Top 22 Apps Similar to Sunny

YoWindow Weather - Unlimited
Accurate, beautiful weather with landscapes depicting weather,sky,season.
Weather & Clock Widget Plus
Interactive Saudi Arabia
A fully fledged real-time weather and future forecast withelegantwidgets.
Rain Alarm Pro
This weather app alerts you when rainisapproaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast basedonnear real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable thanatraditional forecast.It is very useful for all outdoor activities – includingcycling,motorcycling, hiking, gardening, BBQs, picnics, dog walkingandDIY.Features:• Alerts to every type of precipitation, whether rain, snoworhail• Alert as a notification with vibration and/or sound• Simple and easy map overview• Handy widgets in different sizes and themesThe data is collected from governmental weather services. Worksinthe USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam), Canada,theUK, Ireland, Australia, Bermuda, the Philippines, Finland,Iceland,Spain (including the Balearic and the Canary Islands),Argentina,Mexico, El Salvador, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Malaysia,Singapore,Brunei, Germany, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea,Norway, theNetherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus, Ukraine.Includes all extra features:• No more ads• Multiple alarms and additional settings• Animation settings and overlay transparency• Multiple locations and additional settings• More widget color schemes• Activate the Android Wear app (adjustable and zoomable mapviewwith animation)Also available for other platforms:https://app.rain-alarm.comFollow us on Twitter for the latestnews:
Weather: Any place on earth! 3.7.8
Hourly forecast, Energy-saving, Multi-point support!
Sinoptika 2.5.7
Погодное приложение для быстрого илегкогодоступа к метеопрогнозам. Последние обновленные данныедоступны врежиме offline. Будьте всегда на шаг впереди и в курсепогодныхусловий.A weather app forquickand easy access to the forecast. Latest updates are availableinoffline mode. Be one step ahead and aware of theweatherconditions.
Forecast - Погода онлайн 1.0
PointApps Studio
Быстрое и простое приложениепросмотраточногопрогноза погоды с возможностью тонкойнастройки.Quick andeasyapplicationbrowsing accurate weather forecast with thepossibilityoffine-tuning.
Live Weather and Hazard Map 1.0
Hazard Map is a tool you need designedtokeepyou and your family safe.Stay updated with the largest collection of livewarningandadvisories to make your life and job simplier.There are similar apps like these on the market. However,mostareinconvenient and difficult to use because of a poorandcomplicatedUI.This unit app is intuitive and simple with a beautiful, and ithasanoptimized UI that is designed for casual users like you.Tryitout.FEATURES:-Supports U.S, Canada and Mexico.-Precipitation.-Traffic & Transit.-Clouds.-Wildfire Preparedness.-US Storm Reports.-Storm Information.-Flooding-Related.-Air Quality.-FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers.-Live Map feed.-Rain and snow advisories.-Red Cross shelter locations.-Click GPS icon to see if there's any advisories in yourarea.-Lightweight app.-No ads.*Requires internet connection.*Requires location services.Questions/Opinions @:eliazapayan2@hotmail.comThank you for choosing my app.
WeatherBetter! 1.0
Weatherbetter is a simple appshowingtheweather in your city without adverts wherever you areintheworld.
Météo Maroc 1.2
Imad Archid
Météo Maroc est une application simpleettrèsutile pour connaître la température de votre ville oud'uneautreville marocaine ou étrangère. Elle met à votredispositionslesdonnées météorologiques les plus fiables :- Pression Atmosphérique- Température- Etat actuel de la météoElle vous alerte aussi si des conditionsmétéorologiquessévèressont prévues pour votre ville, et si desroutes sont coupésà causede ces derniers.L'application est gratuite et sans publicitésWeather Morocco isasimpleand very useful application to know the temperature ofyourcity oranother Moroccan or foreign city. It puts at yourdisposalthe mostreliable weather data:- Pressure- Temperature- Current state of the weatherIt also alerts you when severe weather conditions areforecastforyour city, and if the roads are cut off because ofthese.The application is free and without ads
World Weather Online 3.09
World Weather Online
Local and global weather forecast.
Weather Office 2.5.31
X2 Studios Ltd
Weather Office is the best way to get Environment Canada andNOAANWS data.
Simple Weather 1.1.33
Tanmay Parikh
Simple Weather is a fast, simple and intuitive app for yourAndroiddevice. Get all the information you want at a glance. It hasbeendesigned with the idea that even your grandmother can useitwithout your help. Weather has never been so beautiful.Features:Simple Material DesignOverview lets you view the current forecast with aweeklyforecastView detailed info about forecasts a week in the futureHourly forecasts lets you plan your day with easeRemind yourself about bad weather or good weather (whateverfloatsyour goat)Add unlimited cities to view the weather forTablet supportWidgets that fit your personal needsYour search for the perfect weather app ends here!
Apalmet - Meteorología Canaria 1.10.2
Ayoze Miguel
Apalmet en Android, la aplicación tratadeofrecer los contenidos meteorológicos que puedes encontrar enweb.El objetivo es la “convergencia” de los contenidos útiles paraunaficionado a la meteorología, por lo cual, no recomiendoladescarga de esta aplicación para aquellos que noesténfamiliarizados con los gráficos que podemos encontrarnos en laweb.Entre las características y contenidos de la APP, tenemos:- Satélites.- Meteogramas.- Mapas de parámetros actuales (Temperatura,precipitaciones,etc...) por CanaryWeather.- Avisos Meteorológicos.- Modelos numéricos (GFS,WRF,HIRLAM).- Viento y Oleaje.- Calima, predicción y modelo Skyron con animación.- Webcams.Además la aplicación cuanta con un servicio, previaactivación,que te notificara de los avisos meteorológicos en elmismo día,como una notificación clásica de Android. El encabezado yalgunaspartes del diseño tornan en el colordel aviso actual (Beta).En cuanto a detalles técnicos la aplicación estaoptimizadapara:OS: Android 4.2 y superior. Compatibilidad desde Android 2.3(Enocasiones Rendimiento Pobre).Pantallas: Desde 4” hasta 7” (No esta optimizada paratabletas).Como Recomendación al ser una aplicación con muchasimágenesdesde internet recomendamos que periódicamente borréis elcache dela Aplicación, podéis llegar a la opción desde Ajustes>Aplicaciones > Apalmet y borrar cache.**Aplicación sin publicidad y sin ánimo de lucro.**Apalmet es el nombre del proyecto palmero que se inició haceañoscon el objetivo de reunir los contenidos meteorológicos deutilidadpara los aficionados en un una única web.Los contenidos aplicación no constituyen ni sustituyenlainformación profesional, u oficial emitida por losorganismosinsulares o estatales en materia de meteorología y deproteccióncivil, por lo que el titular de aplicación se exime decualquierresponsabilidad, directa o indirecta, que pudieraderivarse del usoo aplicación de la información de esta app fuerade suspropósitos.Apalmet on Android,theapplication tries to offer the weather content you can find onweb.The objective is the "convergence" of useful content for anamateurweather, so I do not recommend downloading this applicationforthose who are not familiar with graphics that can befoundanywhere.Among the features and contents of APP, we have:- Satellites.- Meteograms.- Maps of current parameters (temperature, precipitation, etc...)by CanaryWeather.- Weather Warnings.- Numerical models (GFS, WRF, HIRLAM).- Wind and waves.- Calima, prediction and model Skyron with animation.- Webcams.Furthermore the application how much service upon activation,tonotify you of the weather warnings on the same day as aclassicAndroid notification. The header parts of the design and thecolorbecomethe current notice (Beta).As for technical details the application is optimized for:OS: Android 4.2 and higher. Support from Android 2.3(SometimesPoor Performance).Screens: From 4 "to 7" (Not optimized for tablets).As a recommendation to be an application with many imagesfromthe internet recommend that you erase the cacheperiodicallyApplication, you can get to the option inSettings>Applications> Apalmet and clear cache.** Application without advertisement and nonprofit. **Apalmet is the name of palm project that began years ago withtheaim of collecting meteorological content relevant to fans inonesingle website.The contents application does not constitute or substituteforprofessional or official information issued by the island orstateagencies in meteorology and civil protection, so theapplicationowner disclaims any liability, direct or indirect,arising from useor application of the information in this app outof itspurposes.
Magnetic Storms - Forecast 1.0
QPie Studio
Reliable forecast of geomagnetic hurricaneby27 days in advance from NOAA.The App can help you to watch over the weather on the sun andbewarn about future phenomenon on the sun. You can attuneanotification on required index or time by yourself. So youcanminimize influence on your health and on different systemsanddevices.
Swellnet 1.0.5
Swellnet is your best source forAustralianSurf Reports, Surf Forecasts and Surfcams. Our nationalteam ofsurf reporters provide updates three times per day, and oursurfforecasters will help you find the best waves well in advance.Andwatch the waves live across our high quality surfcam network!Swellnet Pro members can log in for a completely ad-freeAppexperience.
MeteoUK 2.4.0
Antonio Redondo
Fetches the forecast and satellite images for more than 6,000UKplaces.
Weather Forecast 1.0
This is a simple weatherforecastad-free.
Galo do Tempo 3.0
Galo do Tempo utiliza conexão com aInternetpara obter informações do clima de uma determinada cidade.Informatemperatura, índice de umidade do ar, velocidade e direçãodovento. Conforme a temperatura o galo é apresentado em umacordiferente e muda a direção conforme o vento.___Desenvolvido pelo Atomic Rocket Entertainment,estúdioexperimental de desenvolvimento de jogos da GraduaçãoTecnológicaem Jogos Digitais da Unisinos, que tem o objetivo depreparardesenvolvedores para o mercado de trabalho e fomentar aindústriacriativa na área de jogos. Mais informaçõ projeto contou com financiamento do Fundo deDesenvolvimentode Tecnologia da Informação (FDTI) do município deSãoLeopoldo/RS.___Esta versão do aplicativo é BETA.Este aplicativo requer uma conexão de internet e cobrançasdetransferência de dados subsequentes podem ser aplicadas.Esta aplicativo é grátis e não contém anúncios oucobrançasinternas de itens. Consulte a nossa pá obter informações adicionais.___A Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos está entreasmaiores universidades privadas do Brasil, com cerca de 31milalunos em cursos de graduação, pós-graduação e extensão,nasmodalidades presencial e EAD. A universidade preza pelasuacapacidade de ser inovadora. Com métodos atuais e emprego denovastecnologias, está atenta ao mundo contemporâneo e àtransformaçãosem, no entanto, abrir mão de seus valoresoriginais.Acesse: Rooster usesInternetconnection to get weather information for a particularcity. Informatemperature, moisture content of the air, wind speedand direction.As the cock temperature is shown in a differentcolor and changesdirection as the wind.___Developed by Atomic Rocket Entertainment, experimentalstudioTechnological Graduation game development at DigitalGamesUnisinos, which aims to prepare developers for the labormarket andpromote the creative industry in the games area. Moreinformationat project received funding from the InformationTechnologyDevelopment Fund (FDTI) of São Leopoldo / RS.___This application version is BETA.This app requires an internet connection and subsequentdatatransfer charges may apply.This application is free and contains no ads orinternalcollections of items. See our page information.___The Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos is amongthelargest private universities in Brazil, with about 31,000studentsin undergraduate, graduate and extension, in the classroomanddistance education modalities. The university prides itself onitsability to be innovative. With current methods and use ofnewtechnologies, it is aware of the contemporary world andthetransformation without, however, giving up theiroriginalvalues.Visit:
Nice Weather 1.0.4
Live weather with easy and clean interface. In english, russianandspanish.
Daff Moon Phase 3.28
Evgeny Fedorischenko
Current Moon phase, rise/set time and positions of the Moon, Sunandplanets
Quick Weather 2.3
Bradley Nemitz
This app has beencompletelyrewritten,redesigned, and is now using the forecast.ioAPIs thatpower theDark Sky app for iOS! These new APIs allow theapp to tellyou tothe minute when it will rain, how long it willrain for, andhowheavy the rain will be. This extreme accuracy statistically analyzing a wide array ofdatasources.Designed in a minimalist style while implementingGoogleDesignstandards (such as the navigation drawer), this app iseasyto useand pleasing to look at.This version is ad-supported to help compensate for thecostofAPI calls. An ad-free (and eventually morefeature-full"pro"version) is alsoavailableat**This app is not an official port from forecast.ioorDarkSkyApp. Visit for the officalwebversion.
Weather ACE Clock Widget Pack 1.6
Clock Widget Pack for Weather ACE application