Top 22 Games Similar to Laser knife simulator

Hologram Piano Simulator 1.3
Hologram Piano is a simulator ofthreedimensional laser piano projection with the use of a phone camorphoto flash! Want to play virtually projected piano?Holographicfuture music sounds in your head? The luminous laserpiano keysappear on the phone screen, flashlight or camera flashturns on andaltogether it looks like the surface is shining 3Dimage projectionof a musical instrument!FEATURES:Unlock new colors of holographic 3D projections of piano!Make fun of friends showing them 3D laser projections of pianokeyson the screen!Pretend having holographic future technologies!Play imaginary melodies on virtual laser projection ofclassicpiano!ATTENTION! Hologram Piano Simulator is a joke! The cameraphoneCANNOT project images or three dimensional laser figures onanysurface! Phone is not a device for generating laser keysformusical instruments. It is only a simulator, a joke!
Projection: Face Simulator 1.1
Projection: Face is a simulator of3Dprojection, high quality hologram of face projected! Phonecameradefines facial picture on the screen, saves the photo,switches onphone’s flashlight and it looks like the picture isbeingprojected! Create imitations of your face projections oncitywalls, on tables, on mall floors and even on sky clouds!HD projection, projecting high quality images and 3D holograms -doyou believe that all these technologies will be available inyourgadgets in near future? Do you want to see a holographicprojectionof your face on the walls? Imagine what it’s going to belike! Thesimulator imitates projection using phoneflashlight.Attention! Your cellphone is NOT a real projector or a 3Dhologrammaker. Projection: Face simulator only simulates howrealprojection works! The app only shows the picture on the screenofyour device. Make fun of your friends, show themsimulationpretending that you can make a holographicprojection.
Metro Train Subway Simulator 1.3
Metro Train is a subway simulator ofrailwaytrain underground! Drive metro train from driver’s cab! Userailsto drive from station to station, transfer passengersundergroundin rush hours! Attention, doors are closing! - is yourphrase? Likethe sound of metro train getting close to the subwaystation? Feelyourself like an underground driver! Look whatdriver’s cab ofmetro train in subway looks from the inside!Increase the speed,break, pass by underground metro stations,transfer passengers,drive a subway train! Passengers are waiting!Get ready to do themetro job!ATTENTION! Metro Train Subway is a simulator which onlydemonstratesapproximate functions of metro train! The train drivernormally usesa lot of control functions to drive a subwaytrain!
Hologram Keyboard 3D Simulator 1.1
Hologram Keyboard 3D is a simulator ofthreedimensional laser projection using the camera and flash ofyourphone! The image of luminous laser keyboard appears on thephonescreen, flashlight or camera flash turns on and altogether itlookslike the surface is shining 3D image projection of acomputerkeyboard! Make fun of friends by showing them theprojection of a3D holographic keyboard on the screen!ATTENTION! Hologram Keyboard 3D Simulator is a joke! Thecameraphone CANNOT project images or three dimensional figures onanysurface! Phone is not a device for generating laser keys fortypingmessages. It is only a simulator, a joke!
Maths Photo-Solution Simulator 1.5
Maths Photo-Solution is a simulator ofprogramwhich calculates the results of mathematical equations andtasksbasing on their photos! Direct the camera on maths task, takeapicture of equation and the app Maths Photo-Solution willimitatecalculations and will generate the result! Show yourclassmates inschool the universal solution for all maths and makethem feeljealous!Maths Photo-Solution Simulator DOES NOT solve tasks for real,butmakes good effect of calculations so the final result leavesnodoubt! Want to make fun of your classmates? Give them theanswersfrom Maths Photo-Solution Simulator!ATTENTION! DO NOT USE Maths Photo-Solution as a realsolutioncalculator for mathematical equations and tasks! The app isasimulator which brings ONLY RANDOM results! All the answersaregenerated after the imitation of calculation! If you wanttoprogress in maths, get yourself a good schoolbook andstudyhard!
Hologram Drums Simulator 1.3
Hologram Drums is a simulator ofthreedimensional laser drum set projection with the use of a phonecamor photo flash! Want to play virtually projected drums?Holographicfuture music sounds in your head? The luminous laserdrum setinstruments appear on the phone screen, flashlight orcamera flashturns on and altogether it looks like the surface isshining 3Dimage projection of drums!FEATURES:Unlock new colors of holographic 3D projections of drums!Make fun of friends showing them 3D laser projections of drum setonthe screen!Pretend having holographic future technologies!Play imaginary melodies on virtual laser projection of drums!ATTENTION! Hologram Piano Simulator is a joke! The cameraphoneCANNOT project images or three dimensional laser figures onanysurface! Phone is not a device for generating laser imagesofmusical instruments. It is only a simulator, a joke!
Visual optical illusions 1.0
Optical illusion and brain! See the 3Dopticalillusion - the brain is in shock from the visual distortionofreality! Image zombiruet how hypnosis!Circles are moving or standing still? The lines are parallelorintersect? Does the color, if a long look in the center oftheimage? Do not believe your eyes! The vision and the brain trustinthe illusion, but its an optical illusion!The annex contains the most interesting and unusualopticalillusionsView all the pictures - this is not the video and animation!Thepicture only appears moving! Some of the pictures shouldbeconsidered carefully, others reveal their visual illusionwhenviewed from the side vision. Feel the distortion of reality -thebrain is shocked by the incredible 3D images!Share application to friends, maybe they will see in the pictureissomething else!ATTENTION! Do not lose consciousness, yielding hypnosis andfallinginto a trance!
Finger force-meter Simulator 1.0
Finger force meter is a simulator of apowermeasuring, a joke, showing the force of your fingers! Who areyou:real power man or a slacker? A monster or a sucker? A kid oragoon? Reach the maximum at this game and show yourstrength!Pretend that you push down the screen and earn bestscores! Makefun of your friends & show them your record! Enjoyplaying thisgame with friends, challenge them and find out whosefingers arestronger and who deserves being called a real bull!Check yourfinger power!ATTENTION! Finger force-meter is a SIMULATOR! The app“Fingerforce-meter” shows random results! Your phone is NOT abletomeasure the strength of fingers or weigh items in reality! It’snotreal power measurer! Be careful! Don’t damage your screenandprevent putting heavy things on your phone!
Cat Piano. Sounds-Music 1.3
Cat Piano. Sounds-Music offers to play amelodyfrom meow and purr sounds of kittens and grown cats! Thepiano keysare different kitty sounds recorded in different tones!Want to hearcat music playing? Like piano and adore kitten voices?Play CatPiano. Sounds-Music and create meow melodies and purrmusic! Cutefurry pets will appreciate and friends are going tolose their mindbecause of tenderness.Instructions:1. Install and start Cat Piano. Sounds-Music2. Press piano keys to get to know what it sounds like3. Make a melody from furry pet sounds4. Play this music to your friends or relatives to tear theirheartsby cuteness!No cats or kittens were harmed during the sound record.
Hologram Game. Simulator 1.0
Hologram Game is a simulator oflaserprojection for a classical 2D arcade with the use of a phonecam orphoto flash! Want to play virtually projected PingPong?Holographic rackets and virtual ball sound interesting?Theluminous laser game interface will appear on the phonescreen,flashlight or camera flash turns on and altogether it lookslikethe surface is shining 3D image projection of a classical 2DPingPong arcade!FEATURES:Unlock new colors of holographic 3D projections of the PingPongtable!Make fun of friends showing them 3D laser projections of PingPongon the screen!Pretend having holographic future technologies!Play imaginary holographic challenges on virtual laser projectionoflegendary Ping Pong game!ATTENTION! Hologram game simulator is a joke! The cameraphoneCANNOT project images or three dimensional laser figures onanysurface! Phone is not a device for generating laser gameinterfacesof classical games. It is only a simulator, a joke!
3D Face Camera simulator 1.0
3D Face Camera simulator createsthreedimensional projections of images basing on facial shots andusingphone camera. It is NOT a converter to stereoscopic pictures,itdoes NOT require 3D or stereo glasses! Just upload a photofromgallery in the app or make a facial shot! 3D Face Camerawillrecognize the lines of mouth and eyes and will generatethreedimensional projection of your head, neck and shoulders,basing onoriginal photo and using it as HD texture of highdefinition!INSTRUCTIONS:1. Turn on the app 3D Face Camera2. Choose a photo from gallery or make a facial shot - makesure,that eyelines and mouth lines are close to the builtintemplate3. Wait till the app 3D Face Camera finish generatingthreedimensional projection4. Share your 3D face picture with friends or make 3Dfaceprojection for them!ATTENTION! The app 3D Face Camera works properly only if thefaceon photo suits the built in template! Make sure that eyelinesandmouth line are close to the markers!
Water Drops Screen Simulator 1.0
Water Drops Screen Simulator is a prank,ajoke, the water under the screen looks like the phone hasbeenunder water and still works! HD water drops imitate waterresistantdevice! Pretend that you tried to take an underwater deepshot andshow drowned but alive phone! Dream about waterproofdevice? Wantto make underwater shots and to be not worried becauseof drownedphone? Buy yourself an underwater camera or a real waterresistantphone and make true masterpieces under water! The appWater DropsScreen Simulator will not make your device waterproof,but it willmake the extremal impression and will surprise friends!ATTENTION! The app Water Drops Screen Simulator DOES NOTmakeyour phone waterproof or water resistant! It’s just asimulator,making the impression of water being under the screen!Don’t try towet your phone or put it under water after installingthe app!
Animals with human eyes 1.0
The human eye on an animal? Morphine andchangeface to funny photo! Take a picture of a dog or cat withyour owneyes! Look how the pet looks your look! Take a picture ofyour petwith your face, make a funny collage in the editor, andpost it insocial network!Animal with human eyes - not a photo app to change eye color,lensesor makeup, and more! So funny your cat or kitten, dog,hamster oreven a fish aquarium you never saw! Any animal with ahuman facewill look funny! Check - try the human eye in the zoo onany animal- a monkey, a pig, a cow, a panda, a fox or abird!Or imagine your friends face with a dog, cat or crocodile insteadofa face! Take photos, make the collage in the editor and sharewithfriends! Become the star of social media!
Test: Brain Activity 1.0
Test: Brain Activity - find out whatperson& mind type you are: creative and artistic or analyticandprecision? Run the test and find out which brain hemisphereisstronger! The left one is responsible for scientific,analyticaland calculus abilities, the right one - for non standarddecisions,creativity and artistic abilities!TEST:1. Look at the animated twisting girl figure: which way isshespinning?2. If you think right, your stronger brain hemisphere is theleftone. You are analytic and precision!3. If you think left, your stronger brain hemisphere is therightone. You are creative and artistic person!4. If you can rearrange your perception and see the girlfigurespinning in the right and in the left way, congrads! You areagenius combining abilities of a creative and analytical mind!Find out what way of thinking you have and how your mindworks!Test your Brain Activity & think of your futureprofessionbased on the stronger parts of your personality! Trainyour brain!Solve analytical tasks or create art!Attention! For a perceived choice of future profession DONOTrely only the results of Test: Brain Activity. Attend coursesofprofessional orientation, decide what you want to do and learnithard!
Train & Railroad. Game 1.1
Train & Railroad. Game is asimulator:drive train from the real driver’s cabin! Build railroadandrailway stations! Manage locomotive at the simulator game andearnmoney on passengers’ transportation! Don’t forget to fueltrainwith coal, check if all the wagon doors are closed, use thehornbefore going, leave the break and go full speed ahead!Loveromantics of traveling with railroad sounds? Love the movingviewfrom the window: mountains, trees, rivers and bushes? Go fullspeedahead! Improve the railroad, train stations and passengers’railwaycarriage to transport more passengers and earn more money!ATTENTION! Train & Railroad. Game is a simulator! Thegamerepresents the mechanics of train driving only partially!Realtrain driving differs a lot from the game experience!
Dreamcatcher simulator 1.0
Dreamcatcher - create a mascot fromnightmaresand night evil spirits during sleep, an ancient Indianamulet toattract good dreams and bad scare. Do catcher with his ownhandswith the help of the simulator - choose feathers, driedleaves,twigs, interwoven threads, and Dreamcatcher ready!ATTENTION! The simulator is not a real dream catcher! This isonlyan imitation of the mascot, whose ability to scare awaythenightmares are not scientifically confirmed!But if you believe that the unique Dreamcatcher will sleep betteratnight - do not forget to put your phone running the simulatoratnight under the pillow! If the dream is strong, and in thedreamyou can fly - faith in Dreamcatcher help! Show uniquebeautifulIndian mascot friends in social networks - probably theamulet, andhelp others get rid of nightmares!The third part of the life of a person spends in a dream -improvethe quality of their dreams, rest at night, and morningandafternoon will be fresh and fresh!Good dreams!
Illusions: optical cheating 1.0
Deceive the brain hypnosis 3Dopticalillusions! Eyes and vision in shock! Brainwash friendsshowinginteresting moving images! Parallel lines appear tointersect,plain shapes look different, vivid static images andmovingdeceptively ryabyat! It is an illusion and deception! Yourvisionand the eyes are wrong! The reality is not distorted, and ifyoulook closely, using peripheral vision, much becomes loud andclear!These strange psychological characteristics of the brain usedinhypnosis for immersion in a trance - Learn the secretsofpsychologists, hypnotists and magicians! Amaze your friendswithunusual pictures, exploding consciousness opticalsurprise!ATTENTION! All images in the game are static and do not move!Theeffect adds movement brain! If you think that the phone isnottransmitting the color and shape of the image - it is alsoanillusion, which only see your eyes! Optical Illusion createstheeffect of volumetric 3D images!
Tower Blocks: Save The Cat! 1.1
Tower Blocks: Save The Cat! offers you tobuildup a skyscraper from construction blocks and boxes for afireman torescue cats & kittens from the height of the tallgrown gianttree! Pets are afraid of the height and can’t get downbythemselves! Building the tower for a fireman is chance to savethemfrom falling! Manage construction works of the skyscraperfromboxes, watch out for it’s steadiness! Tap the screen to putblockboxes down! The higher the tower the less steady it gets! Iftheskyscraper falls, the fireman won’t get to the kittens and allthepets will be gone on the height of the giant tree! Build thetowercarefully with your friends! Save kittens by buildingtheskyscraper and share the results! Challenge in saving catsfromheight!FEATURES:1. Cartoon graphics2. Easy gameplay3. First time you build a tower not just because! You have tosavekittens from falling!
GOAT vs ZOMBIES Simulator 2.2.6
Top Free Best Games.
Ram your goat into zombies! Demolishcars.Explode bombs. Attach your tongue to anything for increasedfunfactor!Forget all the other goat simulators, Goat vs Zombiesbringsincredible levels of destruction, mayhem and madness. Neverseen inany other goat simulator game! Start the fireworks withexplosivesand let the zombies fly. You can even use the slide toplay zombiesuperbowl! Simply drag any item up the slide with yourtongue andgive it a perfect push to hit as many zombies as you can.Epic goatfun guaranteed!!!Explore the map and find all the secrets. There are hiddenobjectsand funny things to do. Bet you can't figure them all outthe firsttime!* ZOMBIEEEEES!* Super goat powers* Unbelievable tongue ACTION* Super bowling slide* Epic explosions* Collect bonus time* Secret achievementsEnjoy fun burst of wild action and crazy madness.Beware of the killer train!PS: Please rate my game app. If I see you like my game Iwillmake a bigger map and add more destructible objects. Thank youverymuch.
Stereo Image Editor 1.0
Create stereo picture with volume 3D text!Theeditor will process any image or photo from your camera, writetextand send encrypted secret message to your friends! Strangecollageunderstandable only to those who know the secret - if youknow whatto look for in the picture, you can see the letters andwords! Buteven if you look at the phones screen for a long timeandcarefully, not everyone can see the stereo image! Can you solvetheriddle?Editor allows to write stereo 3D text from any image - selectapicture from the gallery or the camera to take pictures!Place the resulting treated editor collage with stereo 3D textinsocial networks - whether your subscribers to read theencryptedvolume text?To read hidden text on the collage, look at the center of thestereoimage a few seconds, relax your eyes, the vision itself tuneandfocus on volume 3D text! Train stereo vision!
Surgery Simulator 3D 2.4
GBN, Llc
You are a crazy surgeon! And thepatientisyour victim. Do anything you want! The bells areringinginEMERGENCY! Take an urgent care of your patient, butdon'tforgethow crazy you are! Mix organs, remove extra ones andhave funwiththis crazy Surgery Simulator 3D!Does one of these organs looks strange? It's a kindofdiagnosisfor a crazy surgeon! Let's remove one of organs orreplaceit byanything around! Perform all kinds of crazy surgeriesor trytosave patient's life - brain surgeries, lobotomies,tumorsremovingor just throwing organs out of the window. Areyouinterested inbecoming a crazy surgeon? Just try oursurgerysimulator!New patients are waiting for your help! Play as a surgeonandhelppatients to have successful brain surgery too! Checkpatient'sstatuswhile the operation, remove the tumor (or evenbrain) andhave fun!Use new tools - chainsaws, hammer or evenlightsabers!Buy new toolsearning money for successful surgeries!Save lives orhave fun!Surgery Simulator 3D features:- Lots of crazy surgeries - mix or remove organs- Variety of instruments for surgeries- Treat your patient or replace his head with a TV- Realistic organs to perform surgeries- Be a crazy surgeon!Join our crazy surgeons team with this Surgery Simulator3Dgame!Use your crazy skill to perform the craziest surgeryever!Mix andremove organs or treat your patient - it's up to youtodeside! Havefun with new crazy Surgery Simulator 3D!UPD Become even more qualified doctor with new versionofSurgerySimulator 3D game! Buy new tools and supplies foryoursurgeries -lasers, x-rays and other to perform operations youhavenever triedbefore! More patients, more illnesses and injuriesandmedical stufffor you to help! Tired of lungs, heart surgeriesandevenlobotomies? Try new meds, supplies and performthecraziestoperation with updated Surgery Simulator 3D! Tryyourselfas asurgeon, brain surgeon, vascular surgeon or just acrazy doctorwhowants to have fun! Perform brain surgeries, mix orremoveorgans,remove tumors and enjoy ultimate medical game in3D!Watch gameplay video on YouTube and learn newsurgeries!Evencrazier than before: our profile onfacebook- are waiting for your comments and reviews!
Pilot Airplane simulator 3D 2.7
Fly a plane as a pilot! Fly on airplane simulator 3d in the sky!