Top 1 Games Similar to Earth VR

SolarVoyagerVR 1.1
Solar Voyager VR: Travel between alltheplanets of our Solar System in a realistic VirtualRealityenvironment designed for virtual reality devices likeGoogleCardboard.Jump from one planet to the next one by selecting buttons withyoureyes: look some seconds to a button to click on it.The planets have realistic textures and effects, and there arethemain moons orbiting each planet. Bodies, distances and speedsarescaled to have a more visual representation in the simulation.Thestarts background correspond to the real starts you would seeinspace, and the relative position and velocity between theplanetsis also realistic.This simulation is powered by Orekit: a low-level spacedynamicslibrary developed and maintained by CS Systèmesd'Information.Enjoy your trip and don't forget to say Hi when you pass bytheEarth!