamá.Esta app ha sido creada con adiante apps, la plataformamásavanzada del mercado que te permite crear una aplicación móvilparatu negocio de forma sencilla y rápida sin tener queprogramar.Adquiere y fideliza a tus clientes gracias a disponer detu propiaapp móvil. Tu marca y tu negocio con tus clientes 24h aldía.The imperative forusersof the Panama Metro app. Learn everything you need to knowaboutthe Panama Metro.With this app you can:Check the level of the Panama Metro.* Use the interactive map showing the location of the stops,tellingyou what is the closest.* Learn the rules of use of the metro, knownMetroculturacampaign.* Access to the latest Press releases related to the subway.* Learn the fun facts metro* Notified of official statements Metro websites, twitterandfacebookIf a member of the Panama Metro this is yourmobileapplication.Have any location on the map of all the stops on line 1:Albrook,May 5, Lottery, Santo Tomás, Iglesia del Carmen, ViaArgentina,Fernández de Córdoba, October 12, Pueblo Nuevo, SanMiguelito, breadSugar, Los Andes.Meet the standards of conduct of the Panama Metro thanks totheapp and forget about the dams. Travel comfortably in metroPanamaCity.No official mobile application of the Panama Metro.This app has been created with my adiante, the mostadvancedmarket platform that lets you create a mobile applicationfor yourbusiness quickly and easily without programming. Acquiresandloyalty of your customers by having your own mobile app. Yourbrandand your business with your customers 24 hours a day.
Panamá: Guía turística 1.0.2
Descubra Panamá con la nueva Guía deCiudadesde Descargue gratis en su Android la guía deturismode y consulte toda la información totalmenteenespañol. Mapas, recorridos, puntos de interés, los mejoreshotelesy mucho más!Es gratis y muy fácil de usar.  Seleccione y descarguelaguía de Panamá para contar con toda la información necesariaparaaprovechar al máximo su viaje.Conozca el Canal de Panamá y las mejores playas deAméricaLatina! Arme sus itinerarios para conocer cada rincón dePanamá conlos mejores datos! Opiniones, críticas y recomendacionesdeviajeros. Las Guías turísticas de cuentan con lamejorinformación en español para que planifique se viaje. Todaslasactividades que puede realizar, con el mejor asesoramiento delosusuarios.INFORMACIÓNConsulte todas las atracciones y las actividades imperdiblesparaorganizar su viaje como si fuera local. Encuentre todalainformación de Panamá, mapas, tips, recomendaciones,opiniones,críticas, distancias, ubicaciones y medios de transporteparamoverse sin problemas.QUÉ HACERDescubra un mundo de actividades! Conozca la ubicación delosprincipales puntos de interés, museos, zoológicos, plazas,parques,aeropuertos y hoteles. No se pierda los mejores lugares dePanamápara ir de compras, disfrutar los espectáculos másimportantes,aprovechar la vida nocturna o  apreciar lanaturaleza.Toda la información de Panamá estará disponible en su Androidconsólo descargar la aplicación de!HOTELESTodos los hoteles en un mismo lugar! El listado más ampliodehoteles en Panamá se encuentra en las Guías de Consulte y reserve los hoteles próximos asuubicación; precios, servicios y condiciones de contratación,yconozca las puntuaciones y opiniones de otros usuarios. Losmejoresprecios garantizados de Hoteles de!FAVORITOSSea su propio guía! Organice su lista de favoritos paratenersiempre en cuenta las actividades que no se quiere perder,marquelos lugares de Panamá que desea conocer y no pierdaningúndetalle!Descargue gratis en su Android la guía turística deDespegar.comy tenga toda la información para su viaje totalmenteenespañol.Discover Panama withthenew Guide Cities. Free Download in tour guide and see all the information inSpanish.Maps, tours, attractions, best hotels and more!It's free and easy to use. Select and download the guidefromPanama to have all the information needed to make the most ofyourtrip.Meet the Panama Canal and the best beaches in LatinAmerica!Build your itineraries to know every corner of Panama bythe bestavailable! Reviews, reviews and traveler Travel Guides have the best information in Spanishtoplan you trip. All activities can be performed with the bestadvicefrom users.INFORMATIONSee all the attractions and activities you must do to organizeyourtrip like a local. Find all the information of Panama, maps,tips,recommendations, opinions, reviews, distance, location andmeans oftransport to move smoothly.WHAT TO DODiscover a world of activities! Know the location of the mainpointsof interest, museums, zoos, parks, airports and hotels. Donot missPanama the best places to shop, enjoy the shows mostimportant, makethe nightlife or appreciate nature.Panama All information will be available on your Androidbydownloading the application!HOTELSAll hotels in one place! The complete list of the hotels inPanamais in the Tourist Guides. Browse and book thehotelsclose to their location, prices, services and conditionsofemployment, and meet scores and reviews from other users.Bestprices guaranteed Hotels!FAVORITESBe your own guide! Organize your favorites to always takeintoaccount the activities that do not want to lose, mark theplaceswhere you want to know Panama and do not miss anydetails!Download for free on your Android tourist guideandhave all the information for your trip entirely in Spanish.
Bocas Mobi - Bocas del Toro 9.0.0
Estado Latente
Bocas Mobi is a tourisme app project createdbyinsiders. Our mission is to support the community by sharingwhat wehave discovered in this remote place, Bocas del ToroPanama, withothers hoping to discover its most beautiful secrets,beaches, surfbreaks, dive spots, tours, and best places to sleep,eat and drink.“This APP is completely free and has no advertisingsysteminvolved. None of the companies, or third parties listed havepaidto appear. Is a free model create to help Bocas del Toroheritage& culture. Is a nonprofit APP”200 Local Business18 Dive Spots11 Surf Breaks11 Beaches7 Islands2 CaysGet local Bocas del Toro flavor in the palm of your hand!A complete travel and tourism guide to Bocas del Toro,Panama,with tourism hotspots, travel ideas, best beaches,touristattractions, surf breaks, dive and snorkeling spots,restaurants,shops, hotels and much more.Surfers, divers, explorers, adventurers, backpackers,families,and tourists never had such an easy option for getting thewholescoop on Bocas del Toro. More than 250 GPS spots were chosenforyour convenience.Whatever your plan, Bocas Mobi App provides thoroughinformationabout all the restaurants and specials, hotels, tours,trips,weather, special events, happy hours, supermarkets,shops,transport, emergency services, and Tripadvisor reviews. Youcanalso call a taxi and local businesses directly from the app.Super easy to use thanks to the app’s integrated GPSsystem,providing location and routes calculated by GoogleMaps.Includes a route planner for traveling from Bocas Town tothebest spots on the island – surf breaks, beaches, restaurants,divespots, shops, pharmacies – on foot, by bicycle, car andtaxiboat!Secret places discovered by insiders are suggested foryouenjoyment.We created this app in order to share our love for Bocas delToroand provide others with an insider’s knowledge of what to do,when,where, why and how best to do.Now it’s your turn: CREATE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE
Continental & Casino Panama 1.0
Carlos Ariel Cardoze
With this application you can make mobile devices and viewyourreservations in one of the most central hotels in Panama City.-Location with google map - Links to our various social networksandour website - You can call directly or send email toourreservation center - Links to popular pages of Panama City.