Top 10 Apps Similar to ADHD Success Pro

ADD/ADHD Help 1.00
How does ADD/ADHD Help work?This session is design to speed up the brain and actlikea“mental workout”, increasing electrical activity and bloodflowtothe brain, speeding it up, even promoting new dendriteandsynapsegrowth.Research shows that speeding up the brain is highlyeffectiveintreating ADD/ADHD. This session can greatlyincreasecognitiveabilities, enhance memory, increase focus andmentalspeed.Do it the healthy way...Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD orADHD)causesdifficulty in focusing and concentrating. It isestimatedthat 8million adults in the United States alone haveADHD.People affected by this ADD tend to beinefficient,easilydistracted, impulsive, emotionally unstable andwith lowselfesteem.When people with ADD are engaged in an activity,theirbrainwavefrequencies stay at lower levels. ADD is in a groupofdisorderslabeled “slow-wave”, as the brain has an overabundanceofslowerbrainwave patterns.The brain is capable of producing four main frequenciesofwaves.The highest frequency is the beta – that’s what we usewhenwe arefocused on an activity. And that’s the brain wavethatdoesn’tnecessarily appear for those with ADD/ADHD.USAGE:1) Choose a quiet place which is free of disturbances.2) Keep the body in a comfortable and relaxed state freefromanystrain or stress. If possible, wear non-restrictiveclothingsuchas pajamas, or if in the office, loosen belts andties.3) Choose a comfortable position.4) Remove contact lenses and any accessories.5) Do not undergo treatment on an empty or bloated stomach.6) Do not undergo treatment while under theinfluenceofalcohol.7)The process of hypnosis is effortless, what need to doissimplyfollow and concentrate on the instruction.8) Do not listen to the hypnotic music while driving,cyclingorwalking.9) People with a history of epilepsy or mental diseasesshouldnotundergo this treatment.10) For best results, each period of treatment should lastforatleast 30 days, with a fixed time each day forfocusedlistening.Unless used as a sleep aid, it is discouraged toscheduleahypnotic session before bedtime, as the music mayinducesleep.
Controlling ADD/ADHD 1.00
Adult ADD/ADHD can present challengesacrossallareas of life, from getting organized at home toreachingyourpotential at work. It can be tough on your health andbothyourpersonal and on-the-job relationships. Your symptoms mayleadtoextreme procrastination, trouble making deadlines,andimpulsivebehavior. In addition, you may feel that friendsandfamily don’tunderstand what you’re up against.Fortunately, there are skills you can learn to helpgetyoursymptoms of ADD/ADHD under control. You can improveyourdailyhabits, learn to recognize and use your strengths,anddeveloptechniques that help you work moreefficiently,increaseorganization, and interact better with others.Change won’thappenovernight, though. These ADD/ADHD self-helpstrategiesrequirepractice, patience, and, perhaps most importantly,apositiveattitude.You may be holding onto misconceptions about how much youcanhelpyourself with adult ADD/ADHD.MYTH: Medication is the only way to solve my ADD/ADHD.FACT: While medication can help some people managethesymptomsADD/ADHD, it is not a cure, nor the only solution. Ifusedat all,it should be taken alongside other treatmentsorself-helpstrategies.MYTH: Having ADD/ADHD means I’m lazy or unintelligent, so Iwon’tbeable to help myself.FACT: The effects of ADD/ADHD may have led to you andotherslabelingyou this way, but the truth is that you arenotunmotivated orunintelligent—you have a disorder that gets intheway of certainnormal functions. In fact, adults withADD/ADHDoften have to findvery smart ways to compensate fortheirdisorder.MYTH: A health professional can solve all myADD/ADHDproblems.FACT: Health professionals can help you manage symptomsofADD/ADHD,but they can only do so much. You’re the one livingwiththeproblems, so you’re the one who can make the mostdifferenceinovercoming them.MYTH: ADD/ADHD is a life sentence—I’ll always sufferfromitssymptoms.FACT: While it is true that there is no cure for ADD/ADHD, thereisalot you can do to reduce the problems it causes. Onceyoubecomeaccustomed to using strategies to help yourself, you mayfindthatmanaging your symptoms becomes second nature.
ADHD Quiz 1.0
Do you or someone you know havetroublefocusing, remembering things, and completing tasks? Is thereachild in your life that has more difficulty than others stayingontrack? If this sounds familiar, it could be ADHD.World renowned ADHD expert Dr. Edward M. Hallowell brings youhiseasy to use application to help you determine if you or someoneyouknow has ADHD. Dr. Hallowell helps you learn more aboutAttentionDeficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with twoself-assessmentquizzes and helpful ADHD background, next steps,resources, andnews. Quizzes are appropriate for adults andchildren.If you have no experience with ADHD, then this app isforyou!So if your inability to concentrate is causing stress inyourlife; if your child has trouble completing tasks in school,scoreyourself with the two quizzes offered in this application.Only aqualified physician can diagnose you with ADHD, but thequestionscontained here may help you decide whether your issues aretheresult of normal life stress or a real medical condition.Great for teachers and school counselors, too!Features:* App based on the best selling book “Driven to Distraction,"byDr. Hallowell and Dr. John Ratey* Self-assessment quizzes, two for adults and one forchildren* Information about ADHD: background, next steps, and resources,allfrom ADHD expert Dr. Hallowell* An ADHD news and information feed with regular updates fromDr.HallowellDr. Hallowell is a child and adult psychiatrist. He taughtatHarvard Medical School for 11 years and retired in 2004 todevotehis professional attention to his clinical practice,lectures, andwriting. He has authored 18 books on ADHD and otherpsychologicaland social topics. As a leader in the field of ADHD,Dr. Hallowelldeveloped the ADHD iPhone app as a tool in identifyingandproviding recommendations for ADHD.
ADHD Trainer 1.0.20
From 4 to 12 yearsThe aim of this application is to improve the impairmentofcognitive impairments in children with ADHD, such asattention,perceptual reasoning, inhibition, calculation, and verbalfluency.According to research conducted in ADHD, regular cognitivetrainingcan improve core symptoms of ADHD.The Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Trainer isacognitive training application designed for children with ADHD.TheADHD Trainer is adapted from another cognitive trainingtechnique;The TCT Method (Tajima Cognitive Training), which wasdeveloped byDr. Kazuhiro Tajima-Pozo, an expert psychiatrist in thediagnosisand treatment of ADHD.The TCT Method is a daily cognitive training therapy thatentailsmultiple cognitive tasks. The TCT Method trains cognitiveareas suchas attention, memory, calculation, reasoning, andvisuomotorcoordination.The poor completion rate of cognitive training therapiespresentsa major hurdle to treat cognitive deficits in childrenwith ADHD.Children with ADHD often evidence a lack of motivation,as exhibitedthrough avoidance of tasks requiring mentaleffort.Unlike many other cognitive training therapies, The TCTMethodattempts to "entertain," while challenging cognitive trainingisperformed, creating an optimal level of motivation forchildrenwith ADHD.The TCT Method of cognitive training entails children toplay“games” for 70 minutes per week or 280 minutes per month.Dr. Kazuhiro Tajima-Pozo is a childhood andadolescentpsychiatrist, and expert in ADHD disorders. He completedhisacademic training at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, NewYork.Dr. Tajima-Pozo has received several awards for his researchinADHD.NOTE: This application requires a phone or tablet of medium/highquality. In case that you have problems running theapplication, donot hesitate in contact our support service and wewill refund yourpurchase.
ADHD Treatment Tips 1.0
Use time-proven techniques shown inthisADHDapp to help you understand and treatAttentionDeficictHyperactivity Disorder in your child...Inside this large, info-packed ADHD treatment app, you willfindawealth of information, arranged in 10 easy to followchapters,tohelp you demystify everything about ADHD and ensureyour kidisback to normal!Here's what you will learn:1. An Overview2. Medication Treatments3. Medications Not Enough?4. The Diet5. The Bad Side6. ADHD Treatments With Rewards7. The Right Doctor8. Is Your Child's Diet A Factor?9. Alternative ADHD Treatments Available10. ADHD: Successful Child’s TreatmentADHD Treatment Tips is one of the most valuable,informativeandfree ADHD treatment tips apps available. Period!More ADHD treatment ideas and news are added to our apponaregular basis, keeping it freash and upto date.Check out some of the features of our ADHD app:- The most comprehensive and informative ebook onADHDandADD- Contains important information on ADHD in children, ADHDinadultsas well as ADHD treatments in generalInstall this free app TODAY and share it with yourfriends.Don’tmiss it while it is still available for FREE!
ADHD Adult Trainer 1.0.2
From 12 to 65The Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Traineradultversion is a cognitive training application designed foradolescentsand adults with ADHD. The ADHD Trainer is adapted fromanothercognitive training technique; The TCT Method (TajimaCognitiveTraining), which was developed by Dr. KazuhiroTajima-Pozo, anexpert psychiatrist in the diagnosis and treatmentof ADHD.The aim of this application is to improve the impairmentofcognitive impairments in adolescents and adults with ADHD, suchasattention, perceptual reasoning, inhibition, calculation,andverbal fluency. According to research conducted in ADHD,regularcognitive training can improve core symptoms of ADHD.The TCT Method is a daily cognitive training therapy thatentailsmultiple cognitive tasks. The TCT Method trains cognitiveareas suchas attention, memory, calculation, reasoning, andvisuomotorcoordination.The poor completion rate of cognitive training therapiespresentsa major hurdle to treat cognitive deficits in adolescentsand adultswith ADHD. People suffering from ADHD often evidence alack ofmotivation, as exhibited through avoidance of tasksrequiring mentaleffort.Unlike many other cognitive training therapies, The TCTMethodattempts to "entertain," while challenging cognitive trainingisperformed, creating an optimal level of motivation in peoplewithADHD.The TCT Method of cognitive training entails users toplay“games” for 70 minutes per week or 280 minutes per month.Dr. Kazuhiro Tajima-Pozo is a childhood andadolescentpsychiatrist, and expert in ADHD disorders. He completedhisacademic training at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, NewYork.Dr. Tajima-Pozo has received several awards for his researchinADHD.NOTE: This application requires a phone or tablet of medium/highquality. In case that you have problems running theapplication, donot hesitate in contact our support service and wewill refund yourpurchase.
ADD & ADHD Test 2.0
Take this test and find out if you have any ADHD & ADD symptoms
ADHD Health Storylines 5.5.3_01AUG2018
Health Storylines
ADHD management and self-care for adults.
ADHD Awareness Tips 3 1.0
This is volume #3 of oursuccessfulADHDAwareness Tips series with tons of free insightsaboutADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) andADD(AttentionDeficit Disorder).In summary in our ADHD Awareness Tips app Vol.3appyou'lldiscover:- An Introduction To ADD- ADD: Is It A Disease Or Just A Phase?- ADD: Is It Really What I Think It Is?- ADD: Getting Your Facts Right- ADD: The Signs And Symptoms- Understanding The True Nature Of ADHD- 8 Essential Skills For Managing ADD- Planning The Daily Life For Adults With ADD- Understanding The Meaning Of An ADD Diagnosis- Tips For Parents Looking After Their Childand much, much more...ADHD Awareness Tips Vol.3 is one of the most valuablefreeappsyou will ever find. Period!Here are some features of our app:1) This Treatment Tips app covers everything there istoknowabout ADHD and ADD.2) This is the most comprehensive app on ADHD children.3) We have certain information on ADHD adults andADHDingeneral.Install this free app and share it with others.
ADHD Psychopharmacology 11.1
SoftPsych LLC
This program provides Psychiatrists andMentalHealth Professionals a data driven, individualized approachtodiagnose and treat ADHD with medication. Diagnosis Screensforparent, teacher, adult and adolescent. Total symptom andaverageperformance scores.Features:Diagnosis screens for Parent, Teacher, Adolescent and AdultLogical stepwise measurement based care.Total symptom score and Average Performance scoresDifferential DiagnosisTreatment of ADHD without comorbidityTreatment of ADHD with comorbidityQuick reference to medications used in treatment of ADHDSummary of Psychosocial interventionsTreatment of side effectsOther tools are dealing with difficult cases, compliance,relevantinformation for parents/caregiversPediatric dose calculatorAdverse effects of Stimulants Screen