Top 18 Apps Similar to Halden-Hügel-Navi PLUS 3.8.5
Eifrig Media GmbH PLUS - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Locus Map 3 Classic 3.70.2
Asamm Software, s. r. o.
GPS navigation app for hiking, biking, geocaching, and otheroutdooractivities
Maps & GPS Navigation OsmAnd+
OsmAnd+ (OSM Automated NavigationDirections)is a map and navigation application with access to thefree,worldwide, and high-quality OpenStreetMap (OSM) data.Enjoy voice and optical navigation, viewing POIs (pointsofinterest), creating and managing GPX tracks, using contourlinesvisualization and altitude info, a choice between driving,cycling,pedestrian modes, OSM editing and much more.OsmAnd+ is the paid application version. By buying it, yousupportthe project, fund the development of new features, andreceive thelatest updates.Some of the main features:Navigation• Works online (fast) or offline (no roaming charges when youareabroad)• Turn-by-turn voice guidance (recorded andsynthesizedvoices)• Optional lane guidance, street name display, and estimated timeofarrival• Supports intermediate points on your itinerary• Automatic re-routing whenever you deviate from the route• Search for places by address, by type (e.g.: restaurant,hotel,gas station, museum), or by geographical coordinatesMap Viewing• Display your position and orientation• Optionally align the picture according to compass oryourdirection of motion• Save your most important places as Favorites• Display POIs (point of interests) around you• Display specialized online tiles, satellite view (fromBing),different overlays like touring/navigation GPX tracksandadditional layers with customizable transparency• Optionally display place names in English, local, orphoneticspellingOnly this week 50% OFFUse OSM and Wikipedia Data• High-quality information from the best collaborative projectsofthe world• OSM data available per country or region• Wikipedia POIs, great for sightseeing• Unlimited free downloads, directly from the app• Compact offline vector maps updated at least once a month• Selection between complete region data and just roadnetwork(Example: All of Japan is 700 MB or 200 MB for the roadnetworkonly)Safety Features• Optional automated day/night view switching• Optional speed limit display, with reminder if you exceedit• Optional speed-dependent zooming• Share your location so that your friends can find youBicycle and Pedestrian Features• Viewing foot, hiking, and bike paths, great foroutdooractivities• Special routing and display modes for bike and pedestrian• Optional public transport stops (bus, tram, train) includinglinenames• Optional trip recording to local GPX file or online service• Optional speed and altitude display• Display of contour lines and hill-shading (viaadditionalplugin)Directly Contribute to OSM• Report data bugs• Upload GPX tracks to OSM directly from the app• Add POIs and directly upload them to OSM (or laterifoffline)• Optional trip recording also in background mode (while deviceisin sleep mode)OsmAnd is open-source and actively being developed. Everyonecancontribute to the application by reporting bugs,improvingtranslations or coding new features. The project is in alivelystate of continuous improvement by all these forms ofdeveloper anduser interaction. The project progress also relies onfinancialcontributions to fund coding and testing ofnewfunctionalities.Approximate map coverage and quality:• Western Europe: ****• Eastern Europe: ***• Russia: ***• North America: ***• South America: **• Asia: **• Japan & Korea: ***• Middle East: **• Africa: **• Antarctica: *Most countries around the globe available as downloads!From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, from Australia to the USA.Argentina,Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, UK, Spain,...
GPS Navigation & Maps - Scout 8.0
GPS Navigation & Maps. Online & offline.Incredibletechnology. For free.
V-Navi 4.11.19
V-Navi - The Full navigation for Germany, Austria andSwitzerlandfor online and offline use The new version of V-Naviworks withoffboard maps (with limited functionality) to enableimmediatenavigation after download. The map data for Germany,Austria andSwitzerland is downloaded once at the start of the firstuse ofV-Navi (ca. 300 MB). Thereafter, an Internet connection isonlynecessary for a short time at app-startup. The high-qualitytrafficdata gives you a full overview of the traffic. Currenttraffic jamreports with traffic jam avoidance. The V-Navi alwayscalculatesthe best route for you. The traffic density is shown onthe map inthe colors red, yellow and green. An internet connectionisrequired. HIGHLIGHTS: Current traffic situation in Germany(INRIX),traffic reports traffic congestion avoidance and trafficdensitydisplay Offboard vector mode after first installationLaneassistant Reality view (reality like display of turn actionsonmotorways) Map data is stored on the device Quick destinationentry(address, points of interest (POIs), favorites, etc.) Updatesfreeof charge Computation and display of alternative routes Displayofspeed limits and speeding alerts Support for portrait andlandscapedisplay Quick-Menu New and ergonomic menu Optimized mapview Save& load itineraries FUNCTIONS: Destination entry:Address entrywith an automatic pop-up list of cities, etc. Addresssearch bycountry House-number-exact geocoding when online POIsearchDestination selection directly on the map Entry ofdestinationcoordinates and crossroads Destination selection from alist ofrecent destinations and from the favorites list Use ofcontacts inthe address book as destinations Navigation: Profilesfor car,pedestrians, recreational vehicles and caravans Adjustablerouting:quickest, shortest Voice-guided navigation Spoken streetnamesthrough text-to-speech Display of directional texts(motorwaysigns) Speed-dependent zoom and crossroad-zoomStretch-block:Automatic route recalculation (e.g., for the next0.5-10 km alongthe route to avoid a traffic jam) Avoidance ofmotorways, ferries,and tollways Itineraries: Management ofintermediate stops, savingand loading of itineraries Map Displayand Functionality Viewmodes: 3D, 2D in the direction of travel, 2DNorth up Daytime andnighttime view modes, automatic switching(geodaylight) Routeoverview Display of POIs with setting of thedestination directlyfrom a POI icon on the map CONDITIONS OF USE:After the firstdownload, the V-Navi can be used for 90 days free ofcharge forGermany, Austria and Switzerland. See moreat Youcanfind our privacypolicyhere:
Navigation with voice 1.0
Navigation with voice directions and free Nv Social Share
TomTom MyDrive 2.16.0
TomTom International BV
EASILY PLAN YOUR DAILY DRIVE WITHREAL-TIMETRAFFICChoose the best route to take before you get in the car. Set upyourpersonal traffic checker for any delays on your commute andseewhere traffic is right now. Optionally share your destinationwith aTomTom sat nav* for navigation through traffic.BENEFITS:>> Know before you go: We're passionate about traffic soyoudon't need to be. Get highly accurate traffic information,inreal-time.>> Set your personal traffic checker: Want to knowabouttraffic on your commute? Get reports before you go in caseofdelays on the way.>> Set your destination and sync it with your sat-nav*:Setwhere you're going using phone contacts, saved favourites, a taponthe map, or just type it in. Then send it to your sat nav* anditwill guide you through traffic.>> Make your map personal: Easily add and manage yourhome,work and other favourite destinations.GOOD TO KNOW:-Please note that this app will not update your sat navsoftware.Instead, you can download the latest map or software foryour satnav by visiting from yourcomputer.-You can get TomTom's world-class, turn-by-turn navigationbydownloading our navigation app: TomTom GPSNavigationTraffic.*Supported TomTom models include:TomTom GO 40 / 50 / 60 / 51 / 61 / 400 / 500 / 510 / 600 / 610/5000 / 5100 / 6000 / 6100TomTom Rider 40 / 41 / 400 / 410TomTom Trucker 500 / 5000 / 6000Your TomTom device needs to be connected to the Internet toexchangeinformation with the MyDrive app.
GPS Navigation & Map by Aponia
Aponia Software, s.r.o.
The world's most versatile anduser-friendlyGPS navigation with offline maps.FIND YOUR DESTINATION IN AN EASY WAYAponia GPS Navigation converts your Android smartphone ortabletinto a fully functional mobile navigation system withon-boardmaps, thus avoiding data transfer for map display,routecalculation etc.The most complex and user-friendly GPS navigation app in theworldwith Intel x86 support also.Maps are stored on the device for offline use.Both app and maps are updated for free.The application is compatible with over 300 Android smartphonesandtablets.FAST, SMART AND UNDEMANDING▪ No. 1 paid GPS navigation with a growing number ofsatisfiedusers.▪ On-board navigation – the maps are stored directly inyoursmartphone or tablet, thus avoiding extra expensesfor data.▪ The application is capable of navigating to a zip code,housenumber or an address book contact.▪ Extensive map database with high quality maps.▪ Turn-by-turn voice guidance with a large registeroflanguages.USER-FRIENDLY▪ Complex junctions simplified by lane arrows anddirectionsigns.▪ Alternative routes.▪ Powerful multi-stop trip planning and optimization.▪ Favorites – easy access to home, work and favorite places.▪ Navigation activation via a tap on the map.SAFE▪ Speed camera alerts with FREE updates.▪ Speed limit indicator and warnings.▪ Automatic day-night modes.CLEVER▪ The navigation finds the fastest route based on livetrafficflow.▪ If there’s a delay based on the traffic flow, theappautomatically finds a new route.▪ Color-coded live traffic map and status bar.PLUS ALL THE FEATURES YOU'D EXPECT FROM A NAVIGATION.
GPS Navigation 20.0
Navigating from one place to the other has become easy with thehelpof GPS devices that gets its information directly fromsatellites.This interesting Android application GPS Navigationhelp users toget access to links that connect to websites thatprovide them withlive maps of locations they intend to navigateto. Users candownload softwares that can provide them with thecorrect directionsalong with accurate landmarks as they receivelive information fromsatellites. One can use this applicationwhile driving and it willautomatically direct to the desiredlocation.
MEDION® GoPal® Navigation 6.3.8
Wie komme ich sicher und schnell von A nachB?Mit der MEDION® GoPal® App liegt die Antwort auf der Hand.Einfachherunterladen und schon kann die Navigation starten. Absofort 14Tage lang kostenlos testen und bei Gefallen kaufen.Dass Sie jederzeit sicher an Ihr Ziel finden, ist dereinfachenBedienung und der umfangreichen Ausstattung zu verdanken.Mit derMEDION® GoPal® App wird Ihr Smartphone zumvollwertigenNavigationsgerät:Die intuitive Adresseingabe sorgt für eine schnelleundunkomplizierte Zielerfassung. Während Sie sich auf dieStraßekonzentrieren, sagt Ihnen GoPal® präzise und leichtverständlicheFahranweisungen an. Mit den Echtzeit-Verkehrsmeldungenvon HERETraffic™ sind Sie stets über die aktuelle Verkehrslageinformiertund werden intelligent um Staus geleitet.DerGeschwindigkeitsratgeber meldet Tempolimits. Über "NaheParken"werden Ihnen komfortabel Parkplätze am Zielortangeboten.Für die Darstellung steht Ihnen eine 2D und eineperspektivischeKartenansicht zur Auswahl. Das umfangreiche undübersichtlicheKartenmaterial enthält viele Sonderziele wie z.B.Restaurants,Tankstellen oder Einkaufszentren zu denen Sienavigierenkönnen.Über den integrierten Shop können Sie Ihre MEDION® GoPal® AppumKarten und demnächst durch andere nützliche Funktionenerweitern.Einfach entsprechendes Kartenmaterial auswählen und bevordie Reisebeginnt per WLAN herunterladen. Das spart ZeitundDatenvolumen.Ausstattung:- Am Stau vorbei mit HERE Traffic™- 2D- & perspektivische Kartenansicht- Text-to-Speech Fahranweisungen&Geschwindigkeitsratgeber- Nahe Parken: Parkplatzsuche im Zielgebiet- Intuitive und schnelle Adresseingabe- Routenmodus für PKW, LKW, Motorrad, Fahrrad und Fußgänger- Verschiedene Routenoptionen(schnellste, kürzeste Route oder Autobahnen/Fährenmeidenetc.)- Viele Sonderziele (POIs) wie z.B. Restaurants,Tankstellen,Einkaufszentren, ...- Umfangreiche Routenplanung über Zwischenziele möglich- Navigation ohne Datenverbindung (Download der KartenüberWLAN)- Integrierter Shop, um zusätzliche Karten zu erwerben- Tag- und Nachtmodus- Intelligentes Energiemanagement- Zielsuche über Google Kontakte, Favoriten,Sonderziele,Koordinaten etc.Wissen, wo es langgeht – jetzt auch ganz einfach mitIhremSmartphone.Hinweis:Die Text-to-Speech Sprachdateien und das Kartenmaterial mussamAnfang nach dem Start der App per WLAN heruntergeladenwerden.How can I safelyandquickly from A to B? With the MEDION ® GoPal ® App, the answerisobvious. Just download it and you can start navigating. From14-daytrial now for free and buy if you like.That you are sure to find at your destination at any time,simpleoperation and the extensive equipment is due to. With theMEDION ®GoPal ® App is your smartphone into a full navigationdevice:The intuitive address input provides a quick and easytargetacquisition. While you concentrate on the road says you GoPal® onprecise and easy to understand directions. With thereal-timetraffic reports from HERE Traffic ™ you are alwaysinformed aboutthe current traffic situation and be directedintelligently toavoid traffic jams. The speed Advisor reports speedlimits. About"Near Parking" are you comfortable offered parking atthedestination.For a 2D drawing is available and a perspective map viewtochoose from. The extensive and clear maps contains many pointsofinterest such as Restaurants, gas stations or shopping centerstowhich you can navigate.You can expand your MEDION ® GoPal ® App for tickets, and soonbyother useful functions using the integrated store. Simply selecttheappropriate maps and before the trip starts to download viaWi-Fi.This saves time and data volume.Facilities:- At the traffic jam over with HERE Traffic ™- 2D & perspective map view- Text-to-Speech driving directions & speed Guides- Nearby Parking: parking space in the target area- Intuitive and quick address entry- Route mode for car, truck, motorcycle, bicycleandpedestrian- Various route options (Fastest, shortest or highways / ferrys etc.)- Many of interest (POIs), such as Restaurants, gasstations,shopping malls, ...- Comprehensive route planning via points possible- Navigation without a data connection (downloading the mapsviaWLAN)- Integrated Store to purchase additional map- Day and night mode- Intelligent energy management- Destination search via Google contacts, favorites,POI,coordinates, etc.Know where it's at - now very easy with your smartphone.Note:The Text-to-Speech voice files and map material must bedownloadedat the beginning after the start of the app viaWi-Fi.
0100100 Navi
Find businesses and places in FinlandandScandinavia with effective routing technologypowered with premium tomtom maps and the ability tonavigatecompletely offline. How far isthe nearest pharmacy? What’s the number of that greatrestaurant?0100100 Navi voiceguidance can tell you and get you there, making it theperfectnavigation and discovery tool,and you know what else? It’s free, with 0100100 Navi you willhavethe best voice turn by turnnavigation with lifetime map updates for the entireScandinaviancountries (Denmark, Norway,and Sweden) and Finland. Traffic and speed cameras informationarealso available on the inappstore as well as world maps.MAIN FEATURES:Superior GPS Navigation- Powerful 3D map rendering at blasting speed- Full voice routing guidance with streetnames(Text-to-Speech)- Latest routing calculation technology- Lane Assistance- Possibility to choose from various routing alternativesbeforestarting navigation- Fully interactive maps even during navigation- Once you arrive at your destination, 0100100 Navi will helpyoufind a place to park your car.- Find and navigate to any contact stored on your phone, oranyFoursquare contactWhen you download the app, make sure that your phone is connectedtoa stable Wi-Finetwork to ensure full download of maps.Please note that allowing GPS to run in the background forextendedperiods consumes a lot ofbattery charge.Drive carefully! / 0100100
Navmii GPS USA (Navfree) 3.7.0
Navmii - crowd-powered GPS navigation with offline maps,traffic(Navfree)
i Smart Navi Thailand 1.1.0
After downloading this application, youcansearch Isuzu dealer addresses and phone numbers for free.It is possible to use the navigation functions by inputtingthelicense key issued by an Isuzu dealer after installingthisapplication.Navigation app can be used on your smartphone, and you canoperateit from the touch panel of the in-vehicle device whenthesmartphone application is linked.
Contour lines plugin — OsmAnd
This plugin provides contour linesandhillshade which can be displayed in OsmAnd's offline maps.* To download hillshade and contour lines map: Manage map files→choose the country you need → Hillshade/Contour Lines* To enable hillshade layer online maps plugin should be enabledandhillshade should be selected as underlay layer* Latest update: download functionality is fixed (New OsmAndisrequired) *The global data (between 70 degrees north and 70 degrees south)isbased on measurements by SRTM (Shuttle Radar TopographyMission)and ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission andReflectionRadiometer), an imaging instrument onboard Terra, theflagshipsatellite of NASA's Earth Observing System. ASTER is acooperativeeffort between NASA, Japan's Ministry of Economy, TradeandIndustry (METI), and Japan Space Systems (J-spacesystems).
GPS Navigation That Talks 11.0
GPS Navigation and maps is The World’s Most Installed online
Truck GPS Navigation by Aponia
Aponia Software, s.r.o.
The world's most versatile anduser-friendlyGPS navigation for truck drivers.Truck GPS Navigation is a truck-specific navigation systemdesignedto provide safe and reliable routing on truck-legalroads.Truck drivers know that choosing the wrong route leads towastedfuel, out-of-route kilometers, lost time and money and insomecases also safety issues.Unlike standard car navigation systems, Truck GPSNavigationcalculates efficient routes based on the vehicleprofileinformation, routing parameters and load type, includinghazardousmaterials.The driver can choose a profile configuration based onlength,height, width, weight, max. axle load, and whether he iscarryinghazardous goods.The maps are on-board, which means they are stored directly onthedevice for offline use. At the same time both the maps andtheapplication can be easily updated free of charge.TRY OUT THE APP FOR FREE WITH OUR FREE TRIAL!
Sygic Truck & RV GPS Navigation 21.3.0
High-quality GPS navigation designed for professional drivers&their large vehicles. Trusted by 3 million drivers ofTrucks,Camions, HGVs, RVs, Caravans, Campers, Vans, Buses, Cars& manyof the world’s leading delivery fleets. Lots of smartfeatures,beautiful 3D offline maps, and easy to use interfaceprovide aproductive and enjoyable navigation experience. SygicTruck GPSNavigation is the best copilot on your routes! TRUCKSPECIFIC MAPS& ROUTING • Special routing for Truck / Camion /LGV / HGV/Delivery Van calculated for the vehicle & load. •High quality3D offline maps. Free map updates several times peryear. Maps arestored offline on your device so internet connectionis notrequired, works with GPS signal. • 3 route alternativesaredisplaying total time, distance, and elevation of the route.•Profiles for 3 different trucks. Set the parameters suchasdimensions, weight, transported material (HAZMAT), numberoftrailers, and the app will select the best route for the vehicle.•Last-mile functionality displaying restricted part of the routeina different color POIs • Millions of Truck specific PointsofInterests • Include gas stations, weigh stations, and restareas.PROFESSIONAL PLANNING & OPTIMALISATION • Advancedrouteplanning to avoid toll roads, U-turns, hazards such as lowbridges,narrow roads, or restricted areas (emission zones, schoolzones).Set preferences such as right turns or arrival with thedestinationon the right side. • Plan & optimize your Multi-Stoproute. Addup to 150 waypoints, and they will be re-arranged toachieve thebest efficiency. • Plan your route with Google Maps& easilydispatch to the app with Sygic Truck Route Sender -free extensionin Chrome and Firefox browser. DESIGNED FOR RV /CARAVAN / CAMPER /BUS • Profile configuration for RV / Caravan /Camper / Motorhome /Bus • Special routing for RV / Caravan / Camper/ Motorhome / Buscalculated for the vehicle & load. • Routesand directionsdesigned for RVs based on your vehicle size • RVspecific POIs:Campgrounds, parking stations, rest areas and moreSAFETY FEATURES• Spoken voice instructions with road indication •Dynamic LaneAssistant & Junction View • Speed Limits &Speed CamerasWarnings ADD-ONS • Live Services include Real-timeTrafficinformation + Mobile Speed Cameras Database + Fuel Prices +ParkingPlaces • Head-Up Display (HUD): Projects navigationinstructionsonto your windshield AVAILABLE MAP REGIONS • NorthAmerica • Europe(with Russia) • Australia & New Zealand •Brazil • Middle East• Africa You can test-drive Premium feature forthe first 14 daysafter installation. After 14 days, you cancontinue using the basicfeatures or upgrade to the Premium license.Also available fromSygic: Should you have any questions, We are here for you 7 days a week. If youlikeour app, please leave a review. Thank you for your support.PrivacyPolicy: Terms By installing, copying orusingall or any portion of this software you accept all the termsandconditions of this agreement:
NaviMaps: 3D GPS Navigation 3.7.4
Explore India with Offline 3D Maps with Navigation