Top 8 Apps Similar to Dukanee

Bestie App 1.2
Bestie Inc.
Discover and buy awesome products submitted by cool people.Bestieis a newand fun way to collect, organize, shop, share, and buy all oftheinternet’s products.Create an account and start following friends, strangers, andyourfavorite stores.Collect products by finding them anywhere on the internetanduploading them toyour account using the Bestie mobile app.Organize your favorite products into collections that you createandmanage.Shop around on Bestie. You can watch your feed to see alltheawesome productsuploaded by the accounts you follow. Every day you open upBestie,you’ll see newproducts found by your closest friends, creative people, and thetopretailers on theplanet. Or, if you’re feeling old fashioned, go to the shop pageinthe app and searchfor anything and everything.Share with your followers. You’re a cool cat, and everybodyknowsit. Share yourproduct finds with the world. Are you a store with a Bestieaccount?Gain followerson Bestie and keep them in the loop on every single new productyouintroduce tothe world.Buy now! Just click the “BUY” button from your mobile appandindulge. Moneycomes and goes, but having the coolest stuff out therelastsforever.
Videdressing: Fashion Together 7.6.0
A place where fashion lovers and shopping enthusiasts over theworldcan buy and sell. List items, track down the latest trendsand findthat special something. Join our community of over amillionmembers! AN OUTSTANDING CATALOGUE IN WHICH TO FIND THE ITEMOF YOURDREAMS - Over 3,000 new items listed daily. - The widestrange ofluxury, high-end, on-trend fashion with close to 950,000bags,dresses, shoes, heels, jewellery, jackets, jeans, accessoriesandmore for women, men and kids. - Up to 80% off the retail priceofluxury items, great deals and special offers all year round!SELLWHAT'S IN YOUR WARDROBE AND BOOST YOUR SHOPPING BUDGET! -Createyour profile in just one click - Post your photos and addinfo -Sell your new or pre-loved items - Arrange your privatesaleswherever you are BUY LUXURY AND BRAND NAME ITEMS WITHCOMPLETE PEACEOF MIND - Money Back Guarantee: return the itemyou've just boughtand get a refund - All luxury items are checkedand certified by ourteams - Secure payment See you soon onVidedressing! Feel free tosend us your comments and suggestions onthe app You can also follow uson: : ©LBC France
Crazy Deals 1.1.9
Crazy Deals LLC
Crazy Deals app now offers you the powerofshopping across anywhere in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman,Qatar,and Bahrain & that all too in your pocket. Yourfavoriteshopping brand is finally available for Android users!Everythingthat made you fall in love with online shopping isincorporated inour Crazydeals app which makes it simple, fast andfun.Get Crazy Shopping Experience by discovering your desirableproductsfrom our pool of over 1 million items and deals. You willfind newand easy way of navigating across our shopping categoriesfrom ourhigh resolution product images plus you can always skimyour searchwith easy to use filters.With Crazy Deals app you can:• Login via Fb and Twitter accounts• Speak to text feature, making it easier for you to search andshopfor your favorite products without theneed        to type.• Discover your desired products or swipe across yourshoppingcategories with ease.• Keep your favorite products to Wish-list and add to Shoppingcartdirectly from the wish list screen.• Super easy check out process with completely securedpaymentprocedures• Get App-specific Daily Shopping Deals and Discounts• Share your favorite products and deals with friends overFacebook,twitter and other social media forums• Track the status of your orders and a lot moreRevolutionize your Shopping experience, download the CrazyDealsapp now and get mouthwatering deals and discounts on thego.
Low Price at Tmart 2.4.0
Tmart Limited
The Tmart Mobile application brings together the highcost-effectiveproducts of, including Daily deals, Under$1.99, and Topsellers. You can find all products in the categoriesof Tmart, viewproducts details and customers reviews, place anorder and trackyour order quickly. Enjoy low prices for allplaces, worldwide freeshipping in Tmart Mobile application. 5.15.0
Shopgate GmbH
Bei finden Sie ein riesen AngebotanDesign Möbeln zu stark reduzierten Preisen. Täglich können SieneueProdukte zu tollen Preisen entdecken. Unser Sortiment bestehtausindividuellen und dennoch für jedermann bezahlbarenDesignermöbelnfür die Wohnungseinrichtung und den Garten. DiePreise der Möbelsind bis zu 70% günstiger als im traditionellenMöbelhandel. Belianierreicht dies dadurch, dass die Möbel direktab Fabrik und ohneZwischenhändler über den Online-Shopinternational vertriebenwerden.Von extravaganten bis hin zu stilvollen Einrichtungsideenfindethier jeder Einrichtungs- und Designliebhaber etwas fürseinenGeschmack. Wir bieten Sofas und Betten, Bürostühle aller ArtundGrösse, Polstermöbel, die von Sofabetten bis hin zuSitzsäckenreichen, Whirlpools und viele andere moderne Möbel an.Diese gibtes bei uns in unterschiedlichen Farben, Designs undausverschiedenen Materialien, sodass zu jedem Einrichtungsstildaspassende Möbelstück dabei ist. Die Materialien reichen vonRattan,Massivholz, Granit, Aluminium, Edelstahl, Leder, Stoff, Teakbishin zu Beton.Ob schlicht oder ausgefallen, bunt oder einfarbig, rund odereckig,aus Holz oder aus Rattan – bei uns gibt es die passendenMöbeln fürSie in vielen Farben und Formen. Ob klassischeGartenmöbel in einemmodernen Design wie ein Strandkorb oder einehandgeflochtene RattanSitzgruppe, stilvolle Esstische, Stühle,Bartische, luxuriöseLiegen oder Kissenboxen; bei Beliani werden Sieden Schatz finden,welchen Sie gesucht haben. Die Produkte bestechennicht nur durchihre edle Optik, sondern auch durch ihre hochwertigeVerarbeitung.Alle Artikel unterliegen einer hohenQualitätskontrolle.Rattan Möbel sind total im Trend. Vor allemPolyrattanmöbelgeniessen dank ihrer unkomplizierten Beschaffenheiteine ungemeingrosse Beliebtheit bei den Kunden. Man möchte Möbelfür den Garten,doch echtes Rattan ist sehr heikel. Aus diesem Grundist Polyrattansehr empfehlenswert, da dieses Material 100%wetterfest ist und dasganze Jahr über draussen gelassen werdenkann. Die Möbel sindästhetisch und bereichern jeden Balkon,Terrasse oder Garten. Sobringt Ihnen Beliani einen Hauch von Urlaubnach Hause.Unter unseren Designermöbeln werden Sie bestimmt das finden, wasSiesuchen. Über die Navigation auf der Startseitewww.beliani.chgelangen Sie sehr schnell zu den Möbeln, welche Siesuchen. DieUnterkategorien sorgen für eine noch gezieltereSuchaktion. Siefinden zu allen Möbeln auch das passende Zubehör,wie z.B.Regenschutz, extra Kissenbezugsset, Zierkissen, Kissenbox,Matratzeoder Lattenrost. Machen Sie sich auf die Suche! Sie werdenerstauntsein wie viel Beliani zu bieten hat. Erschaffen Sie sichIhrenpersönlichen Wellness- und Ruhebereich oder stellen Siedieexklusiven Möbel auf Ihre Terrasse, in Ihren Garten,Wintergartenoder auch in Ihr Wohnzimmer.Werten Sie Ihren Wohnbereich auf und geben Sie ihm einepersönlicheNote! Sie werden sich zu Hause puddelwohl fühlen undsich an derangenehmen Atmosphäre erfreuen können. Beliani wünschtIhnen vielSpass beim Entdecken der grossen Vielfalt anProdukten.In you findahuge range of designer furniture at greatly reduced prices.Everyday you can discover new products at great prices. Ourrangeconsists of individual and yet affordable for everyonedesignerfurniture for the home furnishings and garden. The pricesof thefurniture are up to 70% cheaper than traditional furniturestores.Beliani achieves this by the fact that the furniture issoldinternationally directly from the factory withoutintermediariesthrough the online shop.From extravagant to stylish decor ideas here every furnishinganddesign lovers something for his taste. We offer sofas andbeds,office chairs of all kinds and sizes, upholsteredfurniture,ranging from beds to sofa bean bags, hot tubs and manyother modernfurniture. These are available with us in differentcolors, designsand made of different materials, so that anyinterior style is theperfect piece of furniture there. Thematerials range from rattan,solid wood, granite, aluminum,stainless steel, leather, fabric,teak and even concrete.Whether plain or fancy, colorful or plain, round or square, madeofwood or rattan - we do the right furniture for you in manycolorsand shapes. Whether classic garden furniture in a moderndesignlike a beach chair or a hand-woven rattan furniture, stylishdiningtables, chairs, bar tables, luxurious loungers or pillowboxes,with Beliani you will find the treasure what you have beenlookingfor. The products are not only look stylish, but also bytheir highquality workmanship. All articles are subject to a highqualitycontrol.Rattan furniture is totally on trend. EspeciallyPolyrattanmöbelenjoy thanks to its uncomplicated nature of anextremely highpopularity among the customers. You want furniturefor the garden,but real rattan is very tricky. For this reason,poly rattan ishighly recommended because this material is 100%weatherproof andcan be left on all year round outside. Thefurniture isaesthetically and enrich every balcony, terrace orgarden. So youBeliani brings a touch of holiday home.Among our designer furniture you will definitely find what youarelooking for. Use the navigation on the home page www.beliani.chyouget very quickly to the furniture that you are looking for.Thesubcategories provide a more targeted search operation. Youwillfind all the matching furniture and accessories, such asRaincover,extra Kissenbezugsset, decorative cushions, cushion box,mattressor bed base. Embark on the hunt! You will be amazed howmuch it hasto offer Beliani. Create your personal wellness andrelaxation areaor provide the exclusive furniture on your patio, inyour garden,conservatory or even in your living room.Enhance your living area and give it a personal touch!Puddelwohlyou will feel at home and can enjoy the pleasantatmosphere.Beliani hopes you have fun exploring the great varietyofproducts.
Nine West México 2.11
West Mex S.A. de C.V.
Descubre Nine West Android app gratis.Encuentra nuestros zapatos, bolsas y accesorios de unamanerarápida y sencilla; disfrutando de una mejor experiencia decompradesde tu celular.Nine West DiscoverfreeAndroid app.Find our shoes, bags and accessories quickly and easily;enjoyinga better shopping experience from your phone.
Finally, a fun way to shoe-shop on the go! Browse theworld’slargest variety easily or just scan any store’s barcode,then getfree shipping plus free returns on your perfect pair –since 2000,millions have found theirs with ShoeBuy. Whatever yourfoot, fit,or fancy, you’ll find your match for every occasion –includingclothing, bags, and accessories! Download our app –featuresinclude: • FREE Shipping + FREE Exchanges • ShoeFanRewards(Members save more – join FREE!) • Vast Selection ofSought-afterBrands • World’s Largest Variety of Styles & Sizes(You nameit; we got it.) • Barcode Scanning (Wherever you find yourfave,order it easily with us.) • Wish List (Can’t decide betweenstyles?Save ‘em for later.) Your voice matters! Post a review –we’realways looking for ways to improve your mobile shoppingexperience,and love to hear about your flawless finds. If you’renot in lovewith it at first fit, we’ll make it right. That’sShoeBuying.
Adriano 1.1
Пицца ADRIANO – круглосуточноеудовольствие–круглосуточная доставка пиццы по Киеву, заказ пиццы надом изаказпиццы в офис!Мы позаботились, чтобы наши клиенты смоглиполакомитьсявкуснейшейитальянской пиццей в любое время, как толькоони тогозахотят!Доставка пиццы по Киеву производится нами 24 часа всутки,7 дней внеделю!Pizza ADRIANO -dayandnight fun - Hour pizza delivery in Kiev, order pizza athomeandorder pizza in the office!We have taken care to ensure that our customers are able toenjoyadelicious Italian pizza at any time, as soon as theywish!Pizzadelivery in Kiev made us 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek!