Top 20 Apps Similar to 繁簡寶(繁简宝)

中文简体繁体转换 1.0
Hu Naihe
Simplified to Traditional Convert / Chinese 2.0.5
Shogo Sato
Conversion from simplified Chinese characters totraditionalChinesecharacters Please use with wi-fi environment is agoodplace This isthe app to translate between Simplified ChineseandTraditionalChinese. Function to read out Function to cleartextsFunction tocopy texts Function to save history By pressingandholding HistoryButton, you can delete. By lightly touchingHistoryButton, you canre-translate. We hope this will be of helptolearners of Simplifiedand Traditional. Please use thisforlearning, business, travel andcommunication with friendsabroad.This app can read out the text ofthe translation result. Ifthereis anything unclear, please sendemail to us or write massagesonSupport Page.SupportPage time to load. Please enter the words you wanttotranslate afteryou havecompletedloading.----------------------------------------------------------------
繁簡寶(繁简宝) 專業板(专业版) 1.0.1
[会简体,学繁体][會繁體,學簡體]本系統提供帶發音的漢字卡片約1200張,設計以最系統,最高效的方法來學習簡體字和繁體字,讓您能更好地辨認簡體字與繁體字在寫法上的區別。在日常生活中,簡體字與繁體字的使用人群與人們生活的區域息息相關,比如香港、廣州、臺灣、澳門等地人們使用繁體字的頻率較高,而其它區域中人們則習慣使用簡體字。我們的繁簡寶,從最常用的簡體字與繁體字開始,循序漸進讓您在學習的過程中可以獲得事半功倍的效果。卡片的功能:* 不需要網絡,使您在任何時候,任何地方都可以學習。*包含常見的繁體和簡體字。其中字包括普通話(國語)發音,拼音(中文拼音,廣東話拼音,耶魯),漢字輸入法(注音,倉頡,四角),部首,筆劃等信息。* 我們的發音很全面,包含第五聲及一些字的組合音節,如‘兒’。* 每個字都包含最常用的詞組,以及詞組的拼音,定義,和發音。* 自由切換為彩色編碼漢字音。* 顯示拼音時,可以以音標符號或音標數字來顯示。* “棕色字”代表簡體和繁體是不同的。* 強大的搜索功能,包含按拼音,字,序號來搜索。* 隨機模式功能。 我們以隨機順序展示卡片,但總體還是以使用頻率來排序。* 新增比對功能。 您可以在同一頁面比較兩個不相同的字,來提高您的學習效率。* 區別顯示組合字情況下某些字發音的變化,如“不”, “一”。[会简体,学繁体][會繁體,學簡體]本系統提供带发音的汉字卡片约1200张,设计以最系统,最高效的方法来学习简体字和繁体字,让您能更好地辨认简体字与繁体字在写法上的区别。在日常生活中,简体字与繁体字的使用人群与人们生活的区域息息相关,比如香港、广州、台湾、澳门等地人们使用繁体字的频率较高,而其它区域中人们则习惯使用简体字。我们的繁简宝,从最常用的简体字与繁体字开始,循序渐进,让您在学习的过程中可以获得事半功倍的效果。卡片的功能:* 不需要网络,使您在任何时候,任何地方都可以学习。*包含常见的繁体和简体字。其中字包括普通话(国语)发音,拼音(汉语拼音,广东话拼音,耶鲁),汉字输入法(注音,仓颉,四角),部首,笔画等信息。* 我们的发音很全面,包含第五声及一些字的组合音节,如‘儿’。* 每个字都包含最常用的词组,以及词组的拼音,定义,和发音。* 自由切换为彩色编码汉字音。* 显示拼音时,可以以音标符号或音标数字来显示。* “棕色字”代表简体和繁体是不同的。* 强大的搜索功能,包含按拼音,字,序号来搜索。* 随机模式功能。我们以随机顺序展示卡片,但总体还是以使用频率来排序。* 新增比对功能。您可以在同一页面比较两个不相同的字,来提高您的学习效率。* 区别显示组合字情况下某些字发音的变化,如“不”, “一”。[Will be simplified,learnTraditional] ['ll Traditional Chinese, Simplified learn]This system provides the card with the pronunciation ofChinesecharacters around 1200, designed to most systems, themostefficient way to learn simplified and traditionalChinesecharacters, so you can better identify the differencebetweensimplified and traditional Chinese characters on the wordingof. Indaily life, simplified and traditional Chinese charactersusing thecrowd and people living in the area are closely related,such asHong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Macao and other places peopleusetraditional Chinese characters higher frequencies, while theotherareas in which people are accustomed to usingsimplifiedcharacters. Our treasure of complexity, from the mostcommonly usedsimplified and traditional characters start, step bystep so youcan get a multiplier effect in the learning process.Card features:* Do not need the network, so you at any time, any placecanlearn.* Includes common traditional and simplified Chinese. Whichwordincludes Mandarin (Mandarin) pronunciation, Pinyin (ChinesePinyin,Cantonese Pinyin, Yale), Chinese character input method(Zhuyin,Cangjie, corners), radical, stroke and otherinformation.* Our pronunciation is very comprehensive, including thefifthsyllable sound and composition of some words, suchas'children'.* Each word contains the most commonly used phrases, as wellasphonetic phrases, definitions, and pronunciation.* Freedom to switch to color-coded characters sound.* When displaying the alphabet, can phonetic phonetic symbolsornumbers to appear.* "Brown word" stands for Simplified and Traditionalisdifferent.* Powerful search features, including press alphabet,word,number to search.* Random mode function. We show cards in random order,butoverall still to be sorted using the frequency.* Added comparison function. You can compare twodifferentcharacters on the same page to improve yourlearningefficiency.* Difference display case word combinations word pronunciationofcertain changes, such as "no," "a."[Will be simplified, learn Traditional] ['ll TraditionalChinese,Simplified learn]This system provides the card with the pronunciation ofChinesecharacters around 1200, designed to most systems, themostefficient way to learn simplified and traditionalChinesecharacters, so you can better identify the differencebetweensimplified and traditional Chinese characters on the wordingof. Indaily life, simplified and traditional Chinese charactersusing thecrowd and people living in the area are closely related,such asHong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Macao and other places peopleusetraditional Chinese characters higher frequencies, while theotherareas in which people are accustomed to usingsimplifiedcharacters. Our treasure of complexity, from the mostcommonly usedsimplified and traditional characters start, step bystep, so youcan get a multiplier effect in the learningprocess.Card features:* Do not need the network, so you at any time, any placecanlearn.* Includes common traditional and simplified Chinese. Whichwordincludes Mandarin (Mandarin) pronunciation, spelling(Pinyin,Cantonese Pinyin, Yale), Chinese character input method(phonetic,Cangjie, corners), radical, strokes and otherinformation.* Our pronunciation is very comprehensive, including thefifthsyllable sound and composition of some words, suchas'children'.* Each word contains the most commonly used phrases, as wellasphonetic phrases, definitions, and pronunciation.* Freedom to switch to color-coded characters sound.* When displaying the alphabet, can phonetic phonetic symbolsornumbers to appear.* "Brown word" stands for Simplified and Traditionalisdifferent.* Powerful search features, including press alphabet,word,number to search.* Random mode function. We show cards in random order,butoverall still to be sorted using the frequency.* Added comparison function. You can compare twodifferentcharacters on the same page to improve yourlearningefficiency.* Difference display case word combinations word pronunciationofcertain changes, such as "no," "a."
蒙恬筆 Lite - 繁簡合一中文辨識 3.7.10-lite
Penpower Inc.
TOCFL BAND A-Bレベル対策アプリ/華語文能力測検 2.0.7
JLD International,inc
TOCFL BAND A-Bレベル対策アプリです。 華語文能力測検 (初級~中級)対策のクイズアプリ。華語文能力測検受験者向けの4択クイズです。
Chinese Typing Practice (繁體中文) 1.30
Zero Second Studio
Introduction:Think your Chinese typing speed is too slow?Try the best Chinese typing practice ( input training and speedtest) application.This is the best application to improve your Chinesetypingspeed.You can also post your scores via facebook and share withyourfriends.Typing Expert Traditional Chinese Version.Features:◎ Fully compatible with a variety of Chinese inputmethods,including handwriting and voice input.◎ Real-time display typing speed per minute, and correct words/wrong words.◎ Challenge mode , with dozens of typing masters tochallenge.◎ Setting mode can adjust the font size, practice time, andpracticearticles. Those with poor vision or the elderly can alsoeasily getstarted.◎ Provides Cezisuanming function; can measure your fortune andluckeach day.◎ Uses nearly 30 inspirational stories, lyrical stories,shortstories, and other kinds of full articles.
Bopomo Learn Chinese Phonics 1.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Learn Chinese by Bopomo (MPS Chu-yin)MPS (Mandarin Phonetic Symbols) also known as Zhuyin fuhao,inEnglish translations, the system is often called either Chu-yinorbopomofo, was introduced in the 1910s as the firstofficialphonetic system for transcribing Chinese, especiallyMandarin.Consisting of 37 characters and four tone marks, thissystem iswidely used as an educational tool and Chinese computerinputmethod in Taiwan. Bopomofo remains the predominant phoneticsystemin teaching reading and writing in elementary school inTaiwan. Inteaching Mandarin, Taiwan institutions and some overseascommunitystill use bopomofo as a learning tool. It is also one ofthe mostpopular ways to enter Chinese characters into computers andlook upcharacters in a dictionary in Taiwan. In grade one,Chinesecharacters in textbooks are often annotated with bopomofoasstudents take ten weeks to learn them.Features:★ ㄅㄆㄇ Bopomo...37 characters pronunciations and strokes,examplevocabularies in Chinese and English (nativespeakerpronunciations)★ The gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flipthepage★ Finding game in the example sentences.★ The astronaut Erin family performed the story in this seriesaredesigned by Italian Delicatessen Studio. The music in theappspresented by the well-known songwriter – NienShen Ma (MovieCapeNo. VII’s actor Mala Sang)★ The language learning picture books received verygoodcomments, over 2 millions downloads,avg. 4.5 stars,.Talking - app is developed by Q.L.L. (Quick LanguageLearning)Inc. Ltd., a professional language learning contentsdeveloper. Wedeveloped also "Pocket Chinese Tutor" for businesspeople to learnChinese and The Ugly Duckling multilingualstorybooks...and so on.Our goal is to fit language learning intoyour life style.Please leave your comments here,with your help we can do betterChinese learning apps.
Chinese English Dictionary Pro 6.2.0
The best Chinese English Dictionary offers Chinese andEnglishtranslations.
GET 大家學標準日本語初級本 1.1.0
Soyong Corp.
A basic course that must be learned to lay the foundationofJapanese. The author arranges 42 specific learning objectivesbasedon concepts from simple to complex, from basic to extended,andthrough textbooks, grammar explanations and exercises, thelearningis done at once.
Myanmar/English Alpha Touch 1.0
Droid Chan
Play & LearnMyanmar Alpha Touch is for kid, parent and the person whowanttoplay & learn the Myanmar, English or Zhuyin fuhao/Bopomofo(注音符號/ㄅㄆㄇㄈ) Alphabet.There is no endding for learningineveryentire life. Playing is simultaneously a source ofrelaxationandstimulation for the brain and body. A sure way todevelop yourkidimagination, creativity, problem-solving abilities,andmentalhealth is let him or her to play and learn together.InMyanmarAlphaTouch game , Myanmar/Zhuyin Fuhao/EnglishAlphabetsarerunning underwater and the player will get the scoresbyhittingthe Alphabet before it gone away. To unlock the NextStage,playermay have to complete Current Stage first. Wheneverplayercatch thewhichever Alphabet, player will see the Alphabetexplosionand gainthe score. However you play hard, there is 60second timerrunningfor player to loose. When player get the enoughscore nextgamestage will be unlock.Remember ! You can switch either Myanmar (က၊ ခ၊ ဂ) orEnglish(A,B,C) or Zhuyin fuhao / Bopomofo (注音符號/ㄅㄆㄇㄈ) whatever youwant.Youwanna add some more Alphabet kindly let me know !Cheers!
Let's BoPoMoFo! 1.0.1
"Let's BoPoMoFo!" is an applicationwhichletyou learn "BoPoMoFo", a phonetic system mainly used inTaiwantostudy Chinese. This application allows you topractice"BoPoMoFo"as well as self-test your "BoPoMoFo". Thisstandardversion of theapplication includes advertisements.Foradvertisement-free andmore features, please purchase thepremiumversion of theapplication.Main features includes:1) Practice mode: Let you practice "BoPoMoFo" one byoneinorder.2) Self-test mode: Self-test your "BoPoMoFo". Arandomlyselectedcharacter of BoPoMoFo appears for you toanswer.3) Sound play: For each character of "BoPoMoFo", you canplaysoundfor the pronunciation.4) Supported language: English and Japanese (changeableinthesetting menu)Please refer to the following page for the instruction.
Let's BoPoMoFo! Premium 1.0.1
"Let's BoPoMoFo! Premium" is anapplicationwhich lets you learn "BoPoMoFo", a phonetic systemmainly used inTaiwan to study Chinese. This application allows youto practice"BoPoMoFo" as well as self-test your BoPoMoFoacquisition level.Main features of the premium version include:1) Practice mode: Let you practice "BoPoMoFo" one by one inorderor from the "BoPoMoFo" charts.2) Self-test mode: Self-test your "BoPoMoFo" acquisition level .Arandomly selected character of "BoPoMoFo" appears for youtoanswer.3) Sound play: For each character of "BoPoMoFo", you can playbackits pronunciation.4) Supported Language: English and Japanese (changeable inthesetting menu).5) No advertisement.6) Twitter function.7) Wallpaper setting to let you set your favorite image asthebackground of the application.Please refer to the following URL for the instruction.
汉字转拼音 1.0
Hu Naihe
幼童華語讀本 1.1.0
幼童華語讀本App一共39課,每一課都包含三個部份:「課文」、「詞彙」、「玩遊戲」。課文首先以簡短易學的句子讓幼童能一起跟讀,再列出詞彙供作參考,詞彙出自「華語文能力測驗」(TOP)800詞表,都是實用且常用的詞彙,還有互動性的玩遊戲單元供幼童練習。課文的句子及詞彙都附有注音、漢語拼音。點擊喇叭形狀的按鈕便會播放出清楚的音檔供學習者反覆聆聽,同時附上英譯做對照,以期能達到最大的學習收穫效益,對幼童的基礎華語文學習有很大的幫助。關鍵字: 僑委會 OCAC Biweekly 5QChannel Mandarin Chinese 幼童 華語 中文讀經
MPS Converter 2.7.6
Little Fox Studio
Convert a Chinese character into Mandarin Phonetic Symbols.
easy fast learn chinese pinyin 4.0.0
Learn Chinese Easily provides you arelaxingand interactive way of learning a new language. You willhavecontinuous opportunities to practice your mastery of thelanguageby constantly interact with the software by connectingwords withimages to confirm their meaning.- Learn Mandarin Chinese language in the correct andinterestingway- Efficient study method with picture and pronunciation to helpyourunderstanding- "Easy to navigate" interface- Free language lessons will be included in updates- Test mode to test your mastery of the lesson. A summarywithrating will be given after the test- Keep tracking of your learning progress-Comprehensive Chinese vocabs & phrases-100% practical & well categorized contents-Authentic pronunciationChildren learn the alphabet is a good helper!Pinyin is the foundation for children to learnChinesepronunciation, is a required course, combines baby learningPinyinPinyin stroke, phrase, pronunciation, cartoon illustrationsandcatchy jingle to diverging memory, which allows the baby tograspquickly the standard alphabet pronunciation. Mastered thealphabetafter the baby can you learn the skills Tang Mandarin,write, reada storybook rhymes, the software contains all thephonetic learningand child care puzzle game for preschool and firstgrade, secondgrade children to learn.Of course, for none native is also very useful to learnMandarinchinese.
Chinese Input 4.3
Guilin Ouyang
HeChinese Series:1. HeCharacter (On Google Play);2. HeInput (This application);3. HeBook1 (On Google Play);4. HeBook2 (Coming Soon).★★★★★ If you feel difficult to use this application,youshouldtry HeCharacter and HeChinese applications first ★★★★★HeChinese is a systematical theory and technologyforChinesewords, which includes 25 Chinese characters andtheirvarieties,Chinese words' analysis and decomposing rules,andChinese wordstudy, practice and typing method.HeInput as a input method can type Chinese much fasterthanPinYinand other input methods on phone and computer.HeInput method can type 21,003 words(only 3,500 wordsaredailyused), 180,000 Phrases, has rich features such ascodeprompt,PinYin prompt, search words and code by PinYin,linkedtyping,adding personal phrases, etc.HeInput also using 26 numbers(formed with 1-6 sixdigitals)toencode 26 English characters.Full featured input method with many features such ascodeprompt,PinYin prompt, using PinYin to search words andcodes,symbol typing,and have simple English typing as bonus.HeInput Advanced Features1. Add personal phrases.You can add to system many often used phrases such asyourChinesename, company name, address, etc. for quick input.2. Linked input.It is helpful for Chinese learners to know linked phrases.
ㄅㄆㄇ真好玩 1.1.5
透過各種小遊戲學習注音符號。 (黃紹維、林秀貞老師Flash互動教學作品,重新改版for Android)
Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary 0.2.6
Note: Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary App is a complement toitsprintmaterial. The access code to the app may be found withinthebook.Kindly note that each access code can only be used on upto3devices. Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary book is availableatallmajor bookstores in Singapore. Fun Chinese PictureDictionaryiswritten based on Ministry of Education, Singapore'slatestsyllabus(2015) and specially created for Primary 1 & 2pupilsas areference book to learn the Chinese Language in a funway!•Inclusive of vocabulary from the latest 2015ChineseLanguageTextbook for Primary Schools • Contextualisedlearningofvocabulary from 50 familiar daily-life settings • Over600commonlyused nouns with linking of appropriate measurewords,collectivenouns, verbs, to extend learning • The app makeslearningintuitive- listening to audio playbacks and learning verbsthroughanimation• Corresponding Hanyu Pinyin and Englishtranslation forall nounsfeatured • English-Chinese index providedat the end ofthe bookHave fun learning with MCE Chinese PictDict! encounter issues, please tryout the following steps.Step 1:Please delete and download the appagain. Step 2: Oncedownloaded,please enter the access code whenprompted by the app toactivateit. (This step requires internetconnection.) If theproblempersists, please
汉字启蒙 2
这是一款专门为孩子学习中国汉字专业订制的汉字启蒙应用,有形象的动画视频配上汉字,再加上纯正的汉语发音,让孩子更容易理解和掌握每个汉字的意思和书写规格,应用中有四种学习方法,不但使孩子容易记住还有很大的趣味和娱乐性~!让孩子在快乐中学习不断进步~!This is aspecificallydesigned for children to learn Chinese characterskanjienlightenment professional custom applications, there is theimageof the animated video coupled with Chinese characters, plusthepure Chinese pronunciation, let the children are easiertounderstand and grasp the meaning of each character andwritingspecifications Application There are four methods oflearning, notonly so that children are easy to remember there is agreat fun andentertaining ~! Let the children learning progress inhappiness~!