Top 13 Apps Similar to Full Quran in English

Quran English 1.3.5
Arrayyan Apps
Quran application with word by word in englishtranslation,alsoavailable audio murattal 30 juz, all content andaudio isfree.Features : - Graceful design, sliding the screen leftto righttogo to the next or prev to other surah. - Reading Quranwiththeportait or landscape screen mode. - Tab Surah (Surah list).-TabJuz (list Juz). - Translation verse Quran in english.-TranslationQuran word by word in english. - Audio murattal(Qari:Syaikh HaniAr Rifai, Syaikh Mishary Rashid, Syaikh FaresAbbad,Syaikh MahmudKhalil Al Husary, Syaikh Maher Al Muaiqly,Syaikh SaadAl-Ghamdiand Syaikh Muhammad Jebril). - Bookmark versesof Quran. -Mark averse the last read. - Copy the verses of Quran. -Share theversesof Quran to Social Media. - Tafseer Al-Jalalayn inEnglish ineveryverses. - Text of the Quran available two options(IndoPakandUthmani). - Search for meaning in the Al Quran.
Quran - English Arabic + Audio 2.5
Understand Islam
Read, listen, search and explore the Holy Quran in English.Itincludes the English and Arabic text and recitations inbothlanguages. Features: *The complete English and Arabic text *Listento six different reciters including Abdul Basit Marrattal,Ghamadi,Hani Rifai and the English recitation by Imam BenjaminBilal*Download or instantly stream the different recitations*Search theentire English text of the Holy Qur’an *Unlimitedbookmarks withnote and sharing function *Glossary/Index withthousands of topicsand the direct hyperlink to the correspondingverses in the HolyQur'an *Landscape mode *Widget to access the appfrom the androidhome screen *Introduction to the Holy Qur’an withmany topics forthe Muslim and non-Muslim reader as well as theCommentary(Tafseer) in English language (please note this is stillinBeta-version) *Four different font sizes *Differentbackgroundthemes *HD tablet version with up to three columns nextto eachother …and much more
Al Quran in English 1.0.0
RMP Studio
Al Quran App in English & Arabic Language with Transliteration
Quran in English 1.0
Quran books
The Meaning of the Glorious KoranThe meaning of the Glorious Qur'an (1930) isanexplanatorytranslation of the Qur'an by Marmaduke Pickthall.In1928,Pickthall took a two-year sabbatical to completehistranslation ofthe meaning of the Qur'an, a work that heconsideredthe summit ofhis achievement. Pickthall noted theimpossibility ofperfectlytranslating the Arabic into English, andhe titled hiswork TheMeaning of the Glorious Quran (A. A. Knopf,New York 1930).It wasthe first translation by a Muslim whose nativelanguagewasEnglish, and remains among the two most populartranslations,theother being the work of Abdullah Yusuf Ali.List of suras:1. Al-Fatiha (The Opener)2. Al-Baqara (The Cow)3. Al Imran (Family of Imran)4. An-Nisa (The Women)5. Al-Ma'ida (The Table Spread)6. Al-An'am (The Cattle)7. Al-A'raf (The Heights)8. Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)9. At-Tawba (The Repentance)10. Yunus (Jonah)11. Hud (Hud)12. Yusuf (Joseph)13. Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder)14. Ibrahim (Abrahim)15. Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract)16. An-Nahl (The Bee)17. Al-Isra (The Night Journey)18. Al-Kahf (The Cave)19. Maryam (Mary)20. Ta-Ha (Ta-Ha)21. Al-Anbiya (The Prophets)22. Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)23. Al-Mu'minoon (The Believers)24. An-Nur (The Light)25. Al-Furqan (The Criterian)26. Ash-Shu'ara (The Poets)27. An-Naml (The Ant)28. Al-Qasas (The Stories)29. Al-Ankabut (The Spider)30. Ar-Rum (The Romans)31. Luqman (Luqman)32. As-Sajda (The Prostration)33. Al-Ahzab (The Combined Forces)34. Saba (Sheba)35. Fatir (Originator)36. Ya Sin (Ya Sin)37. As-Saaffat (Those who set the Ranks)38. Sad (The Letter "Saad")39. Az-Zumar (The Troops)40. Ghafir (The Forgiver)41. Fussilat (Explained in Detail)42. Ash-Shura (The Consultation)43. Az-Zukhruf (The Ornaments of Gold)44. Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke)45. Al-Jathiya (The Crouching)46. Al-Ahqaf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills)47. Muhammad (Muhammad)48. Al-Fath (The Victory)49. Al-Hujurat (The Rooms)50. Qaf (The Letter "Qaf")51. Adh-Dhariyat (The Winnowing Winds)52. At-Tur (The Mount)53. An-Najm (The Star)54. Al-Qamar (The Moon)55. Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent)56. Al-Waqi'a (The Inevitable)57. Al-Hadid (The Iron)58. Al-Mujadila (The Pleading Woman)59. Al-Hashr (The Exile)60. Al-Mumtahina (She that is to be examined)61. As-Saff (The Ranks)62. Al-Jumua (The Congregation, Friday)63. Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)64. At-Taghabun (The Mutual Disillusion)65. At-Talaq (The Divorce)66. At-Tahrim (The Prohibtiion)67. Al-Mulk (The Sovereignty)68. Al-Qalam (The Pen)69. Al-Haaqqa (The Reality)70. Al-Maarij (The Ascending Stairways)71. Nuh (Noah)72. Al-Jinn (The Jinn)73. Al-Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One)74. Al-Muddathir (The Cloaked One)75. Al-Qiyama (The Resurrection)76. Al-Insan (The Man)77. Al-Mursalat (The Emissaries)78. An-Naba (The Tidings)79. An-Naziat (Those who drag forth)80. Abasa (He Frowned)81. At-Takwir (The Overthrowing)82. Al-Infitar (The Cleaving)83. Al-Mutaffifin (The Defrauding)84. Al-Inshiqaq (The Sundering)85. Al-Burooj (The Mansions of the Stars)86. At-Tariq (The Nightcommer)87. Al-Ala (The Most High)88. Al-Ghashiya (The Overwhelming)89. Al-Fajr (The Dawn)90. Al-Balad (The City)91. Ash-Shams (The Sun)92. Al-Lail (The Night)93. Ad-Dhuha (The Morning Hours)94. Al-Inshirah (The Relief)95. At-Tin (The Fig)96. Al-Alaq (The Clot)97. Al-Qadr (The Power)98. Al-Bayyina (The Clear Proof)99. Az-Zalzala (The Earthquake)100. Al-Adiyat (The Courser)101. Al-Qaria (The Calamity)102. At-Takathur (The Rivalry in world increase)103. Al-Asr (The Declining Day)104. Al-Humaza (The Traducer)105. Al-Fil (The Elephant)106. Quraysh (Quraysh)107. Al-Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses)108. Al-Kawthar (The Abundance)109. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)110. An-Nasr (The Divine Support)111. Al-Masadd (The Palm Fiber, Flame)112. Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity)113. Al-Falaq (The Daybreak)114. Al-Nas (The Mankind )
Quran in English 7.0
MagicBooks Editora
The holy book, full
Quran Project 2.3.1
English Translation of The Quran, with sūrah introductionsandappendices.
Quran in English 1.0
Discover the Koran, a divineuniversalmessagefor all of humanity, now available free and in yourownlanguage!With this app you will be able to read the Koran inEnglishanddownload it for free in your mobile device.The sacred book for the Muslims, also called Koran,QuránorKorán, contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed totheprophetMohammed.The word Koran in English comes from the ArabAl-Quran,whichmeans "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited".Mohammedreceived these revelations and transmitted themorally.After hisdeath, in the year 632, his followers began toassembletherevealed texts taking the form of the book which weknowtoday.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims.It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It referstoGod'srelation with his creatures and it offers a guidewitheducationsfor a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoranisoutlined for its beauty, its poetry anditsliteraryperfection.The unique style of the Koran demonstrates its divineoriginandcontinues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmatteringifthey are believers.It is a book that million people memorize day after day.The original text of the Qurán was written in classicArab,butmany translations in western languages exist. Thefirsttranslationwas in Latin in 1143.Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, inyourownlanguage.The Koran is organized into separate chapters called surasandeachone of these is divided into verses.1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women,5TheTable Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils ofWar,9The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 TheThunder,14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The NightJourney,18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 ThePilgrimage,23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 ThePoets, 27TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31Luqman,32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba,35Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter"Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke,45TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 TheWinnowingWinds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 TheBeneficent, 56TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59The Exile,60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation,63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66TheProhibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshroudedOne,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man,77TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80HeFrowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding,84TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer,87TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City,91TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95TheFig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99TheEarthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalryinworldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108TheAbundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111ThePalm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 TheMankindWe invite all of you to read the Quran!Download it now and enjoy these English Version of theMuslimHolybook.
Quran in English Lite 4.7.5b
Seconda Variante
Read the Quran in english language
Quran: English Audio and Notes 1.01
Goodword Books
The Quran - A simple English TranslationwithAudio and Notes.Translators: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan and Farida KhanamVoice: Imam Abdullah Farooq and Jim SuesThe Quran App is a concise, easy-to-read guide that enablesreadersto understand the deeper meanings of the Quran and toreflect uponits relevance in the present world.Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, is the author of more than twohundredbooks on various issues related to Islam including thecommentaryon the Quran.Features of the Quran App:· A lucid English translation of the Quran· In simple, easily-understandable modern English· Quick and easy to use· Offline reading: Read and listen the Quran even withoutnetworkaccess· Listen to audio Quran as you do other tasks (Audio onetimedownloadable)· Flip back and forth from the verses of the Quran tonote-takingduring lessons with one touch and not miss a thing· Copy and paste multiple verses easily and quickly· For deeper study, reflection and contemplation on the verse oftheQuran, refer to notes at the end of the Quran· Quick navigation using table of contents· Share verses with friends using social networks, email,orSMS· Full-text search allows users to quickly find words andstudytopics· Bookmark your favorite passages for quick future reference· Portrait / Landscape mode· Read easier with settings like fonts, text size, and contrastforbright or low-light conditions. Auto-scroll page feature.Download the Quran App now and enjoy the Quran readingexperienceloved by millions!For online reading and buying books and other products,includingresource material on the Quran, the Hadith, Sirah andDawah,
Quran Audio - Eng Pickthal 1.6.7
Pakdata PDMS
Quran Audio English translation Pickthal. Also works withQuranMajeed.
Quran Translations 1.9.3
Mercan software
A free(without banners), simple and user friendly Quranapplication.
Last Ten Surah 2020 2.2
Quran Reading
Last 10 Surah of Quran with recitation, English translationandtransliteration