Top 10 Apps Similar to Telepon Polisi Indonesia

Sistem Informasi Manajemen 4.1
Sistem Informasi Manajemenadalahsebuahaplikasi berbasis android yang membahas tentangkuliahsisteminformasi manajemen. Aplikasi Sistem informasimanajemendisini,sangat cocok untuk mahasiswa yang sedang kuliahdijurusanTeknologi Informasi (TI). Aplikasi ini sangatmudahdipergunakandan bisa dijalankan dalam keadaan offline.ManagementInformationSystem is an android-based application thatdiscussesthemanagement information systems courses.Applicationmanagementinformation system here, it is suitable forstudents whoarestudying Information Technology (IT). Thisapplication is veryeasyto use and can be run in an offlinestate.
Manajemen Penyidikan 0.2
Ditreskrimum Polda Sulsel
Peraturan Kapolri (Perkap) Nomor 14Tahun2014merupakan yurisprudensi para penyidik polri dalammelakukantahapandalam penyelidikan maupun penyidikan.Melalui aplikasi android ini anda dapat mencaribeberapapasalserta ayat dalam Peraturan Kapolri yang bisaandajadikanreferensi. Jangan khawatir karena aplikasi ini andadapatgunakankapan saja sebab tidak membutuhkan jaringaninternet.Terima kasih dan jangan lupa kasih komentar dan rate yah.PoliceRegulation(theRegulation) No. 14 of 2014 is the jurisprudence ofthepoliceinvestigators in conducting the inquiry orinvestigationstage.Through this android app you can search for somechaptersandverses in the Police Regulation that you can makereference. Donotworry because this application you can use at anytime becauseitdoes not require internet connection.Thank you and do not forget to love comments and rate well.
Katalog Informasi Indonesia 1.0
Alamsz Inc.
Need help on knowing thevehicle reg no for each region in indonesiapost code for each district in indonesiaphone no prefix for each region in indonesiaand other informationThen this app might help you on that, with more than8000datarecorded this app provides useful information to help you.Ingin tahu- kode pos suatu kecamatan di indonesia- kode area no telp daerah di indonesia- kode plat no kendaraan daerah di IndonesiaKalo iya, mungkin aplikasi sederhana ini cocok untuk anda.v1.01. Quick search untuk pencarian cepat berdasarkankeywordyangdimasukkan dengan cepat(untuk pemakaian pertama kali, diperlukan instalasi datapacklewattab category untuk data2 yg diperlukan)2. Database kode pos sampai tingkat kecamatan diindonesia(akanlebih didetilkan ke tingkat kelurahanuntukversiselanjutnya)3. Database kode no telp daerah di indonesia,kodeoperatortelekomunikasi di indonesia4. Database plat no kendaraan tiap daerah di indonesia5. Database plat no kendaraan kenegaraan, kedutaan6. Database nama, kode, dan simbol mata uang tiap negara7 Database kode no telp tiap negara
UU Kepolisian 1.0.2
Reinovasi Zona Kreasi
SUE (Simple, Useable, Easy)
Plat Nomor Polisi Lengkap 2.0
Plat Nomor Polisi Lengkap, PlatNomorKendaraan, TNKB , Nomor Polisi.Menjabarkan secara Lengkap Plat nomorKendaraanberdasarkanWilayah , nomor Kendaraan Presiden danpejabatpemerintahan pusat ,Korps Diplomatik dan Konsuler.Menjabarkabarkan dengan lengkap definisi plat nomor ,sejarah,spesifikasi , spesifikasi teknis ,warna Dll----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi Ringan- Aplikasi hanya 1 MB- fitur search/pencarian , memudahkan untuk mencari kodeplatnomortiap wilayah dllCompletePoliceNumberPlate, Plate Number Vehicle, TNKB, Number of Police.Complete describe in vehicle number plates by region,numberofVehicle President and officials of the centralgovernment,theDiplomatic and Consular Corps.Menjabarkabarkan to complete the definition of thenumberplate,history, specifications, technical specifications,coloretc.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application OFFLINE, can run withoutanInternetconnection- Lightweight Applications- Application only 1 MB- Features search / search, make it easier to find thecodenumberplate of each region etc.
Nomor Polisi Indonesia 1.1
Aplikasi ini memberikansedikitpengetahuantentang Nomor Polisi, dari berbagai wilayahdiIndonesia, sejarahsingkatnya dan sebagainyaTheseapplicationsprovidelittle knowledge about police numbers, fromvarious regionsinIndonesia, brief history and so on
Undang-undang KepolisianNegaraRepublikIndonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2002 pasal 1 ialah segalahal-ihwalyangberkaitan dengan fungsi dan lembaga polisi sesuaidenganperaturanperundang-undangan.Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (POLRI)adalahKepolisianNasional di Indonesia, yang bertanggung jawablangsung dibawahPresiden. Polri mengemban tugas-tugas kepolisian diseluruhwilayahIndonesia. Polri dipimpin oleh seorang KepalaKepolisianNegaraRepublik Indonesia (Kapolri).Fungsi Kepolisian adalah menyelenggarakan keamanandanketertibanmasyarakat, penegakan hukum, perlindungan, pengayomandanpelayanankepada masyarakat dalam rangka terpeliharanyakeamanandalamnegeri.Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :1. Dapat dijalankan tampa KUOTA (Offline)2. Tampilan Praktis Dan Menarik.3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami.4. Ukuran Aplikasi tidak terlalu besar, sehinggatidakmembuatsmartphone anda lambat.Law oftheIndonesianPolice No. 2 of 2002 Article 1 are all matters ofrelatedto thefunctioning and police agencies in accordancewiththelegislation.Indonesian National Police (INP) is the National PoliceinIndonesia,which is responsible directly under thePresident.Police assumedpolicing duties throughout Indonesia.Police headedby a Chief of theIndonesian National Police (ChiefofPolice).The function of the Police is conducting security andpublicorder,law enforcement, protection, shelter and services tothecommunityin the context of maintaining security in the country.The advantages of this application:1. Can be run without QUOTA (Offline)2. Display Practical And Attractive.3. The application is very easy to understand.4. Application size is not too big, so it does notmakeyoursmartphone is slow.
Police Scanner Radio Codes
Jeff Jensen
Easily look up AZ, Maryland, and some Toronto codes.
Night Sky Pro™ 3.0.5
iCandi Apps
Night Sky Pro™ is the ultimatestargazingexperience. Just point your device to the sky to identifystars,planets, constellations and even satellites! From thecreators ofthe original Night Sky™ app comes an all-new powerfuland immersiveencounter with the sky above!“Best New App“ and “Best New Education App" - Apple“I’m very impressed with The Night Sky … it offers adelightfuland polished user experience.” - Avery Wang (creator ofShazam)“…Pure fun to use and really hard to put down. … Exactlywhateducational apps should be all about” - iDownload Blog***** Over 15000 5 star customer reviews worldwide! –GooglePlayWith a breathtaking new Sky View, Deep Space Objects, SkyTimeMachine, Light Spectrum Array, a 3D Solar System, WorldTravellermode and many more out of this world features, alldesigned forAndroid 5.0 Lollipop. Prepare to be blown away with ourmostpowerful and feature packed version yet - Night Sky Pro™.All New Feature Set:• Breathtaking New Sky View: A completely redesigned new SkyViewcomes to Night Sky Pro™ with a vivid new colorfulatmosphere,animations and more detailed stars, satellites, planets,and deepspace objects than ever before, prepare to become visuallyimmersedin the Night Sky Pro™.• Sky Time Machine: Travel into the future or into the pasttoview the sky how it was years ago, or how it will be in yearstocome, with the magical new Sky Time Machine. Sky Time Machineisexclusive to Night Sky Pro™.• Light Spectrum Array: View the sky through a vast arrayoflight spectrums. Beautifully presented in the all-new SkyView.Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, Gamma Rays, X-Rays,VisibleLight, and Ultra-violet all magically revealed in the skythroughthe palm of your hand. Light Spectrum Array is exclusive toNightSky Pro™.• Complete 3D Solar System View: Explore the entire SolarSystemwith our all-new glorious 3D generated solar system. We’veevenincluded the Moon and the Dwarf Planet Pluto. 3D Earthalsoincludes a visual representation of all the satellites aroundourplanet! The Complete 3D Solar System View is exclusive to NightSkyPro™.• Night Sky™ Community: Engage with fellow stargazersandastronomers in the exclusive Night Sky™ Community. Shareidealstargazing locations with others and explore locations othershaveshared. A 6 month subscription to Night Sky™ Community isincludedfor FREE only with Night Sky Pro™.• Deep Space Objects: Night Sky Pro™ includes acomprehensivedatabase of Deep Space Objects with rich in-depthinformation.Journey further into space and learn more about thingsfurther awaythan ever before as all deep space objects have alsobeen added tothe beautiful new Sky View. Deep Space Objects areexclusive toNight Sky Pro™.• World Traveller: Explore the sky from anywhere in theworldwith the new World Traveller mode. Fancy a trip to see whatthe skylooks like in another country? Then travel there instantlyand viewit from the palm of your hand. Combine World Traveller andTimeMachine and you could even look at the somewhere else in theworldin the past or future. Perfect when preparing for thatupcomingstargazing trip!• Stargazing Conditions: Explore the Stargazing Conditionsinyour area for the upcoming week. Beautiful new stargazinggraphsmean at a glance you can see the perfect time to gostargazing!• Satellite Paths: A brand new feature, simply tap a satelliteinSky View and reveal the trajectory it will take across the sky!Allsatellites are included as standard in Night Sky Pro™.
Guide for GTA San Andreas 12
Gamer developer App
Guide for GTA San Andreas is anunofficialguide, walkthrough, strategies, tips & tricks,cheats, secrets,hacks, and everything for Grand Theft Auto SanAndreas gameplayers! This apps contain huge collections of HD videoguide forGTA San Andreas such as mission guide, girlfriendguide,achievement guide, dating guide, and many more. DownloadGuide forGTA San Andreas now and become the best GTA San Andreasplayer!This is an unofficial fan guide to GTA San Andreas game.Createdand tested by a large community of professional players.**** DISCLAIMER: ****This GTA San Andreas guide is an unofficial version and isnotendorsed by or affiliated with the Rockstar Games, the creatorofthis game. All in-game descriptions, characters, images andvideosare copyright and or trademarked to their respective ownersandusage for this App falls within fair use guidelines. If youfeelthere has been a contravention of your proprietary rightsthenplease contact us.Enjoy the guide.. then you'll enjoy the game.This Appisunofficial.