Top 16 Apps Similar to 鐵道迷3D

台灣高鐵T Express手機快速訂票通關服務 3.3
「台灣高鐵TExpress」為台灣高鐵公司全新推出的購票乘車服務,不論您身在何處,隨時隨地都可以輕鬆購買高鐵車票,更可以透過手機下載QRCode車票,無需到車站或便利商店取票*,只要透過本軟體,就能輕鬆快速直接以手機票證通關乘車!想要享受一手掌握的個人化高鐵票務服務嗎?就從體驗「台灣高鐵 T Express」開始吧!功能特色:1. 可使用手機直接進出高鐵車站閘門,快速方便又環保。2. 全天24小時直接連結高鐵票證系統,即時掌握最新時刻表及票價資訊。3.訂位、付款、取票一次完成之便捷服務(*使用QRCode票證直接進出閘門之取票服務僅適用於單筆單人訂位且為全票及孩童票者使用)。4. 合格金融機構銀行專門為本軟體開發之付款介面,交易安全有保障。5. 可於手機上直接修改訂位資訊或退票。6. 提供票券自動整理、個人資訊管理等多項貼心功能。系統需求:1. 適用於任何手機搭載Android 2.3或之後的版本。2.除離線時刻表查詢外,各種線上訂票、付款、修改、取票、退票及更新時刻表等功能,均須在有WiFi、Edge或3G網路的情況下才能使用。T Express from Taiwan High Speed RailDescription:Traveling with Taiwan High Speed Rail has never been easier!With T Express, the official mobile application for TaiwanHighSpeed Rail, you'll be able to buy tickets anywhere, anytime!Andthe best of all is, no more waiting in line to retrieve yourticketat station ticket window, now your phone IS your ticket bysimplyscanning the barcode ticket at the barrier directly fromyourphone!Features:1. 24 hour fully integrated ticketing system.2. Ticket reservation, instant payment, ticket pickup,ordermodification, and cancellation all in just a few taps.3. Purchased Ticket directly sent to your phone. (*Somerestrictionsapplied)4. Easiest way to look up discount tickets.5. Easy access to live timetable. (*offline timetablesearchfunction also available)6. Multiple measures to protect your information and ensure safeandsecure transaction.
高鐵訂票通 - 高鐵時刻表搶票快手 23.4
Jie App
Fast high-speed rail timetable inquiries, booking three seconds!
高鐵時刻查詢 3.22
高鐵時刻&票價查詢 使用交通部PTX資料
高鐵訂票 24.0
主要功能:高鐵訂票 時刻查詢
THSR Shuttle Bus MAP 1.7
TAIWAN HIGH SPEED RAIL(THSR)Transfer's information MAP for TraditionalChinese don't need use network to watch the map.
高鐵時刻表:台灣下一班高鐵時刻表 5.3.2
Do you sometimes feel that it is always troublesome just tocheckthe nearest high-speed rail service. You have to find thelaststation in a large timetable and then confirm the time? Nowjustopen the next high-speed train, and immediately help you filteroutthe timetable of the nearest high-speed train station.
高鐵班次查詢 1.3.6
高鐵班次表High Speed ​​Railtripstable
到了叫我(台鐵,高鐵) 2.8
極簡介面,一目了然,快到達目的地時將會提醒。旅途中小睡片刻吧,到了叫你。Introductionpoleface,Glance,When will remind destination faster.Journey nap it, to tell you.
台鐵訂票通 - 火車時刻表搶票快手 23.4
Jie App
Taitung timetable for quick inquiry, 3 seconds booking!
Chinsoft THSR Timetable 0.9.3
Quickly and easily look up Taiwan High Speed Rail Timetables
高鐵Go(購) 1.1.4
Vincent Lu
還在為了訂票等慢慢的電腦開機嗎?時常搶不到早鳥優惠票嗎?還在忘了訂票, 而跟長長人群排隊買當日票嗎?立即開“高鐵Go", 來訂購台灣高鐵車票吧!!滿足你早一步訂票, 避開人群的需求~功能:1. 訂購高鐵票2. 訂購早鳥票3. 設定訂票提醒4. 高鐵時刻表查詢5. 票價查詢6. BRT公車訂票限制:1. 高鐵訂票限制, 最早可預定28天後的車票付款限制:1. 當日票, 發車前30分鐘完成付款2. 三日內者, 最遲應於發車前一日完成付款3. 其餘, 最遲應於訂位完成日(含)起三日內完成付款PS.APP中需輸入a. 身份證字號, 是高鐵取票的憑證之一b. 手機號碼, 是訂票成功後會發簡訊到手機, 方便取票c. mail, 一樣訂票成功會發mail
Transway – Taiwan Transit 2.16
Meego 米果數位科技
Taiwan public transit timetables
鐵道辭典 1.0.1
Transit Taipei Taiwan NAVITIME 3.9.11
--------------------------------------------------------------------------NAVITIME Transit New App Release!You can use the more convenient.Please download from here. is for you if you have been thinking there must be amuchbetter route than your usual one!What a no-brainer, and it's FREE! It is helpful for your traveltouse the offline map.This app will provide you easy journey planning withzoomableinteractive maps of MRT, TRA and THSR in Taiwan.# How to plan a journeyIt’s simple. If you know which stations you are going to use,tapthe stations to set your origin and destination in thezoomableinteractive maps. Additionally, GPS can suggest the stationthat iscurrently nearest to you (Internet connectionrequired).****** Features ******# Offline map and route search resultOffline map is available to use all the time. You can findwhichtrain, subway, metro, bus, flight and ferry let you take towhereyou go. Route search result is automatically saved your phone,itis also available offline.# Support multiplelanguage(English/Spanish/French/Germany/Italian/TraditionalChinese/SimplifiedChinese/Korean/Thai/Malay/Japanese) Name ofstations and train willbe English.# Set your home station for easier journey planning.# Search the nearest station.# Send route results to you, friends and colleagues via SMSore-mailWe are always happy to respond to your feedback. Should you haveanyproblems, please let us know through our app by pressingthe“Feedback” tab.****** Important ******About the Timetable: The actual departure / arrival timesmightdiffer from the displayed result, as they are not the based ontheofficial timetable.
Taiwan Play Map:Travel and Map 10.34.139
Mark App Design
Taiwan Travel Maps: MRT Road Map, Tourist Attractions, food listandweather
火车通 2.4
火车通提供火车信息查询服务,与铁道部官网同步,实时查询火车票余票信息。界面美观实用,支持移动、电信、联通的net/wap所有网络访问,且流量少。独创无验证码查询,比同类软件节省一半流量。(1) 支持实时余票查询,官方数据。(2) 时刻表、票价信息动态变化,及时反映。(3) 支持高铁、城际高铁、动车余票查询。(4) 短信发送车次或者余票给朋友或者自己手机做记录。(5) 查询售票点信息。(6) 无敌火车票购买攻略,让火车票不在难买。(7) 车站采取自创的拼音首字母联想输入,方便快捷