Top 15 Apps Similar to Strong Vibrator

Vibrator Massage Pink Free 1.0
Entertainment Prank
Vibrator Massage Pink is averysimpleand app for massage! Strait to the point, install and getafreemassage using the vibration of your phone.You also can choose the intensity of the vibrationplususingthe range button.Vibrate can help you relax. But massage therapy candomuchmore than that. Massage, one of the simplest and naturalwayofmedical care.Note: Vibrator Massage Pink app is like a joke on the phone,itisonly complementary solution, no substitute for adedicateddevicevibrates.Using applications for too long can affect hardware devices,aswellas the device's battery life.- Body Massage Vibration- Constant vibration- Fast and light pulses- Meadium pulses- More powerful massage- Deep massage- Massage Machine- Massage Vibrator- Masaje Vibrador- Massageador Vibrador
Best Vibrator Ever 3.1
Freitas App Solutions
With a simple and elegant design, BestVibratorEver will provide to you memorable intimate moments
Vibrator 1
Vibrator for women, men, girls and boys.Usethevibrator as you want...Manage vibration device.Features:- continuous vibration- random vibration- vibration customizing
Good Vibes 1.2
Michael F Doiron
Tense, stressed out, sore muscles, orneedtoescape for a while? Good Vibes app is just what you need.The great thing is that right on your mobile phone you nowhaveamuscle massager any time of day!What a great conversation piece that is fun and easy touse!GoodVibes is the new BUZZ word!How to Use:1) Swipe to select massager of your choice2) Activate vibrations with switch then choose yourvibrationpatterby pressing the button with double arrows (onthebottommiddle)3) Set your own custom vibration pattern by choosingthe“RhythmRecorder” function from the vertical slider menu.
Vibrator Premium 1.3
Use your phone as an amazing vibrator ! The best vibratorforwomans!
DLD Dildo letras 0.0.1
DLD (anteriormente conocidos como Dildo),esunabanda de rock mexicana proveniente de Naucalpan deJuárez,Estado deMéxico formada en noviembre del 1998.Formación (1998-2006)Dildo se formó a finales del año 1998 en Ciudad Satélite.Peronofue sino hasta el año 2002 en que Dildo capturó la atencióndelosmedios especializados y la industria musical, despuésdeconseguirel 2° lugar en el concurso “Rastreo de bandas2003”,organizado poruna estación de radio de rock de la CiudaddeMéxico. Dildo llamó laatención de varias compañíasdiscográficas,logrando conseguir suprimer contrato con una compañíade rockindependiente deMéxico.Su disco homónimo que fue bien acogido por la gente yporlaprensa; Dildo (como se hacían llamar) comenzó arealizarconciertospor toda la República Mexicana alternando conlasagrupaciones máspopulares de la escena del rock dehablahispana.En el 2005 presentaron su segundo álbum, incluyeroncincotemasinéditos, nueve del primer disco grabados en vivo ytodoslosvídeos que ya tenían ese momento. La banda por primeraveztocófuera del país en una gira que abarcó más de 14 fechasporEstadosUnidos, incluyendo un show como estelares en el roxydelosángeles, escenario legendario que ha tenido a personalidadesdelatalla de The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa y DavidBowie.Participaron en la edición 2006 del festival “Rock alParque”enColombia, sólo tres grupos mexicanos encabezaronelcartel:Jaguares, Nortec y DLD. También participaron porsegundaocasión enel festival Vive Latino, aquí asistieron más de20milpersonas.Ventura (2007)Comenzaron a figurar como una de las bandasindependientesmásfructíferas por su interesante récord de shows enMéxico y enelextranjero. En el 2007 presentan su tercer álbumVentura,proyectocuyo concepto simula un viaje en carretera.En esta época la banda decide abreviar el nombre de DildoaDLDpara evitar problemas legales y al mismo tiempo noofenderlasusceptibilidad de la gente que sentía muy fuertelapalabra.Por Encima (2009)En 2009, ya como DLD, lanzan el álbum Por Encima y lopresentanenvivo con un desenfrenado sold-out.Debido a su popularidad cada vez mayor han sidoinvitadosadiversos festivales como “Rock al Parque” de Colombia,“Quilmes”enArgentina y en múltiples ocasiones al “Vive Latino”deMéxico.Ganaron del premio Telehit 2010 como “Mejor bandaderock”.1Primario (2012-presente)2012 marcó una nueva etapa en la carrera de DLD ya queSonyMusiclos convenció de salir de la independencia paralograrconsolidarloscon un nuevo álbum de estudio que lleva pornombrePrimario.Para su presentación oficial, realizaron un concierto el25deenero del 2013 en el Auditorio Nacional.En 2013 recibieron el Disco de Oro por las ventas en Méxicoyenlos Latin Grammy de ese año, la academia latina delagrabaciónreconoce el tema "Todo Cuenta" al nominarlo como"Mejorcanción derock" y así mismo Primario es nominado en lacategoría"Mejor álbumpop/rock". El grupo participa en el segundotributo aJosé José conuna versión del clásico "Mi Vida".2DLD (formerlyknownasDildo) is a Mexican rock band from Naucalpan, StateofMexicoformed in November 1998.Formation (1998-2006)Dildo was formed in late 1998 in Ciudad Satelite. But itwasnotuntil 2002 that Dildo captured the attention ofthespecializedmedia and the music industry, after getting 2nd placeinthe"Tracking bands 2003" competition, organized by aradiostationRock Mexico City. Dildo caught the attention ofseveralrecordcompanies, managing to get their first contract withacompanyindie rock of Mexico.Their self-titled album was well received by the peopleandthepress; Dildo (as they called themselves) beganperformingconcertsthroughout Mexico alternating with the mostpopular groupsof therock scene speaking.In 2005 they presented their second album,includedfivepreviously unreleased tracks, nine of the first albumrecordedliveand all videos already had that time. The band firstplayedabroadon a tour that spanned more than 14 US dates, includingashow likestar in the roxy angels, the legendary scene thathashadpersonalities like The Doors, Led Zeppelin Frank ZappaandDavidBowie.Participated in the 2006 edition of the festival "RockalParque"in Colombia, only three Mexican groups led thecartel:Jaguars,Nortec and DLD. Also participating for the secondtime inthe ViveLatino festival, here attended by over20,000people.Ventura (2007)They began to rank as one of the most successfulforitsinteresting record shows in Mexico and abroad independentbands.In2007 presented his third album Ventura, whoseconceptprojectsimulates a road trip.At this time the band decided to abbreviate the name DLDDildotoavoid legal problems while not offending thesusceptibilityofpeople who felt very strong word.Above (2009)In 2009, and as DLD, released the album Above andpresentinglivewith unbridled sold-out.Due to its increasing popularity have been invitedtovariousfestivals like "Rock al Parque" in Colombia, "Quilmes"inArgentinaand on multiple occasions to "Vive Latino" ofMexico.TeleHit wonthe 2010 award for "Best Rock Band" .1Primary (2012-present)2012 marked a new stage in the career of Sony MusicDLDsinceleaving convinced to achieve independence consolidate withanewstudio album which bears the primary name.For its official launch, performed a concert on January25,2013at the National Auditorium.In 2013 they received a gold record for sales in MexicoandLatinGrammy that year, the Latin Recording Academy recognizesthesong"Everything Counts" to nominate him as "Best Rock Song"andlikewisePrimary is nominated in the category "Best pop album/rock". Thegroup participates in the second tribute to JoséJoséwith a versionof the classic "My Life" .2
Ramón Torres 2.5.6
El psicólogo Ramón Torres, especialista en temas de parejasymatrimonios, brinda consejos y reflexiones para ayudar alaspersonas con problemas sentimentales.
Best Voice Changer
Record yourself and then changeyourvoice.Select from many voices and effects.You can also add background sound, make it sound as if you are onaplane, during battle or change speech speed.Many voices to choose from.Voice Effects like echoAmbient sounds like airplaneChange speech speedEasy to use Simple swipe to change voiceInstant play of the modified voiceSave or send recordings as WAV filesNotes:▸ This app shows ads▸ This app can not change the voice during a phone call
Massager for Girls 1.0
Mobile SITech Apps
Massager for Girls and Women, Massager Apps gives urelaxationthrough Mobile vibration. Use it for your fun, you canenjoy yourMobile Massager vibrator, Now feel the real MassagerVibration. Youdon’t have a Massager at home, so now dont you worry,you have yourMobile in your Hand, that will work for Massagervibrator - Wedesigned beautiful girl’s favorite pink color.Vibration: - WeakVibration - Soft Vibration - Hard Vibration Itsdepend on you touse weak, soft or hard vibration. Important points:- Each phonemodel has a different vibration intensity. Disclaimer:This app isnot for medical use, This app is just for Fun andEntertainment, Donot Misuse the app, otherwise we are notResponsible for anyPersonal Damage. You can tell us our weak point,so we can improveour work and provide you more perfect qualitywork.
Razor Prank (Hair Trimmer Joke 1.9.0
Prank your friends with this cool razor / clipper / hairtrimmerjoke app!
Touch Vibrator 2.1.1
Touch Vibrator is a niftyapplicationthatvibrates your phone or tablet as you use it.
Vibrator 1.2
Η εφαρμογή Vibrator είναι ο καλύτεροςτρόποςγιανα παρακολουθήσετε τα τελευταία βίντεο τουVibratorοποιαδήποτεστιγμή όπου και αν βρίσκεστε,από το κινητό ή τοtabletσας.- Παρακολουθήστε τα βίντεο από τα κανάλια VibratorProductionsκαιVibrator Prive.- Μάθετε τα τελευτάια νέα του Vibrator.Developed by N1ckba. Vibratoristhebest way to watch the latest videos of Vibrator anytimewherever youare, from your mobile or tablet.- Watch videos from the channels Vibrator ProductionsandVibratorPrive.- Find out the latest news Vibrator.Developed by N1ckba.
Vibrador 1.4
Vibrador relaxante que permite a você obterdeforma tecnológica uma incrível massagem nas partes do corpoquemais lhe agradarem.**Não substitui nenhum tipo de tratamento medico**Languages supported:ChineseTurkishSpanishRussianFrenchSuecoHindiItalianCazaqueKoreanrelaxing vibratorthatallows you to get a technological form an incredible massagepartsof the body more pleasing to him.** Does not replace any medical treatment **Languages ​​supported:chineseturkishSpanishrussianFrenchSwedishHindiitalianKazakhKorean
Hot Videos 1.0
From Vines to movies, stay updated andnevermiss a trend again!
Modern Shaver 1.1
Enric del Molino
English:The most Modern Look&Feel Shaver in the AndroidMMarket,Highquality sound and Real vibration feedback.Español:La máquina de afeitar con el Look mas moderno en todoelAndroidMarket, Sonido de alta calidad y vibración real.Deutsch:Die meisten modernen Look & Feel Rasierer im AndroidMarket,HoheKlangqualität und Real Vibrations-Feedback.Française:The Look&Feel plus modernes rasoir dans l'Android Market,sondehaute qualité et de retour de vibrations réel.Italiano:La rasatura macchina con il look più moderno di tuttoilAndroidMarket, suono di alta qualità e vibrazione real.Portugues:Shaver com os mais modernos "look & feel" no AndroidMarket,somde alta qualidade e real de vibraçã剃须刀用最新的 “Look&Feel” 在 Android Market,高品质的声音和振动真实的。日本:Android Market、高品質の音と振動のリアルタイムで最新の"look&feel"とシェーバー。한국의Android Market의 최신 "look&feel", 고품질의 사운드 및 진동 실제와 면도기.Pусский;Бритва с последними "look & feel" в AndroidMarket,высокоекачество звука и вибраций реальны.