Top 3 Apps Similar to eTrainer - Emotional Network

eTrainer Educational 2.0.4
Emotional Network S.L.
The excitement decides justified reason, the emotional manageronyour mobile.
Schizophrenia 1.0
Sports & Fitness Studio
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Are you trying to understand schizophrenia better?Understand the symptoms, types, causes, and early warningsignsofschizophrenia!Schizophrenia is a challenging disorder that makes itdifficulttodistinguish between what is real and unreal, thinkclearly,manageemotions, relate to others, and functionnormally.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Esquizofrenia 1.0.0
En nuestra aplicacion encontrarastodolorelacionado con la esquizofrenia totalmente gratis.Es una afección psiquiátrica, que pertenece alostrastornospsicóticos con diferentes fases deactividadhospitalcaracterizadas por alucinaciones, ideas delirantesytrastorno deotras funciones mentales. Esta decaimiento puedetenerun cursocrónico y llegar a descomponer de forma progresivaconmarcadasrepercusiones sociales.Es ya que, un trastorno que provoca síntomasconsistentesenatender, ver o sentir cosas que no existen,tenercreenciaserróneas, precaución afuera de lo corriente,encerrarse ensin dudamismo, conversación desatinado, aplanamientode la pauta ylaemoción u otros semejantes.Las personas que padecen este trastorno igualmentepuedensentirsedeprimidas, ansiosas, culpables o tensasIn our applicationyouwillfind everything related to schizophrenia totally free.It is a psychiatric condition which belongs topsychoticdisorderswith different phases of hospital activitycharacterizedbyhallucinations, delusions and other mentalfunctions disorder.Thisdecay can have a chronic course and get todecomposeprogressivelywith marked social repercussions.It is because, a disorder that causes symptomsconsistentinattending, see or feel things that are not there,mistakenbeliefs,caution out of the ordinary, enclosed in no doubthimself,foolishconversation, flattening of the pattern and emotionorsimilar.People with this disorder may also feeldepressed,anxious,guilty, or tense