Top 34 Apps Similar to SIMIC

Petable 3.1.2
Changing families lives, one pet at a time
Apgar score 2.0
Chernyshkov Evgeny
The Apgar scale is determined by evaluating the newborn baby
AntibioticApp 1.3.30
Limon Solutions
Professional Therapeutic Guide with validated andupdatedinformation.
Framingham CardioRisk 2020 3.1
Framingham CR calculates the risk of suffering cardiovasculareventsin 10 years
URG 1.9.0
Naaxpot SLU
Los contenidos de URG se agrupan en materias talescomo:Síntomasguía, Urgencias vitales, Cardiología,CirugíaVascular,Respiratorio, Neurología y Neurocirugía, NefrologíayUrología,Digestología y Cirugía general,Infecciones,Endocrinología,Toxicología, Oncohematología,Reumatología,Oftalmología,Otorrinolaringología, Ginecología,Dermatología,Psiquiatría,Geriatría, Pediatría, Miscelánea. En cadauno de estosapartadoshay diferentes capítulos o protocolos –más decientocuarenta, contextos, algoritmos, escalas calculadoresybibliografía–, queabordan las situaciones más comunes enMedicinade Urgencias yEmergencias. En URG puedes navegar por susalgoritmosinteractivosque te permiten aproximar un diagnóstico apartir desíntomas comoel coma, síncope, dolor torácico, disnea,focalidadneurológicaaguda, dolor abdominal, fiebre, cefalea,hemoptisis,hematuria,diarrea; o bien sobre el manejo de patologíasgraves,como losdiferentes tipos de shock, aneurisma abdominalytorácico,traumatismo craneoencefálico y otros; igualmentetienesalgoritmossobre patologías tan prevalentes como lafibrilaciónauricular, laagudización de la EPOC o las principalesenfermedadesinfecciosas.En la app URG encontrarás un total de 185algoritmosdediagnóstico, manejo o tratamiento. Otra prestación deURG degraninterés para profesionales de Urgencias yEmergenciashospitalariasy extrahospitalarias es la facilidad parael cálculode escalas, yasea scores predictivos o de riesgo obiencalculadoras numéricas.URG dispone de un total de 115calculadorasy escalas que calculande forma inmediata y proponen ladecisión quese derive en caso detratarse de un score predictivo. Acontinuaciónalgunas de lasescalas y calculadoras: Escalas deGlasgow y de Four,EGSYS, OESIL,Canadian Syncope Risk Score, Escalade Boston deriesgo de síncope,Escala de Geleijnse para eldiagnóstico clínicodel dolor torácicode origen isquémico, Escala dela disnea en lainsuficienciacardiaca de la NYHA, Riesgo de ictustras un AIT:ABCD2, EscalaAPACHE II, calculadora para laconversióndemicrogramos/Kgrs/minuto a infusión ml/h, SOFA yQ-SOFA,Shockhemorrágico: Assessment of Blood Consumption (ABC)score,TraumaScore y Revised Trauma Score, Escala de la disneaenlainsuficiencia cardiaca de la NYHA, TIMI Score paraSCASEST,TIMIScore en SCACEST, CRUSADE, escala de riesgo de sangradoenSCASEST,Escala de Grace (mortalidad SCA),RiesgoCardioembólico:CHA2DS2VASC, Escala de riesgo hemorrágicoHASBLED,Escala de Wells:probabilidad clínica de TVP, Cálculo deRiesgo deTVP e indicaciónde profilaxis, Escala de Padua para laevaluaciónde ETV enpacientes hospitalizados, Cuestionario declaudicaciónintermitentede Edimburgo, Escala de gravedad de BODE,BODEx, Escalade disneamodificada mMRC... y así hasta 115 escalas ycalculadoras.Ademástienes una guía farmacéutica con un resumen delas fichastécnicasde todos los fármacos incluidos en losdiferentescapítulos, demodo que cuando se menciona algún fármaco,puedesaccederrápidamente al contenido del resumen de la fichatécnica.Todos loscontenidos de URG están enlazados entre sí, lostextos,losalgoritmos, las escalas y las calculadoras, así comolosfármacos,lo que ayuda al usuario de URG a acceder con mucharapidezalconocimiento que precia para la práctica diaria. PorúltimoURGestá en constante evolución y actualización. Elcomitécientíficode URG está formado por profesionales líderes deopiniónenUrgencias y Emergencias. No obstante, si losusuariostienencualquier sugerencia sobre el funcionamiento osobreloscontenidos, pueden dirigirse alé científico que revisa y actualiza loscontenidosestáformado por líderes de opinión en Medicina deUrgenciasyEmergencias lo que asegura la validez de los contenidosysupermanente actualización.
GeriatriApp 1.8.0
GeriatriApp es una aplicación diseñada para facilitar almédicoyotros profesionales de la salud la toma de decisionesenelpaciente geriátrico, a través de la valoracióngeriátricaintegral.Posee múltiples escalas para valorar diferentesdominiostales comosocial, físico, emocional, funcional,cognitivo,farmacológico,nutricional, medico y de comorbilidades.Esto permitecrear unperfil de riesgo en el paciente mayor y conello la tomadedecisiones acorde a los problemas y necesidades decadaindividuo.GeriatriApp es una aplicación que nace desde el grupodeGeriatríade la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Técnico en Emergencias Sanitar 1.0
Technician in Health Emergencies - Asturias
enGuardia 2.3.001
enGuardia is a tool of welfare aid in urgent pathology.
Guía Terapéutica Antibiótica 4.7
Go-Space Solutions
Protolocolos antibiotic therapy according to the latestscientificevidence.
Estrategias en Urgencias 3.70
Go-Space Solutions
Check quick guidelines for the management of common conditionsinthe ER.
Fissios 3.0.7
Fissios reduces the probability of sufferingrespiratorycomplications
DosisPedia 3.1.12
DosisPedia | The Mobile App for pediatricians
Paramedic Meds 3.5
Paramedic Meds is a must have tool for medics in the field
ICD-11 Disease Codes Pro 2.32
crikki solutions
ICD-11 Codes + definitions, inclusions, exclusions,ICD-10-mapping,synonymes
Nursing Med - IV 1.7
Pablo Robledo Casado
Great app fornursing: APP for Nursing: how to use medication IV: indication, directionsforuse, compatible sera calculation perfusion with accesstomedication sheetNursing techniques with evidence-based online literature:fromtechnical to inject vaccines or blood taken for analysis. Helpwiththe "heel prick" a child or newborn baby; TB testing, foodsafety,food intake recommendations. Consultation literatureelectronicdatabases like Medline ( pubmed ), Elsevier.Nursing related Calculators: Calculator serum to assesstheamount of serum per minute; Help pregnancy calculatorapproximatedue date or baby's birth; Body mass index or BMI.Application indicated to improve patient care, aimed atnurse,doctor and nursing and medical students.We keep improving to update the application.Additionalauthors:
Laboratory Values 1.2
* Languages Português, English Did you saw a laboratory testresultsand did not know what to think? Relaxe RELAB is anapplication thatcomes with the normal values for more than 200laboratory tests andalso comes with a commentary on all examswhich indicates the mainsituations, pathological or physiological,in that they can beincreased or decreased . Divided into "CBC","serum biochemistry andcoagulation", "urinalysis", "stool test","CSF (cerebrospinalfluid)," "pleural fluid", "ascites fluid" and"synovial fluide" theapplication was made thinking for helpprofessionals / students ofhealth are or even people in general tohave a light at the end ofthe tunnel in the test results. BloodCount: Hemoglobin / HematocritMCV MCH / MCHC RDW PlateletsLeukocyte Total Basophils EosinophilsNeutrophils LymphocytesMonocytes Serum Biochemistry &Coagulation: ACE ACTH Alaninetransaminase (ALT) Albumin AldolaseAldosterone AlkalinePhosphatase Alpha-fetoprotein AmylaseAntithrombin III Aspartatetransaminase (AST) Beta2-MicroglobulinBeta-HCG BicarbonateBilirubin Direct (BD) Bilirubin Indirec (BI)Bilirubin TotalBleeding Time BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) C1q C3C4 CA 125 CA15-3 CA 19-9 Calcitonin Calcium (Ca) CEA CeruloplasminCH50Chlorine Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL CholesterolTotalCholesterol VLDL CK-MB CK-MB mass Clotting Time Cobalamin(Vit.B12) Copper Total Cortisone (test) C-peptide C-ReactiveProtein(CRP) Creatine Kinase (CK) Creatinine D-dimer ErythropoietinESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Ferritin FibrinDegradationProducts (PDF) Fibrinogen Folate Free ErythrocyteProtoporphyrin(FEP) G6PD (erythrocyte) Gammaglutamil transpeptidase(gamma-GT orGGT) Gastrin GH (suppression test) Globulin GlucoseFasting GlucosePostprandial Glycated Haemoglobin HaptoglobinHomocysteine LactateLDH Lead Lipase Magnesium MucoproteinsMyoglobin OsmolalityParathyroid Hormone (PTH) pCO2 pH PhosphoruspO2 Potassium (k)Prolactin Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) ProteinC ProteinElectrophoresis Protein S TAP PTT Resistance to ActivatedProtein C(factor V Leiden) Sodium (Na) Somatomedin C T3 T4 (Free)TBICTestosterone Thrombin Time Thyroglobulin Total ProteinTransferinSaturation Triglycerides (TG) Troponin TSH Urea UricAcidUrinalisys: Aspect Color Density pH Glucose Ketone BodiesProteinsLeukocyte esterase Nitrite Bilirubin UrobilinogenHemoglobin RBCsLeukocytes Cylinders Crystals Epithelial CellsBacteria 24 hoururine Isolated sample (spot urine) Urine 1h or 2hTitratableAcidity (24) Aminolevulínicos Acid (24h)5-hidroxiindoloacéticoacid (5-HIAA) (24h) Homovanillic Acid (24h)Uric Acid (24h)Vanillylmandelic Acid (24) Aldosterone (24) Aluminum(24) Arsenic24) Cadmium (24) Calcium (24) FractionatedCatecholamines (24) Lead(24) Chlorine (24) Copper (24) Creatinine(24) Chromium (24)Phosphorus (24) Hydroxyproline (24) Iodine (24)Magnesium (24)Manganese (24) Mercury (24) Total Metanephrines (24)Oxalate (24)Pyridinoline / deoxypyridinoline (24h) Potassium (24)Selenium (24)Serotonin (24) Sodium (24) Urea (24) Zinc (24) StoolTest: VolumeFats Coproporphyrins Urobilinogen Estercobilina pHOccult BloodLeukocytes Eosinophils Alpha-1 anti-trypsin Trypsin(activity) CSF:Pressure RBCs Leukocytes Total Protein Albumin IgGOligoclonalBands Myelin Basic Protein Glucose Chloride LactateLactate PleuralFluid: Color pH Glucose Cholesterol Proteins LDHAmylase ADA(adenosine deaminase) Interferon-gamma CellularityCytology SectionAscitic Fluid: Aspect Gradient Albumin SerumAscites CellularityCytology Section Synovial Fluid: ViscosityCellularity PolarizedMicroscopy Light Biopsy
Mediktor 6.5.1
Teckel Medical s.l.
Symptom Checker
TerApp ( Gases Arteriales y Ve 1.0
TerApp, Application that allows you to calculatearterio-venousgases.
Manual Práctico de Hematología
Go-Space Solutions
Solve your doubts quickly in the field of Hematology.
iDoctus 2.5.614
iDoctus: Avoid mistakes and save time in your daily practice.
Medicina de Urgencias 1.1.17
BinPar Team S.L.
An essential tool for the use of drugs in hospital emergencies
ICF Codes 3.11
crikki solutions
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Manual terapéutico 1.0
SignClock ITd
Work on medical care that every doctor in the EmergencyDepartmentshould know and have.
Medicamentos vía parenteral 4.3
Go-Space Solutions
The app aims the medicines might be administered correctlyandsafely.
SafeDosePro Mobile 7.0.5
SafeDose® Be Ready. Be Confident. Be Sure.
ReumApp 2.2.2
Information, calculators diagnosis of rheumatic diseases.
Medicina Consultiva 4.2
Go-Space Solutions
Medical management of common medical conditions duringtheperioperative period
Pediatric Scores 3
Compilation of scores, scales, tests and classifications groupedbycategory 97
Codequest Software
Consultorio is the ideal application to manage your patientsandappointments.
PeKemecum 2.1
Calculator pediatric farmocológica
Infusions 5.5
Ease and accuracy right in your pocket
c-Now - Emergency Video Calls
**Winner of two Platinum Public Safety Awards 2017 byAmericanSecurity Today** c-Now by Carbyne (previously Reporty) isyourgo-to-safety app that will protect you and your loved ones.Withthe tap of a button, start an emergency call through livevideostreaming, with your exact location and option to chat. Oursmarttechnology will deliver your incident in full and make sureyou getthe help you need - faster than ever before. You will alsogetnotified when family or friends report an incident and willbeupdated on all reports in your area through c-Now’s live map.Thec-Now app is part of a complete ecosystem, allowing call takerstoview, prioritize and handle reports with the utmost efficiency.HOWIT WORKS: Create a profile Click the service you wish to reporttoConnect with your personal profile through live video,exactlocation, live text and personal profile Get precise immediatehelpFriends and family will be notified once you report WHY c-Now?▲Free to download, free to report ▲ Live Video Report - helpfirstresponders establish what is happening and provide faster help▲Accurate Location - our patented technology can pinpointyourlocation to within a meter, outdoors and indoor ▲ Live Chat -whenyou aren’t able to speak and for the hearing impaired▲Personalized - fill in your profile for emergency services toknowmore about you when you report ▲ Stable Communication -ourpatented technology will connect you to the bestcellularconnection, to ensure service quality ▲ Global Safety -c-Now isavailable worldwide helping you stay safe wherever you are▲ SocialSafety Network - your c-Now network will be notified whenyoureport ▲ Live Map - view all reports around you NOTES: Pleasenote,in order to get full access to Carbyne’s state-of-the artfeatures,the call centre you are contacting needs to have theCarbyneecosystem. In the event they don’t - you will be connectedvia aregular audio call. Carbyne is spreading rapidly throughouttheworld. Tell your representatives that you want Carbyne inyourtown! The Carbyne team cares about your privacy and yourbatterylife, and so to conserve your battery - the app will use theGPSduring a report, in order to improve positioningservices.Important! The c-Now app is permitted for users age 16 andup.
Cardalis Resting Respiratory R 2.0.1
Ceva Santé Animale
For Dogs with Canine Heart Failure to monitor RestingRespiratoryRate
eGFR Calculator 1.3.2
Reda Brahimi
Choose between 5 Formulas to calculate the estimatedGlomerularFiltration Rate.