Top 50 Apps Similar to The Last Express

Bloodstained:RotN '1.34'
Exptional Global
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a hardcoreGothicside-scrolling ARPG.
RPG Monochrome Order 1.1.2g
Guide the world through Judgments in a fantasy RPG withmultipleendings!
Hakuoki: Premium Edition 1.3.8
Idea Factory Co.,Ltd
The original "Hakuoki" game can now be enjoyed as an app.
Samurai of Hyuga 2 1.0.16
Hosted Games
Prepare to return to the land of silk and steel, youbloodthirstyronin!
Myths of the World: The Heart 1.0
Big Fish Games
When a dragon attacks your plane, you're drawn into the adventureofa lifetime!
RPG Alphadia2 1.0.8g
Unleash your energi once again and enjoy an immersive RPGexperiencewithout IAP
Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mys 1.0
Artifex Mundi
Stop a terrible curse!
RPG Dead Dragons 1.1.2g
Who will survive, dragons or humans? Dragon-hunting RPG!
[Premium] RPG Revenant Dogma 1.1.6g
Turn the tides with transformations in a 3D battle RPG! Get1000bonus points!
Secret Files: Sam Peters 1.4.2
Mythology meets adventure in an interactive novella from theSecretFiles series
Premium-RPG Chroma Quaternion 1.1.9g
A quest around four kingdoms, colored by the seasons!
RPG Soul Historica 1.1.3g
An RPG with multiple endings based on your choice!
RPG Grace of Letoile - KEMCO 1.1.3g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Throw yourself into fierce battlestostealSertzes, the cores of automatas able to make wishes cometrue!Thetwelve numbers engraved on the Chronos Gauge are thekeytovictory! Vedley, who lost his parents in a sad incident,hearsfromAchieitz about the existence of the Letoiles, who are abletomakeany wish come true. In order to turn back time and try tosavehisparents, Vedley makes a pact with a Letoile andbecomesherMaschelle, and they throw themselves into the battlestostealSertzes from the other Letoiles. Control time, baffleenemies,andturn the course of battles! After all theferociousfighting...What awaits Vedley? Skill Plates and Gems SkillGemshave manydifferent powers, and when fitted into a Skill Plate,aGem makesit possible for a character to use magic or a skill.BycombiningGems, characters may also be able to use specialskills.Also, byflicking a Skill Plate, it can be rotated, and it iseasyto changethe positions of skills already fitteddirectlycorresponding tothe Chronos Gauge. The outcome of everybattlecomes down to thetactics you choose! During battles, thecharactericons are shownon the left-hand side of the screen, andnext tothem, a range ofeffects are sometimes displayed. These areknown asField Effects,and if a character’s turn comes while one ofthoseeffects is shownnext to their icon, the character can gainthebenefits of thateffect. However, Field Effects are notalwaysadvantageous. Thereare also disadvantageous effects. Also,effectsapply to apply toboth enemies and allies. However, byraising thelevel of theChronos Gauge to 100% or more, you canlaunch InterruptActions.When an advantageous effect is attached toan enemy, orwhen adisadvantageous effect is attached to an ally,you can useanInterrupt Action to change the order of thecharacters'actions,and avoid these unfavorable situations. TheChronos Gaugeholds thekey to victory! The Chronos Gauge isnecessary forcharacters to beable to use the Particular Skills theyeach have,or to be able tolaunch Interrupt Actions, with which theorder ofthe characters'actions can be changed. The Gauge has adisplay likea clock, withthe numbers 1 to 12, and at the start of abattle oneof thenumbers will glow. The glowing number will moveclockwiseeach timean ally or enemy performs an action. At thistime, if youuse askill corresponding to the glowing number, a JustTime Bonuswillbe triggered, and the level of the Gauge will recoverby alargeamount. Also, the level of the Gauge increases, althoughonlyby alittle, when enemies are defeated. The Gauge is sharedacrossallparty members, so it's a good idea to pay attention to thelevelasyou use Particular Skills and launch Interrupt Actions!*Thisgamefeatures some in-app-purchase content.Whilein-app-purchasecontent requires additional fees, it isnotnecessary for finishingthe game. *The actual price mightdifferdepending on the region.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SDCardStorage] - Enabled [Languages]- English, Japanese[Non-SupportedDevices] This app has generallybeen tested to work onany mobiledevice released in Japan. Wecannot guarantee support onotherdevices. [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Youruse of the applicationrequiresyour agreement to the followingEULA and 'Privacy PolicyandNotice'. If you do not agree, pleasedo not downloadourapplication. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage] (C)2014KEMCO/MAGITEC
Windward 201706030
Tasharen Entertainment
*** NOTE: Requires a high-performance device, such asNVIDIASHIELD.Run the Windward: Performance Test (free app) to checkyourdevice'sperformance before buying the game. Designed fromthestart to be afully procedural co-op game, Windward can beplayedby yourself, butit truly comes alive when playing withfriends.Start by generatinga procedural world that will be uniqueto you,design your owncustom faction then sail forward fightingpirates,trading withtowns, doing quests or simply exploring -- it'sup toyou how youwant to play. As you sail about you will findresourcesyou can makeuse of, upgrades for your ship, new towns thatwillask yourassistance, and as you get farther out from thestartingarea --various pirates that will attempt to take what'srightfullyyours.Combat experience will let you unlock new talentsandabilities tomake that particular line of work easier. As youtakeupconsignments with towns and fulfill their productionshortages,thetowns will grow, offering more quests, more resourcesandbetteritems. As the towns continue to grow they will offer youachoice toupgrade your ship itself. Would you prefer a fastSchoonertoexplore the world, or a heavy Galleon that's able totake up5consignments at once? Or perhaps a massive Ship of theLine totakethe fight with the pirates to their heartlands? As youexploretheworld and get farther away from your starting area, thegamewillbecome progressively more difficult -- but so willtherewards.Throughout all of this you can expect the pirates toputup a fairfight, as the AI is bound by the same rules astheplayer: they havesight, and must explore the map before theycanknow what's there.Speaking of AI, build a fearsome reputationandthe AI will respectyou, even fear you -- avoiding you if atallpossible. Some friendlyAI will even choose to follow youandassist you in your ownadventures. And so, on the topicofadventures -- ready to haveyours?
RPG Tears Revolude 1.1.1g
A classic command-based RPG with 3D map interface and smoothbattleanimation!
Crystalline 48
A choice-driven, fantasy adventure visual novel featuringfullvoice-over!
Samurai of Hyuga 3 1.0.17
Hosted Games
Silk and steel, demons and magic. Prepare yourself, youinsaneronin!
RPG Liege Dragon 1.1.6g
Find the Dragon Tools of legend to stand up to the Evil Dragon inafantasy RPG!
FINAL FANTASY IV: THE AFTER YEARS is available on Android devices!
[Premium] RPG Seek Hearts 1.1.2g
Set out on an adventure to discover Izen's origins in thisfantasyRPG!
RPG Record of Agarest War Zero
To celebrate the opening of the holidayseasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titlesavailablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off ormore.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the listbelow:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameona big screen TVHyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartacticalrole-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consoles,Record ofAgarest War Zero (English version), is now available forAndroid. Inthis new episode, Prequel of Record of Agarest War,discover howeverything began...Story:Long before Summerill and the gods of darkness were defeatedinRecord of Agarest War,another battle was fought across generations to save the worldfromevil.Record of Agarest War Zero takes you back to thatancienttime.The war between the forces of darkness and the forces of light,aconflict already many years old,has been fought to a stalemate. In the nation of Kraltarla,theforces of light hold back the evil hordesof darkness spilling from Findeste at the Scarred Mountains,butonly just. In a desperate attempt togain an advantage that could change the course of the war,thegenerals of the armies of light dispatch their loyalservantSieghart, whom fate has seen fit to grant a strange andawesomepower.Sieghart’s mission takes him across Kraltarla to gatherthecomponents for a magical toolthat can free the imprisoned blacksmith of the gods, so thathemight forge magical artifactsof great and terrible power for the forces of light.* 3D Battle Scenes.* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.9 GB of data* Full 720p HD graphic assets* Fully voice acted (in Japanese only)* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for therightmoment to string together massive combo attacks usingmultipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Enhanced battle system including combo system, breakandoverkill* Experience "Living Portraits" animated characters breathe,move,and move their lips in sync with the voice acting.* Soul-Breeding System - Once again, the choice of bride at theendof the first generation further determines the skill setsandweapon of the offspring.* Card Skill System - Customize your main character's weaponchoiceand skills through this unique character generationsystem.* Feel Link - unlock and change character costumes based onyourrelationship level with other heroines. Maid, ShintoPriestess,Nurse and School uniform are available depending oneachcharacter.* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 100 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mappingandexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers.* Ability to automatically backup your save data to GoogleCloudthrough Google Play Game Services.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGameServices.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Extra mode, unlock the original Record of Agarest War mapsandcharacters for you to play with.* Support for Android TV with Game Controller.** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ **- DLC content purchase not required to complete the game.- You need at least 1.9GB of free space.- Game is set by default to use the HIGHEST resolution andgraphicsettings available by your device. Please adjust thesesettings inthe option screen should your device be a littleunderpowered tosupport the full hires data.©2014-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed andpublishedby HYPERDEVBOX JAPAN.Hyperdevbox website:
RPG Grinsia 1.2.0g
Find the six treasures in a world created by twin Goddesses inafantasy RPG!
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced
A story-rich, tactical RPG in the Dungeons & DragonsPlanescapesetting.
RPG Crystal Ortha 1.1.3g
Search the mother lode of legend in a fantasy RPG withimmersivepixels!
Bridge to Another World: The O 1.0.0
Big Fish Games
Can you find the cure to save your brother from the Others?
[Premium] RPG Ghost Sync 1.1.2g
A fateful RPG involving a magical lady and a spirit of amanpossessing a dog!
RPG Symphony of the Origin
SPECIAL PRICE44% OFF(USD 8.99 -> USD 4.99)!!!Humans, elves, dwarves, the Evils of the Earth-depths,andgolems!Different people, different tribes, different motives- allcometogether in this classic fantasy RPG!Featured on NVIDIA TegraZone.Now with controller support for NVIDIA SHIELD and Android TV.The lands where the humans, elves and dwarves live continue tobeattacked by hideous creatures that have appeared from theverybowels of the earth. The attacks are frequent and widespread,andthe attackers commit the most terrible of atrocities.These attackers have been dubbed the 'Evils oftheEarth-depths'One day, Granzalk Castle is the subject of an attack by the Evilsofthe Earth-depths.In the midst of the fierce fighting, Ryle, a youngapprenticeswordsman whose parents were both killed in a previousattack bythe Evils, and who vows revenge, finds himself in theundergroundchambers of the castle. In one of those chambers, hediscovers agolem built to oppose the Evils.And so the quest begins: Ryle takes the fate of the kingdom onhisshoulders, and, along with Denoas, the golem built to opposetheEvils, sets off first to the village of the elves...This is KEMCO's first brand-new RPG designed from the groundupespecially for smartphones!Don't miss the epic story that unfolds around Ryle and Denoasandthe characters they encounter, each with their own intentionsandmotives!Smoothly Animated Dynamic BattlesSmooth animation and dramatic voice effects bring thecharacters'battle scenes to life.There are huge numbers of enemies trying to stop your progress.Someof them even have parts which are destroyed when they aredamagedbeyond a certain level. For example, an enemy might be cladinformidable armor to begin with, but if that armor is destroyed,theenemy's appearance changes and defense ability drops… but ontheother hand, the enemy's movements might become swifter.Don't ignore these changes- use them to alter the battlesituationto your advantage!Customize Weapons and Statuses!The characters' weapons are each made up of parts, and bycombiningthese parts, you can change attack strength, not tomention themagic and skills the characters can use.What's more, by reinforcing weapons at a Weapon Shop, youcanupgrade the weapons to be much more powerful than theyoriginallywere.In addition, by assigning Merit Points on the Status screen, youcanstrengthen different statuses as you want- and you can adjustthesestatuses at any time.*The actual price might differ depending on the region.[Supported OS versions]- 2.1 and up[Supported screen sizes]- Sizes above HVGA(320x480)[Xperia(TM) PLAY]- Not optimized for Xperia(TM) PLAY[Installation on SD card]- Enabled[Supported languages]- Japanese, English[Incompatible devices]- HT-03A(OS1.6), Xperia(OS1.6), LYNX(OS1.6), Optimuschat(OS2.2),IS01(OS1.6), 003Z(OS2.2), S31HW(OS2.2), Aria(OS2.2)(This app hasgenerally been tested to work on any mobile devicereleased inJapan. We cannot guarantee support on otherdevices.)__________________________________________Your use of the application constitutes your acceptance ofthefollowing EULA: the latest information![Newsletter][Facebook page] KEMCO/World Wide Software
[Premium] RPG Asdivine Dios 1.2.1g
Tale about divine encounters with mankind! Premium ver. gives1000bonus points!
RPG Link of Hearts - KEMCO 1.2.5g
What crisis threatens Earth? Find it out in a galactic fantasy RPG!
RPG Fortuna Magus (Trial) 1.0.8g
Head out in search of your missing father, and stand up forthepersecuted magi!
Premium- Marenian Tavern Story 1.1.7g
A fantasy RPG where you cook, eat, collect, fight and explore!
Bridge to Another World: Burnt 1.0.0
Big Fish Games
Enter a world where art and reality join hands inthisheart-stopping adventure!
Premium-RPG Wizards of Brandel 1.1.7g
A fantasy RPG where differing beliefs and principles clash!
RPG Shelterra the Skyworld 1.1.6g
Summon Artifacts and explore the Skyworld to prevent itfromfalling!
Shadowplay: Darkness Incarnate 1.0.0
Big Fish Games
Something terrible lurks in the halls of the Iron Gate Asylum!
Tales of Illyria:Fallen Knight 186.007
Little Killerz
A story driven turn based combat RPG. Go on quest, fight, getXP,and level up.
Persian Nights (Full) 2.4
Artifex Mundi
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders (Full)
Premium-What Hadjane Says Goes 1.1.1g
Summon minions and rule the underworld in a fantasy action RPG!
Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom 1.13g
Become the court blacksmith adventuring in the Sand Kingdom inafantasy RPG!
Fortezza Europa - Londra 5.1
Infinity Mundi
Fortress Europe - London, an investigative and dystopian book
7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact 1.0.18
Choice of Games LLC
Fight for what's right—as a pirate! Battle slavers, seamonsters,and criminals.
Take charge and shape your own adventure with ultimate freedomofchoice.
RPG Blood of Calamity 1.1.2g
Ancient Japan meets fantasy in a JRPG over the bloodlines offournoble clans!
RPG Knight of the Earthends 1.1.2
Rush headlong to the ends of the earth!
Legend of the Moon(Free) 1.0
action platformer game, collect spirits, learn skills and killthemoon!
The 7th Guest: Remastered 2.1.5
The famous game remastered for its Anniversary!
Premium-RPG Heirs of the Kings 1.1.3g
A story of destiny for those with the blood of the rulers! Get1000bonus KHP!
RPG Eclipse of Illusion 1.1.1g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. A creeping plot by amassiveorganizationinvolving powerful Summoned Armor begins tothreatenthe world! Afantasy RPG of light and darkness whereillusionsclash! One day,the bounty hunter Raya happens to free ayoung man,Theo, from hisbandit captors. Theo ventures out togetherwith thestrong-mindedRaya, but they soon find themselves draggedinto agiant plot,forcing them to confront the Cult of Arshedd andtheEmpire ofGalvaris! Powerful Summoned Armor Summoned Armorareintimidating,powerful weapons that are summoned and wornduringbattle. Playerscan freely customize their Summoned Armor withpartsthat increasetheir abilities and add new attacks. AcquireLicensesand ChangeClasses Use Class Licenses found in shops andaround theworld tochange the class of your characters. Each classhas uniquebattlecommands and abilities, and changing a character'sclassalsochanges their appearance. A Full Theme Song andRecordedCharacterVoices You can enjoy this game's theme song on thetitlescreen.Character voices are also played during combatscenes,addingexcitement and realism to battles. (*Theme songandcharactervoices are only in Japanese.) *This gamefeaturessomein-app-purchase content. While in-app-purchasecontentrequiresadditional fees, by no means it is necessary forfinishingthegame. *The actual price might differ depending ontheregion.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SD Card Storage] -Enabled[Languages]- English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] Thisapp hasgenerallybeen tested to work on any mobile device releasedinJapan. Wecannot guarantee support on other devices.[IMPORTANTNOTICE] Youruse of the application requires youragreement to thefollowingEULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. Ifyou do not agree,pleasedo not download our application. End UserLicenseAgreement: Privacy PolicyandNotice: Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter][Facebookpage]
Samurai of Hyuga 1.0.13
Hosted Games
Prepare to enter the land of silk and steel, you bloodthirstyronin!
The VideoKid 1.0.0
FGL Indie Showcase
Are you ready for The Videokid challenge?