Top 22 Apps Similar to Tweed Health For Everyone SC

Health Book Digital 0.11b
Uniker is the first digitalconnectedHealthbook.Having the best healthcare, the best prevention, thebestmonitoringof your health and wellness and ease your life.Uniker health book present a revolutionary idea butsosimple.Each Person own and manage directely his or her healthbookon thecontrary of all other personal medical file projects.WithUnikerhealth book I have the freedom to handle my own medicalandsocialrecords, to update them directly and to share them withwhoever Iwant, when, where and how I decide.Uniker is a health book which will give thepossibilitytoexchange and ease healthcare and its social careaspect bycreatingyour own circle of trust and social network.Tosupportus:
Health Record 1.5.1
Keep track of your family'shealthdata:personal measures (weight, temperature, heart,size,cranialperimeter), observations, treatments. Registeryourappointmentsand be notified. Display the progression ofthepersonal measuresfor each member of your family.
Assistant santé - Mieux vaut prévenir 3.5.1
Gérez votre santé et celle de vos proches avec l'assistantsantéconnecté Mieux vaut prévenir. C’est tout simplement leconcierge devotre santé. Vous lui confiez vos consultations et vostraitements,il vous les rappelle en temps utile. Vous lui décrivezvossymptômes, il les conserve précieusement en vue d’uneconsultation.Vous l’informez de vos maladies pour qu’il apprenne àvousconnaître, et il vous aide à mieux vous protéger quand vousêtesplus fragile. Grâce à, vous suivez vosvaccinations.Des questionnaires permettent de vous proposer demanièrepersonnalisée des fiches santé adaptées à vos besoins etrédigéespar un collège de médecins. L'inscription est ouverte àtout lemonde. Si vous n'avez pas de code d'invitation, cliquez sur"Non,je n'ai pas de code d'invitation" pour accéder gratuitementàl'application.
Qualitas Health 1.0.6
HealthEngine Pty Ltd
Qualitas Health helps you find aQualitasHealthclinic near you, and book your appointmenton-the-go, 24/7.Features----------------------------------------- Find and book available appointments at a Qualitas Healthclinicinyour local area.- Find contact details for a Qualitas Health clinic inyourlocalarea.- View rich content including names, addresses,phonenumbers,descriptions, staff, photos, opening hours, and mapsforall ofQualitas Health's clinics.- Get directions to your local Qualitas Health clinic, andaddthemto your address book.- Manage your bookings from within the app, and be remindedontheday of your appointment.- Qualitas Health is powered by HealthEngine,Australia'sleadingsite for finding and booking health appointmentsonline andon themobile.
DocForYou 1.0
L' APPLICATION SANTE DE REFERENCE !100% GRATUIT> Pas de pub> Pas d’achat intégré100% SECURISE> Cryptage des données> Cryptage des échangesAvertissement, l’utilisation de DocForYou ne remplace enaucuncas une consultation chez un médecin !DocForYou ne fait pas de diagnostic mais propose uneinformationsanté interactive et dynamique.Le contenu est évolutif et mis à jour régulièrement avecdenouvelles maladies.Fonctionnalités• Mettez un nom sur vos symptômes !• Vérifiez si vous êtes atteint ou pas d’une maladie.• Sauvegardez vos données de santé et accédez-y partout !• Grâce au pilulier, n’oubliez jamais plus de prendrevosmédicaments.• Suivez la santé de votre enfant à plusieurs et à distance !Descriptif de la fonctionnalité - Analyser mes symptômes• Questions médicales sur vos symptômes• Proposition de la ou des maladies les plus probables• Accès à la description de la ou des maladies (wikipédia)• Localisation des médécins• Localisation des urgences• Localisation des pharmacies• Aide à la préparation de votre consultation chez le médecinDescriptif de la fonctionnalité - Ai-je cette maladie ?• Recherche alphabétique• Recherche par nom• Accès à la description de la maladie (wikipédia)• Analyse du risque: faible, modéré, important, sévèreDescriptif de la fonctionnalité - Guide Médicament• Accès rapide aux notices officielles de tous lesmédicamentsdisponibles en France (ANSM*)• Indications• Posologie• Effet secondaire• Contre indication• Composition• Méthode de conservation• ...Descriptif de la fonction - Carnet de Santé• Maladies• Opérations• Vaccin• Allergies• Suivi de fièvre• Surveillance de l’ IMC• Poids, taille, groupe sanguin• PartageDescriptif de la fonctionnalité - Pilulier interactif• Gestion de plusieurs traitements• Historique des prises• NotificationDescriptif de la fonctionnalité - Enfant• Ajouter vos enfants• Partager les informations de santé de vos enfants avecvotreconjoint, vos parents...Descriptif de la fonctionnalité - Thermomètre• Reporter la température prise• Suivez l’évolution de votre températureApprenez en plus à propos de DocForYou : http://www.docforyou.comSuivez-nous sur Twitter : sur Facebook : conditions d’utilisation :http://www.docforyou.comNotre politique de confidentialité : http://www.docforyou.comTHE APPLICATION OFHEALTHREFERENCE!100% FREE> No ads> No in-app purchase100% secure> Data Encryption> Encryption tradeWarning, using DocForYou not a substitute for a consultationwitha doctor!DocForYou is not diagnostic but offers a dynamic andinteractivehealth information.The content is evolving and regularly updated with newdiseases.Features• Put a name on your symptoms!• Check whether you have or not a disease.• Save your health data and access it anywhere!• Thanks to the pill, never forget to take your medicinemore.• Follow the health of your child and more distance!Description of functionality - Analyze my symptoms• Questions about your medical symptoms• Proposal or the most probable disease• Access to the description of the disease ordiseases(Wikipedia)• Location of Doctors• Location of emergency• Location of pharmacies• Assist in the preparation of your visit to the doctorDescription of functionality - Am I the disease?• Alphabetical Search• Search by name• Access to the description of the disease (Wikipedia)• Analysis of risk: low, moderate, substantial, severeDescription of functionality - Drug Guide• Quick access to official records of all medicines availableinFrance (MSNA *)• Indications• Dosage• Side Effect• Contraindication• Composition• Method of conservation• ...Description of function - Health Book• Diseases• Operations• Vaccine• Allergies• Monitoring fever• Monitoring of BMI• Weight, height, blood group• ShareDescription of functionality - Interactive Pill• Management of multiple treatments• History taken• NotificationDescription of functionality - Child• Add your child• Share information health of your children with your spouse,yourparents ...Description of functionality - Thermometer• Record the temperature taken• Keep track of your temperatureLearn more about DocForYou: http://www.docforyou.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook: Terms of Use:http://www.docforyou.comOur privacy policy:
Bioprome 1.2
Bioprome es una aplicación que te permite conocer cómo afectaranlosfenómenos meteorológicos y ambientales a tus dolenciascrónicas,ofreciéndote una previsión de cómo te encontrarás lospróximos días.La mayoría de las personas con enfermedades crónicastienen unaimpresión muy clara de cómo el estado del tiempo y losfenómenosmeteorológicos afecta a su estado de salud, incluso laspersonas sinninguna dolencia saben que cuando el tiempo cambia aveces sientencomo una especie de desasosiego. En bioprome hemoscreado unaherramienta que agrupa los más especializados estudioscientíficos,avanzados sistemas de análisis Big Data, la prediccióndel tiempo ytu única e intransferible experiencia personal parapredecir “Cómote vas a encontrar en los próximos días” Fácil deusar Todo en unsolo click. Nos dices como te encuentras y enfunción de laprevisión del tiempo para tu ciudad realizaremos unaprevisión paralos próximos días de tu dolencia. Con cada clickpodremos irdefiniendo tu perfil de sensibilidad al clima.Innovador Laprevisión del tiempo ha mejorado muchísimo en losúltimos años y lainteracción entre personas mucho más. Con estenovedoso sistemaproponemos dar un paso más: aprovechar el estadoactual de latécnica para darte una información de utilidad.Anónimo No queremostu nombre, ni tus apellidos, ni tu libreta dedirecciones. Nada deeso afecta a tu dolencia. Solo necesitamos unadirección de correo,un apodo o nombre para dirigirnos a ti y laubicación para sabercuál es el tiempo en tu zona. Científico Queel clima afecta a lasalud humana es algo que todos en mayor omenor medida hemosexperimentado en nuestra piel. Bioprome hautilizado para suscálculos únicamente estudios y análisiscontrastados por lacomunidad científica internacional.
Acacia Santé CI 1.31
Giorgio namvou
The Acacia application allows the patient to become an actor ofhishealth
VitalinQ Lifestyle Support 1.1.6
VitalinQ is scientifically based itssocialmedia for health, including quantified self and personalhealthrecord.
AppliSanté 1.6.1
Mutuelle Ociane
My AppliSanté is a program offered by the mutual Ociane.
Health Watcher 2.2
Health Watcher is an innovative but simpletouse tool that gives you a specific place to keep track of yourownhealth information such as: Weight, Height, Blood PressureandBlood Sugar. You can view historical data in form of graphsshowingthe evolution of these parameters during the previous 30days. Thisinformation can be shared, as a Microsoft Excel document,with yourdoctor via e-mail, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi among othersharingtools.You can easily set a password in order to restrict the accesstothis tool and protect your personal health information.Health Watcher is available in Arabic, French, English, GermanandSpanish.
Lifecare Physiotherapy 1.0.6
HealthEngine Pty Ltd
Lifecare Physiotherapy helps you findaLifecare Physiotherapy clinic near you, and book yourappointmenton-the-go, 24/7.Features----------------------------------------- Find and book available appointments at a LifecarePhysiotherapyclinic in your local area.- Find contact details for a Lifecare Physiotherapy clinic inyourlocal area.- View rich content including names, addresses, phonenumbers,descriptions, staff, photos, opening hours, and maps forall ofLifecare Physiotherapy's clinics.- Get directions to your local Lifecare Physiotherapy clinic,andadd them to your address book.- Manage your bookings from within the app, and be reminded ontheday of your appointment.- Lifecare Physiotherapy is powered by HealthEngine,Australia'sleading site for finding and booking health appointmentsonline andon the mobile.
Junior Notes 1.0
LOOP New Media GmbH
Die kostenlose und praktische App„JuniorNotes“ bietet Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps und Informationen rundum dieGesundheit Ihres Babys und Kleinkindes.Vielseitige Funktionen wie Gesundheitsratgeber,Gesundheitstagebuch,Tagesplaner und Einschlafmelodien sowieInformationen über denWirkstoff Ibuprofen warten auf Sie!Über Wirkung und mögliche unerwünschte WirkungeninformierenGebrauchsinformation, Arzt oder Apotheker.The free and handyapp"Junior Notes" offers helpful tips and information about thehealthof your baby and toddler.Versatile functions such as health counselors, health diary,dailyplanner and Lullabies and information on the activeingredientibuprofen waiting for you!About effect and possible unwanted effects inform leaflet,doctoror pharmacist.
HealthSmart Wellness 3.1
Mitra Health
HealthSmart(Health Smart) isacomprehensivepreventive care package with diagnostic bloodbasedscreening,Doctors interpretation of report and Mobile App fortestresults.The blood screening is serviced by Thyrocare,World'slargestPreventive Care laboratory.In today’s toxic and polluted environment,stressfulliving,Individuals are getting exposed to lifestylediseases suchasDiabetes, Thyroid imbalances, Vitamin andIronDeficiencies,Anemia, High Cholesterol levels, etc.Most of the diseases are treatable if detected early.Ithasbecome imperative to check the diseases at early stages.->Thyroid Disorders are treatable by medication->Diabetes could be controlled by low sugar diet->Iron deficiency is treated with foods fortifiedwithiron.->High Cholesterol can be corrected by avoiding fatty foods.Be Smart, Be Healthy!Health Smart also offers 2 step Real-time Test bookings, justtaponthe "Book a Test" on the home-screen, enter a few details,andDONE!HealthSmart Wellness will call you to confirmyourbooking.With the "HealthTracker" you can keep a check onsomeimportanthealth parameters.Health Management Redefined with GenomePatri™Genomepatri™ is a simple, saliva-based test to decode yourDNAandpredict genetic risk for 100 diseases, traits,drugresponses,inherited conditions, and carrier statuses.Reportingwith dataconfidentiality.Why GenomePatri™GenomePatri™ gives a new dimension to prevention and cure.Withasimple noninvasive test, you get:Genetic Predisposition: Find your risk for manychronicandlife-threatening diseases in order to ensureearlydetection.Traits: Learn about genetic traits that make you what youareandinfluence a medical outcome, health and well-being ingeneral,oryour lifestyle.Drug Response: Discover your response to drugs, optimumdrugdosage,and drug sensitivity.Inherited Conditions: Gain insights into carrier status–conditionsthat can be passed onto the future generations.Genetic Counselling: Talk to our genetic counselors, whowillanalyzeyour reports and correlate their findings with yourfamilyhealthhistory, medical history, and lifestyle.GenomePatri™ Features:Heart Disease and Diabetes: Cardiovascular Disease |Type1Diabetes | Type 2 Diabetes | Hypertension | Obesity|TriglycerideLevels | HDL Cholesterol | LDL Cholesterol|HomocysteineLevelsLifestyle: Diet Pattern | Alcoholism | Nicotine Dependence|CaffeineConsumptionFitness:Muscle PerformanceNeuropsychological:Multiple Sclerosis | Alzheimer’s |Parkinson’s|Bipolar Disorder | Schizophrenia | Migraine | ALSRespiratory System: COPD | AsthmaEyes: Glaucoma | Age Related Macular Degeneration | Eye ColorBone and Muscle: Osteoarthritis | Ankylosing Spondylitis|BoneMineral Density | GoutReproductive System: Endometriosis | Age at Menarche|PrematureMenopause | PSA LevelsAutoimmune System:Lupus | Rheumatoid Arthritis |CeliacDiseaseEndocrine System: HypothyroidismDigestive System, Liver and Kidney Functions: LiverCirrhosis|Gallstones Ulcerative Colitis | Crohn’s Disease |ChronicKidneyDiseaseSkin and Hair: Atopic Dermatitis | Psoriasis | MalePatternBaldness| VitiligoCancer: 18+ types of cancer including Lung Cancer | ThyroidCancer|Bladder Cancer | MelanomaDrugs:Simvastatin | Warfarin | Clopidogrel | Carbamazepine |5-Fluorouracil | Metformin | Abacavir | Thiopurines |Floxacillin|Metaprolol | Bucindolol | AntidepressantsReports are available for users who have been testedthroughMitraHealth. An internet connection is required to accessreportsor makebookings. "Make a Booking", SMS available to usersin Indiaonly.
Tyack Health 1.0.6
HealthEngine Pty Ltd
Tyack Health helps you find a TyackHealthclinic near you, and book your appointment on-the-go, 24/7.Features----------------------------------------- Find and book available appointments at a Tyack Health clinicinyour local area.- Find contact details for a Tyack Health clinic in yourlocalarea.- View rich content including names, addresses, phonenumbers,descriptions, staff, photos, opening hours, and maps forall ofTyack Health's clinics.- Get directions to your local Tyack Health clinic, and add themtoyour address book.- Manage your bookings from within the app, and be reminded ontheday of your appointment.- Tyack Health is powered by HealthEngine, Australia's leadingsitefor finding and booking health appointments online and onthemobile.
Family Health Medical Group 1.0.6
HealthEngine Pty Ltd
Family Health Medical Group helps you findaFamily Health Medical Group clinic near you, and bookyourappointment on-the-go, 24/7.Features----------------------------------------- Find and book available appointments at a Family HealthMedicalGroup clinic in your local area.- Find contact details for a Family Health Medical Group clinicinyour local area.- View rich content including names, addresses, phonenumbers,descriptions, staff, photos, opening hours, and maps forall ofFamily Health Medical Group's clinics.- Get directions to your local Family Health Medical Groupclinic,and add them to your address book.- Manage your bookings from within the app, and be reminded ontheday of your appointment.- Family Health Medical Group is powered byHealthEngine,Australia's leading site for finding and bookinghealthappointments online and on the mobile.
Carnet alimentaire connecté 1.0
Mon régime coach
Carnet Alimentaire Connecté estunoutild'accompagnement nutritionnel créant un lien entrelesspécialistesde la nutrition et leurs patients.Le patient suit le régime alimentaire du praticien enrecevantchaquejour son programme, ses recettes, sa liste decourses... Ilestquotidiennement en interaction avec son praticienvia sonalbumphoto, son suivi de perte de poids et le chatdisponibleaveccelui-ci.Côté praticien, celui-ci bénéficie d'un outil de santépermettantlesuivi informatique de ses patients. Un gain de tempsetunemodernité révolutionnaire.Book Online Foodisanutritional support tool providing a linkbetweennutritionspecialists and their patients.The patient follows diet practitioner receiving hisdailyprogram,its revenues, its shopping list ... It is dailyinteractionwiththeir physician via his album, his weight losstracking andchatwith the available -this.practitioner side, it has a health tool allowingcomputermonitoringpatients. Saving time and revolutionarymodernity.
A Health Organizer 1.3
Marie V.
Do you remember the last time you wenttoyourdentist or the name of the excellent dermatologist you wentforthefirst time 3 years ago?Are you following the growth of your newborn on a graphandcompareit against the percentiles? What is the precise nameofthemedicine your boy is allergic to?Are you still vaccinated against the Tetanus?Do you know your Body Mass Index (BMI)?Do you want to easily keep track of your temperature?If you care about all these questions, A HealthOrganizerisdesigned to help you to access all this informationeasily.Sincewe do care about your privacy, we are not using yourpersonaldataand they are kept on your phone (later version willenable youtobackup your information in an encrypted format). Whiletheauthorhas attempted to make the software as accurate aspossible,thissoftware is intended for personal use and notforprofessionalpurpose. There is no guarantee given with respecttothe accuracyof the stored information, the author declinedanyresponsibilitywith the consequences related to their usage foramedicalpurpose.
CANImmunize 5.2.0
CANImmunize Inc.
Vaccination tracking made easy
Hampstead Health 1.1.0
HealthEngine Pty Ltd
Hampstead Health booking app allows you tomakea Doctor’s appointment for the day time and doctor of yourchoice,on-the-go, 24/7.Features:- Find and book available appointments at Hampstead HealthFamilyPractice Northfield S.A.- Find contact details for Hampstead Health Family Practice.- View rich content including names, addresses, phonenumbers,descriptions, staff, photos, opening hours, and mapsHampsteadHealth Family Practice.- Get directions to your local Hampstead Health clinic, and addthemto your address book.- Manage your bookings from within the app, and be reminded ontheday of your appointment.- Hampstead Health is powered by HealthEngine, Australia'sleadingsite for finding and booking health appointments online andon themobile.
SelfCare MHR 1.0
Why My Health Record ?In today's chaotic life, one never knows when anemergencysituationcan arise and in that golden hour your personalmobilewith yourhealth record can be of precious value to thecareprovider asinformed diagnosis make a lot of difference insaving alife..My Health record is a repository of your health record whichyoucanupdate after your medical check ups.Your vital stats, lab reports, currentmedication,insuranceproviderdetails emergency contacts etc..Data is securely stored locally on your mobile and incaseofemergency the complete clinical chart can be emailed&SMSed.It takes a couple of minutes to complete the data entry,wehavetried to make it self explanatory with the help document.Justasyour carry driving licence in your wallet you carryyourhealthrecord on your mobile.A life saving tool during the golden hour
Appli Santé & Bien-être 1.3.1
L’Appli Santé & Bien-être :Pour suivre et gérer sa santé et son bien-être via un carnetdesantéentièrement digitaliséCette appli gratuite vous permet, en toute sécurité, desuivreetgérer votre santé et celle de vos proches.1. CARNET DE SANTEOptez pour la gestion et le suivi de votre santé etdevotrebien-être via un carnet de santé entièrement digitaliséquivouspermet de :- Conserver votre historique « santé » : retrouvez toutesvosdonnéesvitales de santé (groupe sanguin, tension,cholestérol,glycémie,indice IMC, température…) et gérez vosrappelsmédicaux.2. AGENDA SANTEAccédez à votre agenda santé afin de :- Consulter un annuaire de médecins spécialistes.- Gérer vos rendez-vous avec les professionnels desanté,voscontacts, prise de médicaments…3. TABLEAU DE BORDCe Tableau de bord constitue le socle de votre AppliSanté&Bien-être autour duquel plusieurs modules thématiquesvoussontproposés :- Sport : Un module spécifique pour suivre vos activitésphysiques:vos objectifs, votre métabolisme, les calories dépensées,et cepourtous les sports que vous pratiquez.- Sommeil : Un module spécifique, qui vous permet dequantifierladurée de votre sommeil, et de la comparer par rapportàvosobjectifs, via des illustrations graphiques.- Tabac – Alcool : Ce module est votre outil de pilotagedevotreconsommation de tabac, avec des marqueurs forts:votreconsommation, un objectif éventuel, et bien surdesrecommandationspour vous accompagner.- Nutrition : dans ce module la partie quantitativevousrenseignesur les calories et les quantités ingérées, maiségalementil vouspropose d'étoffer votre partie "conseils", avecdesinformationsmédicales et nutritionnelles pertinentes.- Grossesse : Un module spécifique pour vous accompagnerdelaconception jusqu'à la naissance. La chronologiedesdatesimportantes, les dates des échographies, des conseilssurlesallergies...Autant de modules à votre disposition pour vous aider àmieuxvivredes évènements de la vie et maîtriser vos addictions :«j’arrêtede fumer », « je suis enceinte », « je surveille monpoids»…Profitez également chaque jour de conseils bien-être baséssurvotreactivité pour vous sentir parfaitement bien.4. OBJETS CONNECTESCette appli vous permet également d’enregistrer et d’agrégertousvosobjets connectés dans une seule appli(Withings,Garmin,Fitbit...)L’Appli Santé et Bien-être est accessible de manièresécuriséeàtous les salariés affiliés à un contrat decomplémentairesantécollective chez SOGECAP.Vous pouvez sans crainte y faire figurer vos donnéespersonnellesdesanté : elles resteront entièrement confidentiellesetprotégées!The AppsHealth&Wellness:To track and manage their health and wellness via afullydigitizedhealth recordsThis free app lets you safely, track and manage yourhealthandthat of your loved ones.1. HEALTH BOOKOpt for the management and monitoring of your health andyourwellbeing via a fully digitized health record that allowsyouto: - Keep your history "health": Find all yourvitalhealthinformation (blood type, pressure, cholesterol, bloodsugar,BMIindex, temperature ...) and manage your medicalreminders.2. HEALTH CALENDARAccess your health agenda to: - Consult a directory of specialists. - Manage your appointments with healthprofessionals,contacts,medication ...3. PANELThe Dashboard is the foundation of your Apps Health&Wellnessaround which several thematic modules areavailable: - Sports: A specific module to track yourphysicalactivities:your goals, your metabolism, calories, and foreverysport youpractice. - Sleep: A specific module, which allows you toquantifytheduration of your sleep, and compare it against yourgoals,viagraphic illustrations. - Tobacco - Alcohol: This module is a management toolofyourtobacco consumption, with strong markers: yourconsumption,apossible goal, and of course the recommendationstoaccompanyyou. - Nutrition: In this module the quantitativepartprovidesinformation on calories and feed intake but also itofferstoexpand your game 'tips', with relevant medicalandnutritionalinformation. - Pregnancy: A specific module to accompany youfromconceptionto birth. The chronology of important dates,datesultrasounds,recommendations on allergies ...As many modules available to help you live the events oflifeandcontrol your addictions: "I quit smoking", "I'm pregnant","Iwatchmy weight ..."Also enjoy a daily wellness tips based on your activitytofeelperfectly fine.4. CONNECTED OBJECTSThis app also allows you to record and aggregate allyourobjectsconnected in one app (Withings, Garmin, Fitbit ...)The Get Health and Wellness is available securely toallemployeesenrolled in a supplementary collective contractathealthSOGECAP.It is safe there to include your personal health data:theywillremain completely confidential and protected!
Healthshare Connect 0.5.3
Healthshare Connect is a secureandconfidential text-based platform that provides patients withtheability to communicate with a qualified health professional.Get started today by replacing paper diaries with thediscreteand easy mobile App that connects you with the supportyouneed.Connect is completely secure and confidential – all recordsareencrypted and can only be accessed by patient andpractitioner.Use Connect as a progress diary:• Update your health practitioner on progress betweensessions• Keep track of your goals• Receive and send documents securely• Improve personal insights by recording behaviours, thoughtsorexperiences as they happenConnect also allows you to ask your practitionerquestionsbetween face-to-face visits or receive commentary ondiarylogs.Connect helps keep treatment relevant, timely and on track.